Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Brandi- Those are great lengths! Hopefully your journey will be a short one :) You said you were using a donor are you going through a clinic so you know that you will have a quality sample?

Angie- I wish I had some answer.. I am sure not as much as you. Its just baffling... I think that the IC's are picking up relevant HCG levels meaning that you're pregnant but with the Frer those generally are pretty good at picking up levels high enough to be considered pregnant. I wish that the military insurance coverage wasnt so limited on who you see and the care you get. Thats driving me bananas. You know im rooting for you girl ;)

Fluter- Congrats on your weightloss! I hear the sleeve is a really great tool. I am sure you will reach your goal soon.
Holy crap batman!!! I just noticed my ticker I am Orange today wahoo...

Ok sorry carry on.
Brandy...your pregnancy is FLYING BY!!! You're almost halfway done already!

Kind of a confusing and crazy story...so my older two kids are biologically my ex-husbands. My youngest daughter was conceived via a known donor, but is being raised by my ex-husband. He is her father on her birth certificate.

So the man who donated to conceive my youngest daughter will also be donating for my next baby, so my daughter will have a full biological sibling. Except he's not really a donor anymore, so much as my boyfriend now. Generally, the initial agreement with Anberlin had been that the only contact would be regarding birth/passing, medical emergency, or if she turned 18 and wanted to meet him. But we ended up developing a really good friendship over the last three years, and about 6 weeks ago, we decided we would give a relationship a try. We were already planning the next donation prior to starting the relationship...so the only difference now is that we will likely do NI instead of AI.

Anberlin was conceived on the first try, one donation on August 7, 2010 and a BFP on August 17, 2010.
HELLO fellow Mamacitas to be!!!

How is everyone on this Wednesday?
I am headed out to the Triage clinic. My test was lighter this morning so I am assuming that this 'pregnancy' is another failure.:cry:
I am going to use this time to get some tests run without having to go through the struggle of appointments. I have a gland under my right armpit that is so swollen.. I am going to have that checked today as well. I figure my thyroid might be off?? Whatever it is, I am hoping to get some stuff dealt with while I am able. I prayed and decided that time wasted is time I never get back so I better jump while the opportunity is mine to take.
I am a bit upset about knowing this pregnancy is probably gonna end like the last two, but I decided this morning that it's the perfect time for me to get another tattoo..:cry:
I will post my appt. junk as soon as I get time. I am 13 or 14 dpo today.. Period was due yesterday or today..

I hope everyone is doing well and is keeping hold of 'hope' today. I am listening to this song called "Speak Life" by Toby Mac... It's the first time I have heard it, but today Ladies, Let's speak life into all we do! Let's be hopeful!!
God bless my Chicks!!! <3
DH had DR. appt yesterday, Count was low @ 8.9, but had 3ml= approx 27 million total count with 51% motility(13.5% rapid progression) & Morphology was 24%(normal is 30%) so all in all could be worse :/ He feels our best chance will be IUI, since after wash we will probably be around 10-20 million, so our plan is to do supplements & all the normal lifestyle changes for the next 3 months then IUI in Jan. with Clomid & trigger to start. Got the Motility & count boost in the mail today & already had the Fertilaid for men so here we go with NTNP after AF arrives until the New Year.....:( Trying not to be sad, but I guess I won't care in the end if we get a baby....Baby dust to you all....
Angie, I'm sorry you're struggling so much:cry: I do hope you can get some answers today at your appointment. I'm glad you're not giving up:thumbup: :hugs:

Brandy, hope your back pain has subsided:hugs: (still would love to see a bump pic:haha:)

Brandi, great tube lengths:thumbup: glad your incision is healing well.:flower:

Llawson, drag racing!! Sounds exciting:) Glad you were able to get all your bd'ing in:happydance: so what dpo are you now?

Navy, how's your TWW?? I've lost track of dpos around here...I know a number of us are really close in the tww. Hope that trigger made the difference this week:happydance:

Fluterby, I'm really sorry AF found you...EARLY:cry: but WOWZERS what a GREAT weight loss:happydance: that is awsome!! I'll bet you'll get preggers now. Can you try clomid again? :hugs:

Cj, fx'd for your BFP this cycle:hugs:

Afm, FF has changed my O date THREE TIMES! My CM recordings have thrown FF for a loop this cycle. :wacko: If I take out the CM charting, I'm 9dpo today (o'd cd15)...with the cm charting, it changes O to CD17 and then a temp I added two days ago changed it to CD20:brat: soooo, I'm going with NO CM and taking cd15. I don't know if the FertilCM has caused me to have cm in the TWW or if it's the clomid?! DID ANYONE ELSE HAVE WEIRD TWW CM while on clomid? I've had lots of sticky, creamy...NOT a norm for me. Most TWW I have no cm at all until about 2 days before AF, I start getting some ewcm just until AF shows. I've decided to look at the BIG PICTURE...my cycles are usually 30-32 days...if I hit day 33 and no AF...I'll test..that's 9 days from now.:flower: On a positive note, I had a HUGE (bigger than I've ever had before) temp dip this am. Went all the way to cover...SO, looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's temp is:)

My hubby and boys went elk hunting this morning...can't understand the love of heading out in the DARK, FREEZING weather to track animals:wacko: anywho, the meat will be great to have in the freezer as we're nearly out of the 1/4 beef we ordered last year. Can't wait until the season is OVER...I always worry about them getting shot or lost or mauled by a bear or attacked by a mountain lion or wolf or......I just like to have them home, safe and sound;)

Hope everyone is having a good week.:kiss:
DH had DR. appt yesterday, Count was low @ 8.9, but had 3ml= approx 27 million total count with 51% motility(13.5% rapid progression) & Morphology was 24%(normal is 30%) so all in all could be worse :/ He feels our best chance will be IUI, since after wash we will probably be around 10-20 million, so our plan is to do supplements & all the normal lifestyle changes for the next 3 months then IUI in Jan. with Clomid & trigger to start. Got the Motility & count boost in the mail today & already had the Fertilaid for men so here we go with NTNP after AF arrives until the New Year.....:( Trying not to be sad, but I guess I won't care in the end if we get a baby....Baby dust to you all....

Cupcake, that sounds like a PLAN:thumbup: I think it sounds kinda nice to NTNP for the holidays:winkwink: I'm glad AT LEAST YOU GOT YOUR SUPPLEMENTS! I ordered FertilAid for Men, Count Boost, Motility Boost, more Fertil CM & OvaBoost...my envelope arrived today E.M.P.T.Y:growlmad: nothing in the padded manila envelope but a fairhaven advertisement!...a sticker on the outside of the package reads: "your package was received damaged.." grrr! So I emailed the company right away and hope they'll replace it immediately. Surly they will?! Or I'm out $111:cry:

Anyway, I'm anxious to hear your hubby's improvement after taking the stuff for 3 mo.:flower:
Cupcake...I know this sounds really really crazy, but I read recently that some men have a third vein or a larger vein in their testicles that causes their testicles to be warmer than normal, thus lowering fertility. They suggest icing the testicles for 10 minutes at a time, up to two hours a day. This apparently helps to increase a man's sperm count and motility. They say it takes about 70 days for a sperm to fully mature, so it's about a two month process. Not sure if your hubby would want to go that route, but thought I'd throw that out there for NTNP.

OMG Faith! I'd be livid! An envelope with a note? I once ordered a package that got damaged and they called me to tell me it got damaged and that they contacted the company to have it replaced and would deliver it within 24 hours of receiving the package.

Sorry to hear your lines were lighter, Angie. Please KUP about what they say at triage.

I'm not really sure how FF works but that's gotta be so frustrating to have a date changed three times, but I think you've got a good testing plan. :thumbup:

Faith- My issue with clomid was no CM at all so it doesn&#8217;t surprise me that its throwing you for a loop. I would stay just go without putting in your CM like you said. I am not a fan of hunting either seems like a whole lot of work! But ya the meats great to have in the freezer haha&#8230; Hope they get a huge one!

Angie- Even with all the ups and downs that ttc is putting you through you&#8217;re such a ray of sunshine. I am a witch today but you made me smile. Thank you&#8230;.

Cupcake- It&#8217;s not the news you want to hear but actually that report is really not that bad. I think with vitamins and some lifestyle changes you will be just fine. I did some research when we were doing SA&#8217;s and after reading the IVF forums I have to say your report would be glowing. Not that you want to compare yourself to feel better but I truly think that there can be a great outcome with the counts. Have you looked through the assisted conception threads for people doing IUI&#8217;s and such? You should find a group or thread on there and follow it that might help a little. I poked around in there a lot as we moved from standard TTC to assisted.

Brandi- WOW sorry I wasn&#8217;t meaning to pry I was just wondering if you were going to use a clinic and such.. so if it came off that way I am sorry about that. That&#8217;s great that you have a plan and congratulations on your new relationship. 9cm is a great length as I only ended up with 3cm for that reason I feel I had to switch to assisted after 3.5 years. I don&#8217;t think your journey will be as hard as mine for sure.

AFM- I am just trying to hold it together at work. I actually love my job and have work very hard to get to where I am.. But I took on a HUGE project that is global at work and it effects 28 countries within my company&#8230; I started the project right before IVF and since getting pregnant I cant keep up. I get frustrated, mad, sad, cry so easily over the whole thing I don&#8217;t know how I can complete it. I have sent a formal request to step down from the project with an exit strategy so we will see how they respond. Hopefully I get to go back to my old job that I know so well and not have this horrid stress that I cannot take.

While I am ranting and sharing about job and stress&#8230;. I have 2 options after the birth&#8230; become a stay at home mom or go back to work. While the first thought that comes to mind is DUH stay at home. But like I said I worked so hard to get where I am it&#8217;s not something I could leave for years and return to once the children are back in school. Not to mention I pay a ton into my 401ks and retirements so I can have a comfy life later&#8230; I would be giving up a lot of stability from later in life for me and my family if I take the stay at home route&#8230; Or I could take the first 6 months off an then walk right back into my current position like I never left (I would jump on this option if it was 1 year)
Not at all, Brandy! You didn't come across as trying to pry. I usually just end up explaining the story cuz when I say known donor, there are many people who tend to get the wrong idea and kind of get disgusted at it. Not that I'm saying you would, or anything like that, I just find it easier to explain that yes, he's a known donor, but we've known each other for a few years now, so it's not like he's a stranger, and that over the years, we kinda just hit it off. People tend to be less judgemental that way..again, not that any of you are or would be, lol.

No worries.
That's a tough decision, Brandy. We get one year here, but six months isn't horrible, but a year is definitely ideal.

I stayed home with my older two until they were 4 and 2, and then my ex lost his job, and refused to get a new one, so I was forced to go back to work when my youngest was 8 weeks old just to get us by. It sucked! I'm not sure how I managed to BF for 17 months. Thankfully, I was in a place that allowed me two 15 minute pumping breaks. Honestly though, as much as it kept up afloat to where we didn't struggle, I regret it. I missed her entire babyhood. I missed the first time she spoke her first word, when she started bum shuffling, and walking, I missed the first smile. I missed SOOOO much, and I hated my ex when I came home and told me "Anberlin did this today!"...well, maybe not him, but hated that he didn't keep it quiet and let me think the next time she did it was the first.

If I had to go back and do it again, I would have tried to find another way to support us all, and stay home...open a daycare or something. She'll be 3 soon, and I still miss so much. I'm proud of myself for supporting us all, but regret not being there for my baby.

She has a closer bond with my ex than with me. My other two have a closer bond with me than with my ex and I truly believe it's because I was gone for 10 hours 5 days a week of her babyhood and he stayed with her.
We'll this just hit me, if my pregnancy wouldn't have been ectopic earlier this year, I would be delivering a baby next week. Nothing since the ectopic. Weird
Brandy...your pregnancy is FLYING BY!!! You're almost halfway done already!

Kind of a confusing and crazy story...so my older two kids are biologically my ex-husbands. My youngest daughter was conceived via a known donor, but is being raised by my ex-husband. He is her father on her birth certificate.

So the man who donated to conceive my youngest daughter will also be donating for my next baby, so my daughter will have a full biological sibling. Except he's not really a donor anymore, so much as my boyfriend now. Generally, the initial agreement with Anberlin had been that the only contact would be regarding birth/passing, medical emergency, or if she turned 18 and wanted to meet him. But we ended up developing a really good friendship over the last three years, and about 6 weeks ago, we decided we would give a relationship a try. We were already planning the next donation prior to starting the relationship...so the only difference now is that we will likely do NI instead of AI.

Anberlin was conceived on the first try, one donation on August 7, 2010 and a BFP on August 17, 2010.

You got your BFP on my Bday!!
We'll this just hit me, if my pregnancy wouldn't have been ectopic earlier this year, I would be delivering a baby next week. Nothing since the ectopic. Weird


I would be 31 weeks right now if I hadn't had a MC in April. :cry:
Awwww so sorry, ladies. Losing our babies are hard. My 6 year Angelversary of my first angel is on the 25th.
I would be due in 9 days if I hadnt lost our last baby :(
Okay, obviously everyone needs a great big group hug. :)

We had DH's SA today, and I really think that we'll push for doing it at home and bringing it in next time, because it's really too stressful for everyone to do it at the clinic. You can hear all the toilets flushing and the sinks turning on and off when people are washing their hands - well it's just not conducive to a good experience. We have to make an appointment with his urologist to get the results.

I'm 8dpt, and either 6 or 7 dpo. I didn't temp or anything this time around, so I'm going by the 36-44 hour guideline for ovulating after a trigger. I'm trying to hold out until the 16th to test, but I'll probably cave and test this weekend. I tested the other day to see if the trigger shot was still in my system, and it came up BFN, so I know any BFP will be real and not a trigger residue.

Sorry I didn't do personals. I'm so tired today and grumpy and DH has had 4 of the last 5 days off and I really want him to go back to work or go out or leave me alone, LOL.
Okay, obviously everyone needs a great big group hug. :)

We had DH's SA today, and I really think that we'll push for doing it at home and bringing it in next time, because it's really too stressful for everyone to do it at the clinic. You can hear all the toilets flushing and the sinks turning on and off when people are washing their hands - well it's just not conducive to a good experience. We have to make an appointment with his urologist to get the results.

I'm 8dpt, and either 6 or 7 dpo. I didn't temp or anything this time around, so I'm going by the 36-44 hour guideline for ovulating after a trigger. I'm trying to hold out until the 16th to test, but I'll probably cave and test this weekend. I tested the other day to see if the trigger shot was still in my system, and it came up BFN, so I know any BFP will be real and not a trigger residue.

Sorry I didn't do personals. I'm so tired today and grumpy and DH has had 4 of the last 5 days off and I really want him to go back to work or go out or leave me alone, LOL.

FX for you!! I would stick with the 36 hour rule too for triggering.. That is when they have IVF patients trigger and schedule their retrieval exactly 36 hours after that... so I am sure they have it down to a science.
I would have been 18 weeks if I had not miscarriage. Lost my angel 7/17/13
This is also cd2 and first cycle trying to conceive in months, good luck to all those preparing to test

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