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Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Faith I wanted to say that I have been told the 4 c sections thing to but after talking to others and my fertility dr. that its really a case by case basis and that there are woman that have had like 6 sections so dont count yourself out :)
spuggle i would recommend the preseed I got it at cvs for like 20 bucks it mimics your own cm and it does'nt kill the sperm I love it !!! It helps the sperm move better.
Thanks Mamma, will have to look it up on the good old www, not sure where to get it in uk but it's worth a try.
Welcome spuggle :) I had my TR on the 21st of October 2010. You have come to the right place! These ladies are amazing and a great support. Currently I have done nothing besides opk's I guess if I do not get my bfp soon I will try other options. I think temping/charting with be my next thing. I hope you get your bfp real soon hun. :hugs:

Crystal!! how exciting! I sure hope this is it for you!

Sorry if I missed, anyone else in the tww? :)

AFM, well I have been feeling kinda O'ish? Was not sure if this was possible 2 weeks after mc. I had some EWCM, have no opks, still waiting for them in mail..grrr. So I get DH to bd lastnight, and what does he do? TMI-- he pulls out. I was pissed. He says he rather me wait for af to come so I am not in any danger. I kicked up a fuss. I felt bad later, but I feel ready. Even if I am no O'ing if there is a chance why not take it.

So I moved on today got over my little angry mode and what do you know...we bd' and even cuddled me for about 20 mins after :) . I fell a little back ache'ish today and some possible o pains going on, or body preparing for af which I am totally happy with!

I am so glad I have you ladies!! xx

Babydust to all you beautiful ladies :)
Momma: I'm sure you're right on the c-sections. The fertility specialist who did my TR said everything looked really good inside...not even scaring from my previous 2 c-sections...although he said "as a general rule taught to the dr.s...4 and no more" but def. on a case by case basis

Crystal: Wish I could say I'm super disciplined and am waiting to test simply because of that:haha: truth is..I don't feel our chances are good this month. We bd on CD15, CD16, CD17 which is the day I got my +opk...am -, 2pm+..we bd that afternoon with plans to do it again that night but dh was too tired to awaken when I came to bed. CD18 +opk am, but - @5pm:sad2:...I was under the assumption that once it turned neg. O had occured and it was now too late, so we didn't BD that night...WELL, 3 days later FF moved my O date to CD19!!!!:dohh: No I'm SOOO mad at myself for not going ahead and BD that night (instead of having a pity party:growlmad:). Since this is my first month using FF, I don't have a pattern to compare previous months.:shrug:

spuggle: When you did BBT, did you use www.FertilityFriend.com ? This is my first month using it and I couldn't temp without it! They help you keep track of your CM and opks as well as many other things. As Crystal recommended, Pre-seed is great for lube. I didn't realize that almost ALL the other lubes with actually KILL the sperm. There is also some recent positive talk of using baking soda...finger dipped in the BS and insert just a short distance in the vagina..not too far up as I heard it can burn...BUT it apparently balances your Ph levels and creates lots of EW CM within 30 mins or so. Might not hurt to give that a try! Also, are you familiar with the sperm meets egg plan?
Hi Faithhopelove, i did use fertilty friend but ony for the fertile days calendar, i'm gad you told me about the lube thing as when needed we tend to use durex lube, which stupidly i haven't even checked if it contains spermicide. What is the BS supposed to do ? it sounds a little scary to me lol.

Also from the research i have done on the www when you get a +OPK its the surge happening before ov, ov takes place approx 12-32 hours after +OPK.
Thank you Super, its great to chat to ppl in the same boat.
Thanks Mamma, will have to look it up on the good old www, not sure where to get it in uk but it's worth a try.

Hi Spuggle I am from the UK too, and I bought my Pre Seed from ebay, along with my OPK's. Like I said earlier I need to use something to help my cervical mucus (CM) as Clomid causes hostile CM............As for the Baking Soda, we call it Bicarb of Soda in the UK and it isnt the same as Baking Powder...lol....and like Momma said it balances your CM PH so the sperm can live longer...All I did was wash hands, cover finger with Bicarb and insert in your vagina being careful not to touch your cervix, alot like inserting a tampon really! I did this a few days before Ovulation to balance myself inside..........As for SMEP (Sperm Meets Egg Plan) here is the link for you https://www.pregnancyloss.info/sperm_meets_egg_plan.htm to have a look at and I also know there is a thread on here for members to join, I didnt but know it works as another TR lady used this method and got her BFP bless her!

Sorry if I sounded a little alien with my abbreviations and terminology etc....but if you have any questions I am sure someone on this thread will be happy to help you out............I hope this info helps a little...xx
Awwwwwww Super I am really feeling for you at the moment, I can understand your hubby wants you to be in A1 condition to get pregnant but I can also understand your needs too...... I really hope you catch soon hunny xxx If you BD today then maybe you still have a chance....x:flower:

Faith, if you BD 2 days before FF had your O day then there is still a huge chance!.........maybe you did O earlier, FF isnt always right by the exact day, I would also listen to your body and EWCM too which is the best sign I'd say!.:wacko:

Momma, hows you symptoms going hunny........wont be long till you are testing..........you are officially in the TWW......bring it on..:hugs:

Jo Jo, I know you are working hard babes, but we miss your input on here girl, so please post when you get a minute and let us know how you are getting on.........xx:coffee:

Jasmine, how you feeling this month, hope you are still full of spirit and I am hoping your BFP will come soon and stick.....!..xxx:flower:

Ready we miss you girl, I hope you read all the support we have for you girl soon.....xxxxxxxx Hurry Back.!!!!

Angel Cake, how you feeling, you havent posted for a little while, I hope everything is ok with you, post when you can for an update..xx

Sorry if I have missed anyone, there is alot of activity on here now which is great!....so I am sorry if I have but I love everyone who is posting on our thread................xx

Anyway I wish everyone the best of luck and I really hope to hear some good news this month from my fav TR girls....Please list every symptom, no matter how little, and remember there is NEVER TOO MUCH INFORMATION...............LOADS AND LOADS OF :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
spuggle ( and any others wondering...) here is a link to the article I read about lubricants https://www.ivf1.com/vaginal-lubricants-fertility/

Crystal, you are always so encouraging:hugs: I appreciate it so much:flower:

Okay, so symptom spotting:haha: ... bbs are sore...common for pre-AF, feeling nauseous today..again, another sign of AF..usually 1-2 days before she arrives. so, perhaps my cycle is indeed 29 days...also feeling tired and a little crampy...all could be signs of AF :growlmad: oh, and hunger pains! I go to bed with them and wake up with them. I'm wondering if it's my new prenatals...maybe speeding up my metabolizm...hey! I'll take it!
why does pregnant and AF look so much alike:wacko:

So that's me, who else is having TWW symptoms....come on, it's never too early to symptom spot:happydance:
Faith, af and pregnancy are so much alike! So very much alike. Before I got my bfp, I swear that she was on her way, not a doubt in my mind that she will come. I had my usual pimple break out, sore bb's, very crampy. The hunger pains is good! FX for you :)
crystal im feeling very gassy(sp) and i have had some cramps and today I was super tired but we all know that those syptoms could be from anything and considering I did'nt opk and I think I missed my o day this month (did it the 4 days before though) im not feeling to positive :( How are you feeling?
Super at least you know he cares thats always A good thing lol Im sure your frustrated though i know we all just want to get the show on the road!
Well last night i ordered my pre seed from ebay, checked the lube i have been using and although it doesn't have spermicide it does say that it can slow the little swimmers down, I tested yesterday as im obssesed with testing a few days before i should (I did with my other pregnancies and got +) so i'm thinking that this month will be a BFN when i test Thursday, my cycles vary so much though sometimes i have an 18 day cycle and others is 26 never go longer than 26. DH had his hopes up for this month but seeing as i had BFN yesterday even though it's early i think we will be going for cycle 9 and praying for a BFP.
Hi ladies,

Glad you ordered your preseed Spuggle!, but really sorry the witch got you again!....I really hope it works for you, have you talked to your doctor about clomid or any other drugs to help regulate your cycle, I suffered from short cycles too..... 23 days roughly and clomid has helped me..... but your cycles seem to be really short, do you know how long your LP is after Ovulation?.....:hugs:

Momma, how you feeling, being tired is good however I agree with it being other pre AF symptoms too, as I know progesterone can knock you out and I am feeling totally shattered at the moment.......How are the cramps and temps going?.:flower:

Faith how is your cycle going, I know you said you felt a little sickly.......I really hope your AF takes a long holiday...fingers crossed for you girl!x.

Super how you feeling hunny?....any more signs of Ovulation, EWCM etc?

ATM - I am still crampy, lots of creamy CM, temps doing great, felt alittle off colour today and felt a bit dizzy when I turned quickly, but again these symptoms could mean anything......Cant wait to start POAS next week this TWW wait is really taking its time, but I will take whatever comes and I will have to wait to find out if this month is successful or not!!
Its my sons 19th birthday tomorrow so I will get to see him for a while, I really miss him now he has flown the nest.......he plays semi professional football and has his own life now.......19 years wow they have gone by in a flash!..

Hope everyone is in good spirits and hanging in there, I will check in again soon.........take care ladies..xx:hugs:
Hey ladies :)

I can't wait for you to get your bfp crystal..and you too momma!! :)

Spuggle you are not out until af arrives! FX girl. xx

How are all the ladies doing?

AFM, well I had some O type pains all day yesterday that got worse during the evening and today it's gone? I got my pg tests on the mail but not my opk's..great hey just when I needed them. Oh well so I did get a few sessions in :) Not sure If it was O or about to or nothing at all , no harm in trying hey? lol

Take care ladies xx
Hey Ladies! Hi to ya Spuggle! I'm on my second month TTC after my TR back in Nov. I had a chemical last month which they took no bloods for or did a scan just on the fact that I started bleeding which now I'm thinking wasn't so good. Have any of you felt twiinges in your tubes. I feel it on one side more than the other. I hope it is just O time or cause I started EPO cause I got a pink line on my OPKs but since they did no bloods.....could it be leftover HCG? It's been 10 days since I started to bleed. I hate this confusion. My temps are still up about .4 or .5 degrees too and my tatas are still large and veiny. I need to go google how long it takes HCG to leave your system.

I wish all of you luck. Seems like everyone's in their TWW. :flower:
Thanks for the welcome Jasmine.

Super i know i'm still in the game till AF arrives but the test i used detects HCG as low as 10miu so i doubt i will get a BFP this cycle.

Crystal, funny you ask about clomid as i have just got back from gp, she has to speak to the gynae unit at my local hospital, as i have had reversal done privately she's not sure if prescibing me clomid on the NHS counts as fertility treatment (which i am not entitled to) She also said that i need a weekly scan whilst on it to check i'm not ovulating too many eggs, I will just have to wait and see if she can help me, this paying private business is costly especially if i need a weekly ultrasound. =o( i have to say i'm really not hopeful of anything at the moment, I just don't think me and DH are meant to have a bundle of joy together.
Thanks for the welcome Jasmine.

Super i know i'm still in the game till AF arrives but the test i used detects HCG as low as 10miu so i doubt i will get a BFP this cycle.

Crystal, funny you ask about clomid as i have just got back from gp, she has to speak to the gynae unit at my local hospital, as i have had reversal done privately she's not sure if prescibing me clomid on the NHS counts as fertility treatment (which i am not entitled to) She also said that i need a weekly scan whilst on it to check i'm not ovulating too many eggs, I will just have to wait and see if she can help me, this paying private business is costly especially if i need a weekly ultrasound. =o( i have to say i'm really not hopeful of anything at the moment, I just don't think me and DH are meant to have a bundle of joy together.

Hi Spuggle, I too paid privately and was prescribed clomid by the consultant who did my TR operation, to increase my chances, you would be entitled to clomid on the NHS anyway, as its classed as assisted fertility your GP may not give out clomid but the hospital would..........Also I am not monitored for stimulation via ultrasounds apart from getting CD21 bloods done for progesterone every month.........I am getting these done tomorrow................Let me know how you get on hunny as you do sound like you need clomid to lengthen your cycle, you are all fixed now like any other women trying for another baby so you have the same entitlements as anyone else..........Hope this helps........xx
Hey Ladies! Hi to ya Spuggle! I'm on my second month TTC after my TR back in Nov. I had a chemical last month which they took no bloods for or did a scan just on the fact that I started bleeding which now I'm thinking wasn't so good. Have any of you felt twiinges in your tubes. I feel it on one side more than the other. I hope it is just O time or cause I started EPO cause I got a pink line on my OPKs but since they did no bloods.....could it be leftover HCG? It's been 10 days since I started to bleed. I hate this confusion. My temps are still up about .4 or .5 degrees too and my tatas are still large and veiny. I need to go google how long it takes HCG to leave your system.

I wish all of you luck. Seems like everyone's in their TWW. :flower:

Hey Jasmine, A lot like you when I had my chemical I lost things naturally and did not get any monitoring either, however I did get my HCG levels checked and mine were back to normal within 2 weeks.......so your recent OPK could be picking up some HCG still, what I would do is another preg test to see if HCG is out of your system, if its negative then you can assume your OPK is picking up LH ...Hope this makes sense...xxFingers crossed you are O-ving hunny.........Good Luck xx
Crystal that's my thoughts exactly, i paid to be put back together, if i hadn't been steralised i would be entitled to help so hopefully i will get it. I just noticed you and Jasmine had a chemichal pregnancy, that's a good sign hope you get one that sticks really soon, i think i had one on cycle 3 but never had it confirmed, i took a test the day my period was due and it came up positive straight away then the next day i got AF, i just thought at the time i had bought a fautly test as i have read with clear blue alot of ppl get evaporation lines but this wasn't an evaporation line it was blue and came up straight away.
Awww...sorry to hear that spuggle! :flower: I know there are alot of chemicals happen anyway and if we werent testing so early we wouldnt have known ....this happens to non TR women too so I think we just add to the statistics overall........I really hope you get your clomid to help you as I think you luteal phase is too short to hang on to the pregnancy and I think if you could extend your LP then you would be more successful?.......Did you have testing done prior to your operation, i.e FSH and Progesterone, you would have had these on day 3 (FSH) and day 21 (Progesterone) of your cycle if you had? also the consultant should have discussed with you your cycle lengths prior to surgery..............I really hope you can get some help and these tests will be available through the NHS............Keep me updated.......xxxx

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