Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Faith, I have seen lots of ladies online who have a negative FRER the morning of betas, but have a posiitve beta. Praying this is your sticky bean!

Sorry to those of you who got AF, and praying for the rest of you in the TWW. No time for many personals. I am behind on school and still unpacking. Grrr!!

AFM, I believe I am in the TWW finally, but no idea when AF is due. I expect her on the usual day in 4-5 days, but won't test until she is late by the days I had EWCM which will be in 10 days. I hate these crazy cycles, and I have had too many of them this year!
Cupcake - I couldn't remember if it was 10 or 12 days for a good LP length. The B vitamins should help that too. :)

Galvan good luck on catching the egg.

Faith - I'm still holding out tons of hope for you and a BFP.

AFM...My husband is insane! lol he said today that he is hoping for twins so the baby won't be alone...I'm good with one and then maybe having another if possible. We discussed what we would do as far as birth control if we had twins or a singleton. If we had more than one he'd go get snipped and if it was just one, we just take our chances and if we were blessed with another then so be it. I do not want another TL.
Momsbaby, so sad about your dd:nope: glad she'll be okay. She'll be healed up just in time for summer break:winkwink:

Fluter, rooting for a successful IUI:happydance:

AFM, went ahead and tested this morning 9dp3dt and BFN:( Used a FRER and 2 different brands of IC..just to be sure. So..perhaps a miracle will surface and I'll get a nice strong BFP in a few days...but just not really "feeling it." Dh and I prayed together this morning..once again giving all the years of TTC up to God and knowing it's truly all in His hands.

Glad to see spring weather!:flower: That always lifts the spirit.

Brandy, we need a new photo of your girlies.:hugs: Are they good nighttime sleepers? Hope you're getting enough rest.:cloud9:

Faith-Praying you DO get your surprise BFP! Don't throw in the towel just yet.

Navy, my gyno just put me and the hubby on (2) antibiotics each that she wants us to start the day I start my period. We had a long conversation on the phone this morning about my RE and him not helping out so much. I believe she said the antibiotics kill of the ph in both of us which in turn lets the sperm move faster and easier? She said so much I may have got that confused but she did say she prescribes it for every couple having problems conceiving. Ours are doxycicline and flagyl only because Im allergic to penicilin. She also said my hubby should be getting at least 2000 mg of vitamin C a day and lots of water. I hope this helps our situation.
So I would say go for it!
AFM, the RE put me on clomid AGAIN! This is my 10th month. I was worried about that, thats one of the reasons I called my Gyno. She said if I am ovulating and having a period on it then she would recommend at least a few more months on it because it does work well with older ladies like me and it helps produce more eggs which is good for the older ladies too! Im getting too old for this (Im 43) Im not giving up just yet though.

LL-Hope the Antibiotics do the trick! Are you doing IUI again this cycle?

Faith, I have seen lots of ladies online who have a negative FRER the morning of betas, but have a posiitve beta. Praying this is your sticky bean!

Sorry to those of you who got AF, and praying for the rest of you in the TWW. No time for many personals. I am behind on school and still unpacking. Grrr!!

AFM, I believe I am in the TWW finally, but no idea when AF is due. I expect her on the usual day in 4-5 days, but won't test until she is late by the days I had EWCM which will be in 10 days. I hate these crazy cycles, and I have had too many of them this year!
Good luck Galvan! Maybe a crazy cycle will turn into a Miracle for you!

Cupcake - I couldn't remember if it was 10 or 12 days for a good LP length. The B vitamins should help that too. :)

Galvan good luck on catching the egg.

Faith - I'm still holding out tons of hope for you and a BFP.

AFM...My husband is insane! lol he said today that he is hoping for twins so the baby won't be alone...I'm good with one and then maybe having another if possible. We discussed what we would do as far as birth control if we had twins or a singleton. If we had more than one he'd go get snipped and if it was just one, we just take our chances and if we were blessed with another then so be it. I do not want another TL.[/QUOTE

I actually would LOVE twin boys! :) We haven't really discussed BC after a baby yet, but I am kinda just leaving toward 1 & done. LOL Already dreading ttc 2nd TR baby, better get the 1st one before worrying about more! I don't think I want another TL either :/
They asked me if I wanted a tl when I was in the hospital. I almost punched them Rofl. Never again.

Faith I still think there is hope ;-)
lmao Brandy. I WOULD have punched them.

I'm pissed, and stressed, so someone please calm me down before I stress myself into premature labour. I found out that my ex husband stole $2800 out of my kids' RESPs. We were joint subscribers because the company never removed him after we separated, and despite me being the sole contributor, his bankruptcy agency decided they were legally entitled to MY money that I contributed to the kids' education. He signed off to let them take it, and then took his name off the policies, rather than take his name off the policies before they could take it. He decided he wasn't even going to come to me about them trying to take it so that I could take the steps to protect it.

The RESP company was in the wrong for not informing me of this attempt to remove money, and not having BOTH signatures agreeing too removing the money, but the bankruptcy company is also in the wrong for taking my money for his debts, without my knowledge or permission, and also for not informing him of his other three options to avoid the money being taken. But not only did they lose the $2800, they lost the government grants so they lost a total of $5600 of their RESPs, of which I was the sole contributor.

After doing some research, I found some loopholes and options to get the money back, short of suing them and my ex, so wish me luck that it works cuz I'm already a hormonally pissed off pregnant woman and can't afford this stress right now.
Yikes Brandi...I'd be fuming mad too. I wouldn't stop until that $ was given back!!! That's a bunch if BS
Damn Brandi! I would be pissed too! Hopefully, you will get it back! :hugs:
I can never recover the government grants or early cancellation fees or membership fees lost over this...may thr membership and cancellation fees but never the government grants.

It's 1:20am and I'm in a hot bath trying to relax because I can't calm down enough to fall asleep. I keep playing scenarios through my mind of what the hell I'm going to do or say when I show up at the bankruptcy office tomorroe morning. I'm getting to the bottom of this ASAP or there will be a few lawsuits on people's hands until that money is where it belongs...in their RESP accounts.

I've made quite a few interesting discoveries tonight about the whole situation and I can guarantee they don't wantalawsuit over the policies they broke.
Well officially 1 day late for af, BFN on Walmart cheapie after 2 hr. hold this morning....expecting 2nd af after m/c, so I guess my cycle is screwy still. Gutted :sad2: Should have known we couldn't be that lucky.....ugh Anybody else been through this?
So sorry Cupcake, hang in there!
We are going to try another IUI if it doesnt hit on the weekend. My gyno office said they would do them on a sat or sun anytime I need but Im still trying to hold out a little because I have a few friends that work there and one of thems husbands works with mine and when these two find out its all over with. Im still trying to keep it quiet. My gyno has been sweet enough to call me and keep it all between the two of us!
On another note, my son will be deploying to Afghanistan around July. Im not a happy Mom right now! He will be home in a few weeks for about 10-14 days but its going to absolutely kill me when he leaves! I thought I was going to die when he left for Basic Training in 2011 Im not sure how Im going to handle this.......hes also on the base in Ft. Hood where they just had the shooting. Luckily he was in California doing some training and they had kept them an extra week! Ive been thanking god for that everyday! Still makes your heart stop when you hear that news. He text me as soon as it happened to let me know he was not back there yet. They were listening to their scanners as it happened. Please pray for safety for all these soldiers!
Oh Wow! I can't imagine. My son's dad is in the National Guard, but hasn't been deployed any. My son talked briefly about a career in the military, but hasn't mentioned it anymore. He's 13. I admire & support our service men, but can't imagine having to deal with it as a mom! Bless you Ll & prayers for our soldiers!:hug:
It's hard to be the family member of a soldier. My husband is set to go out early June to NTC to finalize their 'deployment ready' status. They just got back from deployment in Afghanistan a month before we got here last year. It is the scariest thing in the world to me. It is a never ending fear that we won't make it out of here before he has to deploy, and Cupcake, my son is 15 and has been talking about the military since I can remember. He is my only son and I pray he does not have to go. Deployment to a soldier is one of the highlights of their career until they realize it isn't fun and games, that's why they are so changed when they come back. I am praying to get out of here before they deploy. I used to believe that every male should serve at least one term in the military, now I think they should disband it completely for the things that go on every single day. I am the same as you LLawson.. I pray I never have to watch my son deploy. I pray every day right now I don't have to watch my husband. You should find a Mother's page for the men of your son's Unit, sometimes a wife page will allow you to join too. Also you should join his Company or Battalion Facebook page if they have one so you will be up to date on things that go on since he is probably the last one to know. Also, you should ask him about if he has Skype and a phone that has international service.. Also, just be sure to have his Unit's Redcross numbers in case of an emergency at your own house. I will pray for your family the same as I pray my husband don't get deployed. We are on Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington State. I was gonna get my husband a tablet if he gets deployed since they have call capabilities and they can read books and keep up with the news when/if they are allowed. Some units are not allowed to call/skype, but you can send AWESOME care packages if you can afford the postage, just be sure to send double of everything so he will be admired and also so he will have some left after he is made to 'share'.. : ) (also make sure to ask what you are allowed to send)
Darn, I wrote a book, but I know that I was like a blind woman when my husband went to Basic and I didn't get to speak to him for 4 months. I was miserable and didn't know the first thing about what to expect. I haven't heard the word's yet, but I know your worry for sure.

Now, back to easy topics..
I GOT MY PILLS YESTERDAY! WOOT WOOT! She wants me to take them on days 5 9 but not for any specific reason she just said the ob office always tells days 5 to 9.. What I want to know is which days do you ladies think would be best? 3-7 or 5-9? I also got a bottle of Folic Acid and pineapple of course. Now to order the opks and wait a spell..

Faith, I am praying for you and your husband. I woke up this morning thinking about you and wondering what you was going to do before you got this trial offer for IVF? Were you gonna keep trying? Try IVF eventually? If this IVF doesn't work, why can't you just pretend like it never happened and do the things you had planned, unless it is just the emotional struggle which I completely understand.
Anywho.. I was wanting you to know that I pray it worked and if it didn't, I pray you don't give up. I will try to post a photo in a minute of my blanket I am ALMOST finished with. Gotta do that on my phone I guess.

Also Brandi, I hope you get your struggle fixed.
I met with a new obgyn yesterday and got a papsmear and such and told him when I got a positive opk and that I am probably 4 dpo since my chart was all weird with being sick I discarded the two temps with my temp being very very high due to being sick since they are most likely inacurate so after that it showed I was 4 dpo so after telling the doctor this he gave me blood work to have done on tuesday when I will be 10 dpo but before I go I will be taking a hpt at home lol.
Good luck Anjie and Angie lol hope you both catch the egg!!!

LL my husband just got out of the Army last May. It's nerve racking for sure. We were stationed at Ft. Hood when the 2009 shooting happened. It was right across the street from our home. I could hear the gun fire and see all the lights from emergency vehicles and if you stood on the hill you could see the hospital and watch all of the patients being unloaded. I was home alone with no phone service (lines completely tied up) and 5 kids laying on the floor. Watching it all unfold again on TV brought chills down my spine and tears to my eyes. My nephew is currently stationed there. My oldest son who will be 15 this year wants to be a Marine. This momma is scared and proud of that decision.

Faith any news?

Sat. Is the u/a check and trigger. We decided even if there are 4 or more eggs and they cancel IUI I will trigger anyway and just bd all weekend and hope for the best. I paid too damn much $ at this point to not try. It are into my IVF $ and I'm pissed about that.
Fluter, why would they cancel IUI if you have 4 eggs? I would have sex like crazy and hope I get blessed. I have to admit that 4 would be dangerous for me to carry because of my previous blood clots, but hey, I wouldn't fee the need to have any more kids I am sure.
My son also wants to be a Marine. More proud of that than being in the Army for sure. My hubby is now in the mixed company of the disbanded unit that housed 'the guy' that killed all those villagers in Afghanistan. I hate Washington. The place is crowded and the people, rude. This is my second go round in the Army and I must say that I enjoyed Kansas much more than here. That's probably why I dislike it so much this go-round.
I have been doing research this morning and have decided to do my clomid on day 2 to 6. I decided that for a few reasons. One: because I don't have 5 days of a period and I read that clomid has to be taken while you are menstruating. Two: I ovulate regularly and have great egg reserves (based on before my tubal reversal procedures). I just want to ovulate from my left side instead of my right. I figure stimulating more eggs to develop will make that more likely. Also, I am not worried about twins since I have not even been able to carry one yet and would deal with that issue, God willing that it should happen to me. I am neither for nor against twins and will pray diligently that there are not triplets. I will not be monitored. I ordered my opks this morning and will dtd every day when my period ends. I will not be dtd more than once a day unless it is for fun.. :)
I am almost done with this blanket. I made it because of my losses. The colorful stripes are the number of miscarriages I have went through during my fertile years. The yellow border is for the baby God will let us keep. I think it's good for a woman to mark her losses and her gains. Adversity makes us stronger!
Llawson, I will pray for you!!! I would be beside myself with worry if one of my sons were being deployed (not in the military anyway..but always have wondered about a draft). That was good advice by Angie...connect with some of the other moms whose sons are going. I think that would be a good, tight knit group of gals who can encourage each other and understand like no one else!:hugs:

Cupcake, sorry for BFN...the disappointment never gets easier:nope:

Fluter, hope you can press through the IUI...I don't blame you a BIT for not wanting to waste the cycle. Maybe you could get a turkey baster and do the job yourself:haha:

Angie, I LOVE the blanket and meaning behind it:hugs: you're very creative and talented:hugs: glad you've got your days figured out for the pills. I pray this works for you:hugs:
I haven't tested anymore since yesterday morning. I've decided to just wait for the lab results on Tuesday. To answer your question, NO IVF wasn't part of our original plan. "My" plan when I met with my RE was to request another HSG and then do 2-3 IUI cycles (however many our time there would allow). He said he feels pretty confident the tubes would be open since my last hsg was done over a year after the reversal AND I had such immediate spillage from both sides...he doesn't think it's likely they would close up. He does however, feel our problem likely lies in the tubes. Just because they can be stitched back together AND have dye flow through, doesn't mean the fragile little fimbriae or cilia are working properly to move the egg and sperm:(
He did say we could go ahead with the IUIs if that's what we wanted to do, but the cost would be about the same as the $2000 for IVF (hsg, drugs and 3 IUIs)...he felt the IVF was a better chance for us.
At this point, I'm exhausted with TTC for more than 3 years. I'm not an easy going...play it by ear kinda gal...I WANT RESULTS, I'm a planner! So it's hard for me to be laid back with TTC. I either have to be mapping the whole month out or just let it go completely.:dohh: The stress really gets to me:nope: I just kinda want to go back to how life was before the TR:cry: and if it happens...it will be the biggest miracle in our life:cloud9:

Thanks, girls, for understand how life is on this roller coaster:haha: most people HAVE NO IDEA!

Angie that blanket is beautiful and a wonderful idea. They will cancel the IUI if it is 4 or more because of the multiple deal. He said it's just too risky at that point. He even said that 3 was iffy to him but if I wanted to go ahead he would.

Faith this has been a long journey for both of us for sure!!!
The roller coaster ride sucks. I hate it.. but we have to hang on. I gave up and finally got my miracle after four years.

Hang in their Faith. My miracle shares your name Faith.
I met with a new obgyn yesterday and got a papsmear and such and told him when I got a positive opk and that I am probably 4 dpo since my chart was all weird with being sick I discarded the two temps with my temp being very very high due to being sick since they are most likely inacurate so after that it showed I was 4 dpo so after telling the doctor this he gave me blood work to have done on tuesday when I will be 10 dpo but before I go I will be taking a hpt at home lol.
Good luck!!!

Good luck Anjie and Angie lol hope you both catch the egg!!!

LL my husband just got out of the Army last May. It's nerve racking for sure. We were stationed at Ft. Hood when the 2009 shooting happened. It was right across the street from our home. I could hear the gun fire and see all the lights from emergency vehicles and if you stood on the hill you could see the hospital and watch all of the patients being unloaded. I was home alone with no phone service (lines completely tied up) and 5 kids laying on the floor. Watching it all unfold again on TV brought chills down my spine and tears to my eyes. My nephew is currently stationed there. My oldest son who will be 15 this year wants to be a Marine. This momma is scared and proud of that decision.

Faith any news?

Sat. Is the u/a check and trigger. We decided even if there are 4 or more eggs and they cancel IUI I will trigger anyway and just bd all weekend and hope for the best. I paid too damn much $ at this point to not try. It are into my IVF $ and I'm pissed about that.
I don't blame you for going ahead with your plan if cancelled! At this point I would probably demand they go ahead with IUI if it were me lol Figure our chance would be pretty low that all 4 would get fertilized...Good luck either way :)

Fluter, why would they cancel IUI if you have 4 eggs? I would have sex like crazy and hope I get blessed. I have to admit that 4 would be dangerous for me to carry because of my previous blood clots, but hey, I wouldn't fee the need to have any more kids I am sure.
My son also wants to be a Marine. More proud of that than being in the Army for sure. My hubby is now in the mixed company of the disbanded unit that housed 'the guy' that killed all those villagers in Afghanistan. I hate Washington. The place is crowded and the people, rude. This is my second go round in the Army and I must say that I enjoyed Kansas much more than here. That's probably why I dislike it so much this go-round.
I have been doing research this morning and have decided to do my clomid on day 2 to 6. I decided that for a few reasons. One: because I don't have 5 days of a period and I read that clomid has to be taken while you are menstruating. Two: I ovulate regularly and have great egg reserves (based on before my tubal reversal procedures). I just want to ovulate from my left side instead of my right. I figure stimulating more eggs to develop will make that more likely. Also, I am not worried about twins since I have not even been able to carry one yet and would deal with that issue, God willing that it should happen to me. I am neither for nor against twins and will pray diligently that there are not triplets. I will not be monitored. I ordered my opks this morning and will dtd every day when my period ends. I will not be dtd more than once a day unless it is for fun.. :)
I am almost done with this blanket. I made it because of my losses. The colorful stripes are the number of miscarriages I have went through during my fertile years. The yellow border is for the baby God will let us keep. I think it's good for a woman to mark her losses and her gains. Adversity makes us stronger!
Clomid just has to be started while your having af, you don't have to be haing af the whole time you take it. Good luck with getting a bunch of follies tho! Oh & remember to not start Opks until 3 days after last pill, cause it can give you a false +.

Llawson, I will pray for you!!! I would be beside myself with worry if one of my sons were being deployed (not in the military anyway..but always have wondered about a draft). That was good advice by Angie...connect with some of the other moms whose sons are going. I think that would be a good, tight knit group of gals who can encourage each other and understand like no one else!:hugs:

Cupcake, sorry for BFN...the disappointment never gets easier:nope:

Fluter, hope you can press through the IUI...I don't blame you a BIT for not wanting to waste the cycle. Maybe you could get a turkey baster and do the job yourself:haha:

Angie, I LOVE the blanket and meaning behind it:hugs: you're very creative and talented:hugs: glad you've got your days figured out for the pills. I pray this works for you:hugs:
I haven't tested anymore since yesterday morning. I've decided to just wait for the lab results on Tuesday. To answer your question, NO IVF wasn't part of our original plan. "My" plan when I met with my RE was to request another HSG and then do 2-3 IUI cycles (however many our time there would allow). He said he feels pretty confident the tubes would be open since my last hsg was done over a year after the reversal AND I had such immediate spillage from both sides...he doesn't think it's likely they would close up. He does however, feel our problem likely lies in the tubes. Just because they can be stitched back together AND have dye flow through, doesn't mean the fragile little fimbriae or cilia are working properly to move the egg and sperm:(
He did say we could go ahead with the IUIs if that's what we wanted to do, but the cost would be about the same as the $2000 for IVF (hsg, drugs and 3 IUIs)...he felt the IVF was a better chance for us.
At this point, I'm exhausted with TTC for more than 3 years. I'm not an easy going...play it by ear kinda gal...I WANT RESULTS, I'm a planner! So it's hard for me to be laid back with TTC. I either have to be mapping the whole month out or just let it go completely.:dohh: The stress really gets to me:nope: I just kinda want to go back to how life was before the TR:cry: and if it happens...it will be the biggest miracle in our life:cloud9:

Thanks, girls, for understand how life is on this roller coaster:haha: most people HAVE NO IDEA!

I'm just like you, a planner! Horrible at patience! lol Hugs & Blessings your way!

The roller coaster ride sucks. I hate it.. but we have to hang on. I gave up and finally got my miracle after four years.

Hang in their Faith. My miracle shares your name Faith.
You give me hope that this will turn into a Miracle one day :)

AFM~Nothing still :/ Not sure if its wishful thinking or not, but my BBs feel more tender today & I was a tad nauseated this morning with heartburn. Could be & probably is nothing tho....Someone said I may not have ovulated? I did only get 1 + Opk & my cm changed to creamy like usual a couple days after the +, so I don't know for sure. Quit temping a long time ago, too stressful lol Oh well, I did get a box of frer yesterday, but haven't broke the seal lol Just can't bring myself to POAS again yet. My goal is to wait it out til Sunday, but I already don't want to do it then either:nope: Hope all is well with the rest of our bunch :)

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