Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Sorry barely remember him telling me everything went well.

See? Anesthetic hangover. Lol
You gotta change your signature to say :happydance: Waiting for Dora or Diego:happydance: ha ha....
I am glad your surgery went well and your fertility is yours again.
I also hope it doesn't take long for you to conceive your Saturday morning cartoon. :haha: My son is 14 so he was of the era of Barney instead of Diego.. That boy loved him some Barney.. If you tell him that now, he gags..:haha:

I want to take the Red Raspberry tea but I don't know exactly what days it is supposed to be taken and the online info is sketchy at best. One article says it can induce labor, another says you should take it up until ovulation, and another that you can take it all the way through a pregnancy.. Usually if I can't find firm reviews and info I shy away from medicines. How do you take it, Faith? I would really like some extra help with my lining too and read that it is a great medicine, but just don't have enough info. I HATE tea and want to take the pill form instead..

I love coffee too, Faith. I don't even bother drinking decaf.. I drink it for the caffeine..:haha:

Brandi, I love Harry Potter.. Did you hear that the author is making another series of movies? A spinoff of Harry Potter.. I read in the news a couple weeks back that she signed the deal already. Didn't read it in detail, like what the movie/movies would be about, but maybe she might make some more winners..
Sorry all the hotels were booked and you had to wait all that time. I am sure today it was worth it though. :cloud9:

AFM: I am close to a matching pair red line ovulation test. I will start taking one morning, one evening.. My left side o pain is steady this time. Pretty sure I will ovulate.. I pray it bears fruit. It is about my usual o time. I figured for sure it would mess up my cycle again, but it seems like I will still o at my usual cd13. I will probably start taking that cream on Friday. My hubby says I should rub it on whatever they tell me to..:haha: I am excited to be ovulating, but I think I will forever be scared to death of pregnancy. I still want to hold that exalted state though.. :winkwink:

I pray everyone's week is GREAT!!
God bless my Mamacitas.. I don't even know if that is a real word, but I like it!! :haha:
Congrats Brandi! So sorry you had such a hard time but I bet you slept like a baby during surgery, having no sleep before!
Faith, I dont think I got to start the Fertile Cm until about cycle day 8 or 9 but I could tell a difference in a day. We are having sex every other day though. My doc said do it every other day all month until I get a positive O test and then do it that day and the next and then go back to every other day.
What does the preseed do? Is that something you can take along with the Fertile CM?
Thank you for all the support ladies. I wouldn't have made it through without it.

Been sleeping since I got home...it's all I want to do. I'm in a predicament at the moment. I'm thirsty and have a jug of water but can't lift it haha

Otherwise, I'm feeling pretty good...sore, but good. Sooooo happy I made the decision to take this part of my life back.

The vast amounts of blue dye I keep passing is crazy. Looks like it is starting to slow down though.

Got my follow up on October 8 first thing in the morning.
Hopefully I find out I have good lengths that day...and as soon as I get internet, cuz I only have my phine I will update my tickers and journal with the whole story.
I bet your lengths are great! Congrats girl :)

I drink raspberry tea up until o. Grocery stores and vitamin stores sell it.

Cd8 and starting to get cm. I also use preseed when on clomid, btw. This is an unmedicated cycle tho.

Is anyone elses allergies worse this year? I can't stop sneezing!
I got my blaring positive this morning at about 6 am!!! We dtd twice yesterday and not a thing so far today... My hubby had a 5 mile run this morning, so tired was all he did.. :haha: I am planning on keeping him very busy this evening for sure.. I figure to conceive again this cycle. I am praying if I do, that the cream does the trick for me.. Praying Praying.....

Thanks for the info about the Raspberry tea, CJ... If by chance I don't conceive this month, I will use it next cycle.. I think I really need it. I am hoping that miscarriages really do make a person more fertile..

I am sure that your lengths are fine, Brandi... There was one lady on here that got pregnant with just 3 on one side, with one tube blocked.. I can't remember her name... A younger blond headed lady.. (from signature photo) I only have one tube... I didn't ask the lengths cause I didn't want one more thing to stress about. Hope you don't take long to catch your little one.

I am gonna play video games all day until my hubby gets home from work... Hope everyone's Hump Day is great!!!!!
Hi all, I stumbled upon this site after a search and really looking for a support group through this journey with people who are going through similar experiences. I am 35 years old and as of last Friday, had my tubal reversal. Long story concerning why I had the ligation in the first place but the important thing is I had it reversed finally. My husband and I have been married 16 years and have three children. I would like to add that after my first born, I had a tubal pregnancy and lost my right tube. It only took two months after that to get pregnant again and I had my daughter.. Then three months after she was born I became pregnant again.. So, two pregnancies no problem with only one tube. So, my surgeon told us that I had 6cm left on my left tube.. The pictures look great and he seems very confident that things will work out. We are keeping our fingers crossed. I know that I am at more of a disadvantage due to having only one tube but I won't let it discourage me. I will officially be able to TTC on November 1st.. That will be the end of my six weeks. Good luck to all and I look forward to reading about all your stories and updates.. Good luck to everyone TTC. Any advice would be appreciated anytime!! And not sure if it pops up or not, but yes I am an RN but OB/gyn is not my specialty. I am a critical care/cardiac nurse.. Lol. Praying for everyone!
Welcome Jewels!! I hope your TTC journey is short and you get to hold a little baby very soon. I am 28 hours post-reversal.

I don't remember this much pain when I had them tied and I'm so scared to move that I might pull stitches out of the tubes or something and I have a burning itch above the bandage covering the incision. Is this normal ladies? When did you stop passing the blue dye and stop bleeding vaginally? When were you able to do things normally again?
We'll, I can say that I know what your going through right now. The burning/ pulling is normal. I took it pretty easy the first few days, only getting up every couple of hours to walk as to not develop any blood clots. As far as the bleeding, I actually started my cycle that morning right before surgery.. That really was no fun.. All dignity was right out the window as my husband had to help me with almost everything. The pain does get better for sure. Today is POD 5 for me and I am doing much better. I still take Advil to help with any inflammation, but minimal pain and I finally had a good night sleep last night. I am so excited for you, looks like we are starting our journeys together.. I am wishing you a speedy recovery and a miracle baby real quick!!! It's still very surreal to me.
I did not bleed or have blue dye... Hmmm... I am sure it is different for every person.

Hello Jewels! I bet you are excited to start trying.. I only have one tube as well...my left one, like you.. My right one is still there, but it is well and truly blocked.. If I can get pregnant with all my issues, you surely can too.

I took another opk...still double lines.. So if it is still double, does that mean I have not actually ovulated yet? After it turns back one dark line one light line, does that mean I have o'd and time to catch it is over??

I think the blue dye is to make sure the tubes are open and not leaky or still separated, from what I have Googked.

I think I am paranoid. I'm scared to move, to walk...every time I do, I think the pain is the stitches pulling out of the tubes. Am I crazy?
Welcome Jewels! I wish you and Brandi both a speedy recovery!
Brandi, I did not have any bleeding or dye. I did however have horrible pain but I had some complications and they had to make a bigger incision so I had 30 staples.....I too felt like I was ripping stitches out everytime I moved and the doc said as long as I did not have intercourse or do anything strenuos like exerise that they would be fine. He told me to roll out of bed on my side and that helped alot with the pain getting up and down.
As for me, Im on cycle day 6 now that its early Thursday morning. I started my second round of clomid yesterday and did great all day until about 2 hrs ago, I got one of those horrible headaches! Im going to bed now and hope I wake up refreshed and no headache!!
Sleep well everyone! Dream about those babies!!
Brandi I am so glad it went well!! Good luck momma!!

Welcome jewels!!

31 weeks 6 days today- same exact day I went into preterm labor and had an abruption with Izzy- def has my nerves on end :/
I have still not 'officially' ovulated yet, but I am officially doing it from my left ovary... We are praying and dtd at least twice each day and I am going to let my hubby's swimmers get where they need to go regardless of when I o... I am probably gonna end up o'ing on cd15... My tests are still positive and left side is consistently sharp o pain.. I don't really like taking opks... They make me feel like a science experiment. I am cd14 I think.. Gonna hit the sack twice more today and then I think I am going to stop being obsessive about it this month and trust in God to do His work if He wills it..

I hope everyone is doing well on this Thursday.. I am gonna o today, and I am gonna catch it, so I am feeling FAB-U-LOUS!!
God bless!! <3

You know what Brandi? I am so dumb, I never considered that my tubes had stitches in them so I did not one time think about hurting them... I did however, think about pulling out the stitches in my belly.. Those stitches hurt and itched..
So apparently me having bleeding isn't normal. It's not enough to fill a pad but it is bright red and there and enough to turn toilet water red.

So they're going to look at my file and see if any other work was done and if not, I have to figure out a way to get to the clinic an hour and a half away and be looked at. I know this isn't my cycle, cuz that ended on Monday. Sometimes I spot the day after but not like this and my period only lasts for 5 days, and this would be day 8.

So, hopefully everything is okay. I'm parking my butt on the couch officially. I'm not moving for anything
Nevermind. The nurse spoke to another nurse who specializes in IVF and tubal reversal nnd a litle bit, my level, is normal. If I start hemoraging, then I go to the hospital. I'm still parking my butt on the couch officially. I'm not moving for anything.
Thanks everyone!! I am feeling better everyday, have to go back to work tonight and work the next three nights.. I'm getting a flood of emotions lately. It's amazing to think that after 14 years, I have that possibility of getting pregnant again. I am enjoying reading all your stories and the struggles you all have been through. You all give me hope! Good luck angiendaniel!
I am back from vacation.. I was very relaxed until I got to work and saw it all waiting for me uggh! I love my job but at this point I am starting to think that being a stay at home mom once I have the twins looks much more appealing&#8230; but we will see.

Angie- The O thing always messed me up. I too had dark lines for days. The only way I could tell was when they monitored me via ultrasound. My understanding is that you should OH within 48 hours of the first positive. I had to finally get the smiley one.

AFM- Just plugging along.. Uneventful right now for me and I am loving it. I have no pregnancy symptoms still other than a growing belly. I had to give up and switch to maternity pants for sure. I just have my regular check ups now with OB every 2 weeks and an ultrasound 1x per month.
My family is amazing and gifted us with all the furnishings for the nursery! We were told to pick what we wanted and give mom and dad the bill. I didn&#8217;t waste anytime haha. So far I have their cribs, mattresses, stroller, changing tables, and car seats. Now if I can only pick the shade of pink to paint the rooms!

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