Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Cam did you have labs done?

i had labs done on Weds...my HCG was at 400...then i had a follow up the next day...my levels did rise..not sure how much...but Dr. was content...so saturday i went again but just for a scan...Dr. said to continue my daily activities like normal...and tht i didnt have to go back until i setup my appointments with the clinic...so im Excited...tjis will be my 6th :baby:...but 1st after TR:dohh:
That is awesome to hear Cam!!!

cj I don't think that counts you out at all. It only takes one lil soldier to march his way!

AFM Positive OPK day yay! Got my bd in last night. I'm going to drink up the grapefruit juice again today and get back at it lol
Great numbers Cam, I am happy for you

Ladies I am sending plenty of :dust: to you all and I wish you the best
It's been awhile since I posted cause the Hubby actually got jealous of me telling my thoughts to someone else other than him. He lasted a whole month almost of hearing about creamy cm before he started encouraging me to chat with other ladies who would understand better. Way longer than I thought he would, but since Baby-making is soo stressful, I figured I would humor him for a minute.:haha: I was getting so stressed figuring that I was gonna take a few months and pregnant I would be. I so have been lmbo at my ignorance. I was getting psychotic, telling myself every month already that I 'had to be pregnant' because of all the 'symptoms' my body never had before. I have felt so dumb reading back over all the struggles of you Ladies and thinking I was gonna do this with a snap of my fingers, or I should say 'snap of my legs'. :blush: This is just my 3rd month trying. I see more and more signs of my fertility returning every passing month. This month I have had cwcm since ovulation. I haven't had that since my last pregnancy. I feel so blessed to be able to say to myself every month, "Are you pregnant?" Regardless of if I am or not, it surely is nice to have to tell myself , "You should prolly take a pt just to make sure..":thumbup:
I used a lot of things this month. Ugh! Felt like I was cooking up a science experiment with all the Robitussin and Preseed and Softcups and thermometers laying beside my bed table. My Hubby is 26 (and a freak), so I felt like I spent a straight week with my legs spread. Felt like Angelina Jolie with as often as my crotch was showing.:dohh: Had flippin' cramps on and off since O. Figure that counts me out another month. Just tell myself now that cramping probably makes me out. Regardless of if I test or not, the outcome is gonna be the same whether I pee on something or not. I am gonna suffer disappointment either way, so I might as well pee my little heart out. I am about 7 days or so po.. Should have my flow about the 30th. Thank God my cycle has straightened back up to the 'normal' 29 days.
Good luck Cam, on your pregnancy.
Cj, does heat actually kill sperm? (That's probably a dumb question.) If you don't mind me asking, Do you bd before you get your positive on your o tests?
Woot Woot to eoe!!!:happydance:
One more thing... does afm mean at the flippin' moment?
Bebe welcome back!!

I don't have anything good to add.

Anyone ever have the mirena? I'm having nothing but trouble with it and I might just yank the beeotch out!!
:hi: Bebe. asf stands for As For Me. Don't get discouraged, you are still very early in the game. There are those that will get pg with ease and others that will take some time. hang in there
Thanks fluterby :)

Yep, heat will kill sperm. Whih sucks, cause we both work outside for the power company. Only he's outside all te time . Yes, we bd all the time, i just dont mark it down until its game time :) I just feel like I'm out. Got surprised this time bc no o pains...
Bebe let me break down discouraging for you ;) i have short tubes , short lp , a mtx trigger happy dr (that i have since replaced), old eggs, violent cm (when it decides to be present) and this month.. right at prime time my hubs returns from an 8 day drunken, smokin fest and had been toting his sack of fishes around in 108 degree heat. Im just gonna bypass this cycle all together.. soooo if you dont have any of that your golden!!! Ps baby dust!
C.J. ....My Hubby wants to go into the Military to be a power lineman. He worked for Verizon as a lineman until the change-over to Frontier (telephone company). Then he got switched to an installer. He HATES it. He says the heat as a Lineman is unbearable in the summers, but we live in West Virginia, so there are lots of shady trees.:winkwink: Didn't know heat could kill sperm inside a body. That's both cool and slightly sad for the waste..
Fluterby.. I thought I was gonna be cool and be knocked up as easily as a young girl. I have educated myself with reading back over the course of the last 2 years on this thread. I learned real fast that I was nutty to believe I was gonna be exempt from struggle. I don't mind though. If I can be half the woman that some of them are on this thread, after all the stuff I read, then I will be fine with waiting for my turn to have another baby. I actually feel as if I know everyone on here except for a few of the recent ones. I wrote down every single person that has written on this thread, their miscarriages, and their little Chipmunks that stuck around. I know the statistics for an easy pregnancy is definitely not in my favor. Honestly, based on the stuff I found out in this Thread, the only small thing I have in my favor is my age. We all know that God don't really add that little tidbit into account when sending out Angels, so I figure to be trying about another 12 months or so.:cry: I know those months are gonna be ugh!!
Melissa H... How is your little Bundle of Trying? That's what I call my little girl, cause girls are SOOO difficult. Is she sleeping thru the night? Mine cried the first month after birth, then my Momma fed her some gravy and she shut right up:haha: . How is your very strong Mother?
Now... Question for anyone that has an answer, and this might be a really 'strange' question, but I smell funny.... Not bad... Just kinda' like sex. Like I have been having sex. I can even smell myself when I am fully dressed. I have never smelled this particular way before. Well.. the question is... How the heck do I get the smell to go away. I smell like I am in heat. Can't use anything since I am in the tww, but is it normal? I don't have an infection or anything. (at least not any that I can tell) It's embarrassing to ask, but since I have no clue what's 'normal' and what isn't, I figure you Ladies would probably know if it's normal to smell like a bih?? Is it a sign of my 'new fertility?:blush: Dang cm making me smell like I am in heat, and I would like to see if I could tone down the scent a little. I have been taking two showers everyday, but that ain't helping. Any suggestions? Please?
You and I musta' been writin' at the same time, Alley.. With all that mess you got going on, I would be hard pressed to drop my drawers at all. You got a Hubby that smells like fish and beer, (ok, that part ain't too bad.):haha: Your cervical mucous eats up your Hubby's fishy sperm before they even have time to swim where they are suppose to be, but they MIGHT get there cause your tubes are shorter than normal, IF the beer soaked spermies aren't too blitzed to swim the right way.
All kidding aside though.... that's quite a bit of stress for a woman ttc.
Lol bebe.. thats why im just gonna skip over this cycle.. just pointless.. lol. The sex smell thing i have that sometimes too.. i think it pheromones ..
I would have called it "Pherawhoremones" cause that's exactly what it smells like. My dang man has taken to laying his face on my belly when we go to bed cause he says he can't help it. I personally think I smell like a dirty slut. How long will this smell stay around??
Every cycle is worth taking a shot at. Just get a paper sack and some Glade. lmbo.. Next cycle I am gonna spend a week drunk and dtd every single day in my drunkenness. Figure it's worth a shot, since every other drunk ends up pregnant and using the inebriated state to explain their lack of control. Might as well try everything proven to give positive results. :dohh:
Im going to continue to blame my husband for my whorish smell.. im pretty sure its his stoned spermies mixed with my violent mucus.. you could use a soft cup and vaccum seal your vagina..
One more thing Alley... Based on the statistics I figured from everyone on this Thread... You are due for a sticky little Monkey. I noticed that after an average of 3 miscarriages there was a solid pregnancy. Everyone is different and I suppose that your short lp would make you more a difficult candidate, but the average is 3 losses then a gain, then no more 'trouble', (except for a longer time trying in between pregnancies), until 'advanced' age. I admire you for your ability to keep trying despite your losses. I have read a few women's stories on here that haven't had even a whisper of two lines. Pretty sure your gonna get your one that decides to stick around. Best wishes to you..
Oh, and try the b6 everyone says extends your lp, and the grapefruit juice that Fluterby says makes you make cm. Easy things to try if you ain't already tried them.
I put that dag'gone cup in my vagina so many times the week of o that I don't even wanna think about that little pink nightmare until I absolutely have to. My man is almost 7 years my junior, and he about killed me this past month with the 3 or 4 times every day, and the cup after every single time. It's a wonder I didn't spend my 'vivid dream week' on that soft-cup horror.:wacko:
I appreciate that.. ive been on this road for over two and a half years.. i know the odds are against me.. believe me when i say ive tried every pill, potion, and crazy concoction i can think of.. lol i have pulled and stretched my cm so much i have almost mastered what is good cm and what is leftover sperms..( yall know youve done it too).. but ive also cried and held strong since our tr is a secret every one of my losses ive endured alone.. now im at a place where i can geniunly be happy when another tr sister or lttc sister gets a bfp instead of feeling jealous. Im old , my eggs are old, and we arnt going to do iui or ivf.. so i get it .. its natural or nothing. Our cut off is 38. One more year and we're gonna either have a bfp or become alcoholics.. either way its a win! Lmao
Bebe LOL I know that smell and I thought I was crazy! Try the vagisil cleansing wipes. They are inexpensive and they smell good. They also wont hurt anything. You certainly have done your homework on this. I've had my TR for over 2 years now and no BFP(granted I have not been able to try every month for those 2 years due to dh being in the Army and there was a year deployment in there). I've had every test known to man and even a lap and all my inners look great. I'm hoping it was the thyroid that was throwing it off.

Alley bless your heart. I know you say you have short tubes, but I will tell you that I know of two ladies that got pregnant with a 2 cm tube with keepers at that. I would def give the grape fruit juice a go. It's worked wonders for me. Have you tried FertialAid to help with your LP? I know some woman said it really helped them out.
I gave up on softcups when the last one was vaccum sealed to my cervix and i thought i was gonna need assitance on the retrieval.. i broke a sweat getting it out..
I lol'ed at the 'breaking a sweat' comment, but I know EXACTLY what you mean cause my cervix was so high at o time that I thought I lost that thing.:blush:
Alley...37 isn't close to the 'too old' age. You just have a few extra issues to take into account. The fishy smell:winkwink: probably being high on the list. Seriously though.. Your short lp is probably the suckiest part, since I saw that your losses were mainly ectopic. If you could fix that, I bet you just might be covered.
Fluterby. My other half is about to go to Basic training. Dang near run me ragged with getting birth certificates for my step kids to get the waiver we need. Waiting for that paper now. Your time ttc has probably been cut in half, huh? The 'average' wait time is between 10 to 15 months trying actively. Then the second pregnancy time is cut in half. Honestly, I was sooo jealous of the stories I read on here.... BEFORE I went back through this thread and read it from the start. Now I tear up when I see someone post a positive announcement. How can I be jealous when the struggle is so very hard for every single person. I was ashamed of myself when I let myself into the lives of these women and heard their pain every month when they let themselves down, and their husbands down. When they cried time after time about how they did this horrible thing to themselves, and they just wanted to give up, but somehow found the will to keep going, even stronger than before. I can definitely say I ain't jealous no more. Actually Mrs. Andrea took that particular emotion away with her steadfast heart. Her and Mrs Crystal are some very strong women... Not to mention Jo and C.J. and Melissa H. and Floppy and Jasmine. If you ladies haven't read this thread from the beginning, I recommend it. Just give yourself quite a few hours, and privacy, if you don't like people to see you cry.:cry: My Hubby was even sore-tried after reading the glimpses into the hearts of some of these women.

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