Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

I just had my U/S for 31W the babies are 3lbs 13oz 17" long! My cerclage is holding perfectly thank god :) No funneling currently so I have bought myself some more time with these little girls.

I have another scan a week from today so we are just going to take it weekly and decide when to take it out. For now I am very happy with their weights and how far we have made it. I just wish I wasnt so damn uncomfortable :(
Update: No evidence of ectopic. Lining was thick. No sac yet tho. Too early. Said in his experience 20-25% are slow risers? Said to keep praying & not to give up on this bean just yet. Redrew hcg tonight & repeat Friday. Repeat US tues at 6 weeks. Told them not to call me with results of labs. I would get them at next appts. Need to de-stress. I'm pregnant today. Can't do anything to stop a loss so I need to relinquish the control. All in all in in a better place.
Sounds like a great plan!!!! Sounds like everything is doing what it is supposed to be doing and you ARE PREGNANT!!!!!
Cupcake, what a relief to rule out ectopic! I will continue to pray for your little one. And yes, after 14 months(?) you're pregnant! What a blessing!

Brandy, sorry you're so uncomfortable:( I can't imagine having 2 little ones moving around in there;) The finish line is in sight!:happydance: Can't wait to see pics of your baby girls:) You certainly don't look like you've gained much weight AT ALL! ESPECIALLY for twins!!! What has your weight gain been? :flower:

Thanks so much for writing such a detailed account of your IVF process! I loved reading through it but makes me feel overwhelmed:haha: One thing that I know is specifically different with our trial is NO birth control pills...the nurse called me a few days after the RE wrote a script for the pills and said DON'T take them or you'll be disqualified or the study:shrug: Apparently no BC can be taken within 6 mo. of IVF...according to their study. I don't know if they're planning to give me something else to suppress ovulation:shrug: I plan to call her today and get more details on the step-by-step process. I know they plan to go over more extensively once AF comes this cycle. I'm currently 4dpo..I think. Didn't focus on opks this cycle again and just went with temp and cm. Temp has been a slow rise this cycle.:wacko:

Angie, to be honest...I haven't even thought of how many eggs we'd have transferred. I wouldn't mind twins...but triplets would worry me simply because of the risks with the premature births and health complications for the babies. Something to pray about!!!:hugs:
Good Morning Faith! I have gained 17lbs it feels like much much more than that.. I eat like a horse haha.

Here is me at 31W pardon the no makeup or anything its just too much work these days to do my hair and make up :blush:


  • 31W.jpg
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Thanks ladies. Not out of the woods yet for ectopic but praying God has another Miracle left for us!

Brandy-You look awesome! Love the bump! Admitting a little jealous LoL but I know how far you have journied & am ecstatic for you!
Hi everyone, just wanted to stop by and give a quick update for myself.

My last cycle was annovulatory (or at least I suspect it was; pos OPK's but no temp rise) which I know is normal to happen every once in a while especially after surgery.

I've been taking my Fertilaid and Ovaboost as directed and, after getting back into the swing of working out every day like I used to, this cycle is shaping up to be a better one than the last two. I'm on CD11 and my OPK's are already starting to show a second line, and my CBFM is reading "high", so I'm hopeful that I'll O on CD14 like I used to before my first CP. If we don't catch it this time then DH will have to go for a SA and we'll begin testing to see if my tubes are blocked or if I'm successfully O'ing.

I'm glad to see so many ladies here with high hopes and good prospects for the coming year. I'm praying every day for you cupcake that your slow riser is a sticky bean. I hope we all get to share good news in this thread in the upcoming year.
Kuawen, good luck with this cycle:thumbup:

Brandy, you look amazing! I'll bet people are shocked when you tell them you have TWO babies in there!!!
You look beautiful, Brandy! At least you have a reason for not wearing make-up. I never do. I wear mascara sometimes, but I have never been good at putting make-up on and it makes my face feel yucky. I started watching videos to be better at applying it last year, but that lasted until after I spent quite a bit of money on the makeup and now it is in a bag under the bathroom sink just waiting for me. I am guessing it will be there for quite a while. Ever so often I think about how pretty I could be if I just cared.. ;D
Thanks girls. I feel bad coming on here and giving my updates and stuff. I promise you I am not rubbing it in your faces because I spent a very long 3+ years TTC'ing I wish it wouldnt have come down to IVF. But I pray you all get your keepers soon I promise you that.

This pregnancy especially the 2nd half of it has been much more of an emotional and physical rollercoaster than I ever expected...seriously. I have to keep reminding myself I dont want them born yet but I dont think I have ever been so unstable in my whole life. The physical toll that it is taking on me is now morphing into an emotional toll if that makes sense.

I can't remember the last night that I got more than 2 hours of sleep and when I do it's broken sleep. My back is now constantly hurting to the point that I cant sit for more than a few minutes... I am standing to type this. Then I am screwed becauase I have SPD which gets worse the more you're on your feet! So I can't win literally.. I stand to relieve back pain and then the standing causes SPD to become worsened. I can barely walk because of the pain and then in bed I can't get comfortable. Then to top all that shit off I have restless leg syndrome which if I hold still too long kicks in....

I am to the point where I spend most of the night pacing the floor then sitting in a recliner with a heating pad then laying in the jacuzzi (the heat is set to 99) for an hour and this is where I usually doze off for my whopping hour at a time. I repeat this all night long for about 8-10 hours until my DH is up.

Then somewhere in the midst of that routine I have a mental breakdown and just bawl my eyes out because I cant take it anymore and I dont know what to do.

These are the things they never warned me about! I am devastated that I am not getting to enjoy this pregnancy as much as I wanted to now. I know they will be here soon but in the moment it doesnt seem like it.

Sorry to subject everyone to that but I had to vent to people I know instead of some random 3rd trimester rant thread.
Brandy, bless your heart. I was miserable at the end of all my singletons I cant imagine carrying around twins. Im sure you are miserable but the end is in sight. If you go anyday now they will be fine. Try some bananas for the restless leg syndrome.
I have an adjustable sleep number bed with the anti gravity setting that would work great for you right now..... Im so sorry you are having such discomfort.
I am about 13 days past ovulation and my temp dropped a little this morning so Im sure AF will be here soon!
Cute belly by the way Brandy! My cousin is pregnant with one and she is HUGE! Every way up down side to side. i bet shes gained 40 pounds....the baby is due anyday and she keeps complaining cause its not here yet but shes not done any walking for months. She rides the wheelchair around the stores not by doctors orders just because shes too tired to walk! LOL, I told her shes never going to come if she doesnt get up and walk!
I had SPD with my dd, and I would gladly take being in labor than having that pain ever again. I also had RLS (and still have it now but am in remission). I'm sure all of that makes the time move just so much slower now that you're in the home stretch. I was never able to find anything that worked to help any of those, although sitting on a birth ball did ease some of the discomfort from SPD. I couldn't sit on a regular chair for weeks until dd was born. :(

I love reading your updates. I'm happy whenever one of the TR ladies gets their take home baby (or babies in your case). Also, vent away. It's normal. You're carrying two babies, plus all the hormones, plus you're older now than the last time, so of course it's rough. You've been doing great. :)
Your struggle sounds horrible, and I can say that I don't envy you that at all, but you are envied for the two little heartbeats you are growing. Every single day that they are there, they are getting stronger. Every single day you carry them, that is one less day they have to be in the hospital. You are in charge of their beginning and darned if they ain't gonna make your life more beautiful everyday. You are definitely envied for that. You are entitled to complain about your hurting. You are one woman with two pregnancies at one time. You have done the job of growing two babies when most of us complain about the trouble with one. You are doing great and you will soon have two daughters that are sure to make you want to pull your hair out in frustration and love. I think you're doing an awesome job!
Cupcake, on another thread there's a girl with low rising numbers and she just had her us and they finally saw the sac and yolk sac at 6.5 weeks, so you hang in there, girl :)
CJ~Thank you for the inspiration! I'm still hanging in there :) The girls at work made me cry by being so sweet to me today! If nothing else I have learned how blessed I am to be surrounded by a wonderful group of people in all walks of my life!

AFM~I honestly do have to say I "feel" pregnant today lol Have had heartburn most of the day, but had to stop & get some Hawaiian Punch on the way home :0 Yeah, I'll be tasting that for a while lol I'm trying to talk to the Little One alot & I think it's at least making me feel better :)

Brandy~You have every right to vent about being miserable. Heck I think we all feel sorry for your back! Hang in there!

Hope everyone has a Great week & if anybody needs this cold artic weather....Be my guest!!!! Grrrrr So ready for some Summer time!
Hang in there Cupcake!
As for the cold weather, Im so ready for Spring or Summer! Ill never complain about the heat again! Its been below zero over night the last few nights. The 4.5 inches of snow we got last week is half ice now and they are calling for another 12-18 inches Tuesday! Ugh
Hello everyone, I still read everyone's post and congrats to all the BFP'S. Brandy I love the baby bump very cute!!

Well my surgery is paid for, Feb 19th needs to hurry up lol. I have so much faith and hope in this new dr but I'm still so scared that this surgery isn't gonna work like my first one. I'm trying to stay positive and Dh is helping with that but there's always that thought in the back of my head that my tubes will scar back over. I pray for my little miracle. Baby dust to everyone
Hello everyone, I still read everyone's post and congrats to all the BFP'S. Brandy I love the baby bump very cute!!

Well my surgery is paid for, Feb 19th needs to hurry up lol. I have so much faith and hope in this new dr but I'm still so scared that this surgery isn't gonna work like my first one. I'm trying to stay positive and Dh is helping with that but there's always that thought in the back of my head that my tubes will scar back over. I pray for my little miracle. Baby dust to everyone

So close now! Less than 3 weeks :)

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