Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Angie- How did your appt go?

Navy- He is probably right that’s how things work out lol
Navy, that poison nasal spray dream sounds like some of mine lately. ha ha

This is how my doctor appt. went ladies. I walk in and he is about 65 years old. Really nice. Foreign, of course. Everything goes well. I went there for a referral for the fertility specialist, but since I was pregnant I told him I needed an obgyn referral instead. He says, "Ok, we will get you a pregnancy test." I go pee in a cup, his wife/secretary performs the urine test, he comes back and says, "You are not pregnant." I said, "Yes I is so!!" He says, "We did two tests and both are negative." "I will make you an appt for just a regular ob checkup instead." I am stunned. Seriously. He then says, "Here, you can have the tests." I take them from his hand, look down and see two lines. I then tell him, "There are two lines on this test." He had just given me an eye test with 20 15 vision, so I know a line when I see one. We argue over there being a second line. I tell him it doesn't matter because time would tell if I was right and he was wrong and arguing would gain us nothing. Anyhow, I was right! The old buzzard! Can't see two little baby lines. I sent the photo of the test to a few people. Everyone says 2 lines. I am uploading it here for you ladies to see. The top is the test I took at the dr. The next is 10dpo 11dpo 12dpo 13dpo. The 13dpo is a few hours ago.
I was furious yesterday cause the one thing I have earned is the right to be pregnant if I am pregnant, not have some old blind dude tell me that I am loopy cause I see two lines and he doesn't.
He says I have some kind of infection, maybe RH, maybe just a bad yeast infection? He could not tell me which. Not sure what that is exactly, but he says it can interfere with implantation and cause early miscarriage, and is probably the cause of my backache. He did give me a referral for 200 tests even down to vitamin d check. I am going to have them done next Wednesday, per his advice that I wait until I start my period since I am not pregnant. Which I still say I most certainly am so! I do not need his extra stress though. I don't care if I have a miscarriage tomorrow, and he believe he was always right, this old dude is off his rocker if he thinks I will take his word over what my two eyes plainly see. No one is going to tell me I am not pregnant when I am. He actually said all these positives I have been getting are false.

I have been sitting here for 16 months trying to have a baby, he is nuts if he thinks he can tell me he is right and I am wrong. I have worked hard for this pregnancy. The jerk!

Now what do you ladies think about my tests?

My husband and I agree that we are not having any trouble getting pregnant, but we have not been able to keep one yet. Even if I have another miscarriage, which I most certainly pray I don't, at least it will probably be something I can work to fix easily. He has scheduled me for a complete workup. He said 200 tests. Thyroid, aids, rh, I don't think I am going to have any blood left.
Ok so that whole thing just pissed me the hell off. The dude seriously has to be freaking blind.. is this a military doctor or one that is contracted? Either way they need to $hit can the guy and get someone else… That is just insane!! The tests are all blaring positive.

You know sometimes during this whole TTC fiasco I realize that I am probably more up to date than most doctors that graduated 20 years ago. It’s just so crazy…. A line is a line is a LINE! Since he wants to order 200 tests tell him to toss in 2 more and give you HCG and progesterone test.
OMG how did you not throw things at the doctor. That test is obviously positive. It's not like a frigging OPK. Can the doctor who did your TR order an HCG for you at a Labcorp or something?
I was laughing so hard at the doctor's office. At first I was angry because he was telling me I was a liar and because his tests were expensive and home pregnancy tests are cheap, mine were obviously all false, or I was not reading them right. Then, I just felt sorry for him because the tests were obviously positive, and he has some serious issues to his physician abilities. I was not going to stand there and argue over something when I could see both lines so clearly and he truly did not see it. It might have been worse if he was lying just to be lying, but he really did not see it. It didn't help that he was trying to make me feel inferior to him though, and that is when I started to feel sorry for him instead of feeling upset. I did talk him into ordering me a serum test and I plan on going to the hospital to get it done tomorrow if my hubby gets off work early enough.
There is no way that many tests are going to be wrong. I read about chemical pregnancies and all that stuff on here yesterday so I understand the danger of testing early, but to be told I am not pregnant at all when the tests are so clear, made me upset.
He is a contracted doctor and I won't be going back there again if I can help it. :haha: Since he is my 'assigned pcp' I am supposed to go through him for certain things. I did get a check-up referral for the obgyn at the Madigan Army hospital, and I have all the tests I have to take at the different hospital, which I am going to try to do tomorrow. He said he could not request a progesterone test or I would have to pay for it, not knowing the cost I could not tell him to go ahead and order it. I want to have that test, but I am waiting for this pregnancy to play out really. I am praying I don't have another miscarriage and I can honestly say that I don't FEEL like I will because I feel differently this time, but I really don't know cause I do have the horrible backache I had last miscarriage. The only thing I know for sure is that the backache has been here since I got off my period and did not start suddenly. I sincerely FEEL pregnant. Feeling does not really mean a viable pregnancy though. He won't do an hcg test cause he says I am not pregnant. I will have to go and take the blood pregnancy test and rub it in his face before he would order one. :haha:

My period is not due until tomorrow. I found out a whole week before my period was even due. He says that isn't possible.
The doctor that did my hsg test told me that having that test could not unblock tubes and was shocked when, during my test my left tube unblocked and he saw it with his own eyes.
Doctors get locked into their own superiority complexes and forget that other people have a brain to. Trial and error and learning comes from the ones who live it everyday. I have been peeing on those things for 18 months.... I know when there is a line.
The doctor that did my hsg test is in West Virginia.
I wish I did not have to go through the doctor here, but Tricare does not give you much choice since I opted for Prime instead of Standard. (With Standard you have co-pays, but with Prime, everything is covered. With Prime they pick your pcp, with Standard you can pick your own.) I just don't have the extra money to pay the medical bills that ttc would add up, so I chose Prime. Plus, because the Army hospital has a decreased cost IVF program, you have to have Prime coverage to be seen there. So I switched to Prime after we got here.

Anyhow, the tests are clearly positive. Those aren't even all the tests I have taken, those are only the first morning ones.. ALL the tests I have taken have been positive. I don't doubt that I am pregnant, but I do know that I found out more early than I ever have. This time was a 12/13 cycle with 12 days till I o'd and then my period is due tomorrow. It has been just 13 days since I ovulated. I am literally 3 weeks 5 days pregnant by doctor count and only 13 days by my o day.
Even the hubby says today's test was way darker than the one I took on 11dpo and he had Lasik.. :haha:
I have the most horrible experiences with doctors.
I thought you were on Tricare Prime, but I wasn't sure. It is such a pain in the patootie. When my 15 year old was born, I was told to bring him for a checkup when he was one week old because they wanted to make sure he was gaining weight and also since he was a little jaundiced. I had to make an appointment through Tricare and they couldn't get me an appointment for 6 weeks. Not having copays and having reduced cost IVF is a plus, though.

I hope you get good numbers at the hospital when you go. :) How long will it take for you to get results?
Angie!!!!Woooooooohooooooo! That doc is a senile ole geezer!! Congratulations my friend!!
Well having IVF doesn’t change the fact that I got my positive on the equivalent of 7DPO so it’s totally possible to get an early positive!

They did my egg retrieval on 7/10- That same day they fertilized the eggs. 7/15 -they put the eggs back in me fertilized. 7/17- First sign of a slight line. 7/19- obvious positive.

So tell him to shove it up his behind and you’re preggers… you should waltz in there in 6 months and show him your baby bump.
Navy, I just found that same thing out a few minutes ago.. They want me to wait until I am 8 weeks before my first visit. Normally that wouldn't bother me, but with the headaches I am having, I can feel the difference in my blood pressure and quantity. I stay dizzy, my eyes feel full, I am keeping headaches. I am supposed to be on the blood thinners from 6 weeks, and I just won't put my life at risk over a few weeks. The months I was stuck on Coumadin was the worst of my life, and if I get any more blood clots I will be on every two day blood draws for the rest of my life. I will not risk that. They have an emergency ob clinic that takes walk ins until 3pm. I am going to take my hubby to work tomorrow and then get all these visits over with. First, I am going to go to the hospital for the serum test and all the other blood draw junk and get that over with, and then I am going to go to the emergency clinic and have them check my progesterone and hcg. I am still early enough that if my progesterone is low, taking it might still make a viable pregnancy. If not, I will be ready for next time. If I make it there early enough, I might get the results tomorrow. If not, worry will eat me alive until Monday..
I have to be honest and say that this backache has seriously got me worried though. If it were not for that, I would not have a single fear.
That’s great that you have a plan of attack Angie.. Can wait to see what the others say hopefully they aren’t blind.
Navy, I just found that same thing out a few minutes ago.. They want me to wait until I am 8 weeks before my first visit. Normally that wouldn't bother me, but with the headaches I am having, I can feel the difference in my blood pressure and quantity. I stay dizzy, my eyes feel full, I am keeping headaches. I am supposed to be on the blood thinners from 6 weeks, and I just won't put my life at risk over a few weeks. The months I was stuck on Coumadin was the worst of my life, and if I get any more blood clots I will be on every two day blood draws for the rest of my life. I will not risk that. They have an emergency ob clinic that takes walk ins until 3pm. I am going to take my hubby to work tomorrow and then get all these visits over with. First, I am going to go to the hospital for the serum test and all the other blood draw junk and get that over with, and then I am going to go to the emergency clinic and have them check my progesterone and hcg. I am still early enough that if my progesterone is low, taking it might still make a viable pregnancy. If not, I will be ready for next time. If I make it there early enough, I might get the results tomorrow. If not, worry will eat me alive until Monday..
I have to be honest and say that this backache has seriously got me worried though. If it were not for that, I would not have a single fear.
Being TR patient, saying to wait until 8 weeks is insane! Imperative to get HCGs drawn 2-3 times a week to rule out tubal pregnancy! What Morons!!! Do what you have to do to protect you & your little bean!
Yeah, I am going to do a blood pregnancy test this time. :haha:
I have been researching back aches also and it seems to be a fairly common symptom. I have had the pain since my period left so I know it isn't miscarriage related, but I figure that it might mean something else like a bad infection that could affect my pregnancy. I am going to just accept that I am going to have back pain and account it to normal since it was not sudden and has been going since around ovulation time, and there is no bleeding. I just think this might be a symptom filled pregnancy. I am ok with that. I asked God for a baby, not for Him to make it easy after I got it.
I think I might start doing some yoga. I think I sit WAYY too much! I also did some checking up on progesterone and it's uses, and I just have to say, "I hope mine is not low." The chance of me taking it this time is void and I don't want to have another baby, I want to have this one!
Well, I have been online reading forums and backache articles and junk all day, I gotta get up and go drink another glass of yucky water, lay out something for dinner, and iron some dress pants.

Brandy, did you lose your appetite early? I wake up with my belly growling and then when I go to eat, I am disgusting at the thought of food. Then I stuff my fat face with a whole Tostino's Pizza.. with black pepper all over it. I am going to be the size of a house boat. I bought broccoli and end up eating a whole pizza... :blush: Sad...
Its weird because I get the urge to eat when I am not even hungry!! I am planning my next meal before I have barely finished the last one lol. I haven’t gained anything thank god… But I gotta watch it haha. I wasn’t lucky enough to get morning sickness so that allows me to eat CONSTANTLY!

Dr said he doesnt expect me to get any sickness now because both of their placentas have taken over by now.

He said I could potentially develop aversion to certain foods but not morning sickness style.
AngienDaniel I worked there from 1996-2006 on first and second, plant 1 Assembly and Delivered to plastics/paint so I met alot of people during all that. I may know thm. LOL my mom retired from there too. I liked my jobs but they left me with some permanent injuries....
I hope all your symptoms get better soon! Sounds like you are having it all!
Im dealing with some bad headaches with nausea. I had a neck/back injury that left me with some headaches when I get out of whack so I was thinking thats what these headaches were cause they are coming from the base of my neck and working around but after researching online today those are the same type of headache women are getting with clomid. Mine has been daily and worse at night and morning and my headaches from my neck never last that long so Im guessing it is the clomid..
I read where women say its better to take the clomid at night but my doctor told me to specifically take it in the morning and the pharmacist put it on the bottle so I did. Its been a week today since I finished my last clomid, has anyone else had headaches this long after their last pill? They seem to be getting worse, not better. Ive tried Ibuprofen and Aspirin with no help at all? I took 100 mg. dose
AngienDaniel, sorry I didnt see these last posts before posting my last to you.
I used to get very bad UTI's My last one I did not have any of my regular symptoms so I didnt think anything about it.
My lower back hurt so bad and I started getting so dizzy and sick that I couldnt even hold my head up so we had to go to the ER. They told me I had a horrible UTI and that those were the most common symptoms but I had never had them with all the ones I had in the past.
They are also very common in pregnancies so I pray thats all you have going on and wish you luck with all this!
This is probably tmi but Ive had these for yrs and finally saw a doctor last year that told me to switch to Dove fragrance and die free for cleaning my private parts so I did and havent had a problem since!
AngienDaniel I worked there from 1996-2006 on first and second, plant 1 Assembly and Delivered to plastics/paint so I met alot of people during all that. I may know thm. LOL my mom retired from there too. I liked my jobs but they left me with some permanent injuries....
I hope all your symptoms get better soon! Sounds like you are having it all!
Im dealing with some bad headaches with nausea. I had a neck/back injury that left me with some headaches when I get out of whack so I was thinking thats what these headaches were cause they are coming from the base of my neck and working around but after researching online today those are the same type of headache women are getting with clomid. Mine has been daily and worse at night and morning and my headaches from my neck never last that long so Im guessing it is the clomid..
I read where women say its better to take the clomid at night but my doctor told me to specifically take it in the morning and the pharmacist put it on the bottle so I did. Its been a week today since I finished my last clomid, has anyone else had headaches this long after their last pill? They seem to be getting worse, not better. Ive tried Ibuprofen and Aspirin with no help at all? I took 100 mg. dose

I never get headaches and the whole time I was on it I felt like it was a month long headache. I ended up doing 6 cycles of it but it was broken up over 2 years as I couldnt stand the side effects.
I didn't have morning sickness at all this time but had it bad with my two older children so I know exactly what you mean about eating everything. I never got to indulge while pregnant with them so this time I gained way, way too much weight with Eli.... 75-80 lbs I think! :blush: Now I'm struggling to get it off, but oh well, I'm happy regardless. Brandy, it worried me as well in the beginning because I wasn't showing symptoms except for the pulling sensations of the uterus stretching and some mild cramping. Happy to hear the babies are thriving! :flower:

Angie-My tailbone and back did hurt on and off (horribly so in the last two months) so I think the backache may be due to the hormones that loosen your bones, hips and such and gets you ready for the bigger months and the pushing. I hope all is well with this little one!! :flower:
I am waiting for my hubby to get home so I can head out to the bazillion doctors I need to see today. I woke up this morning with another headache and backache. I feel like I stay in the tub to ease my sore muscles. I went back through my calendar and I have literally had this backache since the day after my period stopped. It is very stressful. I can't stand for long. It makes me feel like I did something to my back. The only time it goes away for any length of time is when I am sleeping.
I decided to start a scrap book of baby stuff. appts and tests.. I told my hubby that I am going to ask for an hcg test today. I know it might sound bad, but I am getting emotionally attached to this pregnancy and I want to know that everything is going well. I feel safe with this pregnancy and I didn't with the other, but I am planning for this baby. Not that I didn't want the other one, I just knew that something was not right there from the beginning. My test today was MUCH darker than yesterday's test which I thought was odd. My period was due today. :haha:
I am confident that everything is ok with this little one, but I will admit that most of that feeling is faith.
I just pray my first numbers are good. My last pregnancy the numbers were 25. I was 4 weeks. They were already on the drop before I even found out. If they are decent, I won't worry as much. Even though I will admit that I don't even know what decent is.
LLawson, I am not sure what kind of infection I have since the guy couldn't tell me. I am going to get that stuff looked at today. He couldn't even tell me for sure I had one, just that 'it looks like something might be going on there.' :haha: I wanted to tell him there was a lot going on there with me being pregnant, but he thought I was coo-coo already.

I am 4 weeks today. I truly think the worry and fear never ends. If I get to the office quickly enough today, I might get the results back before they close.
You guys that know something about pregnancy test lines, feel free to tell me the truth about mine. Are they dark enough? I am 14dpo today. This is the first day of my missed period. I am hoping I get past the 6 week mark and then I might not be so bad. I am gonna take it in weekly stages. :blush:

How in the world do women do this? I feel like my poor little heart is filled with worry and fear and so much hope.
My test from this morning is on the bottom. Wonder why it is so much darker than the one I took yesterday? I thought they only got really darker every few days???
Those tests are obviously getting darker. Internet cheapies can take forever to show dark lines, though. As for why it's so much darker, you just might have caught it right after doubling or something. The good thing is that it's getting darker. :) I hope you are able to get results today and not have to wait over the weekend, but I feel that the faith that you have that this is a sticky bean is a wonderful sign as well.

AFM - OMG, I am having pain in my right ovary area. It sometimes feels like someone is trying to rip it out or something. I o'd from the right side this month, so I wonder if maybe it's a cyst or something. I've never had one, so I don't know what that would feel like. Ugh.

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