Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

I am going to POAS tomorrow morning against OH's wishes. LOL Sunday's test prepared me for a a BFN so at least now it won't be such a shock. I know I still have a slight possibility of a BFP, but I doubt it.

If Wednesday confirms Sunday's test, I will diet for the next 2 cycles and try to lose at least 25 lbs and get used to working out in 110 degree weather. :( We will do another IUI at the end of August.
It is probably too early Galvan... You have your test on the 3rd right?

Faith, since I had the miscarriage I can't tell anymore when I O. The last two cycles I have gotten ovulation pain on two different days. Last month it was cd9 and cd15. I o'd on the 15th.. This month I got O pain on cycle day 8 and cd12 which is pretty early for me for cd8 so I am guessing that I o'd yesterday which was cd12... I just had sex twice a day, everyday.. Tired of counting days really.. I just play with the hubby and if it hits, it hits.. I have left it to God. You and I are pretty close on our cycles. I usually have 27 days. I was waiting to see if my cycles changed because of the miscarriage; they're still pretty regular though. I guess I am 1dpo... I am not sure and I don't mind one bit.. I should be able to test around the 12th which is my 34th birthday.. I am not really too confident because I have refused my little brain to symptom spot. I am sick to death of rules and regulations, baby aspirin, vitamins, standing on my head and doing flip-flops to see those two double lines. I want to have a child, but not at the cost of my emotional stability.:haha: Those two elusive double lines and/or unsticky babies are gonna be the death of me.. :coffee: I am drinking caffeine, running daily, eating sushi, and I don't care if it's bad for me if I am pregnant.. Darn months are a plethora of, "I can't because I might be pregnant." :blush: Ok....Rant over. For now....

Brandy, isn't it almost time for crunch time?? You are about down to the last leg of your journey.
I am praying for all you ladies.
Cupcakestoy.. cd1 means that o time is coming up and you get another month to think of ways to have sex that succeeds in making your hubby not realize he is being used for one commodity.. :haha: At least that's what I tell myself every month I have been faced with another cd1..
Thanks Angie! Even after 8 cycles we still have fun trying lol Of course would LOVE for all this practice to pay off soon :)
My poor husband... this is funny sorry TMI girls.

So after 3.5 years of marathon BD'ing around that time I let off that this last cycle and this one because I was on BCP and then because I have all kind of stuff going on with all these shots. Yesterday he was finally like WOW you make me get used to having to do it all the time then you stop!! poor guys having a nervous breakdown lol...

Stop giving it up in the TTC world means only 2-3 x a week at this point I made a monster I think.
My poor husband... this is funny sorry TMI girls.

So after 3.5 years of marathon BD'ing around that time I let off that this last cycle and this one because I was on BCP and then because I have all kind of stuff going on with all these shots. Yesterday he was finally like WOW you make me get used to having to do it all the time then you stop!! poor guys having a nervous breakdown lol...

Stop giving it up in the TTC world means only 2-3 x a week at this point I made a monster I think.

Poor guy! Its funny, Since we decided to just kinda NTNP, my dh has turned into some kind of sex obsessed fiend! lmbo Says is more fun since he knows he doesn't "have to do it on command." lmbo....Men are never happy...:)
My poor husband... this is funny sorry TMI girls.

So after 3.5 years of marathon BD'ing around that time I let off that this last cycle and this one because I was on BCP and then because I have all kind of stuff going on with all these shots. Yesterday he was finally like WOW you make me get used to having to do it all the time then you stop!! poor guys having a nervous breakdown lol...

Stop giving it up in the TTC world means only 2-3 x a week at this point I made a monster I think.

Poor guy! Its funny, Since we decided to just kinda NTNP, my dh has turned into some kind of sex obsessed fiend! lmbo Says is more fun since he knows he doesn't "have to do it on command." lmbo....Men are never happy...:)

I think thats usually why the more relaxed approach seems to work but my goodness I cant win!
Oh I forgot to mention.... I feel like a PIN cushion now just fyi.

3 injections a day you tend to run out of spots! I just finished day 3 and my entire lower abdomen is sore. I am hoping that by the morning for my next shot that there is a blank piece on the canvas!
I am so sorry Brandy. I was running out of places to put the ones I did and I only did 10, 1 a day.
Oh I forgot to mention.... I feel like a PIN cushion now just fyi.

3 injections a day you tend to run out of spots! I just finished day 3 and my entire lower abdomen is sore. I am hoping that by the morning for my next shot that there is a blank piece on the canvas!
Bless your tummy! OUCH! I am so rooting for you! I am SO excited for you Brandy!Hoping this time next year we are rocking our babies together!
I am going to POAS tomorrow morning against OH's wishes. LOL Sunday's test prepared me for a a BFN so at least now it won't be such a shock. I know I still have a slight possibility of a BFP, but I doubt it.

If Wednesday confirms Sunday's test, I will diet for the next 2 cycles and try to lose at least 25 lbs and get used to working out in 110 degree weather. :( We will do another IUI at the end of August.

FX'D Galvan!!!!!! I have thrown myself back into trying to lose weight & getting healthier too! Not sure if its working, but I am feeling MUCH better & have lost 9.4 pounds in last 2 weeks :)
Well, BFN at 13dpiui. I will do betas tomorrow just as a formality. I had felt O pains the night before the IUI so I believe I Oed way before time. The only time I got pregnant using the trigger was when we BDed the day after trigger. I guess my eggs don't stick around for long or by the time of the IUI it had been about 18 hours since I had had the O pains. I am going to insist on back to back IUIs next time.

For the next 2 months, I will NTNP, but use progesterone during the TWW. I will start dieting and exercising.
Well, BFN at 13dpiui. I will do betas tomorrow just as a formality. I had felt O pains the night before the IUI so I believe I Oed way before time. The only time I got pregnant using the trigger was when we BDed the day after trigger. I guess my eggs don't stick around for long or by the time of the IUI it had been about 18 hours since I had had the O pains. I am going to insist on back to back IUIs next time.

For the next 2 months, I will NTNP, but use progesterone during the TWW. I will start dieting and exercising.

:hugs: Sweetie
Well, BFN at 13dpiui. I will do betas tomorrow just as a formality. I had felt O pains the night before the IUI so I believe I Oed way before time. The only time I got pregnant using the trigger was when we BDed the day after trigger. I guess my eggs don't stick around for long or by the time of the IUI it had been about 18 hours since I had had the O pains. I am going to insist on back to back IUIs next time.

For the next 2 months, I will NTNP, but use progesterone during the TWW. I will start dieting and exercising.
Aww so sorry :-(
That sounds like a good plan, Galvan. I had actually started running and since I am not really used to that strenuous exercise, I figured it was best to not run until I get to test this month and then just get my body used to it before I try again. My belly has been crampy anyway so I haven't really felt like running. I am so happy about enjoying the summer months that I haven't really been too into trying. I figure dtd two times a day should cover my o day, whenever it was, and if it doesn't catch then I will try some other month.

Brandy, 3 shots a day would be pretty sucky. Can you only take them in your abdomen? Can you do them in your thighs?
Been a hard day today. Received a baby shower invitation, do not want to go :( Just been one of those days were I feel sorry for myself, I'm jealous over all the happy pregnant people at Walmart, & just generally feel cheated, because I made a stupid decision years ago....Oh well, guess it will all be okay. All the negative thoughts today have given me the energy to work myself silly, so I got alot accomplished today. Looks like I have a full day of hard work ahead tomorrow too! Like I said before, By gosh if I can't be pregnant, then I can be thin(ner) lol Sorry to vent, just ready for MY TURN!!! Just like all the rest of you wonderful ladies on here, I know! I pray we all see our bfp this year!!!!! Love you gals & thanks for lending an ear! ;)
That sounds like a good plan, Galvan. I had actually started running and since I am not really used to that strenuous exercise, I figured it was best to not run until I get to test this month and then just get my body used to it before I try again. My belly has been crampy anyway so I haven't really felt like running. I am so happy about enjoying the summer months that I haven't really been too into trying. I figure dtd two times a day should cover my o day, whenever it was, and if it doesn't catch then I will try some other month.

Brandy, 3 shots a day would be pretty sucky. Can you only take them in your abdomen? Can you do them in your thighs?

They want me to stick with the abdomen but im running out of real estate haha.

Last night sucked because I ran out of the Puregon part way through the shot so I had to take it out and refill the cartridge and give myself the 2nd part of the dose... so I managed to have to stab myself 4 times uggh. Oh well were getting there. I just feel sorry for everyone on here that has had to listen to me :dohh:

Been a hard day today. Received a baby shower invitation, do not want to go :( Just been one of those days were I feel sorry for myself, I'm jealous over all the happy pregnant people at Walmart, & just generally feel cheated, because I made a stupid decision years ago....Oh well, guess it will all be okay. All the negative thoughts today have given me the energy to work myself silly, so I got alot accomplished today. Looks like I have a full day of hard work ahead tomorrow too! Like I said before, By gosh if I can't be pregnant, then I can be thin(ner) lol Sorry to vent, just ready for MY TURN!!! Just like all the rest of you wonderful ladies on here, I know! I pray we all see our bfp this year!!!!! Love you gals & thanks for lending an ear! ;)

I had 2 baby showers this week and a wedding next week. I just got them a gift card and mailed it. I couldnt/wouldnt attend it would upset me :(

No one knows we've been TTC'ing except my parents.
You will get you turn cupcakestory. I thought for sure mine would never come. We tried for four years had two losses. I was sick of it all. Obese so jealous when I seen a pregnant lady or a newborn. But I finally did get my turn. She is 18 monthes old tomorrow. Good luck ladies..sending lots of baby dust.
Thanks ladies. We got some bad news today. My dad has had cancer in his glands for about 5 years, but it was not bad. You could not even tell he had it. Well, he fell last week and had been complaining about his neck and shoulders hurting. They day before yesterday, he woke up and his right side was numb. My mom said he looked horrible so she called her BIL. He came and rushed my dad to the ER. They have done test after test. Today, they said that his cancer levels had shot through the roof in the past 3 months and it is now in his bones. That is what is causing him to be numb because it is in his neck and shoulders. The Drs said preliminary reports would give him anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. They did a bone scan today so we will know more tomorrow. They start radiation therapy again tomorrow. They did that last year and it slowed the cancer down so hopefully, it will do that again. I am going back to Mexico in 2 weeks so I hope I can be back soon to see my dad before something happens to him or he is so bad off that he doesn't even know we are there. Please keep him and our family in your
prayers again. My brother has only been gone for 7 weeks and now this.
Thanks ladies. We got some bad news today. My dad has had cancer in his glands for about 5 years, but it was not bad. You could not even tell he had it. Well, he fell last week and had been complaining about his neck and shoulders hurting. They day before yesterday, he woke up and his right side was numb. My mom said he looked horrible so she called her BIL. He came and rushed my dad to the ER. They have done test after test. Today, they said that his cancer levels had shot through the roof in the past 3 months and it is now in his bones. That is what is causing him to be numb because it is in his neck and shoulders. The Drs said preliminary reports would give him anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. They did a bone scan today so we will know more tomorrow. They start radiation therapy again tomorrow. They did that last year and it slowed the cancer down so hopefully, it will do that again. I am going back to Mexico in 2 weeks so I hope I can be back soon to see my dad before something happens to him or he is so bad off that he doesn't even know we are there. Please keep him and our family in your
prayers again. My brother has only been gone for 7 weeks and now this.

Oh my! I am so sorry. We will keep your family in our thoughts. Something truely good has to come out of all you've been through :hugs:
You will get you turn cupcakestory. I thought for sure mine would never come. We tried for four years had two losses. I was sick of it all. Obese so jealous when I seen a pregnant lady or a newborn. But I finally did get my turn. She is 18 monthes old tomorrow. Good luck ladies..sending lots of baby dust.
Thanks for reassuring me, I know after all those years that you get it. It gives me so much hope to know you finally succeeded!
Thanks ladies. We got some bad news today. My dad has had cancer in his glands for about 5 years, but it was not bad. You could not even tell he had it. Well, he fell last week and had been complaining about his neck and shoulders hurting. They day before yesterday, he woke up and his right side was numb. My mom said he looked horrible so she called her BIL. He came and rushed my dad to the ER. They have done test after test. Today, they said that his cancer levels had shot through the roof in the past 3 months and it is now in his bones. That is what is causing him to be numb because it is in his neck and shoulders. The Drs said preliminary reports would give him anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. They did a bone scan today so we will know more tomorrow. They start radiation therapy again tomorrow. They did that last year and it slowed the cancer down so hopefully, it will do that again. I am going back to Mexico in 2 weeks so I hope I can be back soon to see my dad before something happens to him or he is so bad off that he doesn't even know we are there. Please keep him and our family in your
prayers again. My brother has only been gone for 7 weeks and now this.
Oh Galvan, I'm sorry to hear this sad news! Prayers sent for your family!

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