Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Basically you only have 3 and a half weeks to go. It is hard, I can just imagine how hard it is with 2 in there, but you can do it! I can't wait to see pics of those little girls!

I have only asked how many IUIs we will do before IVF. He saiud 3 and then we will do more tests to see why I am not getting pregnant to fix whatever is wrong and then go to IVF, btu he is confident that 1 of these IUIs will work. I pray he is right! This is the best fertility clinic in Mexico and one of the best inb North America. I think it ranks number 2. It's success rates ar 2% better than the US average so I pray they prove it with me.
Don't mind at all Brandy!

Do you trigger for your ovulation or does he just go with a positive opk then wait 36 hours?-- I trigger with usually 10000 ui
Is he doing estrogen (E2) level checks on you while you stim?---- No, I will request that if we have to do another IUI.
Do you have U/S to tell you how big the follies are prior to trigger or insemination?--- I go for monitoring Saturday. From there, he will either have me do a couple more days of Menopur and then trigger or just trigger. My next appt after Saturday will be the 1st IUI.
Last IUI, I went for monitoring. He prescribed 3 more Menopur doses because my follies were 15, 16, 17 I think. Then told me to trigger the day after the last Menopur and to go in 48 hrs later for IUI. Hence why I requested B2B IUIs because I saw when I trigger before that I Oed the day after trigger. SO I feel last IUI was a fail because we did the IUI too late. Which, I should have told the RE that I O the day after trigger because he was my new RE at that time. Expensive slip of the mind there.

Awesome thats what I was wondering. 48 hours post trigger seems a little long to me. But they are the professionals. Remember also that not all follicles have an egg in them they could be empty or have multiple eggs.
Tonight I start my progesterone..... I am about 7dpo give or take a day or two.. Either way I am enough days past o that it won't hurt. I have been having baby dreams.. weird ones.. A few nights ago I dreamt that I had a cute little puppy in my arms and it turned into a little baby girl and I decided to keep the baby a baby and not let it turn back into a puppy. Last night was more weird. I was dreaming that I was on a bus and someone died and someone else asked me to talk to the dead person and the dead person gave me something and it turned into a baby in my arms. I have to admit that I don't feel pregnant and I have not had the slightest real desire to pee on anything. I have not taken a single test. I have two tests saved, one for the 10th which is cd10 (give or take) and Valentine's Day which should be cd14 give or take.. I am pretty content this month either way. I am usually more nervous or scared, but I am comfortable this cycle with just going with the flow which is not like me at all. I have started crocheting a little baby blanket for whatever month I get my double lines again. For once in my ttc fiasco, I am just ready to wait and be patient. This cycle I have been MELLOW... I have been a little bit of a cry baby, but not too hateful at all which I am glad for.

Galvan, I hope your IUI works the first time.
Brandy, I for sure think you will make 34 weeks, and I hope your little one turns..
CJ... I am praying for you a super lot.
Faith, you as well.
Brandi.. You carry like you are having a boy and the heart rate implies boy as well, but that is simply a guess from a woman who had one of each. I think you are carrying the boy you wanted to round out your numbers.. I would not be able to be patient enough to wait until the end. I completely understand the desire to cave and get the ultrasound for gender..
Well, I am gonna go work on my baby blanket. I am getting pretty good at crocheting and it relaxes me, plus I get to make cute little baby things.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!! I will check back in on Monday or so! God bless! <3
Oh and Cupcake, the trauma of a miscarriage doesn't come from the bleeding, it comes from the days while you wait. I have had 4 losses since the end of May and it doesn't hurt for your body to bleed, but it sure hurts when your heart is.
I pray for you.
Thank you Angie. My heart will always hurt I'm sure. As of today I'm in a pretty good place & have come to just accept it. Still don't understand the why, but guess we aren't meant to... .
Just curious but why are you starting the progesterone so late? I was prescribed to start it 2 days after O day. Did your Dr.order it later? Hope that no symptoms is a good sign for you;)
Sending lots of love and prayers for your sticky BFP, Angie. Maybe being the "love month" and not feeling the desire to pee on things will give you that sticky bean this month. I KNOW you'll have your sticky baby by the end of the year (hopefully sooner)

Well, this pregnancy is IDENTICAL to my son's pregnancy, right down to the extended morning sickness (still have it, ugh). That makes me think boy. And I've only had 4 girl votes to about 21 boy votes, lol, based on pregnancy similarities, skull theory, nub theory, and when I inseminated to when I ovulated, and that doesn't include the gender prediction tests I've done (chinese gender chart says boy, gender maker says boy too).

I have a friend due 6 days before me and she's having her gender ultrasound on Sunday, and she's so eager for me to find out too, so she can start buying for the both of us. She ended up talking me in to booking my own private ultrasound...and I'm going in on Sunday too. The place said they don't do gender ultrasounds before 18 weeks, so I kinda sorta told them I'd be 18 weeks on Sunday, when I'll really only be 17 weeks.

I figure one week isn't going to make a HUGE size difference, and I'm absolutely certain that a penis won't shrink into a vagina, nor will a vagina grow a penis in one week's time, lol.

So, if Freckle cooperates, by 5:00pm Sunday, I should know.
Thanks Angie. This is my second IUI. My first one was back in June and failed. I think we did the IUI a little too late. Hence, why we requested back to back IUIs. This means that they will do one IUI 18-24 hours after trigger and then another IUI 24 hours later. I finished what I hope to be my last box of Menopur tonight. I am sure I will get 2 or 3 more doses of Menopur before I trigger just because that is how my body seems to react. Fx this is the last time I inject fertility drugs!

Praying for a BFP with a sticky bean this time ANgie1

Can't wait to find out what you are having Brandi!

I will post my follies and sizes tomorrow afternoon. Pray for good follies!
Awww yay! Sending lots of sticky BFP dust, galvan!!!

This is gonna be the year of the TR Babies!
LoL what happened to "team" yellow? Don't blame you. I found out with my 1st too, but dh & I both have decided we don't want to know when we do get our baby. Hope you get your boy & aren't too upset if its team pink...

Galvan-So excited to gear your follow sizes! Hope this is it for you!
On the day they triggered me my lining was 10. He said that was good. Does anyone have any ideas as to what the range is at 0?
My friend is evil. She kept talking about all the pink or blue she was going to buy and how she needed to know...and my mom is so convinced it's a girl and I thought it would be fun to Gender Reveal at her work. I have almost all the big ticket items I need...just the breast pump is still needed which is $300. And my favourite baby store has a huge $2.99 sale right now so I can't just go nuts with a sale and get all gender neutral.

But the biggest deciding factor was circumcision. If he IS a boy, he'll be circumcised (family history of late circumcision) and it costs $500. I won't be able to pull $500 out of the aor within 24 hours of birth so if he is a boy, I need to start saving now for it.

I'll love another little girl (can't be set on her name for the life of me) but for my son's sake, I hope it's a boy so I can be done too. If it's not, well, I guess I could always go for another one, lmao.

My mom posted on my Facebook yesterday cuz I posted a screen shot of the Chinese calendar prediction saying boy (she is against the possibility of the baby being a boy) and we were teasing my SIL about how she'll be the one to have twins. I said I would have loved twins (would have been kinda cool if both Brandi (y)'s in here had twins, lol) and she goes "You're done after this one, right?" (She doesn't know about my TR...thinks a clip came off) and I said I wasn't sure...Isaiah need a brother so she better pray this one's a boy. Then she called me evil
Cj- You continue to grow your lining even after the trigger so 10 is great! With IVF they require at a minimum of 7.

I remember when I first had my BFP and u/s and they saw 2 sacs. I was dead set that there was a girl and boy twin in there. Sooo sure! I was totally unprepared when they told me no it&#8217;s g/g twins. I was speechless&#8230; Not in a negative way I had always had a boy and a girl I had never had an overwhelming amount of one gender or the other so it threw me for a loop. It took me about 15 seconds then the excitement flooded me at the prospect of dressing them up! The ribbons, the bows, the hair, the girly stuff! It was my husband that screamed YES!!! The second he heard. It&#8217;s just weird because I still feel guilty for those 15 seconds that it took me to be excited because it just wasn&#8217;t what I expected!! But now I wouldn&#8217;t change it for the world. When I see the gender disappointment forum on the list it just pisses me off.. sorry but that&#8217;s my 2 cents.
On the day they triggered me my lining was 10. He said that was good. Does anyone have any ideas as to what the range is at 0?

I am not sure but I will ask my RE at my appt today.
I couldn't agree more. We all know God will give us his choice and he or she is our child no matter what. It is tbe baby that we desired. The sex shouldn't matter. OH wanted a boy at the beginning of this journey, but now all he wants is a baby.
And that's my ultimate goal too. A boy would be great to even it out, but another girl will be wonderful too. The fact that I got pregnant so quickly after TR is a miracle in itself. I'll just take a baby please!
Brandi- It's funny because your pregnancy to me seems to be flying by!! I think I have said that to you before ;) But mine seems to be taking FOREVER! It's just so weird... Then I think back to when I first saw the FS for IVF it was a year ago on 2/19 and I am floored wondering where the year went.
In the beginning we wanted a son, but then it didn't matter.Especially after a hard Journey & now a loss, we just want a healthy little one. Started a little spotting this morning, dark brown/red. Guess its starting, or at least Hope it is...My level had only dropped 107 in 48 hrs. when Dr. called yesterday. Hoping it picks up some speed so that it doesn't take weeks to be over..
And see, yours, Brandy, seems to me to be flying by and mine's just going by sooooo slowly lmao.
:hugs: Cupcake. Fx for fast drop so you can get started TTC again. Will you immediately do another IUI or wait?

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