Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Bebe, I thought that I would get pregnant immediately as well. I am on cycle 5 and slowly getting depressed. :cry: OH is 8 years my junior and I am 33. I am not too sure how much tubes I had left. My surgery was done here in mexico and I was never told by my doctor. I am going to ask her when I go to pick up my records. We just moved to another state so I have to find another FS.

Speaking of drunken pregnancies, OH came home drunk from the neighbors last night. I could have killed him! I was so mad! We hadn't BDed for 3 days and I usually O on CD 10-12. He kept trying to fall asleep and I kept elbowing him! :rofl: I made him stay awake to BD, but refused to kiss him! IT would have been pretty funny if I hadn't been so mad at him for coming home drunk! MAybe I will be one of those drunk BFP!! It would be a miracle!!

This morning, I recieved coffee in bed and didn't get up until lunchtime!! It was his day off so, he worked his butt off at home today!! :D

I have went from excited during my TWW to depressed and hating my TWW. My body loves to play tricks on me especially the month, I took the trigger shot. I had every pregnancy symptom there is, nausea, heartburn(never had it except during pregnancy), cravings, hunger, and very sleepy all the time! That was my last CLomid cycle and it really got to me. :cry:

Have a good evening ladies! :hugs:
I think, I am going to have to read the whole thread one day soon. When I can actually find the time between work, kids, and remodeling. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off sometimes!
Galvan... You would not regret reading it. It took me two evenings and about 2 hours into one morning and I am a speed reader. It was SOO worth it though. Now my depression about the tww is pretty much gone. I am no where near as snooty and sure as I was before those ladies stories gave me a little humility. I actually have thanked God every day since I read this thread from the beginning, because it has saved my sanity, and gave me compassion where I was just a snooty b-word that told myself every time I read someone's post that had been trying awhile, that THAT story was not gonna be mine. Every time I sat back in my head and scoffed at some woman who got her positive, or that was already pregnant, and I told myself that she didn't deserve it half as much as I did; All of those feelings are gone from my little dirty heart. I don't obsess anymore, and the weird thing is, is that I actually admire womankind, where I had no respect for my own gender before. I was lucky to have found this thread and I don't know why I went back to the beginning of it, but I will always consider it to be one of the best positive impacts of my ttc journey, and my own personal growth as well.
Now for my personal business... I just turned 33 the 12th of July. Got my tubes tied in 2001 so I was....newly 22 years old. I got divorced from Hubby of 12 years, two years ago, (whom I am still very good friends with and love dearly, we were always much better friends than life partners) Found ( not on purpose) a much younger man who is currently my new Husband. We have been together for a small season (about 17 months) and just got married in Feb of this year. I have a 13 year old son, and my daughter just turned 11. I got my tubes untied the 18th of April. We are rather poor so we had to pick between one ivf or the reversal and agreed that trying many times was better than trying once. It cost 5600 and I had it done at the Women's Reproductive Center in Charlottesville, Virginia. My surgery was easy but my incision got infected afterward, (I think it was having sex too early after the operation, which my doctor said was fine.) I ended up having to go to the ER and take very powerful antibiotics for 2 weeks and two shots in the booty. It sucked. I am loving the journey though now. I have to say that I don't feel the time constraint that most women say they feel, so I do not allow myself to get stressed anymore, after the first month spent being a complete ass to everyone.:blush: I decided that I wasn't gonna let myself be stupid over such a hit or miss chance, cause I am more than blessed that I get to just TRY.. So happy about that part. I am sure there are gonna be months I want to give up, but I just feel so blessed to have the chance. Especially after reading such hardships. God saved me from my own ignorant, conceited heart with this Thread. I also do not know the length of my remaining tubes. Not gonna find out either. If at 6 months I am still not pregnant I will go have an HCG test done and go from there (it is covered in my reversal cost). If they are blocked, then God knows better than I. I ain't saying I will be able to give up, cause I am a fighter, but we don't have the money to try too many things and we don't have any insurance since my Hubby just quit his job to join the Military.
I swear, when you wrote that about elbowing your husband to make him dtd, since you have an Avatar of you and your Hubby up here, I could visualize you slapping him around until he took care of business. Felt like a Peeping Tom for a minute.:blush: Don't know whether it's a blessing or curse to be able to get a good picture of something in your head.:nope:
Well bed for me.. I have been having sucky cramps every evening for the last few days. Night night to all!
I think, I am going to have to read the whole thread one day soon. When I can actually find the time between work, kids, and remodeling. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off sometimes!

Just to comment on the drunken subject...Last month (June)...Well things weren't all so great here at home with Hubby....So what did i do...On my wkends off i would go to the lake with the family and drink my butt off til i couldnt drink anymore..of course i wouldn't drive back home cuz having my kids wit me..so we would stay with my sis...And the hubby of course would b upset cuz i didnt come home..But the last time I drank was July 9th at a Company BBQ...The next day I did a HPT and sure enough I was pregnant...:nope:....And I wasn't even TTC...Not sure if all the drinking made me O 6 days earlier....I will have my FXD til my 1st trimester is over with:dohh:
It is such an emotional journey. I am very very close to several TR sisters that went to the same hospital as I for their TRs. We talk to eachother daily and we communicate on a forum for the hospital.

Galvan I had my TR in MX as well. I went to Rio Bravo, Hospital De Las Americas. I loved it there!

AFM: I think I'm out. I had my +OPK yesterday and dh fell asleep at 8:30. He's been so dog tired. They've been going to the range all day. He is the NCOIC (person in charge) of ammo. So he can't leave until everyone is finished and qualified with their weapon. He gets up around 3:30 am and drives an hour. He didn't get home until close to 7. It sucks living on Army time. BeBe be prepared sweets...this is a rough road especially while TTC. At this point if I get pregnant in the next couple of months he will be here to see the birth but will miss the next 9mo of baby's life while in Afghanistan, but if I wait any longer I give birth alone and he will miss less. IDK what is worse
I must say that I feel that what is hurting us TR moms TTC is we are still comparing our bodies to the body we had before we did the TL. For me I was easy to fall pregnant without hesitation and have been pregnant twice that wasn't planned. :haha: But now it's like TTC is trying to drive me nuts. I had to finally tell me self that I have been sterile six years and I don't have the baby booming body like I use to. This process even had me thinking I wasn't compatible to my Dh Got my positive then lost it. So I took a month off and spent a month not interested in his feelings of TTC because a part of me blamed his :spermy: because the Dr. said I was great! Then I stopped, it's no one fault, it's either our time or not because here we are using opks, so we know we are ovulating, we are using the Dr office to confirm. I don't know anything else to do.

Galvanbaby we have been on this journey together and I have to say me and you have had our let downs, days we thought we were there and wasn't I had my lost. But I want to say your time is coming, the same that I use to say to Cam your time is coming I know it is. So relax when you are :sex: and free your mind it will happen. I am cheering for you
I wanted to post this about the grapefruit juice. Most of you know I've been drinking it for EWCM

Grapefruit juice provides moderate alkalizing effects on the body. The pH levels of grapefruit and other citrus fruits are very acidic. However, once grapefruit and grapefruit juice are digested and absorbed, the byproducts become alkaline. Thus, grapefruit juice produces an alkaline environment in the body, which increases the pH level of the cervical mucus. According to Dr. Eric Daiter, a board-certified endocrinologist and fertility specialist, sperm need an alkaline environment to survive and fertilize an egg.

check to make sure it doesn't interact with any meds you may be on. I checked about my thyroid and it's fine.
You know, I have heard almost every woman say that they had no trouble getting pregnant before... Do you ladies think that when our tubes are tied our bodies stop producing certain things, like estrogen, in the amounts we need and that's why we have to take all the extra vitamins and junk? Or do you guys think that we are nuts and just 'think' we need all that stuff, or maybe we are just old as dirt and our bodies really need to be tricked into pregnancy?
Mrs T. I know what you mean about convincing myself that my body is just the same as before. I don't even know if my tubes are open. I know that I can now feel when I ovulate and what side I ovulate from, so I can tell something is different in there.:thumbup:
Fluterby.. My Hubby has to go to Basic, so the longest he will be away is 5 months, and I have been praying I would be pregnant before he leaves. My ex-husband was a Supply Sergeant at Fort Riley. I loved it there. The Army life is def not for everyone though and some Bases and MO's suck no matter where you go. I want to go to Alaska first. Since we want to go there we won't get to.:winkwink: It sucks about your Hubby getting sent to Afghanistan. My sisters husband spent awhile there and he didn't like it. He brought back some beautiful things for everyone though. I hope you get pregnant when you need too. I am pretty sure I won't, but it's ok for now. I try to tell myself that I won't be concerned until about 9 months or so of trying.. some months it works and some it doesn't.
Cam... I am gonna drink my little butt of next month. Seriously. I am gonna spend a whole week with a Bud-Light in one hand and that Nightmare Soft-cup in the other.:haha:
Fluterby429 I am going to try grapefruit juice this cycle thanks for the tip
Wow, ladies, this thread is hoppin' :) good to see so much activity! Now all we need is the bfps to start rolling in!!!

Bebe, I do think that having out tubes mutilated alters the natural flow of hormones...i know for me, af was MUCH heavier and PMS was really, really bad! You certainly aren't too old:haha: I wish I would have done my reversal at your age rather than almost 36:dohh:!

Fluter, great news with gf juice:thumbup: top of my list for next cycle...especially with the clomid! Also, tsh came back at 2.58.....dr. said everything looked great:shrug: I'm not surprised that he's not "up" on the current thought of a tsh of 1-2 being ideal. Since I'm not too far out of range, I'm thinking I'll look into some natural herbs/supplements that might lower it a bit:thumbup:

Think about you girls all the time and pray for sticky bfps for all if us:hugs::kiss:
You know, I have heard almost every woman say that they had no trouble getting pregnant before... Do you ladies think that when our tubes are tied our bodies stop producing certain things, like estrogen, in the amounts we need and that's why we have to take all the extra vitamins and junk? Or do you guys think that we are nuts and just 'think' we need all that stuff, or maybe we are just old as dirt and our bodies really need to be tricked into pregnancy?
Mrs T. I know what you mean about convincing myself that my body is just the same as before. I don't even know if my tubes are open. I know that I can now feel when I ovulate and what side I ovulate from, so I can tell something is different in there.:thumbup:
Fluterby.. My Hubby has to go to Basic, so the longest he will be away is 5 months, and I have been praying I would be pregnant before he leaves. My ex-husband was a Supply Sergeant at Fort Riley. I loved it there. The Army life is def not for everyone though and some Bases and MO's suck no matter where you go. I want to go to Alaska first. Since we want to go there we won't get to.:winkwink: It sucks about your Hubby getting sent to Afghanistan. My sisters husband spent awhile there and he didn't like it. He brought back some beautiful things for everyone though. I hope you get pregnant when you need too. I am pretty sure I won't, but it's ok for now. I try to tell myself that I won't be concerned until about 9 months or so of trying.. some months it works and some it doesn't.
Cam... I am gonna drink my little butt of next month. Seriously. I am gonna spend a whole week with a Bud-Light in one hand and that Nightmare Soft-cup in the other.:haha:

:rofl:you never know it might work...
The cycle I got pregnant DH and I had fun. We played with sex and were spontaneous and creative. Yes I did put my legs in the air each time afterwards but I didn't stress all the opk and temps and charts. I did use preseed each time but I've always had to use something so it wasn't a downer. I still to this day truly believe it was us relaxing and having fun that did it for us.

AFM still bleeding :( either the longest damn AF or this stupid IUD!! I'm considering removing it and using natural family planning. Anyone ever use NFP and have success?
Bebe yes it very hard, sometimes I say to myself I am about to receive my bachelors and DH graduates next summer, maybe its so much coming up that will create change maybe I need to wait. But I refuse to go on Clomids etc, if it can't be natural just as my other pregnancies than it isn't my time, but this geritol is starting to taste delicious or I am losing it :wacko:. I agree with each of you ladies about the ups and down of TTC after TR it's a monthly battle until you receive a BFP or give up, just found out dh :spermy: arent strong so basically the last positive was luck I guess. Smh another six months of madness.
The cycle I got pregnant DH and I had fun. We played with sex and were spontaneous and creative. Yes I did put my legs in the air each time afterwards but I didn't stress all the opk and temps and charts. I did use preseed each time but I've always had to use something so it wasn't a downer. I still to this day truly believe it was us relaxing and having fun that did it for us.

AFM still bleeding :( either the longest damn AF or this stupid IUD!! I'm considering removing it and using natural family planning. Anyone ever use NFP and have success?

My 9 year old son is the miracle of natural family planning. I was majorly surprised to say the least!!

We did it for 10 months, but missed somethiing in that 10th month. Our timing was majorly off!! Be careful with NFP.
The cycle I got pregnant DH and I had fun. We played with sex and were spontaneous and creative. Yes I did put my legs in the air each time afterwards but I didn't stress all the opk and temps and charts. I did use preseed each time but I've always had to use something so it wasn't a downer. I still to this day truly believe it was us relaxing and having fun that did it for us.

AFM still bleeding :( either the longest damn AF or this stupid IUD!! I'm considering removing it and using natural family planning. Anyone ever use NFP and have success?

My 9 year old son is the miracle of natural family planning. I was majorly surprised to say the least!!

We did it for 10 months, but missed somethiing in that 10th month. Our timing was majorly off!! Be careful with NFP.

See this is what worries me but I am having nothing but trouble with birth control. Bad reaction to the nuva ring and so far this mirena isn't any better with the cramps and bleeding every day.
mnj...maybe you start the bc too soon after giving birth. I know a friend who did and she bled constantly. She then went off of it all for awhile and then went back and didn't have any issues. Maybe letting your natural hormones recoup so to speak might help. In the mean time maybe you can do condoms/spermicides. good luck
I would do what Flutterby says. Sometimes your body reacts bad to BC because your hormones haven't had the time to reset theirselves so to speak.

COngratulations on your little girl! She is one beautiful baby! :hugs:
My cycle has been taken hostage.. i never ovulate before cd 15-16.. i dont use opk but i do temp.. freaking high rise this am... cd 13.. good thing we were banking on this month due to hubs alcohol/green /108degree sperm killing holiday.. too bad i use the free version of ff or you all could see!!
Mrs. T.... To tell ya the truth, there probably isn't much I wouldn't do to ttc as long as I could afford it. I don't know what Geritol is, but the name sounds familiar? Congratulations on getting your Bachelors. What ya going to college for, if you don't mind me being nosy?
Fluterby.. Do you put lots of sugar in that grapefruit juice or do you just drink it fresh? Don't know if I could swallow it without loads of sugar. I don't think I got trouble with the cm... (but couldn't hurt.) Might maybe have trouble with implantation or catching my o day. I used soft cups 3 or 4 times a day from the dang 10th of July until the 17th. I really did start to dread sex. I think this month I am just gonna go when I want instead of putting as many sperm there as I can. I have never felt implantation. I had never felt ovulation until after the tubal. I don't know much about the whole process really. I know you bd a few days before O and a few days after, but the only time I bought O tests my surge was very short; about 12 hours and then negative the morning test. I don't know when implantation usually happens or what it feels like. I have read a few things from other people but no one is specific. I have been taking vitamins and baby asprin and I took Robitussin a few days before O and some Pineapple core and Preseed.. Remembering that stuff was hard. I am definitely simple. I don't know how you Ladies do it every month and I have to be honest and say that I sincerely pray that it doesn't get so hard for me. My tubes might not even be open, or them little buggers might not be long enough? Do any of you that haven't been pregnant yet suffer all this insecurity and fear everyday? It sometimes threatens to smother me.:nope: Well, that's enough of getting sad.. Have a good night everyone.
Mrs. T.... To tell ya the truth, there probably isn't much I wouldn't do to ttc as long as I could afford it. I don't know what Geritol is, but the name sounds familiar? Congratulations on getting your Bachelors. What ya going to college for, if you don't mind me being nosy?
Fluterby.. Do you put lots of sugar in that grapefruit juice or do you just drink it fresh? Don't know if I could swallow it without loads of sugar. I don't think I got trouble with the cm... (but couldn't hurt.) Might maybe have trouble with implantation or catching my o day. I used soft cups 3 or 4 times a day from the dang 10th of July until the 17th. I really did start to dread sex. I think this month I am just gonna go when I want instead of putting as many sperm there as I can. I have never felt implantation. I had never felt ovulation until after the tubal. I don't know much about the whole process really. I know you bd a few days before O and a few days after, but the only time I bought O tests my surge was very short; about 12 hours and then negative the morning test. I don't know when implantation usually happens or what it feels like. I have read a few things from other people but no one is specific. I have been taking vitamins and baby asprin and I took Robitussin a few days before O and some Pineapple core and Preseed.. Remembering that stuff was hard. I am definitely simple. I don't know how you Ladies do it every month and I have to be honest and say that I sincerely pray that it doesn't get so hard for me. My tubes might not even be open, or them little buggers might not be long enough? Do any of you that haven't been pregnant yet suffer all this insecurity and fear everyday? It sometimes threatens to smother me.:nope: Well, that's enough of getting sad.. Have a good night everyone.

I have the same feeling Bebe. I am constantly thinking that maybe by doing the surgery in Mexico, by not having a TR clinic do it, by riding home on Mexico's bumpy ass roads, or some reason my tubes are not open and I will never get pregnant without IVF or another surgery. Miguel (OH) tells me to quit worrying. My Dr said that she ran dye before closing me up and it went all the way through and that my right side is perfect, but my left was damaged from the TL. She didn't tell me how long they were, but said that both had good length. It was just the "fingers" on the left side

Everytime Af shows or even around O day, I have this feeling that I am just trying in vain, but I have to keep trying just in case, ya know?

I have been on CLomid with no results. I take honey and cinnamon, and prenatals. I love grapefruit juice so, I am going to try that next cycle. I am allergic to aspirin so, that is out of the question.

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