Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Hello ladies, I'm scared I may have messed up. 2 weeks after surgery I rode in the semi truck with my dh. I didn't think about him having to drive down very bumpy roads. Could that have messed up my tubes. This has been on my mind since then. I know I won't really know unless I have a HSG test done but I'm scared I messed them up. I took another test this morning and it was neg. its only my 2nd month after surgery and I still have plenty of time to try, but there's that fear of what if.
I doubt very seriously you messed anything up. Once you have an hsg you'll feel way better
Cupcake, like Galvan said, it really does make no sense and it makes perfect sense. We all feel the same way once there has been a loss. It puts a little fear where there was only hope before..

Momsbaby, There is really no way to tell what will hurt but I figure if a person can ride in a semi while pregnant they can ride with repaired tubes. I did nothing but rest after my reversal but still got infection and both tubes blocked. It really is hit or miss and you have to try to be positive. I never even considered my tubes were still blocked until about 9 months in. It will be o.k. Your fears are normal. We all struggled with them. I still worry even now that something will happen and block my only open one.
Thanks girls!

Moms~I'm 99% sure the truck ride did not hurt you...Its hard to relax & not worry, but just keep in mind that most times it takes up to a year for "normal" couples to conceive. Not to mention that bd can be more bumpy than a truck ride! lol Hang in there! I did feel better after my HSG, even tho it didn't help us get a bfp faster, we knew my tubes were open...Was going to schedule a 2nd HSG this cycle, but decided I'm just not ready for a 2nd yet....Just going to keep the faith that at least 1 is open for now. Plan to schedule another if no luck in the next 2-3 cycles. Just emotionally done with possible bad news for a little while, so I will continue to live in my bubble of blind hope :) Good luck & I hope your wait isn't long for a beautiful BFP!!!!!
Oh the worries we have to keep us up at night.

I hope we all have have our lil forever babies in our arms soon. It's such mentally exhausting journey at times
Momsbaby, that wouldnt hurt your tubes. My RE said the only thing that would was sex. He told me unless I plan on running a marathon after having it done that there was not much that would hurt you. He did quite a bit of repair on mine so I was not aloud to have sex for 6 weeks and he was very strict about obeying that for success.
Ive been trying for about a year now and still no BFP.....I had an HSG a few months ago and my tubes were fine. Im sure you didnt mess anything up.
Cupcake, I feel like you and Ive never got a BFP yet.... Its been a year now of trying. I was thinking it was a year in February but that was just a year from the reversal. He had me wait 6 weeks and then I started at that 6 weeks so it was more like 7 weeks. Towards the end of April.
LL-It took us 14 months. I got so discouraged at my year anniversary tho. I had read that after that your chances decline, but then found & met alot of ladies who got a keeper after 2-5 years later. Not that I want to wait that long! But who does right? All I know is after we did get our bfp, I have some hope of a THB, so I just can't quit trying....Hang in there!
:dohh:I forgot to take my prog. Suppository last night. :dohh: I hope it's not a big deal
My progesterone is little pink balls and I have the hardest time swallowing those things. I consider it my 'Keeper' pill, but they suck to take. I wish I had suppositories..
CD8 today. My o day is normally cd13 and I am wondering if that will change. Since I am not being monitored, there are no end of the thoughts in my head. My stupid opk tests have still not come in yet. Guess it helps me to not test too early though. I am excited about this cycle and it seems to be dragging by...
Also Ladies, if a follicle grows at 2mm a day, and I started taking clomid on cd2 would that not make mine about 14mm already? That would give me till about Saturday before any follicles were the right size, right?? (about 20mm?) So I should/could possibly o on Saturday or Sunday?
One more thing I have noticed on Clomid this cycle is that I have had an increase in cm and in my drive. Usually my sex drive for this time in my cycle is almost non-existent.
Oh and does progesterone increase your lining? I had very thin lining issues with all my pregnancies.. I read that taking estrogen would help that, but I thought that's what progesterone was for??
My old RE gave me yellow oval shaped balls that you could swallow or suppository but they always had me suppository. These are like a torpedo. They are really messy.

Clomid can cause you follies to grow quite large. So you should be good! I'm excited for you this cycle as well and Cupcake.

LL it's been over 4 years for me. I know the likelihood for me is slim, but I've seen several ladies that 2 years for their first bfp. Usually something was off a little in their bodies and once it corrected, BAM bfp. I have a TR sister right now that it had been over two yrs for her and she had VSG and then 3 mo later (weigh loss) she ended up preggo. One of the ladies that had a tr the night before me same place just found out she was pregnant (she miscarried a couple of weeks later) but that was her first real pregnancy. It gives me a glimmer hope
OMG I had this long reply and now it's gone lol

Clomid can make your follies grow quite large so I'm sure you're good! Excited for you and Cupcake this cycle.

LL It's been over 4 yrs for me. I know that makes my chances slim, but I know tons of Tr gals that got keepers after 2 years. A TR sister that hers done the night before me had a BFP recently but she miscarried. It was her first real pregnancy (2 chemical pregnancies) it gives me a glimmer of hope.
Well I got my LH surge today alot earlier than expected. Im only on cycle day 12. So I go for my second IUI tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Good Luck LL.

haha I see my first post showed up. Ugh typing on a phone has it's draw backs for sure

I tested to see how dark my trigger is and it's still pretty dark
Good luck LL!!!! Well girls, my friend with that is unhappily pregnant got to me after church....was whining about morning sickness & says she's tired of it.....so.....before I could stop myself I said you know you really should be thankful that you have a healthy baby instead of composing to someone who recently lost a baby & prays to be in your shoes on a daily basis! Yes...I said it...I did feel bad & sent a text apologizing later...just had enough of it....grrrr
Good for you Cupcake! I would have had to do the same thing if I were in that situation. Some people just have no compassion for other people or are too wrapped up in themselves to think about others!
Sorry you had to do that but Im sure she will think about your feelings now!
Good for you Cupcake!! There is nothing wrong with letting her know that every bad word out of her mouth about her pregnancy is like daggers to you. I never reaized before the struggle to conceive. I spent my whole pregnancy with my daughter hating every minute of it cause I had just got left by her daddy as soon as I found out. I will never look at infertility the same way or be callous to another woman; even if she is my worst enemy. If she doesn't want the baby, I know about 1/3 of the population that would LOVE to snuggle her precious gift.
Some people are so far beyond stupid that they need a new classification.

LLawson. I wish the best of God's blessings as you go for your IUI..
I am so excited for everyone's cycle and feel some bfps coming soon!
AFM: My o test this morning was not positive, but there was a line and I have been having o pain for a few days. I am wondering if I will ovuate even earlier than my usual day 13? I am almost 99% sure I finally got my left side this cycle though. I fee like all I do anymore is wait.. UGH TO WAITING!!! I wanna see some results! hee hee..
I gotta work tomorrow but I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend and God bless!
Fluter, I will be checking in for your pee pee test resuts fo' shizzle..
I haven't posted in quite a long time and im now 24 weeks pregnant with our 3rd tr baby. This pregnancy has been very hard health wise for both me and baby but we've got through the worst of it I hope and im 100 percent having a little girl :happydance: only 14 weeks til delivery if I make it that far?
Hi Jojo glad to hear you and your lil girl are doing ok!

AFM, I am spotting, but it is weird. A dark orange color. This has never happened before except when I had my MC. So I am stressing on this. If no normal flow by Sunday, I will test.
Hey JoJo! Glad you and baby are well! Hope your health holds.

Galvan that sounds weird..

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