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Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

YAY, all the PMA!!! I love it! I am praying for all you tww ladies!! how exciting :hugs:

Afm, I am waiting for af before I give it another go. Af usually would arrive in about a week or so. I am hoping that the witch will be good to me and bring it on time?! I know with mc your cycle can be all messed up. So we will see.

Babydust to all you lovely ladies!

good luck super im sure you just cant wait to get back on the ttc wagon :) I read that woman who have mc and start trying as soon as they are ready rather then waiting months have a higher chance of getting preggo with healthy babies :baby: FX you get your BFP with a sickey bean soon
Hi TR Ladies,

How is everyone doing, hope everyone is hanging there and if your not TTC this month then I hope you will be soon :flower:..........I know alot of us are in or approaching the TWW so I am sending lots of babydust :dust: I really hope we hear some more good news coming into this thread............as we have had our fair share of disappointments lately...................Bring on the :bfp: for January and February.........xxxxxxxxxxx

So, I guess you didn't hurt as bad this time when the egg popped? You're a brave woman to take clomid again after the pain you went through last time. I hope this time results in a lil' sticky bean for you. :hugs:

Aww you are a star JASMINE!..Thank you..........I will do anything it takes to achieve my/our goal............just like you would 2 xx...........we wont even get into how we got the swimmers in there.:winkwink:...haha..xx

Still I really hope even if this isnt my month, then it will be someone elses, and I will gain HOPE in their success, as we are all in the same boat to begin with.....lol...remember that was the name of my first thread when I joined........look where we all are now?.......trying to live the dream and as long as you are positive and believe it will happen....IT WILL............I think TTC after TRS.....IS the 100 metres hurdles and we will all get to the end eventually.......xxx:flower:

:thumbup: Well said........in light of the info I just read in someone's journal.....this is how it should be between friends. Anyone who thinks differently can go find rock to crawl under cause they deserve to be ALONE!

We are all here for one another to lift up and be happy for each others success and joy as well as their sadness!
YAY, all the PMA!!! I love it! I am praying for all you tww ladies!! how exciting :hugs:

Afm, I am waiting for af before I give it another go. Af usually would arrive in about a week or so. I am hoping that the witch will be good to me and bring it on time?! I know with mc your cycle can be all messed up. So we will see.

Babydust to all you lovely ladies!

good luck super im sure you just cant wait to get back on the ttc wagon :) I read that woman who have mc and start trying as soon as they are ready rather then waiting months have a higher chance of getting preggo with healthy babies :baby: FX you get your BFP with a sickey bean soon

So pleased you are back with us Super, you are strong :flower: I really hope AF shows when it should so you can get back TTC with us as soon as possible........cant wait to symptom spot again hunny, we are with you all the way xxx:hugs:
Thank you ladies! I have a question. Could it be possible to ovulate almost 2 weeks after mc? I have no way of testing, still waiting on my opk's to arrive in the mail. Just now I was standing talking to DH and I felt wet all of a sudden. I went to the bathroom to check it out. It was not very sticky like but very wet but off white creamish color...A sign af is coming or sign of O?? I am so confused. Help...lol

If I am indeed about to O...should I ignore it and wait for af or go with the flow. I know it is a personal choice but what would you do? lol Oh my.... the joys of ttc!! :)
Thank you ladies! I have a question. Could it be possible to ovulate almost 2 weeks after mc? I have no way of testing, still waiting on my opk's to arrive in the mail. Just now I was standing talking to DH and I felt wet all of a sudden. I went to the bathroom to check it out. It was not very sticky like but very wet but off white creamish color...A sign af is coming or sign of O?? I am so confused. Help...lol

If I am indeed about to O...should I ignore it and wait for af or go with the flow. I know it is a personal choice but what would you do? lol Oh my.... the joys of ttc!! :)

If it was me I would be jumpin' on the DH!!!! :winkwink: Even if it is the slightest chance that you're Oing I would BD. It could be Ov definitely since its only a few weeks after you M/C.
Go with the flow super xxxx Hi everyone, hoping you are all ok and getting busy ttc xxxx
Super from what I have read it's ok to go ahead and bd! Lets be real it would be sooooo hard to waste a good baby making time lol
Super from what I have read it's ok to go ahead and bd! Lets be real it would be sooooo hard to waste a good baby making time lol

Well said! I will start the bd'ing as soon as I am done cooking dinner..:winkwink:
You never know, stranger things have happened :haha:

Thank you ladies!
I agree with the others:thumbup:

I got pregnant with my dd immediately following a M/C. My pregnancy with her was completely uneventful..no first tri bleeding...nothing! ( I do have to say, when I went to my dr. the following month, now preggers after he said to wait a few months...I felt a bit like a teenager getting caught in the back seat of a car:blush:...he handled it well, which put me at ease)

As was already stated..why waste an opportunity.:happydance:

Sometimes I think Dr.s recommend waiting as part of the greiving process. Every women handles the loss differently. :flower: Best wishes for your evening:winkwink:
Good Luck Super!......really hope you are lucky this month, I say go for it girl!!.....:flower:

How are things with everyone, is anyone testing soon? I think the TTW is the longest time ever!..........Constantly thinking about what is going on inside of your body and whether each pain and cramp you are feeling is related to early pregnancy???....:wacko:...Dont think I have ever thought and put as much effort in to anything in my life.............Here is hoping we all get some good news in the coming weeks/months..........:happydance:x
Hi, I had my tubes reversed in July 2010, i'm on cycle 8 now ttc, trying to stay hopeful but find it hard at times as i only have one tube and it's short. Nice to know their are ppl on here to share experiences with.
Hi, I had my tubes reversed in July 2010, i'm on cycle 8 now ttc, trying to stay hopeful but find it hard at times as i only have one tube and it's short. Nice to know their are ppl on here to share experiences with.

Welcome spuggle :flower: I had my surgury in october of 2010 this is my 4th month ttc. The woman on the tr threads are Great I dont know what i would do without them :kiss: Im always on here getting new ideas, sharing ideas or just venting! I hope this thread helps you ttc time alot easier :hugs:
Thanks for the welcome, i'm going through a negative stage of ttc atm, i was so positive in the begining but every month is so disapointing, did all go well with your surgery it's a big op isn't it.
Thanks for the welcome, i'm going through a negative stage of ttc atm, i was so positive in the begining but every month is so disapointing, did all go well with your surgery it's a big op isn't it.

Oh I feel ya on the dissapointment sometimes I feel like this is never going to happen :( the surgury was not to bad for me i had 3 csections before and they just went through the same scar. The healing process was alot I guess with the sections i had the baby to focus on so It was'nt so bad but this time I was empty handed. How was yours?

Glad you have joined us TR ladies TTC, I had my surgery end of Sept 2010 and its my 4th month trying 2nd month trying with clomid,, I like Momma had my op done through my C Section incision and wasnt bad at all.....Felt like a new woman!:happydance: Although like you... feel like trying to have a successful pregnancy is taking forever....I really hope you gain alot from this thread including support, as us TR women are all in the same boat and have a wealth of experiences to share....good and bad.....I wish you the best of luck in your journey...:flower:
Thanks Crystal69uk and Mammax3, i have had 2 previous c-sections so kind of knew what to expect although like you say with no baby to distract from the pain was prob a little bit worse having the TR. The most disapointing part for me was when the surgeon told me she could only reverse 1 tube and that one was on the short side, as i was only steralized in Oct 2008 (Big Mistake) i had hoped that not to much damage had been done.
:hi: Welcome spuggle!

It's always wonderful to have new TR ladies joining! I know if it weren't for these support groups, I would go CRAZY...my dh can only handle so much TTC talk:haha: and I don't have anyone else in real life that is in my situation.

This is just my 2nd month TTC following my TR 11/12/10. My ticker says I should be testing tomorrow, however, I O'd 2 days later than originally thought. I'm going to *try* and hold out testing until Saturday. AF came 2 days early last month which made the cycle calendar think I have 29 day cycles. I still think I'm more like 31 days.

I'm another c-section mom:thumbup: I've had 2...wish I hadn't had ANY as i would really like to have several more dc but I know the dr.s don't recommend more than 4 sections. Have any of you heard differently on this? I don't know if I'm brave enough to try a VBAC after 2 sections.

Anyway, what things are your doing or taking to help the TTC process along? Are you temping? OPKs? Pre-seed?...I've heard many women talk about Evening Primrose Oil, soya, Maca and several other herbs as well.

I hope you get your little one soon:hugs:
Good luck for your testing Faith, I really hope this month will be YOUR month........fingers crossed, I applaud you for hanging out for testing, I think I would have caved in by now :wacko: I also agree with driving our DH's NUTS too, I know my hubby is supportive and doesnt say anything but I know he is thinking it!...

Lots of :dust: I really hope you get your BFP, are you having any symptoms, please share with us?.x

ATM, What I have done differently this month is trying SMEP, (although it didnt pan out as expected) baking soda and pre seed, as clomid makes either none or hostile CM, so I had to try something different this month............I am really crampy at the moment and have backache and really really tired but I know Progesterone can knock you out and with me taking Clomid and the pains I had Ovulating I think I hatched more than one egg so my Progesterone levels will be sky high anyway.......I am getting blood levels checked on Thursday CD21 so I will find out my actual numbers then...cant wait.......x

Good Luck everyone, I can feel the BFP's coming soon.........:happydance:
Wow i don't even know some of the things you are talking about on here, the only aid in ttc i am using is OPK and listening to my body, i get the same symptoms most months when i get a +OPK, I tried charting but found it really confusing and wasn't very good at waking at 6.30am on weekends. I can't seem to find a change in my CM when i'm ov, it doesn't seem to change as its supposed to apart from it increases in quantity, to be honest its only the last 2 months i have managed to get my head around the OPK's i was only doing 1 per day so missing my surge, when i get a faint line i keep testing every 4 hours until the line goes dark. Has anyone got any hints/tips ?? oh and i'm not good at the abreviations yet lol.

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