Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Welcome one back stmom :)

Angie, my heart breaks for you sweetie. Clomid had my lining paper thin. Femara is a better choice. Also ovuboost for egg quality, red raspberry leaf and coq10 hep you all around for lining. Sometimes this TTC can seriously suck.
Welcome back, STmom! I had a cyst a few months ago that stopped AF and had me thinking that I was rego, but it was that damn cyst. FX this new Dr gets you a keeper! :hugs:

Angie, I am so sorry. CLomid is evil, it makes your lining super thin, Femara is the one that doesn't really affect the lining. Is trying other meds and option for you guys?
Today is the 1 year anniversary of my brother's death. IT is a very sad day around here. :cry: His birthday was 2 days ago. We know he wouldn't want everyone so sad so we are trying to make it a good day here, but it is hard.

As for TTC, I am CD23, AF is due tomorrow or Sunday so I wn't test until Monday or Tuesday. I doubt we caught anything, I was horribly sick during the fertile days so we only BDed 2 days before and the day after my usual O day.
Fluter and CJ I am excited for you ladies!
Stmom, I remember you! :D

I have ALWAYS had bad lining. With every loss I have had I have had bad lining. Even when I wasn't using the Clomid. This was my first cycle on Clomid.
I don't have a d&c done because it can scar your endometrium and make it NEVER have a good lining. D&c's are pretty tough on your body, not that doctors tell us that..
This is my plan for next month and the month after. It is hard for me to not try at all, but I MIGHT wait for a few months so I can get all these pills I am gonna be taking into my system. Not sure yet.. I want to try but I know I should wait.
If my doctor will give me estrogen pills to take after my period, (which is normally barely 2 days long) and I take the Clomid on days 5-9 , hopefully making me ovulate past day 13 which is my usual day, giving my lining even more time to thicken.. I also will be taking red raspberry leaf from my period on, using castor oil packs, which I LOVE! I will be taking B6, Zinc, vitamin c and aspirin, folic acid, my regular multi vitamin and I never have to eat again for all those pills...
My flow hasn't started but I don't look for that number to increase but barely if at all before it goes down again. I wish she would just let me have a hsg test to clean everything out.
This was my 5th pregnancy loss. I didn't think it was gonna hit me hard cause I was expecting it, but it does hit hard no matter if you know it's coming or not cause you secretly wish it would have a different outcome. I also will possibly be trying this cycle with a 100mg 50 mg dosage of Clomid if I can talk my doctor into giving it to me. I will be asking for estrogen levels throughout my cycles as well as progesterone too. 12.6 was great for me, but it really isn't that great of a number really.
One more important thing I will be doing is walking. Every where I read yesterday on how to improve your lining naturally stated the best way is to be active and I am really not that active. I am gonna be using my treadmill to walk at least 3 miles everyday. I have not decided if I will start ttc again this coming cycle or waiting since they have changed their minds again about my hubby maybe going to NTC and he might be gone in June which woud give me a few months to improve my body for the better. This is going to require a lot of focus for me cause I don't like pills and I will have to be committed.
I also am going to make my hubby start taking zinc which had better reviews for sperm mobility and quantity than coq10 and it's good for women to take as well for balancing out hormones which I need badly.
I am limited in what I can try because I am just seeing an OB doctor and because I have no trouble getting pregnant, just staying that way.. It is so hard to lose baby after baby though and I will try all these things if it will give me the improvement I might need.. It will probably jack my cycle up so bad I quit having a flow at all, but I gotta try something. Losing babies is killing me and it hurts my husband so bad.. I know we won't quit, but it is damaging and sometimes we take it out on each other even though it's over quickly, we let fly our disappointment in all directions. Forgiveness in ttc issues is so important I have found this past year.. I wrote another book..

I really think this is gonna be a tubal reversal year..
Do you guys think I should do the b6 vitamin or skip it since my lp is normally 12 to 13 days? That is the only vitamin I am questioning taking..
I'm so sorry. You seem like you have a plan. I'm just really concerned about you continuing the clomid with lining problems that already exist. Seems like it would just make it worse, but that's just my opinion. If you feel it's the best option, then by all means you know what's best.
Fluter, I don't know what's best. ha ha.. I just have had my right ovary become dominant in the midst of all these losses and that side is blocked so the only way I have a fighting chance is with something that gives me an extra boost to ovulate from my left. I will ask my doctor about Femera instead. I don't even know what's going on. My doctor wants me to wait until Monday when she gets back the last progesterone test to see what she wants me to do. I think she is as in the dark as I am.. I told her I quit the progesterone.. Not sitting around waiting and moping about another loss. I have things to do that need taken care of and I am tired of letting fear of a miscarriage keep me from the things I want to do. I even told my hubby that I didn't want to have sex until after I got past 6 weeks. I refuse to let this crap change me more than it already has.
On Monday I am to discuss our next plan of action with my OB.. I am afraid that since she is just an OB she won't really know much about real infertility and will keep me stagnant so I am taking matters into my own hands as far as I am able with the red raspberry and other vitamins.. I can only do so much really without a qualified doctor. The Army holds us back so very much..
I am COMPLETELY open to suggestions. I need all the help and advice I can get!! I am so tired of these chemical losses..
Angie-good luck with your plan! I don't think you necessarily need b6, but it won't hurt.

Afm-Well dh noticed AF is a couple days late, which is more than likely femara related but I had 1 test left....bfn of course. He was disappointed? I get it, but really? Ugh not sure what is going on in his little "man" brain......I told him a 3-5% chance is not very good odds. He mumbled something about having a talk this weekend then had to go in to work, so who knows what will happen..I do know I won't be bringing up TTC. I'm willing to go with whatever he wants to do with it. I have to admit, the thoughts of meds & iui kinda stir a sense of dread for me now. Not sure if its because I'm tired of it all, afraid it won't work or afraid it might? Just think mostly I really have let most of it go finally....I have had such a great time the last few days with my kids & friends, hanging out, catching up & fishing that TTC hasn't been on my mind. Its like this time I really do have peace in my heart about it all....sorry so long, but I know you gals understand my madness! :)
So I called my obgyn office since they said to call if the bleeding starts back up sp I did and she asked if they gave me a copy of the results tp bring to my appointment and I told her no and I told her was spotting yesterday and after bd with dh this morning it was going from spotting to light she said keep my appointment for Wednesday and go to the et if I start getting really bd cramps that if I was pregnant and its not something else it might be a missed miscarriage
Cupcake I am sorry hun. That is a part of mine and Allen's problem at the moment too. I knew in my heart it was going to take us a long time again but he is just do impatient. We have been on and off the TTC wagon several times this last year and no matter what when he hears the dreaded AF is on her way he gets depressed and down. It's amazing that you had a great time with your family and maybe this is what you need to relax and have fun rather than try so hard to get your sticky bean.
So I called my obgyn office since they said to call if the bleeding starts back up sp I did and she asked if they gave me a copy of the results tp bring to my appointment and I told her no and I told her was spotting yesterday and after bd with dh this morning it was going from spotting to light she said keep my appointment for Wednesday and go to the et if I start getting really bd cramps that if I was pregnant and its not something else it might be a missed miscarriage
Sorry your in limbo, but maybe its just your cycle is still screwed up from your TR since its only your 2nd cycle afterwards?
Bummer cupcake.

Hugs Galvan. Try to have a good day for your brother.

Angie - uh the Army doctors. Blah! Well let me say this. I miss the Tricare. Do you have prime? You can get a referral to see an RE. It pays for everything except ART and injectable meds for ART. I'd start going that route, because you may need some more insight with some endocrine testing too. Believe me it's be over 4 years for me and I've been down all kinds of paths. It's sucky but hang in there it'll happen

Anjie - things can just be off especially after your body has been through a major surgery and hormone changes. See your doctor, but get yourself on some B vitamins and a prenatal and I bet things work themselves out
Thanks Cupcake and Flutter. I had my good cry this morning and right now am ok. We are invited to a birthday p[arty this evening. I wasn't sure I wanted to go, but my brother loved any type of party and would want me to go. So we are off to try to enjoy the party. The people are pretty crazy people so it shouldn't be that hard. LOL At least it will get my mind off of things.

I feel no symptoms at all either way this time. I have no typical preAF chocolate cravings, but no early pregnancy cravings either or cramps. The only thing is sore nipples. I never have this so it is odd, like I took Clomid. OMG they hurt to even touch my bra. LOL Sorry TMI.
They have a fertility hospital on post here and the hospital doctors double as doctors at Seattle IVF clinic so they only tell you that IVF is your only option. Since they have an infertility clinic and 'low cost' IVF (Madigan Army Hospital) they give you NO help. They wouldn't even give me progesterone, said there was no evidence that it helped in fertility.. After they told me that I switched from Prime to Standard and it just so happens that NO RE within 3 hours of here will take Tricare. I think it's a gimic to make people do IVF.. Every infertility clinic said NO WAY to Tricare.. I thought that was odd.. So I just picked a regular OB and took my chances. I can't afford IVF right now, even low cost IVF..
Cupcake I am sorry hun. That is a part of mine and Allen's problem at the moment too. I knew in my heart it was going to take us a long time again but he is just do impatient. We have been on and off the TTC wagon several times this last year and no matter what when he hears the dreaded AF is on her way he gets depressed and down. It's amazing that you had a great time with your family and maybe this is what you need to relax and have fun rather than try so hard to get your sticky bean.
Thanks Momma! I'm sorry you know where I am due to the experience too :/ I guess I'm selfish. I feel like I have given all I can & do all I know to do to get a thb, while I resent that dh whines at a little inconvenience or hassle. I am for real, if all I had to do was have an orgasm & take a few supplements to have a baby, wow I'd be all over it!:thumbup: lmbo! But anyways, Hope it gets better for you too! I figure we have roughly a 3-5% chance at least 12-16 times a year until I'm 40ish, so SURELY 1 little super :spermy: can learn to swim in the right direction :winkwink:
Angie that's so weird. I had Tricare Prime up until Nov 2013. I was able to get a referral and see an RE. I even had a lap surgery through the RE. Prior to that I had an hsg done ordered by my PCM. I Never paid a dime other than clomid co pay and progesterone co pay
Cupcake I am sorry hun. That is a part of mine and Allen's problem at the moment too. I knew in my heart it was going to take us a long time again but he is just do impatient. We have been on and off the TTC wagon several times this last year and no matter what when he hears the dreaded AF is on her way he gets depressed and down. It's amazing that you had a great time with your family and maybe this is what you need to relax and have fun rather than try so hard to get your sticky bean.
Thanks Momma! I'm sorry you know where I am due to the experience too :/ I guess I'm selfish. I feel like I have given all I can & do all I know to do to get a thb, while I resent that dh whines at a little inconvenience or hassle. I am for real, if all I had to do was have an orgasm & take a few supplements to have a baby, wow I'd be all over it!:thumbup: lmbo! But anyways, Hope it gets better for you too! I figure we have roughly a 3-5% chance at least 12-16 times a year until I'm 40ish, so SURELY 1 little super :spermy: can learn to swim in the right direction :winkwink:

Not selfish at all. And Bahahaha hell yes I'd be on those orgasms and supplements too!! I mean what fun is sex without and orgasm! :headspin:
I don't see what he has to whine about...:dohh: honestly does he realize it's your body going through all this hell to try to give him a baby. I understand how it can make you resent him. I wish I could tell you it gets easier but it don't. I think the taking it easy and relaxing approach may work better for you!
So right now I am secretly watching my fertile windows while Allen thinks we are not trying. It seems to be easier on him. And i don't have to listen to him say this is the month it will happen. Next month makes a year we have been trying for baby #2.
My period will be around probably tomorrow. I have brown spotting. YAY!

Now onto my new idea.. OH MY GOSH! Last night I was Googling early miscarriage and what do I find but article after article about having a hydrosalphinx tube and the dangers it poses to early pregnancy. My right tube is hydro and after all the research I did last night and from 3am until now, me and the hubby have decided to get an Essure implant for my right tube to block off the toxic fluid that could be causing my recurrent miscarriages. Before IVF a person must take out/block off tubes that are hydrosalphinx so they don't miscarry and all these months I have been suffering implantation issues for no apparent reason. I will not get a tubal ligation on the tube since my reversal is what gave me the hydro tube in the first place and I don't need anymore scars inside or outside. Essure is easy in a doctors office and I am aware of the possible side effects and that it takes 3 months to heal up which is acceptable to me since I can't get pregnant from that tube anyway..
Fertility drugs actually make the hydrosalphinx worse since more ovulation = more fluid. I am not POSITIVE that is what is preventing my implantation but I sure as heck know that it is a STRONG possibility. I probably won't be trying until July from my own wishes, but I will be vitamin-ing it up for the next few months. I will probably actually be refraining from sex during the week of ovulation. I will be calling on Monday to get started on asking my doctor for the implant. I am pretty excited really. I never IMAGINED that having a hydro tube would be hurting my chances at having a baby.. I just thought it was a messed up tube and was just sitting there but it is leaking toxic fluid into my uterus pulling my little eggs right to it to destroy them.. I can't wait to talk to my doctor! I stayed up all night researching and I know that is the right step for me. It doesn't work anyhow and I will have one tube left. If something happens to that tube then I will be set for IVF.. ha ha.. I gotta go through one trouble at a time and knock this crap off my list.. Number one now is my jacked-up tube. Bring on Monday!!
Wow Angie who knew. Well I sure didn't anyway. It's def worth getting checked out!

Over 20 million swimmers (that's the only amount they check for) and over 70% motility. IUI went in well. FX'd for A BABY!

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