Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

My Dr wants me to start milk of mag. a week before surgery and once I have my first poo after surgery he wants me to switch to stool softeners. Hope this helps you out some Brandi
Welcome Jewel77:hi: (I'm a little late;)

Hope you get your little bundle asap:thumbup: Glad you've joined us!:hugs: When your hubby gets tired of hearing about all things TTC, we're here for you!:haha:
I used an enema last night for some relief but today I'm eating lots of fibre to hopefully get things going on their own.

Gonna post my Reversal Story later tonight in my journal.
I am still having the dark lines too. I woke up this morning to being very warm though so I could tell my temperature was higher. I figure I o'd last night/evening.. Either way, I had sex enough so that won't be the problem if this cycle's a bust... I truly hate opks.. I feel like I have been dtd way too often. Usually I just have sex every morning and every evening and that is that.. When I take those stupid tests I feel like I have to be dtd too often and it stresses me out. Plus, when I read the darn, 'Every couple has a 20% chance of conceiving on any given cycle', makes me just wanna cry and cry... all that work and stress for a 20% chance.. Just slap me smart again...:haha:

Faith, I eat the pineapple before I o just because it is 'supposed' to help with implantation and I figure that if I need help with that, (which I do), then it is best for me to eat it and have it there before I need it.:blush: Not really sure if it works or not, but I figure eating it can't hurt, no matter when I am eating it.. :haha: I also am not going to take the cream until maybe Saturday or Sunday.. I was going to start it today, but I want to be sure that I ovulated before I take that chance. My biggest thing now is whether to use it once a day or twice....
I want to try the Raspberry just because they say it helps regulate hormones. Mine need some evening out sometimes...

I haven't seen my grandma in almost 4 years. Now that we live here and she is in Kentucky, it will be even longer. I hope nothing happens to her before I get to see her again.. I try not to think about it. You are very blessed to have yours that age and still all there, both physically and mentally. I hope my Mamaw makes it to 96...
I gotta go figure out what to cook for dinner and make my boy fix some coffee.
I have started my monthly backache... I seriously am beginning to hate this after ovulation backache..
bye Ladies!!!
Brandicanucks - stool softeners, lots of water, and walk around to get those bowels moving. Walking will also help you get back to normal more quickly.

I had clips, but I didn't have any bleeding. I also didn't O until about 5 days after surgery, so I was nowhere near AF. I think the blue is from the dye that some doctors inject through the tubes to ensure they are open. Chapel Hill doesn't use the dye so I didn't have that. They use a tiny stent to make sure the tubes are open.

Monday I have my ultrasound to check on follicle size. If it's big enough, then I'll get a trigger shot. Apparently I'm o'ing so late that the follicle is too large. Hopefully this will take care of that. I also have my second acupuncture appointment. The acupuncturist looks so young that I feel like I'm old enough to be her mother! She said I have a classic textbook case of too much phlegm, which builds up heat and blocks the energy my body needs to ovulate. I had a bunch of needles stuck in various places and then got to relax for 30 minutes. She also gave me some herbs to take that are supposed to help. I'm also supposed to stop ingesting dairy and soda. I don't know if any of this will help, but I'll give it a bit of a try.

DH's second SA is on October 7th. The RE we used for his first one never faxed his information to the urologist, so we still have no idea what his actual numbers are. The urologist did a very thorough exam on DH (and he's still complaining about being molested and not even getting dinner out of it) and found a very small varicocele, but it's unlikely that it's affecting his fertility. I'm hoping this SA will come back with good numbers, and at least this doctor will go over everything with us.

November 2 is when we leave for Disneyworld. DH is stressing a little about how much money we'll be able to spend. He's budgeted $1300 for food and gas, which I think is a lot of friggin' money. I know there's five of us, two of which are teenage boys, but I still think that it's more than enough. This is the first real vacation that we've taken as a family, so I think he's just overthinking things. I think he really wanted to be able to just buy everything that everyone wants while we're there, but that's unrealistic, even if we had unlimited funds. I told him that, as long as he gets me to Wales to see the Doctor Who exhibit before it closes in 2017, then we're good. :)

Anyway, sorry to write so much. I guess not posting for a while causes extreme diarrhea of the keyboard when I finally post.
Okay, WTH? TMI warning!

I have wet spots on my shirt from my breasts leaking. I'm not pregnant, so this is freaking me out. Guh.
Navy- That sounds like its going to be a blast! I havent been to Disneyworld but my husband has a few times... But I love Disneyland LOL. I actually went this last February on an all girls adult trip to Disneyland.. Somehow we ended up in Vegas too but thats another story hahah!!

As for the wet spot never happened to me. My husband asks me if I am leaking everytime were in public and a baby cries... So immature.

GL on your scan and trigger! It sounds like you're on it :)
Faith, he did not say why to take it in the morning and I never asked. LOL, I do know when I picked it up at the pharmacy they said he noted as well there that I needed to take this in the morning, close to the same time as possible everyday.
Now as for the sex every other day, he said that a mans sperm count will be reduced by half or more if you have sex more often than every other day and if he has slow swimmers or a low sperm count or damaged sperm and you are having frequent sex he said it diminishes your chances of sperm getting where it needs to be. He said its optimum timing every other day cause the sperm can live about 48 hrs anyway so if you are doing it every other day, you have sperm in you 24/7 if its healthy sperm. Hope this is making sense?
I would not mind sending you some of the lenghtly emails he sends me if you want to private message your email to me?
Now have any of you heard of Prolief from Arbonne? My sister n law suggested it, it is a progesterone cream and women swear by it and helping them conceive right away... Well I ordered it. Its all natural stuff to with the USP progesterone added. I tried some of hers last night and this is probably TMI but I dont know if its that or the clomid but I have had alot of the creamy discharge and have been super ready for sex!! LOL of course Ive had a migraine all day from the clomid again. Its just now easing up.. I have two more days of it!
Thanks for all the advice and support through all of this, ladies. Wouldn't have made it through without this group. Hoping to get up a little more tomorrow and see what happens. For now, I'm going to sleep.

Reversal story is finally in my journal.
Faith, I forgot to mention, I havent told anyone that I even had the reversal so no one knows we are trying to have a baby! :) I had the migraine starting yesterday and my sis n law was here and I told her I had beehaving some bad ones off and on and she started talking about the Prolief and how it helps with migraines, hormone imbalance and raises your progesterone and balances everything out. It also helps with skin scars, discolorations etc if you apply it straight to that area. Then she mentioned that it was even helping women trying to conceive but having problems and it wasnt as harsh as the straight progesterone replacement. She said it was selling like hotcakes so I looked up reviews and theres alot of good stuff about it and trying to get pregnant. She said you can use it through your first trimester then stop because your body starts producing alot at that time. She said it helps with post partum depression and women are taking it to even things back out after giving birth so Im going to try it :) little did she know she was giving me advise on conceiving! LOL, Ill blame it on the Prolief if I get pregnant! Tell her its her fault! LOL
Brandi, glad you're being seen by a dr. It should give you peace of mind;) Hope you have help with our other little ones as I know the first week post-op requires lots of R & R:hugs: I do recall using stool softner right away and gasX...I just remembered this! Sorry i didn't suggest sooner. My TR was nearly 3 years ago now:/

Angie, my RE FIXED my c-section dip:thumbup: I didn't even say a thing about it but after surgery he was like..."btw, I fixed the severe indentation from your c-sections...:thumbup:..yea!" now, I just need to DO SIT-UPS and flatten my abs:flower: My hubby brought the Bowflex in from storage..set it up in the den, so NO excuses for not exercising:winkwink: our whole family needs it!
Hope the progesterone does the trick:thumbup: "they" say to start prog cream at 3dpo...you might research this. One month I started what I thought was 1 dpo, and it delayed ovulation until I realized WHY my temp wasn't going up like usual. I quit the cream for a couple of days and O'd...just be really, really sure you've O'd before starting it.
As for the red raspberry leaf tea, I've been drinking the stuff for about 18 months....all month long. Recently I decided to do the tea until O. As you mentioned, I've read lots of conflicting stories on when to use it. Figured I'd be safe and just do till O. When my OB/GYN measured my lining a year ago he said it was "plush":haha: ...have no idea if the tea had and affect but I'm really ramping up my intake while on clomid:thumbup:
Isn't pineapple core for AFTER ovulation" Like the first 4-5 days or so? You might need to get yourself another pineapple:haha:

Brandy, welcome back from vaca:hugs: glad it was a nice time:thumbup: I think it's AWESOME that you have NO pg symptoms:cloud9: can't imagine it could get any better than that:flower: Your parents must be sooo excited about these babies:happydance: what a generous gift to foot the bill on the baby gear:)

MommaB, how's the TTC TR baby#2 coming along?:hugs:

Cupcake, Navy & Cj, are you guys nearing O yet? Thought there were a number of us in similar cycles pattern right now:flower:

Llawson, I recall you saying your dr. said to take your clomid in the morning...why is that? Did he give a reason? I want to do everything in my power to increase the chances of this stuff working! Everything I read on the internet says to take at night to decrease side effects, but no one discusses the change in effectiveness by doing this?! Anyway, just thought I would see if your dr. gave a reason:) I also decided to following YOUR dr.'s advice :)haha:) and bd ever other night until +opk and then 2 nights in a row and then back to every other.

Afm, cd 12..starting OPKs today. Still not seeing lots of CM although drinking tons of water:winkwink: thinking I might toss in Muscinex for good measure:thumbup:

At first we were NTNP but now we are full blown TTC. This month I O'd on day 12 which is about 2 or 3 days early and now being in my last 6 days of TWW is killing me. MY boobs are so tender with sharp shooting pains and I am cramping but nothing else so i think it may be a bust this cycle. I have noticed that my CM is not as stretchy as it was before my pregnancy with Emme so I started EPO...I have been thinking about switching to my Omegas instead.
How are you Faith?? Do you ever hear from some of the other girls?
Faith Cd 15 here- still waiting for my Smiley face....Thinking maybe today as I woke up "in the mood!" lol Think the Soy Iso. delayed O again this cycle as usually I O cd13-14, but if it works who cares! Best of luck to you on catching that Golden Egg! DH goes for SA on Wed. so I'm bd while I still can...If this cycle is a bust then Dr. agrees with our NTNP break then IUI & injectibles/trigger after 1st of the year if thats what we want to pursue....Sure would be nice to skip that......
Guess I'm in your shoes too, Lawson. I didn't tell anyone expect a few friends and the managers at work. I'm still thinking about how I am going to break thr news to people if I do become pregnant.
I didn't tell anybody until recently. I actually told them after I had my MC. They asked how was I pregnant with a TL, I said miracles happen and just smiled. IMO, it is nobody's business. I know our baby is planned and wanted and the people who matter know. Unfortunately some people who have no business knowing my business know because my SIL knew and I hear comments from them about why aren't we pregnant yet, blah blah blah. I just respond that God hasn't sent us our miracle yet. I feel like knocking the f*#k out of somebody for opening their mouth especially when I was in the middle of the mc and they asked me. Sometimes the least peopel that know the better. :hugs:

Brandi, I hope you feel better. :hugs:
Oh goodness Cupcake...I was very randy on CD8-13 DH said he felt like we were newlyweds again(having a 6 month old puts a damper on it especially since she only sleeps 2-3 hours at a time at night.)I hope that you get that sticky egg before having to go through all of that!

I told my immediate family. They were very excited since I am the only one who can and wants to give them more grandkids. Everyone else had to wait till I was pregnant with Emmaleigh to find out and then it inspired several of my cousins and friends to go it to with hope.
Galvan your SIL sounds like a wench!
See if I have a successful pregnancy, I'll have more people pissed at me than happy for me, but you know what? I may be a single mom with 3 kids, but I raise those three on my own and we don't struggle. I provided everything for them without them going without while paying off a nearly $6000 surgery. I do a great job and can afford another child. And even if I never havr another one, I'll still be happy that I have 3 beauties and that I tried.

Until I have a successful pregnancy, there is no sense in making people unneccesarily pissed for something that may never come about.
Ladies, I feel the same as you all! Its no ones business but ours and we can tell who we wish. If we have a baby they will find out later anyway but if we dont and they dont know then theres no drama! Galvan I have a SIL that sounds just like that! I cant wait to see her reaction if I become pregnant!
Wow I told everyone!! Everyone knew about our IVF journey and our desire to have a child together and I didn't find the need to hide it from anyone.
Thank you Galvan...sorry, missed the comment. I'll finally have internet next week. Replying on my phone sucks!

Feeling WAY better today. Went shopping again, cuz my kids needed new lunch bags. Did a few houshold chores but nothing where I pushed myself. I'm starting to feel like my old self again and it feels great. I can't wait til I'm completely healed and can stary TTC again

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