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Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Crystal i had progestrone levels checked before surgery and the results showed i was ovulating, but what gets me with those tests is you only have it once, it doesnt prove that ovulation occurs every month.

Only too true about us testing early and knowing things sooner than others would but then again i think alot of ppl trying to concieve in normal circumstances test asap aswell.
Hi again Spuggle, I would request day 21 progesterone blood tests anyway from your doctor, I am not sure of your age but these can be done as routine anyway from NHS.......Here is wishing you good luck in your TTC journey...xxx Keep us updated......:hugs:
Hi again Spuggle, I would request day 21 progesterone blood tests anyway from your doctor, I am not sure of your age but these can be done as routine anyway from NHS.......Here is wishing you good luck in your TTC journey...xxx Keep us updated......:hugs:

crystal how ya feeling? Any symptoms yet? I had cramping but none today but now i have like a weird pressure feeling in my vajay not sure if this is even a symptom but I feel like its in my bone hmm weird! good luck I really hope this is our month:happydance:
Hi again Spuggle, I would request day 21 progesterone blood tests anyway from your doctor, I am not sure of your age but these can be done as routine anyway from NHS.......Here is wishing you good luck in your TTC journey...xxx Keep us updated......:hugs:

crystal how ya feeling? Any symptoms yet? I had cramping but none today but now i have like a weird pressure feeling in my vajay not sure if this is even a symptom but I feel like its in my bone hmm weird! good luck I really hope this is our month:happydance:

Hi Momma, your symptoms sound promising......:happydance:yes I am getting a few one which is new to me is the abundance of creamy CM which I havent had before, I have had pains since Ovulation and more like pulling pains now...when I lie down and turn from my side onto my back I feel something pulling in my uterus on the left and right like a sharp quick tug pain...only way to describe it really......It may be my ovaries or my tubes but never had this amount of minor cramping really for as long........Probably me thinking so much into it, I am starting to get lower backache too ........One other thing I couldnt walk in my heels today as my legs were aching, again dont think this is a symptom its just me being hopefull...lmao....I hope your symptoms get worse.... sort of speaking, which is progression really and all we can do is pray that this is our month.............My son is 19 TODAY YEY, I am just waiting on him arriving from Cumbria so we cant wait to see him...........funny this is as well..... its a New Moon today and when I was looking at the Moon chart is was also a New Moon the day I gave birth too, lets hope the new moon proves some significance as I have read it is associated with cycles and fertility and hopefully I might have a new little something which starts today as well.........fingers crossed for everyone in the TTW!!:hugs:
Crystal i'm 28 (well until sunday anyway) lol. I have a form to go get day 21 blood test but missed it this month so will get them done next month now.

Hoping the new moon brings lots of BFP's for all of you. xx
Hi again Spuggle, I would request day 21 progesterone blood tests anyway from your doctor, I am not sure of your age but these can be done as routine anyway from NHS.......Here is wishing you good luck in your TTC journey...xxx Keep us updated......:hugs:

crystal how ya feeling? Any symptoms yet? I had cramping but none today but now i have like a weird pressure feeling in my vajay not sure if this is even a symptom but I feel like its in my bone hmm weird! good luck I really hope this is our month:happydance:

Hi Momma, your symptoms sound promising......:happydance:yes I am getting a few one which is new to me is the abundance of creamy CM which I havent had before, I have had pains since Ovulation and more like pulling pains now...when I lie down and turn from my side onto my back I feel something pulling in my uterus on the left and right like a sharp quick tug pain...only way to describe it really......It may be my ovaries or my tubes but never had this amount of minor cramping really for as long........Probably me thinking so much into it, I am starting to get lower backache too ........One other thing I couldnt walk in my heels today as my legs were aching, again dont think this is a symptom its just me being hopefull...lmao....I hope your symptoms get worse.... sort of speaking, which is progression really and all we can do is pray that this is our month.............My son is 19 TODAY YEY, I am just waiting on him arriving from Cumbria so we cant wait to see him...........funny this is as well..... its a New Moon today and when I was looking at the Moon chart is was also a New Moon the day I gave birth too, lets hope the new moon proves some significance as I have read it is associated with cycles and fertility and hopefully I might have a new little something which starts today as well.........fingers crossed for everyone in the TTW!!:hugs:

yay crystal I hope are symptoms are really something!!!! come on new moon!!!! I bet you cant wait to see your son what a great thing to look forward to, I dread the days my kids grow up and spread there wings :cry:
It's goota be so hard and rewarding at the same time. Enjoy your son hopeing you get another little one to love on soon
:thumbup: I`m here Crystal.. on the 1 week wait now for my AF... I am hoping that I have kept the witch away this month.. :haha:

Welcome Spuggle!!.. and good luck ttc.

I bought some conceive plus to try next month, then I read that preseed comes with an applicator.. oh well I will get it up there somehow :blush:

How is everyone else doing??

love and babydust to you all xxxxxx
Good Evening ladies (depending on where you are in the world) Got AF today, only 24 days this month, so here goes cycle 9, wish me luck.

How is everyone today ??
Good Evening ladies (depending on where you are in the world) Got AF today, only 24 days this month, so here goes cycle 9, wish me luck.

How is everyone today ??

SOrry the witch got you spuggle :hugs: cycle 9? wow sometimes this ttc thing just takes some time you are due for your BFP hope you get it in feb
Well, ladies I took another pregnancy test and it showed positive. It's been twelve days since I started bleeding and it lasted about 4 days. Do you think it's leftover pregnancy hormones? I've been reading where quite a few women bled but still went on to have a healthy baby. I'm so aggravated that they did not do scans and bloodwork. I have an appointment for Monday, so I'll have to wait and see if I'm still pregnant or not. Wish me luck and pray for me, my friends. :shrug:
Well, ladies I took another pregnancy test and it showed positive. It's been twelve days since I started bleeding and it lasted about 4 days. Do you think it's leftover pregnancy hormones? I've been reading where quite a few women bled but still went on to have a healthy baby. I'm so aggravated that they did not do scans and bloodwork. I have an appointment for Monday, so I'll have to wait and see if I'm still pregnant or not. Wish me luck and pray for me, my friends. :shrug:

WOW jasmine you must be so frustrated just wondering what the hell is going on:growlmad: :growlmad: I dont really know anything about the mc thing so I cant chime in I just want to say im sorry you have to deal with this and who knows stranger things have happened I hope it is just a fluke and you have a healthy pregnancy
Well, ladies I took another pregnancy test and it showed positive. It's been twelve days since I started bleeding and it lasted about 4 days. Do you think it's leftover pregnancy hormones? I've been reading where quite a few women bled but still went on to have a healthy baby. I'm so aggravated that they did not do scans and bloodwork. I have an appointment for Monday, so I'll have to wait and see if I'm still pregnant or not. Wish me luck and pray for me, my friends. :shrug:

I also wanted to say try posting this question on the other TR thread some of the ladies over there unfourunatly seem to have more experinnce in this area
Well, ladies I took another pregnancy test and it showed positive. It's been twelve days since I started bleeding and it lasted about 4 days. Do you think it's leftover pregnancy hormones? I've been reading where quite a few women bled but still went on to have a healthy baby. I'm so aggravated that they did not do scans and bloodwork. I have an appointment for Monday, so I'll have to wait and see if I'm still pregnant or not. Wish me luck and pray for me, my friends. :shrug:

I also wanted to say try posting this question on the other TR thread some of the ladies over there unfourunatly seem to have more experinnce in this area

OMG Jasmine, what you must be feeling!!??? I really hope you get some answers on Monday, request they give you an ultrasound to check........I really hope everything is ok xx
Good Evening ladies (depending on where you are in the world) Got AF today, only 24 days this month, so here goes cycle 9, wish me luck.

How is everyone today ??

SOrry the witch got you spuggle :hugs: cycle 9? wow sometimes this ttc thing just takes some time you are due for your BFP hope you get it in feb

Crystal i hope that for all of us, it is so hard ttc, all the tests and timing it right doesn't always work, trying to be positive about it.

I have had some good news this morning though, my GP is reffering me to gynae so i may get the clomid and possibly HSG to see if my tube is still open, i will have day 21 test done this cycle too.

Fingers crossed for everyone else, this month could be your monthn :winkwink:
Jasmine how come they didnt do bloods or scan.. bloods are especially important, in establising if you are losing the baby or if its still growing.. may be worth maaking an appointment for some..good luck hunni xx
Hi everyone, Jasmine....... is the test alot darker now? could of been implantation bleeding and you need a scan ASAP hunny to make sure baby is ok xxxx
Hi everyone, Jasmine....... is the test alot darker now? could of been implantation bleeding and you need a scan ASAP hunny to make sure baby is ok xxxx

Well, I bled for 3 or 4 days on CD 32 which put me about 4 or 5 days late) I got the faint positive the day or so before the bleeding. Well, I started the OPKs on CD 10 of what I thought was a new cycle and for three days I got positives. I thought I'd better go get an HPT to ease my mind and it turned positive in less than a minute. It was even a blue dye Dollar Store cheapie which I've heard bad things about......LOL! I have an appt. Monday, but I may go to the ER later today when my DH gets home. Here, where I live, you must show a positive HPT to get good prenatal healthcare and since I go to school and have no other healthcare I have to wait until then to get into a good doctor. You have to be pregnant or a kid to get insurance around here. I did a lot of research and was shocked by all the women who bled during their pregnancies but then delivered a normal, healthy baby. I'm trying not to dwell on the good right now and believe that its still a viable pregnancy, but I am worried because they said it was a chemical and with everything I've read about a chemical, your levels drop back down within a few days. I'll keep you all posted. :hugs:

Angelcake- They don't care about doing bloods or anything else because I don't have insurance yet. I will hopefully have it Monday if the urine test they'll do is still positive at the Health Dept.
GOOD LUCK JASMINE I hope you get to find out exactly what your situation is, and soon........xxxxxxxxx Fingers crossed for you hunny and I also can understand your situation with health care too as it isnt the same as the UK where we dont need insurance as we have a National Health Service......I really pray you get some concrete answers ...and the positive ones too!.xx

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