Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Thanks everyone for the congrats..
Brandy, I am very confident that this one is a keeper!
We decided to NOT ask for the numbers unless the doctor specifically asks us. I know that most times they are important after a reversal, but I decided that the worry would stress me more than I need to be, and for me to have faith means that I need to just let things be that I cannot control and trust in the God I believe in.
I am going straight to Amazon and buy myself a doppler. I really feel that I am going to keep this baby, but even if I am wrong, I am gonna have one either way so it is worth the investment.
The one thing I have changed and will try to get better at for this pregnancy is to drink more water. I hate drinking water. I am truly nervous about the shots I will have to take. Guess I will discuss all that tomorrow with my doctor. It really does help to blab to all you ladies about the bazillion things on my mind. I don't mean to be all talkative all the time. I just don't speak to anyone about us trying to have a baby. Not even my mom. They did not think it was a good idea to get the reversal so I don't bother telling them anything.
Anywho.. I AM EXCITED!! :happydance:

LLawson, I am from Kentucky to!! :haha:

I think I missed something somewhere... what shots do you have to take now that you have a BFP?

Oh I bought my doppler Sonoline B 3.0 off of Ebay for 55 shipped. I think it was more on amazon even with my prime account.
Angie OMG!!!!! COngratulations girl!! I am so excited for you!!!!

Brandy, so glad the babies are doing great!!

AFM, no TTC still. I am in the US still. I did get awesome news today! I went for an interview for a paralegal position and I got the job!! I start Friday!! This means that I will not be going to see Miguel anytime soon, but I will eb working with an immigration law firm. They asked me why immigration is a passion of mine, I told them about my husband. The attorney asked me a little about my case and immediately found the loop hole! I hope they will work something out with me and do our case.

I don't comment much anymore, but I am here checking on my ladies!! :hugs:
Angie OMG!!!!! COngratulations girl!! I am so excited for you!!!!

Brandy, so glad the babies are doing great!!

AFM, no TTC still. I am in the US still. I did get awesome news today! I went for an interview for a paralegal position and I got the job!! I start Friday!! This means that I will not be going to see Miguel anytime soon, but I will eb working with an immigration law firm. They asked me why immigration is a passion of mine, I told them about my husband. The attorney asked me a little about my case and immediately found the loop hole! I hope they will work something out with me and do our case.

I don't comment much anymore, but I am here checking on my ladies!! :hugs:

Oh thats awesome Galvan!! The job and a potential chance at getting the immigration issue resolved :)
Thanks everyone for the congrats..
Brandy, I am very confident that this one is a keeper!
We decided to NOT ask for the numbers unless the doctor specifically asks us. I know that most times they are important after a reversal, but I decided that the worry would stress me more than I need to be, and for me to have faith means that I need to just let things be that I cannot control and trust in the God I believe in.
I am going straight to Amazon and buy myself a doppler. I really feel that I am going to keep this baby, but even if I am wrong, I am gonna have one either way so it is worth the investment.
The one thing I have changed and will try to get better at for this pregnancy is to drink more water. I hate drinking water. I am truly nervous about the shots I will have to take. Guess I will discuss all that tomorrow with my doctor. It really does help to blab to all you ladies about the bazillion things on my mind. I don't mean to be all talkative all the time. I just don't speak to anyone about us trying to have a baby. Not even my mom. They did not think it was a good idea to get the reversal so I don't bother telling them anything.
Anywho.. I AM EXCITED!! :happydance:

LLawson, I am from Kentucky to!! :haha:
I'm with you on the struggling to drink enough water lol, BUt I would HAVE to KNOW the hcg #'s! I'm just obsessive like that lol I would stress more not knowing what was going on.....Enjoy being pregnant & hoping for a H&H 9 months :)
Angie OMG!!!!! COngratulations girl!! I am so excited for you!!!!

Brandy, so glad the babies are doing great!!

AFM, no TTC still. I am in the US still. I did get awesome news today! I went for an interview for a paralegal position and I got the job!! I start Friday!! This means that I will not be going to see Miguel anytime soon, but I will eb working with an immigration law firm. They asked me why immigration is a passion of mine, I told them about my husband. The attorney asked me a little about my case and immediately found the loop hole! I hope they will work something out with me and do our case.

I don't comment much anymore, but I am here checking on my ladies!! :hugs:
Congrats on the Job!!! Amazing that God opened that door for you, given your struggles right now! Here's hoping that Miguel & you are reunited & ttc soon!!!
AngienDaniel - don't remember if I said already, but congrats!!! I'm KMFX that this is your keeper. I understand about not talking to people about TTC. Most people don't even know that I had a TR, and some don't even know that I had a TL in the first place and just think DH and I don't want a baby. :(

Galvan - Congrats on the job! And it sounds like just the perfect job for you right now. I'm happy they were able to find a loophole and I hope your family is reunited soon. :)
Galvan, that is a great coincidence for you.. You are either one lucky chick to get a job that could reunite you and your love, or the Man upstairs has His eye on you.. Either way, your news is great news!!

Cupcake, at first I wanted to know the numbers, but with the miscarriage already this year, I decided that there isn't anything I can do with those numbers except wait and stress. Now I just have to wait out the weeks and there is only the normal worries of finding out you are pregnant.

Brandy, a few years ago I had a couple of blood clots in my right lung. They never figured out why or how I got them. Pregnancy can give blood clots and the risk is higher for people that have already had them, so from about 6 weeks pregnant until about 6 weeks after birth, I will have to take a blood thinner (and Lovenox does not pass through the blood to a baby.) You give it to yourself everyday in the belly or the top of the hips. I am nervous about giving myself a shot in such a limited area every day for 8 months.. They say it bruises really badly and sometimes knots up. I knew I was going to have to do that from the beginning, but now it is a little more close.. :haha: The things we do to have a little one... :dohh:

Navy, I have told my mom that I am going to have a baby, but I think she just gives me the appropriate lip service.. ha ha.. I really didn't feel like it was their business. My mom had 4 kids and my younger sister has 6 kids. I only have two and wouldn't mind having a few more. I didn't feel like that was too big a deal, but they did. :haha:

My line is a little darker today. My hubby said I needed to keep peeing on those tests for just the morning hours and not be peeing all day long. :haha: My boobs are sore today. I also have been waking up with a HUGE appetite. My belly is growling all day. I can't seem to shake these headaches. They come and go, but are aggravating. I am assuming it is the progesterone taking over which is fine with me.

I am going to buy my Doppler today. The Chinese calendar says I am due a girl.. I have been due a girl almost all year.. :haha: Any of you ladies use the Chinese calendar??
I checked the chinese calendar for me but mine says boy... so either I have 2 boys or a mix or it's totally wrong lol who knows!

Ouch sorry about the blood thinner! I have heard of it actually luckily they only had me on aspirin.

You really do get used to the shots... I know it sounds silly but I would take the progesterone injection any day over these vaginal capsules they have me on... Even though the shot was huge and it was a muscle shot it was over with so quickly that I didnt have to stress about remembering 3x a day to insert something!
Thanks Brandy! Congratulations on your twins by the way!
I went back and looked at my charts and my temp is not spiking until about 2 days after a positive LH test? Does that sound right? I believe there was only 1 (maybe 2) months that didnt look promising but the others did, the doctor had mentioned that.
After the reversal I was left with 7 cm on the right and 6 cm on the left. He did say after about 6 months of trying he would try other things. The Clomid is the first step and he had mentioned if that doesnt work maybe doing a Hysterosalpingogram and then a post-coital test.
AngienDaniel, Im from the Frankfort area. What part of Ky. Are you from?
My husband and I have not told anyone that we had a TR. We both feel it will just put more pressure on us because my husband has no biological children and his parents have finally come to the conclusion that he wont after wanting him to for yrs. he has raised my 3 from a previous marriage and said if we never get another that he is happy with what he has so that means alot to me! There are not alot of guys out there that will do something like that. Obviously we wouldnt have had the TR if we didnt want to try though.
Anyway, we are keeping it a secret until or if we get pregnant to avoid more stress! LOL
I am from a small town called Pikeville. A couple hours from Lexington. Small world huh?? :winkwink:

Can any of you ladies tell me if backache is normal? My back aches all day. It will stop for a few hours, and even though it isn't unbearable, it is uncomfortable.
AngienDaniel, Ive heard of Pikeville, not sure if Ive ever been there but I trained a few guys from there when I worked at Toyota and I know they were a long way from home! They came from working in the coal mines and had their families still in Pikeville until they saved up enough to move them up here. It was really hard on them.
Yes, its a small world! I know a guy that actually lives in Washington state and my son met a girl from there a few yrs ago at a NYLC in Washington D.C. And they still communicate on facebook.
I wish I had some type of symptom angie but I hear alot of people complain of back aches lol
I Really never had any symptoms at all until weeks after I found out I was pregnant each time....Everybody is different though...Brandy-Just enjoy not puking & being miserable lol Angie make sure you keep your Dr. appt. Too early for symptoms of Ectopic, but backache can be a sign of Bladder/kidney infection...Have them run a UA today......
I have heard that backache is a common symptom with girls here on BnB. I don't remember with my pregnancies. With my MC, I only had cramps due to my cyst.
I have had 'symptoms' for quite a few days, but this backache/crampy feeling is like I have been sitting in one spot too long.. I have dizziness/nausea, I have sore cha chas.. they leak, (tmi) I actually have diarrhea, which is so not me as I usually am the opposite. My belly is always growling, my body is breaking out in acne, my chest is covered in green veins, I am bloated and look about 5 months along. I am restless and am not sleeping well because of weird dreams and pee pee time. I am also yawning and feel run-down all day. One other big thing.. Gas.. Oh my gosh, the gas.. I think that is 95% of the reason for early pregnancy cramping.
With both my previous pregnancies I never had a sign of any symptom... not a single one, so this plethora of nastiness is so different from what I remember. I have went to pee 6 times today. Also, these head pains are pretty ugh! I am keeping headaches for about 15 minutes at a time.

Side story: My hubby came home from work yesterday and we were standing in the kitchen and he walks by me and puts his hand on my belly, looks at me and says, "I love you." I was like, "I love you too." He said, "Yeah, I love you too, but I wasn't talking to you." :cry: I feel so honored to be his wife and friend. He is the biggest jerk alive. :haha:

Guess what else?? I bought my doppler today. Should get it this weekend. I know I cant use it for awhile, but I am not going to let one negative thought play out in this pregnancy. I will be able to use it. It's little sounds will make me rest easy some nights. I am going to hear my Babies' heartbeat with this thing and for the next 8 months, will be my most cherished material item.. besides food.. :dohh: I wrote babies' in a plural fashion, but it was truly unintended... :haha:

LLawson, my mom worked at the Toyota factory in Georgetown a few years ago.. My aunt Lana is a manager or something there... My mom lives there still. I have only been in Washington State since the first of May.. It's not too bad so far. I think that is a great idea about keeping it a secret. I can keep other people's secrets but I suck at keeping my own.. :haha: I blab and blab..

Cupcake, I pray I don't have a tubal pregnancy cause I only have one working one.. That would hurt me quite a bit. I would for sure be ivf 'ing it then.. that sounded kinda nasty huh? I should write it over, but you ladies know what I meant.
Gotta go. I am cooking tacos for dinner and I need to shower and get ready for my dr visit.
I hope everyone has a good evening. I will let you guys know if I stuck with my decision to not get the numbers... it will be hard for Mrs. Worrywart..
Brandy, I'm so happy that all is well with your little ones:hugs:

Angie, :yipee::yipee::wohoo: I guess all that positive thinking worked!!! Also, who mentioned that a BFP always seems to show-up once the dr. appt is scheduled?:haha: I pray that you have a smooth 9 mo.:hugs: Looking forward to your update after your appt:thumbup:

Welcome LLawson! :hugs:

Galvan, congrats on the new job:thumbup: and what an unexpected blessing to have help with getting Miguel over to the US:happydance:

Cupcake, hope this soy cycle does the trick! I tried soy a long time ago...2 cycles..I think?! It's been so long, I can't remember. I do know it made O pains a lot stronger!

Afm, looks like I'm 3dpo today..which is a HUGE shock...I was still waiting for a +opk:haha: you'd think I'd have this figured out by now:dohh: I don't normally O until cd16-18, so started opks on cd13 (CB smileys)..test was negative, but when I ejected the test strip the line was quite dark! I thought wow! getting close, so I tested that evening and got the negative, but still a dark line. Next day...super light or no line..anyway, won't bore you further, but when FF gave me a line this a.m. I was shocked! In retrospect, my cm had completely dried up & (.)(.) are sore...always a tell-tale for me that O has occurred. I'm assuming had I done an OPK on cd12, it would have been positive:dohh:..looks like we did ok on the bd'ing, even though I didn't realize it was GO TIME. We did happen to bd the night of ovulation, but I didn't do the propped hips-thing like I would normally do at O:wacko:
Oh well:haha: see what happens this cycle and then ON TO CLOMID!

This thread is hoppin' hard to keep up with all the news:flower:
Maybe that fluke of not doing what you always do faith did the trick!! Love surprise ovulations dont you? hah.

Angie I think I told you too that once you make a decision to get assistance with the doctor that alot of people get preggers!! I am so excited I know you will do just great. Remember not to flip out when you cant find the heartbeat.. I still cant sometimes.

On a side note speaking of dopplers. When I do find the HB I usually find one and go exploring for the other. Well their hb's were the same at the last appt so the doctor told me I had been finding both of them probably I just dont know it lol... so once I find one now and listen for a bit when they hold still I figure all is well.
I have had 'symptoms' for quite a few days, but this backache/crampy feeling is like I have been sitting in one spot too long.. I have dizziness/nausea, I have sore cha chas.. they leak, (tmi) I actually have diarrhea, which is so not me as I usually am the opposite. My belly is always growling, my body is breaking out in acne, my chest is covered in green veins, I am bloated and look about 5 months along. I am restless and am not sleeping well because of weird dreams and pee pee time. I am also yawning and feel run-down all day. One other big thing.. Gas.. Oh my gosh, the gas.. I think that is 95% of the reason for early pregnancy cramping.
With both my previous pregnancies I never had a sign of any symptom... not a single one, so this plethora of nastiness is so different from what I remember. I have went to pee 6 times today. Also, these head pains are pretty ugh! I am keeping headaches for about 15 minutes at a time.

Side story: My hubby came home from work yesterday and we were standing in the kitchen and he walks by me and puts his hand on my belly, looks at me and says, "I love you." I was like, "I love you too." He said, "Yeah, I love you too, but I wasn't talking to you." :cry: I feel so honored to be his wife and friend. He is the biggest jerk alive. :haha:

Guess what else?? I bought my doppler today. Should get it this weekend. I know I cant use it for awhile, but I am not going to let one negative thought play out in this pregnancy. I will be able to use it. It's little sounds will make me rest easy some nights. I am going to hear my Babies' heartbeat with this thing and for the next 8 months, will be my most cherished material item.. besides food.. :dohh: I wrote babies' in a plural fashion, but it was truly unintended... :haha:

LLawson, my mom worked at the Toyota factory in Georgetown a few years ago.. My aunt Lana is a manager or something there... My mom lives there still. I have only been in Washington State since the first of May.. It's not too bad so far. I think that is a great idea about keeping it a secret. I can keep other people's secrets but I suck at keeping my own.. :haha: I blab and blab..

Cupcake, I pray I don't have a tubal pregnancy cause I only have one working one.. That would hurt me quite a bit. I would for sure be ivf 'ing it then.. that sounded kinda nasty huh? I should write it over, but you ladies know what I meant.
Gotta go. I am cooking tacos for dinner and I need to shower and get ready for my dr visit.
I hope everyone has a good evening. I will let you guys know if I stuck with my decision to not get the numbers... it will be hard for Mrs. Worrywart..
How did your appointment go Chic? Anxiously awaiting Good News!!!:happydance:
AngienDaniel - I hope your appointment went well.

FF was having a promo/sale on facebook, so I went ahead and paid for a VIP membership for a year. DH says this means I'm definitely pregnant now, LOL. I had a dream that I was pregnant, but that probably means bupkus because I also dreamed that I was killed with poison nasal spray.

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