Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Well Ive had a strong Positive LH on 2 different test types for 3 days now. Ive never done that. Is this normal?
Well Ive had a strong Positive LH on 2 different test types for 3 days now. Ive never done that. Is this normal?

I had them for 5 days in a row. There is no way to know which day you actually O'd when it does that without being monitored by U/S.
I was hurting pretty good yesterday. It felt like ovulation pains but it was on both sides. Its been the same today hurting on both sides but not quite as bad as it was yesterday.
Something else strange though, when I did my ovulation tests, I always do the wondfro one first and it almost instantly went positive. Then I did the expensive one that has the smiley face and it did instantly go to a smiley face? Thats kind of freaking me out. Anyone know why that would happen?( usually it takes about 5 minutes to see a positive on both of them) I swear, my body just cant be normal and nothings ever consistent. :(
HELLO Mamas!! I wanted to catch up and read how everyone is doing.

Brandy, your girls are GORGEOUS!
Brandi, glad your little one has a good, strong heartbeat.
Kuawen, glad you got your surgery over with and have the possibility of a December bfp.
Everyone else, I hope your cycles are going well.
The hubby and I did not try this past month cause we had some issues to get settled financially, and also because I had serious o pains from my right side and that is my supposed blocked side. We sure did have a great month of playing around..
Since my miscarriages I have had hcg in my system all the time so I have positive tests on the Wondfo all the time. (Hcg under one) I finally got tired of the positive lines and at 11dpo went and got a blood test. On 12dpo she called me and told me that I am pregnant, but my number is already low, that I was probably gonna have a chemical pregnancy (as she was telling me I was pregnant) I have an appt. on Monday (pre-scheduled) to discuss my 'fertility plan'. They are not gonna even begin to help me with maintaining this pregnancy, so I have accepted before I even really knew that I will be miscarrying again. I am hoping that I will at least get to see if I am having tubal pregnancies or not. At least I could have one thing come about by another loss. I guess I am glad to have conceived, but only because I might be able to get the tubal pregnancy issue covered. I no longer get excited about pregnancy. Sad really. I do love to see other people's pregnancy tests though and read their good news. For myself there is only fear and loss and failure associated with being pregnant now. I automatically start dreaming of miscarriage and loss.
I am not even 4 weeks... Not that it matters since I have never made it past 5 weeks anyhow. I didn't ask the nurse at the fertility clinic my hcg number.. I no longer care. I do have to go Monday and have a second blood draw so they can confirm my chemical pregnancy numbers.. I don't even know what a chemical pregnancy is.. I suppose it is some medical term for a miscarriage and I have had enough of those. When the bleeding starts, I will start at cd1 again and maybe one time I conceive, God will allow everything to fall into place for me. I don't even bother looking the stuff up about the bad things and miscarriage and junk. I have had more than I want this year so I decided that whenI am pregnant, I will do what I am told to do by the doctors, if they don't offer to help I will fast and pray and then leave it alone.

So..... I am pregnant again but I was headed for miscarriage on the same day she told me. Then they wonder why I am so bitter and angry?
Oh, I have NO pregnancy symptoms. Just cramps every once in awhile..

I wanted to get pregnant before the end of the year.. God is faithful even if not in the way I wanted..
Angie!! A chemical pregnancy is any MC prior to 5W. It's an egg that is fertilised but doesnt implant into the uterine wall. I feel for you but I will still hold out hope that there is a chance... I am just that way :)

It's great to see you on the boards though and I hope that the doctor can get you going in the right directions to get some answers regarding the issue.
Hi Angie! So glad to see you back, and thank you for the update on you, although not the update we were all hoping for for you.

Sorry you have to go through this. You deserve so much more than having to go through this. It made me sad to hear that the doctor told you you were already heading for another loss because of low numbers. Mine started at 16 with Freckle. They should really be helping you, even if they think it'll end that way, because it could give them some answers.

With their plan, please have them also check your thyroid. Low thyroid can affect fertility and the ability to keep a pregnancy. When I went into surgery, they tested my thyroid, and found it was low. Not horribly low, but low enough to affect pregnancy and they put me on thyroxine. The theory is that low thyroid might have been why I had my losses (2007 and 2008).

Keep having faith hunny. You will get your sticky BFP soon. I pray it's sooner rather than later.
Hi Ladies, Great to see you all using this thread :hugs: I just wanted to Congratulate all of the BFP ladies, its great to see those scan pictures and read your stories...it is truly a wonderful gift. This is a hive of activity and we have been blessed with twins too - How magical Brandy!! x.... Bless you all.x

I am also truly sorry for those ladies who are still waiting for their BFP's, FaithHopeLove and CJ have been with me since the beginning of my journey, oh and not forgetting my TR mommies JoJo, Ready4onemore, Jasmine & Mommax.

Angelcake, Spuggle, Superstoked still remember you ladies too...hope u pop in still now and again.

Angiendaniel - I just wanted to say that your story sounds so similar to mine and those who know me, also know I have numerous BFP's throughout my 3 year TTC journey, Please check out my journal if you wish... Can I just ask have they scanned your uterus internally for Fibroids or Polyps? Just it seems so similar that it sounds like your having implantation problems as your not getting past first base like me?- Just a wild guess but I had to post this for you to read. If you want to ask me anymore details please feel free. I honestly feel like a veteran in this department. lol.

Anyway I will toddle back offline and will pop back as I always do to read your journeys with in-trepidation . Baby dust to all my lovely BnB ladies.
Crystal, I was scanned for cysts and the like when they gave me the hsg test earlier this year. No endo, no cysts.. I have had MULTIPLE internal scans as that is all they do, since I have never made it past 5 weeks all they can do is internal scans. Everything has been cleared. I did take the barrage of fertility tests, but I don't get to even discuss those until tomorrow at my dr. visit. I do not know the results of those tests. I really do think it is an implantation issue as well, but until I follow their stupid military procedures, they will not help me. The doctor says if it is shown I am not having tubal pregnancies he will give me progesterone just for the heck of it cause it can't hurt, but they want me to miscarry again to make sure that I am not having tubal pregnancies. I am pretty positive I am not having ectopics. That is not a concern of mine at all. I am just sure that they are gonna find something simple and I will have lost so many pregnancies for a dumb reason. That will be hard to take if it is the case.

Brandi, they did not tell me the number and I didn't ask. I have never gotten high numbers. My highest number was 177. I am not hopeful, but they don't give me any real reason to be. I just know that she said it was low and that it looked like a chemical, which honestly I thought was an unacceptable thing to say, regardless of my number. Especially from a nurse.
I will be finding out both numbers tomorrow.
I am just glad to finally get this over with, either way. If God sees fit to allow me to keep this pregnancy, that's great, but if not, then at least I can have the d&c they are asking for and get it over with. I am just ready to move on. I can't wait to get this appt over with.
Brandy, I have always been a positive person, but I find myself struggling with being positive around the doctors I have to deal with. They drive me insane and leave me no hope. I just try to keep strong spiritually and keep trying with the resources I have at my disposal, and those are few. I will be glad to get this task finished.
Angie- Thinking about the Fibroids or Polyps... I had TTC for 3 years as well and had all kinds of scans and monitoring and the polyps were not seen. They actually had to send a camera in during a hysteroscopy to find out that I had 4 that needed to be removed before I could do IVF.

I wondered then and now if I would of kept the babies I lost previously had they caught those at the start and removed them... I might have never needed IVF I dunno.
Angie- Thinking about the Fibroids or Polyps... I had TTC for 3 years as well and had all kinds of scans and monitoring and the polyps were not seen. They actually had to send a camera in during a hysteroscopy to find out that I had 4 that needed to be removed before I could do IVF.

I wondered then and now if I would of kept the babies I lost previously had they caught those at the start and removed them... I might have never needed IVF I dunno.

I was in exactly the same boat Brandy, it wasn't until they did a hysteroscopy that they found my 2 also. A Submocosal fibroid definitely interferes with implantation and feeds off estrogen which stops little beanie attaching, it acts like an IUD (Coil)..I really hope you find out soon Angie, my thoughts are with you. So glad your IVF worked though Brandy, what a result, amazing. x
Hey ladies :hi: I'm still here...thanks for asking about me, Brandy:hugs:

Glad to see everyone posting again;) It was pretty quiet around here for a while:nope:

I'm happy to see our preggo Mamas doing so well:) Hopefully 2014 brings in loads of BFPs around here!

Our life continues to be super hectic but I do check in (usually on my phone) to see what's going on. Sometimes I don't get an email alert that new posts have been made so I miss a few days;) I HATE posting on my phone..but seems like I don't have much free time on the computer:( We've had lots going on this fall. SOOO many unexpected expenses in our business and personal expenses:cry: I do still plan to see the RE next month...HSG isn't too costly and it seems IUI is fairly reasonable as well. IVF is certainly out of the question at the moment:( My sister just found out they're expecting their 6th baby! LOL! Her youngest is 8 mo. Her dh was scheduled for a Vasectomy a few months ago but had to leave town just 2 days before the procedure for work and when he got back the dr. was on vaca for 2 weeks..well, life got busy..they sold their house and moved and he was focused on a career change...oops! my sis tested T-Day morning and much to her shock..BFP. She said..."we only had sex ONCE the whole month..lol!" They are both a little numb. So, she REALLY wants me to hurry up and get a BFP so we can be preggo at the same time! :winkwink: :dohh: She's been my cheerleader for the past 3 years;)

I'm currently 4dpo...dh and I have been faithfully drinking our teas and taking our full dose of supplements. I know it can take a few months to see results..but still hoping and praying that we are blessed with a miracle. All this talk of polyps and fibroids really makes me wonder what's going inside of me...wonder if that could be my reason for no BFPs. I'm not an early tester so have no idea if I have implantation issues....perhaps I'll start testing early.:winkwink: I suppose this will be a discussion with the RE.

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the Christmas season:hugs: seems to fly by so quickly! I need to get some baking done so boxes can go out to dh's family. We're doing SIMPLE, inexpensive Christmas at our house this year. The kids understand this and, at their ages, are fine with it all. FOOD is the biggie at our house;) As long as there's fun food to eat..we're all happy:flower: I've been doing really well with avoidance of gluten and most carbs in general. Also trying to limit dairy as I've read about the mucous issues and clogging up the fallopian tubes.:shrug: who knows..having to keep trying different things;)

Well, hope everyone is ready for a great week! :kiss:
Well got my blood done today and my number is 58, but I woke up with super heavy bleeding with clotting so I know my stuff is done. (my first number friday was 7...)
The Doctor I saw today told me that I have no option but to do IVF.. I told him I had just one tiny little other option and that is to find a different doctor and walked out. They have done nothing but try to sell ivf to me the whole time. No other option he said... I have to admit that some days, as a Christian, it feels tough to have to keep from saying what you want. I was praying before the doctor came in to be able to keep my spirit quiet cause I had just had enough when I woke up to another miscarriage. I am gonna be busy today transferring my care to Standard and finding another infertility doctor. We have decided that regardless of how many more miscarriages I have coming my way, we are still gonna keep getting pregnant, we are just not gonna see any doctors unless we make it past 5 weeks to save myself the trouble. I also am not gonna take any more pregnancy tests until I miss my period. I am still gonna keep track of my cycles on my calendar, but only cause to give that up would kill me.. ha ha The only way I would have IVF and quit trying right now is if it were proven I was having tubal pregnancies, or if I lost my left tube. If I can stick with the same garbage doctors for 8 months and thru 4 miscarriages, I won't be going down without some kind of fight.
Oh, all my test were normal.. thyroid, and two others she mentioned...
It's so awesome to see more bfps. !!!! My lo is 11 months today and I almost wish for another but I'm so done !!!! Baby dust to everyone!!!
Well got my blood done today and my number is 58, but I woke up with super heavy bleeding with clotting so I know my stuff is done. (my first number friday was 7...)
The Doctor I saw today told me that I have no option but to do IVF.. I told him I had just one tiny little other option and that is to find a different doctor and walked out. They have done nothing but try to sell ivf to me the whole time. No other option he said... I have to admit that some days, as a Christian, it feels tough to have to keep from saying what you want. I was praying before the doctor came in to be able to keep my spirit quiet cause I had just had enough when I woke up to another miscarriage. I am gonna be busy today transferring my care to Standard and finding another infertility doctor. We have decided that regardless of how many more miscarriages I have coming my way, we are still gonna keep getting pregnant, we are just not gonna see any doctors unless we make it past 5 weeks to save myself the trouble. I also am not gonna take any more pregnancy tests until I miss my period. I am still gonna keep track of my cycles on my calendar, but only cause to give that up would kill me.. ha ha The only way I would have IVF and quit trying right now is if it were proven I was having tubal pregnancies, or if I lost my left tube. If I can stick with the same garbage doctors for 8 months and thru 4 miscarriages, I won't be going down without some kind of fight.
Oh, all my test were normal.. thyroid, and two others she mentioned...

Hey Angie- If I were you I would ask your regular doctor if they could order a hysteroscopy to see if you have polyps or fibroids. This isnt always done by a fertility doctor... I had it ordered by my gyno and my FS previously so you might be able to bypass another doctor to get it. It's also a requirement for most IVF patients anyway... another thing to check off the list. Just a suggestion. :hugs:
:hugs: Angie. I hope you find another better doctor! You doctor sounds like my quack Dr I had before I changed Drs. I have an awesome RE now so I hope you have the same luck. I haven't gotten a BFP, but I have only been to him 1 cycle. My next cycle with him is in March unless we get a miracle before then. :) Good luck, Angie. I will be praying for you, dear. :hugs:
There is only one infertility clinic near my house.. I have so many papers to fax to get my care switched. I am gonna make my hubby fax them all tomorrow at work. I should get a call back tomorrow from the infertility clinic, but with only one in this big place, I am probably gonna be waiting awhile. I will be calling the old goon doctor I saw at the very first and see if he can order me the hysteroscopy.. I figure it's best to get all the stuff done. If you ladies know of any other test I should take, please feel free to speak. I will drive the 30 minutes into Seattle if I have to. I don't know a single place there, but I will not be going back to that hospital for infertility but one more time and that is just to have one last blood draw on Wednesday..
The tests I had prior to IVF were the following- You have probably had many of these. Some have to be done on specific days of your cycle. The ones that stand out to me mostly given the early losses are the AMH and FSH testing as these determine egg quality. Although they can be released and fertilised that doesnt insure they are high enough quality to split/divide. The 2nd thing that jumps out to me is the hysteroscopy and a chance of either fibroids and or polyps that could potentially be blocking the eggs from implanting correctly.

  • Full panel blood test for vitamins and blood count etc.
  • AMH and FSH
  • Progesterone check
  • DH had sperm analysis
  • HSG
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Female annual exam

While undergoing IVF treatment there was other things that they did look at but didn't specifically schedule me in there to test. Such as checking the lining of my uterus from the day of my last period till the O process... this was to insure that the thickness was there as well as the "triple stripe" this is just an ultrasound term that means that the lining has the right consistency for an eggs to implant. Also checking ovaries for cysts during the process so they didn't interfere which I never had one so I am not sure what happens if it does occur.

I am sure there was more but thats off the top of my head. I should have journaled but I am horrible with that stuff.

Edit: One more thing... If they do a scan shortly before your O they will be able to determine the follicle size. This determines the approx maturity of the eggs. If the eggs are releasing before they are matured enough then they can lead to early m/c as well. The follicle size should be 18-21MM right before the egg is released.
Galvan, I am one of the lucky few that has almost equal cycle halves. I have a 13 day/ 12 day cycle. Sometimes I will ovulate on cd12, but very seldom. My cycles are really like clockwork.

Brandy, the two important tests you mentioned are the ones she said came back normal. Something about my Ovarian reserve and it being normal.. My husband had a semen test before my reversal surgery and it was normal.. I had a progesterone test during my pregnancy before this loss, and it was 7.4 at 5 weeks.. I had a full panel blood work before my last pregnancy and everything was normal. All I have not had is the hysteroscopy.
Everything is normal except for the progesterone level and the one doctors opinion that I am having tubal pregnancies... which in fact is a very good possibility since my tube was only opened during the hsg... maybe it just isn't open enough...
I have not had a 'triple stripe' in any pregnancy.. only the first layer. Since I heard that term, that is what made me 'almost sure' that it is a lining issue for me. I have also been checked for cysts.. I have never been scanned for anything before O.. only when I had my reversal surgery.
Galvan, I am one of the lucky few that has almost equal cycle halves. I have a 13 day/ 12 day cycle. Sometimes I will ovulate on cd12, but very seldom. My cycles are really like clockwork.

Brandy, the two important tests you mentioned are the ones she said came back normal. Something about my Ovarian reserve and it being normal.. My husband had a semen test before my reversal surgery and it was normal.. I had a progesterone test during my pregnancy before this loss, and it was 7.4 at 5 weeks.. I had a full panel blood work before my last pregnancy and everything was normal. All I have not had is the hysteroscopy.
Everything is normal except for the progesterone level and the one doctors opinion that I am having tubal pregnancies... which in fact is a very good possibility since my tube was only opened during the hsg... maybe it just isn't open enough...
I have not had a 'triple stripe' in any pregnancy.. only the first layer. Since I heard that term, that is what made me 'almost sure' that it is a lining issue for me. I have also been checked for cysts.. I have never been scanned for anything before O.. only when I had my reversal surgery.

I knew you had alot of the tests done I just had to break them all down in my head to be sure I got them all.

I did forget to mention the E2 which is the estrogen test that is prior to ovulation and then the progesterone that you have had done. But the progesterone should have been done exactly 7 days post ovulation.

Hopefully they are able to send you in the right direction.

Plus with all the early losses I would think that they could at the very minimum do a uterine scratch for you to assist with the implantation.

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