Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Girls, day 5 of working in 100 heat and its so hot i think im out. :( Scared I fried my egg. Bbs are monsters this month, too and the nipples hurt. Don't think I will test until I'm late either. Since we both wok outside I think his boys wont be swimming. Might just relax and have fun this summer...

<3 You ladies! Babydust

Ah, Cj, this heat is the pitts!!!:nope: I do hope you're wrong and have a little one "cooking" in your oven:winkwink: this summer will be over before we know it! We're praying for RAIN!!! SO MANY fires out west here:nope: it's really scary and the air is full of smoke...ugh! Already looking forward to fall:happydance:

Hope you ladies have had a good weekend:hugs:
It's cooking us here too! I was big during my other two pregnancies in the winter so this (pardon my rudeness) SUCKS!!! :blush: and its only gonna get worse. Trust me...I do not go outside unless I absolutely have to. And CJ has to work in this? More of a woman than me....lol!!

Hope you all are having a good day! :flower:
;) I work for the power company and we've gotten hammered for a week. And Looks like I'm working tomorrow too. This week my vacation got canceled :( There's still next week if I can catch a break. My dd's have barely seen me in a week (oh either) and now i'm packed to go wherever they send me until Saturday. Af is due Sunday. Faith, I do hope you guys get some rain. Take ours! I've been thru the smoky air thing and its terrible. Jasmine stay cool girl, I've been there...and hope I am again! I had hope up until I had to walk around in it for a week over 100 degrees.Back to work... baby dust to you all...
Hello Everyone!

Looks like I have found where I belong! I am 32, DH is 38 and we have been married for 18 months, together for 3 years. I had a TL 1/9/04 after the birth of my second son. DH is wonderful with my boys (12 & 8), but has no biological children. Doesn't seem to bother him though! TR was 6/1/11 and we have been actively trying since then. However, the results from my TR are:
R- 4 cm and completely blocked (HSG 10/2011)
L- 3 cm and completely open

We have done 3 rounds of clomid in conjunction with artificial insemination. After clomid turning me into a raging lunatic, we decided that wasn't the best option. We decided to give it some time and see what happens.

BFP 2/2012! Turned out to be ectopic, surgery and methotrexate 3/2012. While we were devastated, I also feel blessed that it CAN happen! Even with only one tube that is 3cm long! We will continue to try for another year before reevaluating our situation.

I am learning to enjoy BD again.....or I am getting better at making DH think it is not all about TTC :)
Well, the witch caught me yesterday evening. I am glad that she did, but that made my cycle only 26 days. I know that is plenty of days, but the change from the old 29 days my cycles use to be, is sucky. It is a good thing that my cycle is evenly divided days (for now). The absolute best thing about the witch is that it is 1 pm and I have the coldest beer EVER in my hand. I haven't drank a beer in 6 months. It was very difficult to get, considering the power is still off most places, no atms or electronics are working for about 95% of people, and there are no gas stations that are selling gas for miles and miles.. No milk, no pop, got a loaf of bread at WalMart yesterday, but that's about all they had.
I bought some ovulation tests, Soft cups, Robitussin, a thermometer, and Wondfo preg tests. Gonna try for real with every little thing I can this month and next month.
I have spent the last week hiking with my kids in the woods cause with the power off, and no air conditioning, it has been like living in hell in my house. I will trade with you ladies, cause we have had no power, no cold drinks, just a Coleman stove and lantern, and heat during the day to make you wanna choke your own self. : ) So glad it finally got turned back on, but not so good for all the people who are still without. Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the summer.
hi amccoy!!! welcome to the group!!!
so sorry to hear about your loss........i know how that feels.
how was recovery from the surgery???? the tube is okay?
Well, the witch caught me yesterday evening. I am glad that she did, but that made my cycle only 26 days. I know that is plenty of days, but the change from the old 29 days my cycles use to be, is sucky. It is a good thing that my cycle is evenly divided days (for now). The absolute best thing about the witch is that it is 1 pm and I have the coldest beer EVER in my hand. I haven't drank a beer in 6 months. It was very difficult to get, considering the power is still off most places, no atms or electronics are working for about 95% of people, and there are no gas stations that are selling gas for miles and miles.. No milk, no pop, got a loaf of bread at WalMart yesterday, but that's about all they had.
I bought some ovulation tests, Soft cups, Robitussin, a thermometer, and Wondfo preg tests. Gonna try for real with every little thing I can this month and next month.
I have spent the last week hiking with my kids in the woods cause with the power off, and no air conditioning, it has been like living in hell in my house. I will trade with you ladies, cause we have had no power, no cold drinks, just a Coleman stove and lantern, and heat during the day to make you wanna choke your own self. : ) So glad it finally got turned back on, but not so good for all the people who are still without. Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the summer.

YOU POOR DEAR! What state do you live in???? You're right, I have no place to complain! It's 100 degrees today, but we have a window AC which helps AND we're heading to the mountains of CO tomorrow for hubby's art show...highs 66-68 degrees!!! Can you imagine?
I do hope you're successful this next cycle:thumbup: if not, it doesn't sound like it will be from a lack of TRYING and being prepared:winkwink:

Welcome AMY:hi::hi:
Actually, they never could find the pregnancy! My HCG levels told us that it was not viable so we decided to do a D&C in order to send it to the lab for some possible answers as to why it happened. The D&C showed no sign of fetal tissue. I started having pain on my left side, tender to the touch, so we did an additional ultrasound and it showed that my left tube was inflammed, but did not contain an embryo. Where did it go? :huh: Only God knows. So I was admitted into the hospital and given two doses of methotrexate. Obviously devastated, but we have chosen to look at the positive....It CAN happen with only one tube & with that tube being less than the optimal length!

Currently I am on CD9 of a 28 day cycle. I can usually tell by twinges and/or hints of pain whether I O'd on my left or right. Hoping for left this month! [-o&lt;
Welcome amccoy! Good luck!

Sorry about the af bebe. Another month, another chance!

Dpitts, the tww IS dragging. I'm 8 dpo. Sunday is supposed to be the day. I'm not gonna test unless I'm late.
:hi::hi: ladies....well O is suppose to be today but OPK -....I did opk on Cd 11 & Cd 12 +.....Which was last month....So I'm thinking i O'd at the beginning and the end of June....:nope:..but earlier this time...And my AF was a day shorter as well....Just strange...:wacko:

Take care ladies
:hi::hi: ladies....well O is suppose to be today but OPK -....I did opk on Cd 11 & Cd 12 +.....Which was last month....So I'm thinking i O'd at the beginning and the end of June....:nope:..but earlier this time...And my AF was a day shorter as well....Just strange...:wacko:

Take care ladies

:hugs: just keep on peeing on that stick honey xx Its horrable when our bodies are out of whack... very frustrating to say the least.. then u get these chicks that get BFP at the drop of a hat.. :growlmad: but dont worry.. soon that beautiful Eggie will be there ready for :spermy::spermy:
Welcome Amcoy- I love your outlook, knowing it can happen and starting to enjoy sex again :) its rough ttc and it can get a little habitual and boring if you know what I mean ;)

Welcome Alleysm I see you've had a couple of ectopics, do they know why? Hoping you get that forever baby soon!!

CJ I'm so sorry your working in this heat :( its really the pits!! Hopefully your body will compensate for the heat and not affect ttc, stay well hydrated hun!!

Faith I have a friend who her and her DH retred a year ago and they are in CO right now and are loving the weather. She did say however the wildfires there are leaving people in rough shape :( y'all stay safe in your travels!! Hey and one of these days I'd love to see pics of some of the artwork in your shows!!

Jo hope your hanging in there and the MS isn't too rough on you. When is your due date this time? Do you have any daughters? I know we all just want healthy babies but do you want a girl or another boy? I know I wanted a girl, but it does make me miss my boys being little :(

AFM I had a complete meltdown, told my husband I regretted doing all of this and I just wanted our old life back :( I didn't mean it just exhausted and had a rough rough day with our fussbucket baby. I then prayed to God to help me (I'm not a religious person perse) and I realized I am BLESSED and we will get through this. DH and I had a long talk, I expressed all my fears and worried to him and oddly he shared some of them with me. Then it was like all my stres and worry was now Gods and we had the best day and night ever. I actually got 4 consecutive hours of sleep and so did she :) her fussiness is 1000 times better and I am so much happier that she's happier :)
Ok sorry for the novel I just needed to share. I know I can tell you ladies anything and not be judged and therefore I tend to ramble on. :)
Hello Dolls! How is everyone? Glad to see new faces! Welcome to you all!

Afm, I am some where between the end of TWW and AF showing. I quit charting and keeping up when i broke my ankle and let me tell you to those who are stressing and worrying every month...this month has been the first in a year of me not caring what happens either way if AF shows i am so ok with it, if i get preggers i am fine with it too. I love that i am not in control of God's plan for me anymore. Hope you all had a great 4th. We couldn't shoot fireworks because of the drought. But we went and watched the Fire in the Sky in town and it was beautiful!
Jasmine...How you doing bump buddy??? Just checking in!!

Welcome to all the new faces and baby dust to all of you!

MNJ....I am happy you got some sleep, talked with your SO, and are feeling better. I will pray things stay that way for you! Your baby is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! Cant wait to meet my princess! :hugs:

Camtex....Hopin things straighten out for you and you get your O followed by that BFP!!!

The rest of you....hope all is well!

AFM, I am 24 1/2 weeks! Dying in these heat-102 today. This lil girl thinks my bladder is a trampoline, and all the water I am drinking is not helping the matter!!! I go the 27th for US to see if placenta moved so keep you fx PLEASE!!!

Welcome Amcoy- I love your outlook, knowing it can happen and starting to enjoy sex again :) its rough ttc and it can get a little habitual and boring if you know what I mean ;)

Welcome Alleysm I see you've had a couple of ectopics, do they know why? Hoping you get that forever baby soon!!

CJ I'm so sorry your working in this heat :( its really the pits!! Hopefully your body will compensate for the heat and not affect ttc, stay well hydrated hun!!

Faith I have a friend who her and her DH retred a year ago and they are in CO right now and are loving the weather. She did say however the wildfires there are leaving people in rough shape :( y'all stay safe in your travels!! Hey and one of these days I'd love to see pics of some of the artwork in your shows!!

Jo hope your hanging in there and the MS isn't too rough on you. When is your due date this time? Do you have any daughters? I know we all just want healthy babies but do you want a girl or another boy? I know I wanted a girl, but it does make me miss my boys being little :(

AFM I had a complete meltdown, told my husband I regretted doing all of this and I just wanted our old life back :( I didn't mean it just exhausted and had a rough rough day with our fussbucket baby. I then prayed to God to help me (I'm not a religious person perse) and I realized I am BLESSED and we will get through this. DH and I had a long talk, I expressed all my fears and worried to him and oddly he shared some of them with me. Then it was like all my stres and worry was now Gods and we had the best day and night ever. I actually got 4 consecutive hours of sleep and so did she :) her fussiness is 1000 times better and I am so much happier that she's happier :)
Ok sorry for the novel I just needed to share. I know I can tell you ladies anything and not be judged and therefore I tend to ramble on. :)

Those first few months are so hard aren't they, and with us being a little older it makes such a difference. We are blessed but also need some :sleep: lol. Callum does sleep through the night and has for a few months now, but those first few weeks killed me and I was so exhausted it was unreal so I know where you are coming from xxx You're right though I'd love to have a girl this time, but wouldn't be dissapointed with a boy. I just hope lil one is healthy. I only have the 1 daughter and she craves a little sister bless her. When she found out Callum was a boy she cried and thats at age 15 at the time. FX she gets a little sis this time but she has built herself up for a boy xxx
Mnj, I remember losing it when I didnt get my sleep and dd1 was a newborn. Hugs! It will get better ! Also, just wanted to let you Texas gals know some gentlemen from the lone star state have been helping us get the power back on here, and we appreciate it!
Welcome to all the newcomers . Baby dust to us all ttc:dust:
wow!!! this threading is hoppin':happydance: so good to see it buzzing with activity:happydance: we've all got one goal in mind...some have already reached the goal or are in process:thumbup: what a GREAT group of ladies:hugs: life is keeping us SOOO busy, it's hard to find spare moments ro get on BnB...and then there are so many new posts and I just don't have time to respond to each one!!! However, I think of you girls DAILY and the situations each of us are in:hugs: ...MNJ, you've had SO much on your plate!!! with your mom being so sick and adjusting to life with a newborn, it's completely natural to have a meltdown...you may be suffering from baby blues, too! (which I've heard can be lack of critical vitamins..like B?!..I think?!) You are blessed and you know that, but some moments can overshadow that...it's great that you and dh could share openly about feelings..so very important!!:hugs:

MommaB, HOW IS YOUR ANKLE:dohh: I feel terrible that I haven't asked!!! I've wondered where you are, but spaced the broken ankle:nope: I'm so glad you're feeling so relaxed with TTC!!!! BTW, I love your new avatar!! What a cute couple you two are!!

Cam, it would appear that you and dh are working through things? Hopefully that is the case:hugs: sorry your cycle is wacky! try not to stress over it and just bd when you two are in the mood!

I'm sorry so many are suffering in this heat!! Fall will be a most welcome sight this year!!!!

Welcome to all of our new gals:hugs:

Afm, waiting to O..should be next week around this time:thumbup: I started taking Fertilaid and Fertilitea:shrug: what can it hurt, right? Dh has been taking them for several months, so thought I should join him:haha: still hoping we can arrange a "post coital test" with the dr. next week before heading out of town again...it's going to be just barely do-able if at all. Dr. wants to see how dh's swimmers do in my fertile cm...problem is, we may be out of town by the time my fertile cm shows up:dohh: I'm not stressing about it, though. If it works out great..if not, there's always next month:thumbup: I'm still doing my weight loss:happydance: at 20.2lbs lost now:) I indulged in the 4th festivities but back on track today:thumbup: have about 5 lbs. left until goal! DH says I should stop as he can "see through me" :haha: I'm hoping losing this extra weight will help me get preggers!!! If not, I'm still happy I've done it!

I hope everyone is enjoying each day...with or without a little one to snuggle or a growing bump:flower: If it's meant to be...It WILL happen when with time is right! We just can't let life pass us by while we're trying! I think we can ALL agree that TTC is CONSUMING!!!!!!! :hugs:good night ladies:kiss:

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