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Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Crystal, did you test yet:haha: I know it's a little early..but you're getting so close! Are you having any unusual symptoms??? :flower:

Af found me this morning...it's all good though:thumbup: Wasn't sure how I was going to handle a BFP today and leave town in 6 days for a 5 week trip. It all worked out for the best:winkwink: I'm moving ahead full steam with SMEP..dh is on board, so we'll see if we can make us a Valentines baby!:happydance:
Crystal, did you test yet:haha: I know it's a little early..but you're getting so close! Are you having any unusual symptoms??? :flower:

Af found me this morning...it's all good though:thumbup: Wasn't sure how I was going to handle a BFP today and leave town in 6 days for a 5 week trip. It all worked out for the best:winkwink: I'm moving ahead full steam with SMEP..dh is on board, so we'll see if we can make us a Valentines baby!:happydance:

Hi Faith, I am sorry AF found you this morning but glad you have something positive out of this month with you going away on a trip.....it still beats you up every month seeing a BFN though......aw keep trying hunny xx:hugs:

I havent tested yet but will very soon...I am going crazy to POAS but really dont want to bring on the disappointment early..... I am really overly tired and have other symptoms too, but pre AF symptoms are very much the same......I am just keeping my fingers crossed really and see how the symptoms grow hopefully...x..I do keep my journal up to date daily just so I have a reference for other months...lol........Hope everyone is well...:flower:
I wish I had your patience Crystal, I'd be doing all the tests I could get my hands on lol. Loads and loads of :dust::dust::dust: to you hunny xxxx

Did you go and get checked out at the ER Jasmine? Keeping my FX for you hunny xxxx
Yeah Jasmine how you doing babes....x...really hope everything is ok.......let us know you are ok.......:flower:
Oh crystal, you have us on the edge of our seats!! lol I agree with Jojo, you have more patience than me! lol Strong lady...FX hun
I am on the edge of my seat myself...lol....I have been fighting with myself not to test Im telling you!..:wacko: But If I do get a BFN then at least I wont be wondering if I could still get a BFP so I am better to hang on as long as I can before testing then I will know for definate if I am or not!..hope that makes sense..x

JoJo thanks for the well wishes, I really hope this is your month and I know you will get plenty BD in...lol...

Super, thanks too, how are you feeling?...I know you werent sure if you were Ovulating or getting close to testing too.....fingers crossed for both

Momma how you are you getting on with your symptoms you are on the same cycle as me, are you feeling anything yet hunny, when are you planning to test?..:hugs:

Faith, your trip will be here soon, I hope you are off somewhere nice and warm!..:flower:

Jasmine ...you havent posted on here for a few days I really hope everything is ok hunny..........xxx post when you can to let us know how you are doing!..xxxxxx

Angel , thanks for the wishes too, hope you are fighting strong in your journey 2...xxx

Spuggle, hey girl how you doing so far, I know you are back in the driving seat, hows it going?xx

Sorry If I have missed anyone, but for everyone else in their TTC journey I wish you loads of Baby Dust and I really hope we hear some more great news soon from any of our TR ladies!.....Sending lots of happy vibes:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Crystal, I just took a peek at your chart...it looks great:happydance: Oooo, I hope those temps stay up:thumbup:
Crystal, I just took a peek at your chart...it looks great:happydance: Oooo, I hope those temps stay up:thumbup:

Aww thanks....I wasnt sure as there are so many variations with charts isnt there, but I am hoping they stay up and get even higher so I can start getting excited...lol......I was telling JoJo earlier I will be picking my heart off the floor if I am not this month, as we have tried everything we possibly could to catch, but if its not meant to be then that will be my fate and its on to month 5 TTC...xx

I am just happy hearing of TR ladies success and really hope it continues...we need more BFP's come on TR girls we can do this!!!....x
Crystal im getting excited for you!!! I have no real symptoms I dont think this is my month but ttc got her BFP and your sounding positive hopefully scoring 2 for the TR ladies and hey its my 4th month trying so i guess thats not that bad I have seen woman wait longer on here for there bfp. So if I have to wait a little longet i will be ok :) my dr. says that I was'nt suppose to be trying until this month anyway so im sure i was'nt healed enough to be trying when i was fx I get one next month :) ps I have peed on a sick since 6 dpo lol obvioulsy bfn lol
:flower: Good luck and lots of baby dust to all you lovely TR ladies..:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

Crystal really hope you do get your :bfp: I know what it feels like to test and end up disappointed. when is your AF due hun?? xxxxxxx
Hi Girls, sorry been a bit quiet but its been my birthday weekend so been celebrating way too much lol.

I have an appointment to go to gynae specialist on the 17th Feb, i can't actually believe how fast i got the appointment, i have to admit i'm a little nervous about what they will want to do (if anything) to investigate things, i'm thinking they might do a hsg before they will consder the clomid just to check my tube is open.

Crystal really hoping you get your BFP, when will you be due to test ?? i see you are being very patient, well done you. xx

Hope everyone else is ok.
Hello ladies, I was thinking about Jasmine. I hope she is doing well.

Crystal, is it almost time to test? lol Look at me, so pushy! lol Just so excited for you.

Momma, it is not over yet doll.

Jojo, how have you been doing?

Spuggle, happy b-day! I hope goes well at your appointment.
Hi Super, I'm doing great at the moment. I had a 26 day cycle last time and really thought for a while that it might of been my month, but unfortunately it wasn't to be. Oh well :wacko: maybe this month will be ours. How are you doing sweetie? xxx
Hi Ladies,

Sounds like everyone is in good spirits!..x:flower:

I am not testing until I am late for AF...which is due this Friday as I Ovulated late with the Clomid this month..... so please ignore my ticker....but watch this space.........I am hopeful, but from experience you have to be positive and not build your hopes up too much right!.....

I have a job interview tomorrow which should take my mind off things for a while...but talk about timings...lmao....Yeah I go for an interview and mention I am trying for a baby and I think I might be pregnant!..lol..never mind I always was a good actor and as long as I am not physically sick at interview, how would they know???.......cos I aint telling them nothing...lol..Then again if I aint then maybe its a blessing in disguise and it will take my day to day living from TTC and going crazy to actually doing something which is bringing some mental stimulation apart from thinking about babies....Wish me luck.......

Hope everyone is going great! and on back on the TTC wagon again......I have my fingers crossed for everyone!!!!:happydance:I would dearly love everyone on this thread to get a BFP and SOON!!!! I will post back soon girls!
Good luck with your interview Crystal and FX you get the job xxxx
Good luck crystal! I hope it all works out for you.

Jojo, it would be great if this month is ours!! I am doing fine. I am saying I o'd and I should be 4 or 5 dpo...soooo not really sure though, no opk's or temps so going by ewcm and o like pains. Nothing really going on in terms of symptoms. Maybe I never even o'd LOL. But something has to give right? af or bfp. This waiting game sucks!! lol

Where are you Jasmine? I hope all is well.
I have to agree that the tww does drag lol. Good luck Super and I'm keeping everything crossed for you hunny, and JASMINE update us hunny xxxx
Hi Ladies,

Sounds like everyone is in good spirits!..x:flower:

I am not testing until I am late for AF...which is due this Friday as I Ovulated late with the Clomid this month..... so please ignore my ticker....but watch this space.........I am hopeful, but from experience you have to be positive and not build your hopes up too much right!.....

I have a job interview tomorrow which should take my mind off things for a while...but talk about timings...lmao....Yeah I go for an interview and mention I am trying for a baby and I think I might be pregnant!..lol..never mind I always was a good actor and as long as I am not physically sick at interview, how would they know???.......cos I aint telling them nothing...lol..Then again if I aint then maybe its a blessing in disguise and it will take my day to day living from TTC and going crazy to actually doing something which is bringing some mental stimulation apart from thinking about babies....Wish me luck.......

Hope everyone is going great! and on back on the TTC wagon again......I have my fingers crossed for everyone!!!!:happydance:I would dearly love everyone on this thread to get a BFP and SOON!!!! I will post back soon girls!

Good luck Crystal, hope you get the job, :thumbup: I'm excited for you and think it's amazing that you are waiting until friday to test, think i might try waiting this month but i'm not very strong lol, the suspense gets the better of me.
Hope everyone else is well today. xx

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