Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Good luck with your IVF cycle, Brandy.
Jenafyr, my hubby is a lot younger than I am to and I think because of that I often see him as so immature. I try to remember how I was during the age he is now, but as a wife and mother, I feel like I never acted so selfishly as he sometimes does. Sometimes it's very hard to be married to a man so much younger, and so self-absorbed. : )

AFM, I had another draw yesterday and my levels went from 26 to 59. I am proud of my little one. I am bleeding though and have really horrible back pain. The dr said cramping can be eased by water drinking, lots of it, so I am even though I don't want to. I have another draw next Tuesday and until then I have lots of pregnancy tests to keep me company. I think I might try to refrain and just use one since it will probably only make me worry more.

Because I was a mom at 16 yr old...I never had a chance to be immature and selfish to a certain level. I wish he wasn't so big and I could just kick his ass one good time, I might feel better :haha: Until then I fight the sadness within myself hoping he sees how his actions effect me :cry: I'm a strong woman, BUT I still have feelings....

So happy for your #'s.... Fx for a sticky
Hey everyone!!! I have been reading some trying to catch up...LOL.

Faith...Yes I was pregnant first cycle of Clomid! I was lucky and did not have many side effects. I am praying for you daily!!!

Jasmine...Happy to hear from you! Glad Eli is well. Gianna never stops jabbering but the only words we have really heard our ma and Pa! She is a busy body and never stops blowing raspberries, jabbering and laughing! She is very good at entertaining herself.

We are not really thinking about another one yet. I breastfeed so April was my first period sense I had her. I had one again this month, but it was about 45 day cycle. They say once your period comes back while breastfeeding, it can take a bit to regulate. We are not trying, but we are also not doing anything to stop it either. So, we are pretty much leaving it to God when/if he wants us to have another one!!!

I wish all of you ladies luck on your journey trying to conceive. It took we about 10 months after the reversal to get pregnant! I know it can be hard, but do not give up hope. The cycle I got pregnant is the only cycle that I was sure I was not pregnant! I had no symptoms during the two week wait, but was addicted to POAS and checked on 10dpo and got faint positive! So keep your head up, don't give up, and remember it is never over until the fat lady aka AF sings!!!

BABY DUST to each and every one of you! BEST WISHES AND GOOD LUCK!
Hey everyone!!! I have been reading some trying to catch up...LOL.

Faith...Yes I was pregnant first cycle of Clomid! I was lucky and did not have many side effects. I am praying for you daily!!!

Jasmine...Happy to hear from you! Glad Eli is well. Gianna never stops jabbering but the only words we have really heard our ma and Pa! She is a busy body and never stops blowing raspberries, jabbering and laughing! She is very good at entertaining herself.

We are not really thinking about another one yet. I breastfeed so April was my first period sense I had her. I had one again this month, but it was about 45 day cycle. They say once your period comes back while breastfeeding, it can take a bit to regulate. We are not trying, but we are also not doing anything to stop it either. So, we are pretty much leaving it to God when/if he wants us to have another one!!!

I wish all of you ladies luck on your journey trying to conceive. It took we about 10 months after the reversal to get pregnant! I know it can be hard, but do not give up hope. The cycle I got pregnant is the only cycle that I was sure I was not pregnant! I had no symptoms during the two week wait, but was addicted to POAS and checked on 10dpo and got faint positive! So keep your head up, don't give up, and remember it is never over until the fat lady aka AF sings!!!

BABY DUST to each and every one of you! BEST WISHES AND GOOD LUCK!

Congrats to you!

However, it's like a damn OPERA House over here
My Wondfo OPKs and HPTs arrived today! I can't wait to start peeing on sticks, LOL. I'm really trying to keep myself from going all-out with TTC, but since work won't let me back until June 3rd, I have way too much free time to look online and obsess. I'm ready to get this show on the road. :)
I have Anthem Blue Cross with infertility coverage. I know I should call and I will tomorrow but does anyone know if they will deny me IVF even though I've had a tubal ligation in 2007 then a tubal reversal in 2010 which hasn't been working out so well (my left tube is blocked and my right seems a little useless). Has anyone tried to get IVF and been denied because of their reversal? *On a side note I wish every single day I spent the 10,000 dollars on IVF and not my reversal surgery*
I have Anthem Blue Cross with infertility coverage. I know I should call and I will tomorrow but does anyone know if they will deny me IVF even though I've had a tubal ligation in 2007 then a tubal reversal in 2010 which hasn't been working out so well (my left tube is blocked and my right seems a little useless). Has anyone tried to get IVF and been denied because of their reversal? *On a side note I wish every single day I spent the 10,000 dollars on IVF and not my reversal surgery*

Hmm I dont really know... I know that some insurance cover fertility services however there is a clause that says if you have had optional sterilization and or reversal previously that it will not cover it.

We have planned to do IVF and didn't really think to check insurance till a last December. I have multiple insurances but Aetna is my primary and they refused to cover me even though I have fertility coverage based on the grounds that I had a TL and a TR.... With that said however, I have been seeing my fertility doctor since January of this year. I have had 4 ultrasounds, 14 blood tests, husband has had 2 Sperm analysis, We had 7 medicated cycles, and 1 IUI ... and insurance has paid all but $112 of it... and $22 of that was because they didn't want to pay for my progesterone supps ROFL..

So I have no clue about insurance at this point. I just know we stuck the money in the bank and expect to have to use it at some point.
Brandy - Thank you for responding to me. I have a feeling I will get the same response from the insurance company about IVF even though they may cover it. I know they will cover my IUI's and all visits/ultrasounds/fertility drugs though without question. I just don't know what good all of that stuff is when I don't have a tube that wants to work correctly.

What about reconstructive surgery for my blocked tube. It was considered "wide" open after the TR and I was neglected by my doctor after the surgery and developed an infection which turned into a mess. The blocked tube was also my good tube and also the tube I hoped would be repaired in addition to the tube the doctor felt would have the best chance. It's been almost three years and I can't believe this has happened to me. Then again I shouldn't have been so stupid at 21 and get a TL in the first place.
Jenafyr, my husband and I actually did get into fist fights.. We don't anymore but for the first 2 years we were together I would give it right back to him. I am too much of a b-word to let him being bigger than me keep me down. I can't stand it when we fight, but I don't show him that, ever! : ) Someone has got to be on my side. :blush:

Anyhope: I hope you find out that your insurance will cover infertility. I also had a very bad infection that scarred over one of my tubes after my reversal and now only have one that is working. I would get to know all I could about my insurance. Sometimes insurance will pay for something if your dr just words the procedure differently. God bless..

I am full blown bleeding.. : (( It is red and steady. My tests are still positive though so I am thanking God. I don't know what is going on really, but I am glad my tests are still positive. I have come to accept that what happens will happen and I just pray. I want this baby but we all want our little ones and sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. I will cry and move on, or I will rejoice and move on...either way, life goes on.
Jenafyr, my husband and I actually did get into fist fights.. We don't anymore but for the first 2 years we were together I would give it right back to him. I am too much of a b-word to let him being bigger than me keep me down. I can't stand it when we fight, but I don't show him that, ever! : ) Someone has got to be on my side. :blush:

Anyhope: I hope you find out that your insurance will cover infertility. I also had a very bad infection that scarred over one of my tubes after my reversal and now only have one that is working. I would get to know all I could about my insurance. Sometimes insurance will pay for something if your dr just words the procedure differently. God bless..

I am full blown bleeding.. : (( It is red and steady. My tests are still positive though so I am thanking God. I don't know what is going on really, but I am glad my tests are still positive. I have come to accept that what happens will happen and I just pray. I want this baby but we all want our little ones and sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. I will cry and move on, or I will rejoice and move on...either way, life goes on.

I try to shield my kids as much as I can,,, I hate fighting and arguing, especially over stupid stuff :cry:
Brandy - Thank you for responding to me. I have a feeling I will get the same response from the insurance company about IVF even though they may cover it. I know they will cover my IUI's and all visits/ultrasounds/fertility drugs though without question. I just don't know what good all of that stuff is when I don't have a tube that wants to work correctly.

What about reconstructive surgery for my blocked tube. It was considered "wide" open after the TR and I was neglected by my doctor after the surgery and developed an infection which turned into a mess. The blocked tube was also my good tube and also the tube I hoped would be repaired in addition to the tube the doctor felt would have the best chance. It's been almost three years and I can't believe this has happened to me. Then again I shouldn't have been so stupid at 21 and get a TL in the first place.

Its possible to have your tubes unblocked for reasons other than ttc. you will have to consult one though and see if they are able to help you with the billing. They could bill under a different code.
Great just found out I have to have another HSG on 6/3 when I just had one 2 years ago bleh. stupid. I am going to beg to skip that test.
Brandy and Aigen: I was wondering about that...having them code it under something different when trying to reconstruct my left tube. I want to get started on trying again and seeing the doctors. I have hypothyroidism and I've been without insurance for over a year so who knows where they will want to begin. I know I'll have to have my women's exam, see the endo, have a physical, the fertility doctor says he wants to do a exploratory surgery, and they can try the IUI/clomid route depending on all my current labs. I need to be more involved with the boards and start tracking my cycle. I did buy the smiley face OPKs again and am going to start temping once AF shows in a few days. I ordered my prenatal vitamins today and I'm going to get on the healthy track.

Brandy: Can they give you any sedative during the HSG? Both my HSG's were performed during surgery when they were trying to remove a large cyst on my left ovary and then a polyp in my uterus.

Aignen: The infection part was so hard on me. I thought I was alone in that experience.
Ya they can give me something ;) Gonna valum it up prior to it but stupid to have to do it yet again!

I have a hysteroscopy, hsg, and a trial egg transfer all on the same day. Wow once the IVF cycle starts its overwhelming.
Ya they can give me something ;) Gonna valum it up prior to it but stupid to have to do it yet again!

I have a hysteroscopy, hsg, and a trial egg transfer all on the same day. Wow once the IVF cycle starts its overwhelming.
Wow! Just hearing about it makes me feel overwhelmed lol Hoping it will be worth it for you though :)
Wow, thats so much to do!! I hope it goes by quickly for you and you get your bfp :) I get my trigger shot today!!!
FX CJ!! I pray this is finally it for you!! You go right ahead and get your BFP this cycle and I will catch up with you next cycle. :hugs:
Brandy, if you don't mind posting a play-by-play of your IVF:haha: I'd be really interested to hear the process first hand! Dh and I have talked about this as a slight possibility...really, really not wanting to, BUT...we'll see. I'm interested to see a first hand account. :hugs: I hope you get your LONG awaited bfp:hugs:

Cj, so glad everything is moving right along for you:hugs: any side effects as of yet? Can't wait to see that BFP:baby::hugs:

Well, CD6...I survived 2 nights with my nephew!! Sheesh what a busy, busy, BUSY boy!!! I got next to NOTHING done while he was here:wacko: glad my sister got a little break. :flower: Trying to catch up on office work today. Tomorrow will be filled with food co-op...32lbs of cherries and 4 flats of organic blueberries..for the freezer!!:happydance: glad my dd enjoys helping with all of it:winkwink: that's about the extent of our Memorial Day weekend. My hubby is soooo busy..we can't afford the time to go anywhere right now! We'll probably BBQ something! ;)

What do you gals have planned for this weekend? :kiss:
BTW, what the heck happened with the price of Clear Blue Digital opks?!?! Insane price hike on Amazon..and everywhere else!!:growlmad: Last box I purchased was in December...a box of 20 lasts me for months since I know approx. when O time is...I usually only have to use a few of them a month. I'm totally out and got on Amazon to order another pack...$42.15 for 20!! I paid $35.15 in December:nope: So, back to good 'ol Wondfo...they arrived yesterday. CB digi requires no brains:haha: the Wondfo take more analyzing :haha::dohh:...oh well! HUGE price difference. :coffee:
The IVF is no joke thats for sure... so far I know I have to do the following

  1. Blood tests for me and hubby Today and tomorrow
  2. hsg 6/3
  3. hysteroscopy 6/3
  4. egg trial and transfer 6/3
  5. 7 meds 4 are injections start saturday
  6. ultrasound monitoring starts mid june
  7. egg retrieval about 7/8
  8. egg transfer about 7/13

I am feeling a little overwhelmed with all the calls from around the world im getting for all the IVF meds that my doctors have ordered. The good news is that the one company that called me I gave them insurance information and 3 of the 4 meds were approved by insurance so the cost went from 1100 to 108 copay. The other meds were 1525.00 for the follicle stimming meds. So total meds to date would have been 2625.00 but I paid about 1600.00.

The other tests remain to be seen as they will bill the insurance as I complete them. My doctor did ask for 10k deposit that I paid they will use money off of that from what insurance doesnt cover. I am assuming that they will keep the 10k lol :wacko:

Thankfully you all are good at listening :) so I will keep posting as I complete each step. I thank you ahead of time for listening to my ramblings.

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