Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Kuawen, I just noticed in your signature that you were diagnosed with MTHFR A1298C. I have that as well. What did your dr. say about this? I can't seem to find much info on that particular mutation?

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one :flower: you're actually the third person I've run into on these boards with MTHFR, though the first with the same mutation as me. There's a bit of a story behind my diagnosis, which goes into how I'm treating it:

I was crying to one of my best girl friends one day about all the losses I've had (this is before I was sent to the RE), and she went to her community mommy group for any advice or input on what might be going on with me. Another woman who had had multiple early pregnancy losses (she's been pregnant 21 times and has 6 healthy children, all losses before 6 weeks) came forward and let my friend know that the cause for her losses had been MTHFR. So my friend encouraged me to ask to be tested for it and I had to really strong arm my OBGYN to do it, and tested positive.

Unfortunately the moment the positive results came back my OBGYN informed me that he could not treat it and referred me over to the RE. The RE then told me he wouldn't treat me for it and doesn't believe it is the cause for my losses because they happened so early, and as far as he knows MTHFR only causes losses later in pregnancy :growlmad: this is of course ridiculous and outdated information.

But you are right; there's not a whole lot out there about MTHFR A1298C. All the attention seems to be on the other gene involved in the mutation. Some studies I've read seem to show that the mutation still causes the inability to absorb folic acid or folate while not causing a rise in homocystine, but others contradict that and say that it does cause a rise in homocystine just as often as the other mutation.

Generally I'm taking the safe approach: I'm taking a supplement of methylfolate (https://www.amazon.com/L-Methylfola...F8&qid=1399411697&sr=8-3&keywords=methyl+life) as well as a subligual B-12 supplement to aid in absorption. As my family DOES have a history of blood clots I'm also taking 81mg of aspirin (baby aspirin) a day, but not everyone with MTHFR A1298C needs baby aspirin. This is the same regiment that doctors should treat their patients regardless of what form of the mutation they have. My hopes is that this will improve my health and energy levels as well as help us keep our next baby. But I am also still undergoing a lot of tests to rule out any other possible causes for the RPL.
Well I'm kinda depressed and happy my reversal dr posted on his fb page of 5 new women that are pregnant one is pregnant with twin boys. I'm so happy for them and sad for myself. But I'm hanging in and gonna try as soon as I O again.

Good luck angi!!!
I agree with Faith! I believe since you conceived so quickly, its just a matter of time for you! Hang in there!!!

Angie, are you doing any hpts to see if your lines are getting darker? :flower: Hope this is your keeper:hugs:

Anjie, glad you called your nurse:thumbup: everybody is so different with how their bodies handle TR recovery. Like fluter, I can't recall if I had pains or not. Sadly, it's been too long for me, too:nope: I DO know that several periods following TR were very painful. Hope this next cycle works and brings your BFP:flower:

Momsbaby, you'll be one of those success stories! You got preggers so quickly! I'm sure it will happen again for you quickly:hugs:

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday:flower:
Faith! How are you lady? Hope all is well with you :)

Naw Faith... I haven't taken a single test. Honestly hadn't even thought about it till right this moment. I don't want to honestly.. I just want to be patient and wait. I am not counting myself out really, but I am not counting myself in either. The losses I have had have damaged my ability to be happy about pregnancy. I am only afraid really and that is sad. I figure that I will keep what I am meant to keep and lose what I am meant to lose. I will go at 7am to give blood tomorrow just cause I am nervous to find out, but I will still make myself wait a week after that for my next appt. cause there is no reason to make it tougher on myself. I know my chances and I am fasting and praying and truly that is all I can really do. I also am staying away from Google. I have not been using the internet to read and make myself crazy. I am having back ache and cramping, which I had during every miscarriage.. which most people have during pregnancy.. If I keep the Baby then praise God. If I don't, then praise God.. Either way, I will be fine and will move on to my next cycle a little bit better informed of what is lacking in my body.
You have the patience of Job! lol Your Faith inspires me :) Be sure not to fast too much as your lil bean will require you to eat for 2:hugs:
Kuawen, I just noticed in your signature that you were diagnosed with MTHFR A1298C. I have that as well. What did your dr. say about this? I can't seem to find much info on that particular mutation?

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one :flower: you're actually the third person I've run into on these boards with MTHFR, though the first with the same mutation as me. There's a bit of a story behind my diagnosis, which goes into how I'm treating it:

I was crying to one of my best girl friends one day about all the losses I've had (this is before I was sent to the RE), and she went to her community mommy group for any advice or input on what might be going on with me. Another woman who had had multiple early pregnancy losses (she's been pregnant 21 times and has 6 healthy children, all losses before 6 weeks) came forward and let my friend know that the cause for her losses had been MTHFR. So my friend encouraged me to ask to be tested for it and I had to really strong arm my OBGYN to do it, and tested positive.

Unfortunately the moment the positive results came back my OBGYN informed me that he could not treat it and referred me over to the RE. The RE then told me he wouldn't treat me for it and doesn't believe it is the cause for my losses because they happened so early, and as far as he knows MTHFR only causes losses later in pregnancy :growlmad: this is of course ridiculous and outdated information.

But you are right; there's not a whole lot out there about MTHFR A1298C. All the attention seems to be on the other gene involved in the mutation. Some studies I've read seem to show that the mutation still causes the inability to absorb folic acid or folate while not causing a rise in homocystine, but others contradict that and say that it does cause a rise in homocystine just as often as the other mutation.

Generally I'm taking the safe approach: I'm taking a supplement of methylfolate (https://www.amazon.com/L-Methylfola...F8&qid=1399411697&sr=8-3&keywords=methyl+life) as well as a subligual B-12 supplement to aid in absorption. As my family DOES have a history of blood clots I'm also taking 81mg of aspirin (baby aspirin) a day, but not everyone with MTHFR A1298C needs baby aspirin. This is the same regiment that doctors should treat their patients regardless of what form of the mutation they have. My hopes is that this will improve my health and energy levels as well as help us keep our next baby. But I am also still undergoing a lot of tests to rule out any other possible causes for the RPL.
I hope this knowledge & you being proactive in your care leads to your THB!!!!

AFM~Well waiting on the witch to show, guessing the Femara will lengthen my LP. I did test on 10 dpo & was disappointed to at 1st see a bfn, but I did get my 1st ever evap line! :shrug: The progesterone & femara are playing tricks with my body....Symptom city, but I know I'm not pregnant :( DH & I are not in a good place right now. Not sure why, but I guess this Journey has taken a toll on us...He is being stubborn & refusing to take his supplements & is actually saying he doesn't want to do the next IUI in a few weeks....He has really hurt me. I tend to forget we started this Journey to conceive a baby together...But in his actions the last few weeks, I have come to make a hard decision. I love him to death & feel like we could get our Miracle, but I have decided if he's not willing to do his part to ttc,then I am done. I have decided I will not ask him to take the supplements anymore, no more Opks, no more meds or supplements for me, no more IUIs, no more tests. I am at the point to where if he can't make an effort then I refuse to. Maybe I'm being harsh, but I have 2 children. I have done all I can do & if he can't take the supplements to increase his counts, or freely give a sperm sample for the IUI, then I'm done going through all the things we do to ttc. My body & mind have been through enough, with TR, pregnancy & M/C, all the hormones & stress testing, being poked & prodded, etc. So in a sense, I guess I'm giving up, throwing in the ole towel, letting go.....As far as I'm concerned we will NTNP, so I know God could still bless us with a surprise BFP, but not expecting it...I will still be here for all you ladies on this Journey. You have become part of my life & I truly hope each of you sees your dreams come true :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thinking of you Cupcake. The ttc journey after tr is so hard and it does test everyone involved.
Brandy, how are those girlies almost two months old already?! I thought they just got here!
Cupcake, I am sorry your hubby is struggling. TTC consumes your life once a person gets started. I bet you get your bfp when you least expect it!

I am waiting on my test results. I think they might be good. It has been so long since I have been pregnant (with a keeper) but I was blessed during both my pregnancies with no sickness and no symptoms. I pray this one will be like that. Even if it's not, I will enjoy it anyway! I have not had any bleeding, no serious back pain and no constant belly cramps like before. I am only 4 weeks today. My pregnancies have always started going downhill from this point on, with bleeding and pain and just a sense of loss even before it was evident. I don't feel that this time so either I am psyching myself up to be disappointed, or psyching myself for this journey. I pray it's the latter. The hubby and I decided this morning that either way we are closer to finding out what is wrong and the things we need to improve. I am thankful to God for that and for another pregnancy, no matter what the outcome. I hope all you Ladies have a good day and Cupcake I am praying for your family.
Cupcake, I was in your position a few months ago when the doc said my husbands sperm analysis was not normal. We argued about him not wanting to do anymore appts and stuff. I didnt give much thought about it being just as hard on him as it is me until then. Going into doctors offices full of people working and couples in the waiting area and having to masturbate to get your sperm sample with all this around has to be humiliating for them. We had to go to 3 different places and him do this (a few were only one person working and no one waiting) but it still cant be easy. Im sure its really hard on your hubby too! I just. Thought the other day, my hubby has had to do this 7 times now, it has to be getting old!
As far as getting them to take their pills everyday, if your husband is anything like mine, he hates taking anything and throwing all these pills on them just makes them angry! We are doing the antibiotics now that my gyno prescribed, along with his vitamin C and regular vitamin so at supper hes getting 5 pills and 2 for lunch. I hope he makes it to Sunday! LOL and goes through the whole antibiotic thing!
We had our arguments a few months ago, I told him I was sorry that I knew all this had to be hard on him but he had to understand what Im going through as well and how bad I want it. It took him about a week to come around and tell me he was sorry, he was just getting stressed and hes in it all the way now and I can count on him for anything he has to do in this journey.
I think if you just give your hubby a week or two he will also come around. Try what I did and not mention anything at all about the baby stuff or giving him anything and see what happens!
I hate for you to give up after knowing it is possible for you to get pregnant. ( I still havent even got to that point). Take a small break! Dont give up!
:hugs: cupcake, I completely understand where you're coming from. Just weeks ago I was ready to give up too; I get so tired of taking 31 pills a day just to O on time, doctors who want to write off my LO's lives as 'bad luck' and treat them like they weren't even alive and me like I've never been pregnant before. It's so hard and I know for a fact that if I didn't have DH's support and the knowledge that we're finally trying something different then we'd be done too and probably looking into adoption instead. Even now we still talk about the 'what if's' because we know that our TTC journey could be over with just a few words from the RE, or we could get the green light that we're so hoping for and pop up preggo and keep it.

My heart and prayers go out to you and to your husband in this trying time. I wish none of us had to go through this.

And I'm praying for you too Angie. I'm very happy to hear that you have such a strong sense of peace and I look forward to hearing positive outcomes for your test results and continued pregnancy.
Wow, yesterday was my one year TR anniversary and I didn't even notice. I really thought I'd have gotten a BFP by now. I turn 39 next month, so I know my time is running out. DH is still very much on board with trying and got upset when I told him that I was tired of timing intercourse and taking OPKs and temping and clomid. I just don't want TTC to be my main focus. Sure, it would be wonderful if we got pregnant, but every month I'm more and more okay with that not happening.

I hope that everyone gets their take-home babies. Also, I need more pics of your babies, Brandy, LOL. :)
LL~Thanks for your encouragement. I guess if dh comes around we will try, but I will not bring it up again to him. I'm putting the supplements away, throwing out the Opks today & have went through my collection of baby items to take to a couple of ladies at church tonight. I won't lie & say I'm not a little sad & angry. I feel like I have wasted almost 2 years of my life, with nothing but a lost LO to show for it. I NEVER dreamed this Journey would be so hard! I do honestly have to say that part of me is feeling relief & a little bit giddy just to stop "trying" All will be as its meant to here, just as it should be...Time for me to start trusting in the fact that God knows my future & some how, this will all work to better my life! I love you gals & like I said I'm going to be the best cheerleader ever for you all! lol:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Cupcake I've been there. Not with the supplements but with both dh and I being in two places about TTC. He was having a hard time with it as well. We took a long I talked about break and then out of nowhere we started talking about it and here we are back in the full swing of things.
Thanks girls....flutter, I would like to believe we are not completely done with this journey but my marriage is priority for now. Dh came in & saw me carrying out a tote of baby stuff & asked what I was doing. I told him getting rid of stuff we won't need. He says why? I just said well since TTC is over with why keep it? He just looked at me like I had lost my mind....on days like today I completely get why some are lesbians....geez men!
Today around 1:30 pm I started getting blood clots do I called to talk to the nurse at my obgyn office and told her about the breast tenderness and nausea I had at the beginning of my af and the clots I was having now with the bad cramps I have been having and they told me to come to the er tp be checked out
Today around 1:30 pm I started getting blood clots do I called to talk to the nurse at my obgyn office and told her about the breast tenderness and nausea I had at the beginning of my af and the clots I was having now with the bad cramps I have been having and they told me to come to the er tp be checked out

Hope all is well! I have seen where 1st few cycles after TR can be heavier or lighter than normal, so maybe that is the case.....
Anjie, I had a that for months after my tr. In fact I still have nauseau just about every cycle.

Cupcake, TTC can be hard on the strongest marriage. Hang in there ;)

6 dpo and I have a temp jump...fx'd. I will be 42 next month!
Anjie, I hope you found out what was wrong and that you are feeling better today!

CJ, praying!!
fx'd cj!

AFM- here's my follies Right 24.30, 22.96 and 16.30 Left 24.13 and 20.80. The nurse said she'd have to call the doctor to see what he wanted to do because even the 16 has potential to be fully matured by Saturday. I figured she call back and say it was a no go, but he said if we want to proceed he'll do it. My husband is sooo excited, I'm a bit nervous! We have to be there on Sat morning. Trigger is tonight. Fx'd
Anjie hope all is ok.

Cupcake Men aren't able to handle stress as well as we are. Hugs. You'll be back on the wagon before you know it!

Flutter WHOOOP WHOOOP! Those are some amazing sizes. Fx for you!
Thanks Mommabrown. I'm on CD11. There were 3 last cycle and on CD13 they were really on the verge if being too big. I'm hoping they are the perfect size. My lining is 10.88 I think (she said basically 11) and last cycle it was almost 15 and I think it was getting too thick. I obviously respond well to injectables lol

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