Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Well my ex found out last night that I had surgery. He kinda put all the " I'm on bedrest" and "I can't lift anything" together with the "I'm going out of town" and concluded I had surgery. My youngest child was sick yesterday, fever, puking, and she wanted to come home with me and I had to say no, because I can't lift her in and out of the bath if she pukes all over herself. And so I sent him a message apologizing and saying that I needed his help for the next few weeks and kinda told a fib that I had my uterus scraped of endometriosis (which I do have) and he wrote back that he knows what surgery I had and there's no need to argue or lie. I stuck with the endo scrape and said I didn't need him causing trouble because he THINKS he knows. Then he wrote back that he's happy for for me. WTF? The same man who forced me into tying them in the first place is happy for me?! WTF ever!

Anyway...I'm not worried, cuz even if I have to bring it up in court for custody, this surgery really has nothing to do with who should have custody of the kids and even while I paid it off, my kids and I never once went without. All the bills were paid, there was always healthy meals on the table and a roof over their head. They always had clean and appropriate clothes on and I even paid off a $2200 phone bill sitting in collections thanks to him, provided for the kids, AND threw a birthday partt, all in one month earlier this year.

So, I could see the problem
Well my ex found out last night that I had surgery. He kinda put all the " I'm on bedrest" and "I can't lift anything" together with the "I'm going out of town" and concluded I had surgery. My youngest child was sick yesterday, fever, puking, and she wanted to come home with me and I had to say no, because I can't lift her in and out of the bath if she pukes all over herself. And so I sent him a message apologizing and saying that I needed his help for the next few weeks and kinda told a fib that I had my uterus scraped of endometriosis (which I do have) and he wrote back that he knows what surgery I had and there's no need to argue or lie. I stuck with the endo scrape and said I didn't need him causing trouble because he THINKS he knows. Then he wrote back that he's happy for for me. WTF? The same man who forced me into tying them in the first place is happy for me?! WTF ever!

Anyway...I'm not worried, cuz even if I have to bring it up in court for custody, this surgery really has nothing to do with who should have custody of the kids and even while I paid it off, my kids and I never once went without. All the bills were paid, there was always healthy meals on the table and a roof over their head. They always had clean and appropriate clothes on and I even paid off a $2200 phone bill sitting in collections thanks to him, provided for the kids, AND threw a birthday partt, all in one month earlier this year. My poor kids split one can of alphagetti and wear clothes that are stained and are two sizes two small for them at his house and he makes more money than I do! He puta his music addiction above the kids needs.

So, I could see the problem if the kids went without while I paid for it but they didn't so I am not worried.

I'm already noticing a difference in my body since the reversal. I'm 6 days post-op and this morning I woke up with clear, stringy mucous in my underwear. I almost forgot what this was because I haven't seen it since before I had my tubes tied. Then it dawned on ke. It was EWCM...at least I'm pretty sure, lol. Then I looked at my calendar and sure enough, today is CD13...Ovulation Day. I always ovulate on CD13. So now I'm just waiting for the O pains to kick in which should be around supper.
I am about 4dpo. I feel like this month is a no go.. Not sure why. I just don't feel very confident.
My stupid boy cat poked holes in my progesterone cream so that he was licking his fat lips after eating him some of it. I hate my cats in the morning time.
This dang weather in Washington State is getting me depressed. It has flippin rained for two straight weeks. I don't even mean just a storm every day, but a continual down-pouring ALL DAY LONG!! for two weeks already... I hate this state! I never want to come back here after this term is over. I now despise Washington State. I only disliked it before, now it is a lifetime hatred. This place makes you just want to lay down in the fetal position with your thumb in your mouth.. I am worried about getting fat. There is absolutely nothing to do but lay on the couch, eat chips, and play video games... The dream of all men everywhere. :haha: I am living a man's dream. :haha:
Anyhow.... not much backache or bloating or any other after o drama this time. I wish I could have conceived again right away. I keep telling myself that God has another plan for me, for me to be patient and wait; it is very hard to be patient until His will and mine are the same. I feel like I am in constant prayer. I am glad I have you guys to complain to. :cry:
I am such a cry-tittie today. I am feeling way emo today. I have college homework to do... Dang Philosophy.. I am SOOO tired of college homework. I am in college for Business Management/Christian Counseling and I feel like college is never going to end. I have zero motivation. I am like a blond watching t.v. with 6 different television sets running different programs.. I am all over the place with my thoughts today.

Brandi.. I got my tubes tied when I was 20 or so because I got pregnant ( after we discussed having a baby for months) and the guy and I broke up. I lived with my parents during the pregnancy and they took care of me. My mom was ever on me to get my tubes tied so these men could 'stop running away and leaving me with babies to take care of'. She was right cause they did run away, but it was my fault for picking losers that ran.. (My justification was I was an immature 20 year old.) A few months after I had my girl I took her to see her Dad and we got back together (after a few months). We stayed together 12 years and then I got tired of waiting for him to keep his promises (among other things) and divorced him 2 1/2 years ago. I wanted my tubes un-tied for me, since I felt that he, along with my mom, did not leave me any options and gave me no choice but to tie them, when I did not want to. Now I feel like there are so many people that are laughing at my failure to keep a child. My new husband's parents disowned him for divorcing his first wife so we don't speak to them, not counting his brothers and his ex... My mom does not think I should have anymore kids despite my younger sister popping out 6 straight in a row. My ex kept promising I could get them un-done, but every time we had the money, he had other plans for it, or he would quit his job so we could not spend it on the surgery. Now he has a new wife which I am scared to death will conceive and carry before I can and it would make me bitter. (I hope God takes that little feeling away..) My new hubby and I will be married 2 years in Feb.. I try to manage bitterness and the knowledge that so many people are laughing at my miscarriages, justifying their feelings and secret thoughts by saying that we don't deserve to have kids. I believe that God can give His mercy to whomever He chooses. I think that the more people that bring my name in front of God, and that bring me to His attention, are the very ones that will suffer the most since I pray for good for them and they laugh in their hearts at my most vulnerable moments. Some people call that karma. I just call Him God.

Fertility history:jacked up
Relationship history:jacked up
Emotional history: Mr. Rogers Neighborhood
Financial history:ex wife gets it all
Moral of the story: God has my heart, the world has the rest of me.

Now, I am gonna go eat Cheetos and do my Philosophy homework since I am in a 'worldly' state of mind, then I am gonna play video games all day and contemplate the best gear to get for my level 90 Druid healer..
I'm cd13 today and had an ultrasound to check follie size. I have one on my left that is 20mm. My lining is 8.2, which isn't awesome, but it's higher than 7, which is what they want. I take my ovidrel trigger tomorrow morning. DH has another SA next Tuesday, which he's not looking forward to, but at least it'll be better than being mauled by the urologist like last week. The urologist says he might have a very small varicocele, but since it's so small, if it's even there, that it wouldn't affect his fertility. If this month ends up a bust, my doctor is going to put me on 100mg of clomid with trigger, and depending on DH's SA, he might do an IUI. He's also planning an HSG and the end of next cycle if we're not successful. He's calling it the "full court press."

I started fertility acupuncture last week and had my second treatment today. It's very relaxing, except that it hurts when she puts the needles in my feet and shins. Not a lot, but enough to make me rethink whether I want to continue, LOL. She wants me to stop having dairy and sodas. I did okay enough on no dairy, but the soda thing is killing me.

We're counting down to our Disney World trip. If this cycle is a bust, at least I'll have that to cheer me up, and if it's successful, then it will be the most awesome trip ever. :)
Mnjhowell, I have a few in my family that think its a sin to have children with different fathers. I have 3 children and my husband now has none but has raised my 3 as his own. Im not sure if these people (mainly my sil) are jealous in thinking we may try but she keeps bringing stuff up in front of us like: I saw this lady that had 2 children by 2 different dads, thats such a slut.....stuff like that. I will not give her the pleasure of downgrading me for trying. If I end up with a baby, I could care less what she has to say but as of right now, I dont want to give her that satisfaction! Thats why my husband and I are keeping it between us. I dont need the extra pressure. I wish our family was as understanding as some but they arent!
Brandi, I too never noticed any sticky CM again until after the TR? This is probably going to be a stupid question but why does that not happen if your tubes are tied? I thought you were supposed to still have all the symptoms but no egg passing?
Navy good luck with everything! All your stuff sounds so exciting right now! I bet youll be pregnant soon!
As for me, Im on CD10, I will start my O testing in a few days! Im hoping this one will be it since Ive been so darn "frisky" and feeling like a teenager again. My poor husband thinks Im crazy! Hes so worn out from all this but still being a trooper. I woke him up at 5 a.m. saturday and he was ok with it but we had a long day racing at the track so we didnt get home and in bed until almost 3 am yesterday so he was a tired one heading to work this morning! LOL I hope for his sake, I get pregnant soon!
Good luck Lawson!!!

I can't wait to get to the TTC stage. Ha, if my daughter wasn't sick I'd probably go for a drive out to see the donor and ask for a donation, lol. Patience, though. I don't want to just get pregnant, I want a healthy baby and I can't rush my body. I want to wait one full cycle before TTC, which would be around the 26th of October, but everything I read says I should wait 6 week.

That's curious to me too, why you don't have the CM with a TL. I didn't even really think about it until today that I hadn't had any til now. Anyone know?
1 dpo today :) Starting pineapple coretoday, just because its something to "do" lol Hoping that our prayers will be answered this cycle. Kinda nervous for DH tomorrow, but figure a SA is the least he can do since it seems like the rest of TTC is all up to me lol Fx'd for a good report, and of course Baby Dust to all those TTC :)
Angie- Akk I know what you mean by the weather... Oregon isnt much different... The non stop rains are of control. They say this is why the states so green! Ya no shit but no one can go outside to enjoy the green uggh. I like kauai where its green all the time and WARM! Atleast there if it rains it passes in 5 minutes and the suns back out. As for your cycle we shall see... I am sure with all that BD'in you have a good shot.

Navy- 8.2 isnt bad at all. I see much lower even during the IVF process with great outcomes! Your lining will continue to thicken as well leading up to implantation ;) Your follie size is perfect! They want 18-22 atleast my FS does. With acupunture I told them that I didn't like the ones in the top of the feet and they did discontinue placing them there. It was too hard to relax with them... I can't explain it really it wasnt painful just tense and not relaxing. However, the only BFP I got naturally was after 2 cycles of treatment of it... so there is something to be said about it.

Cupcake- I have everything crossed for you that this is your month! GL to DH on the SA... Its funny how us women go to the doctor and get stripped naked, fondled, and poked everytime with something when were TTC'ing to figure out whats going on but the men only do SA's... Boo not fair lol. Atleast my DH has been going to the appts with me so he has seen what all I have gone through.

Speaking of appts... I write off all my medical expenses because well its insanely expensive. I realized today for 2013 I have had 41 appts haha.. Thank god for spreadsheets or I could never keep track!

To those that have unsupportive families my heart goes out to you. I couldnt even imagine how hard it is to have to filter what I tell my family in fear that it might not be well received. Although I do have to say you cant choose your family but you really can choose the ones you associate with. That might possibly be the key to why I have a limited audience when it comes to family functions.

Baby dust to all. I wish you the very best.
I see alot of you talking about your journals. Is that something on here?
I see alot of you talking about your journals. Is that something on here?

Yep if you go into the TTC forums there is a TTC Journal section and you can create your own "Journal" thats viewable by everyone and you can update it with your story. Most people put it in their signatures so others can check in on them and post directly to them and such.

It's a good way to keep track of what your journey was like and to be able to remember all that you have done etc.

I am horrible at it so I never attempted one I would completely fail at updating.
Not sure if you girls have seen this one or not but it's worth a view :haha:

I have one in my signature, Lawson..I try to update it but with a lack of internet it is kinda tough to make big entries. I even hate making these two sentence posts from my phone cuz ny phone sucks. I get internet on Thursday.
got my smiley today and got it on ;) whoop whoop!
Ladies, there is no greater out-of-the-blue, faster way to wake you up at 4am than accidentally being kicked in your incision by your 4 year old son.

It's been a little over two hours now and I'm still hurting. Gonna be a day of parking myself on the couch to recover from that one.

DH found out how much it cost, and later I found him giving his "boys" a pep talk, telling them they needed to get the job done because he didn't want to pay that much again, LOL.

Brandicanucks - OUCH! Try some ice packs to help numb the area and reduce swelling.
Good luck navy!!!

I'm still feeling nauseous from that kick in the stomach. Kids leave for school in half an hour and then I have the whole day to myself to just rest and relax and recover from that kick.

Moral of the story: If your child runs into bed with you, move...quickly, to his bed so you don't get kicked. I just hope it didn't do damage that will wreck my chances of having a baby.
Go Navy!!
Brandi, Been there. Rest up :)
Thanks Brandy...Might just let him get lucky again today:) How are you doing with the twins?

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