Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

One of my fellow TR ladies from Rio Bravo found out she is pregnant with twins today. She has suffered a few loses. I'm so happy for her! She is the sweetest person too. I'm feeling increasingly sad about my situation though.

At times it's hard for me to see all the bfp's and babies and I'm still over here at square one. Sorry I'm just feeling down today
Ah Fluter that is exciting and heartbreaking at the same time. I know it's easily said as I have a TR baby but I do know that feeling from when I was trying so hard before Emmaleigh.

Ah girls I am sorry I know how you feel...it's been another year of ttc and my SIL had her baby boy yesterday and my bff is 18 weeks pregnant with her Not even trying baby...I have had to stay clear because i become a raging bitch to DH after I have been around them. Even if I do ever have 1 TR baby i will just have to take it I guess. Hugs. I love you all and will be here for you no matter what happens.

Angie..KMFX for everything to double and you have a long healthy 9 months ahead of you.
:hugs: Flutter! I know how you feel. My mind was shutting down last night when my friend told me about her "accidental bfp" I spent the night crying & most of the day. Its so hard for me. I don't understand how it seems everyone is getting what we want & most are not grateful. When do we get our Miracles? I mean I am happy for my TR sisters who get their Miracles, but it sure sucks for the rest of us :/ Just know you are not alone sweetie!:cry:
Might be in labour ladies. Have had show, period cramps and really bad back pain and nauseous since this morning. Midwife wants to see me.

Will keep you all posted
Brandi cross your legs and keep that lil guy in there a bit longer! Thinking of you :)
He's staying in another day!!

I'm home now. We have ruled out preterm labour, thankfully. Asher has a strong heartbeat, but had one moment of concern where his heart rate dropped from 147 to 109 for about 45 seconds, but it picked back up. Still having lots of braxton hicks, though. Cervix is 1cm dilated. It's starting to soften but is still firm and long at 2.5cm. Silent UTI/kidney infection ruled out. Thinking the back pain is the way he's laying. Midwife thinks he's on a nerve and causing the pain and have advised taking it easy...rest when I can, drive as little as possible.

The happiest part was when the midwife said that given the cervical length, dilation, and softening, it's not likely I'll go overdue. That was happy news, as long as he stays in until June 29 at the earliest
Goodness! That baby needs to stay in there a little longer, LOL! I'm glad he's doing well. Definitely take it easy and get some rest.

One of my friends just had her 8th baby. I love her to death, but seriously, I'm all "please stop having all the babies and give someone else a turn." I just want it to be my turn.

So, great big hugs for all of us!
I promised myself I wouldn't give up until I at least tried IVF once. I mean paying for it once would be hard, real hard, but I decided I would save my taxes every year and save ALL I could. I just can't let it go. I have waited for the last 13 years to have another baby. God knows that I have been patient. Then all the losses on top of it are heartbreaking. I sit back and watched my younger sister have six kids and it was awful for me. Sometimes I felt she threw her fertility in my face for spite. Now I have been trying for 25 months. Not so much as some others, but still quite a few years when the months drag by. I pray all of us have babies, whether by IVF or natural or someone has one for us, or by adoption.
I have lost so many babies that the moments of happiness will never outweigh the moments of fear.
I write on a blog on another forum but I don't normally write on any other thread because sometimes it hurts. I feel jealousy and anger and sometimes even disgust. I don't like feeling those emotions, but I do. The likelihood of me keeping this baby is slim, but if I lose it I will know it is not my progesterone and something else is wrong. If I get to keep it then I will never stop thanking God for having mercy on me. If I don't, I will still thank God while I am crying.
I think there is a good chance it might be a viable pregnancy...maybe. I don't feel the way normal people say they feel when pregnant though. I don't have to pee too much more. I am just a little more yawning every day. I have noticed a difference in my sleep, but really, I feel pretty good.. when I am not crying. My two pregnancies before were easy too though. No sickness, no real hardships. Maybe this one will be that way?? I can wish!
Glad your little boy is o.k. Brandi! I am going to love love love and cry my little heart out on the day I get to hear my baby's heartbeat. If it's this baby, my husband will be gone on ultrasound day, God-willing I make it to that awesome day.. Should be around the 20th to 25th or so.. We are telling NOONE we know except for my son. I didn't tell anyone last pregnancy or the one before that either.. My period should have been due Friday or Saturday. I am getting on and off low belly cramps and backache like my period is coming.
I pray for everyone on this forum. I know we all want babies, even those who have already had a baby.. I hope I get to stay around long enough to see every one of the tubal reversal babies. Don't give up! I know I won't.

Every day of this journey has been hard.
Brandi glad little Mr. is staying out a little longer.

I'm so glad I can vent here, because I know I'm not a psycho in my thought process lol
Hey ladies, hope all is well. CD 11...I feel my body is all outta wack. Guess I'm anxious to ovulate.... I usually don't get a +ok till cd16. Me and oh started our Fertilaid. I will keep you ladies posted. Happy Friday :)
Angie, just popping in to say that I'm praying for you and your lo:hugs: I'm so happy to read that you found a good dr.:happydance: I pray everything works with this pg!:hugs:

Cupcake, enjoy your trip!:hugs: Sorry for another BFN:cry:

I hope everyone has a good weekend!
Angie- I dont know if this helps you or not... it didn't help me when people told me either but here goes! When I did IVF I thought for sure I wasnt going to have a real BFP or a keeper. When I say I didn't have any symptoms for most of the pregnancy (Until complications later) I am not fibbing... I didnt have any MS, I didn't have to pee more, I didn't feel bloated...... NOTHING until after first trimester. I was pregnant with twins it should have been amplified symptoms.. so I dont trust the symptoms at all.

If I wouldnt have been doing IVF I could of been 4 months pregnant before I knew it because I would of started showing.
Thanks Faith! I appreciate your prayers very much.

Brandy, I have a little tiny bit of tender breasts. I actually feel great. I mean I have been having some jacked up dreams for real (last night I dreamed my Daddy was a pedophile and then my boy got his head squeezed together by a raccoon. Wasn't fun at all.) I dont really have to go pee more. I dont think I will suffer any morning sickness either. I know my number was low like usual. I pray it gets high and we have a healthy baby. I am having low belly cramps like my period is about to start. It should have been due today or tomorrow. The hardest part is waiting. I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter, but it does matter. My 'never made it past day' is June 15. I will be 5 weeks 1 day.. I am reaching for little milestones. It has been 13 years since I have been pregnant. It's like starting over and not remembering a thing. Ha ha. I feel lost and scared and it truly sucks. My next draw is gonna be wednesday. My number SHOULD be in the hundreds. I pray it's higher. After that draw I haven't decided if I will wait for my ultrasound at the end of the month or continue with one more draw. I would rather wait but I know it will be hard. Heres my cb digital. All the tests in the world don't take the place of reading the word. Just took this tonight with just enough pee pee to cover the stick.. I couldn't wait till morning.
I also want to ask if any of you ladies know the hcg number to get one to two weeks on one of the tests and the number to get 3 to 4 weeks.
I'm not sure of the exact number for digi's to pick up hcg, but I know with my third child, a digi picked up 1-2 with an hcg level of 36.
Found this...

The sensitivity quoted by the company is:
1-2 weeks: 50-200
2-3 weeks: 200-2000
3+ weeks: 2000+

I wouldn't necessarily trust all of that though, because I was still peeing on digi's and didn't get a 3+ when my levels were 2200, and didn't see it until my levels 17,000. There is discrepancies between whether the 3+ is really 2000, or 20,000
Sorry Galvan. She got me in full force yesterday, so ntnp til July cycle here....*sigh
Brandi, I would say the 1-2 weeks must be anywhere from 10 or 20 to 200. I also bet that those are not set in stone.. Like I could have a number of 230 and still get 1-2 instead of 2-3.. I don't know what my number is, but being 12 on Wednesday I don't expect it to be sky-rocketting..
I am suppose to have my blood drawn on Wednesday but normally I would have confirmation already of dropping numbers since I always got my numbers every 48 hours. I am thinking about going on Monday instead and then going on Wednesday too and if my number is still rising, I will stop the appointments until the ultrasound at the end of the month. I just feel so tired of all the worry and want to just wait for it to play out. Also if my number is in the appropriate bracket on Monday I might not even go back Wednesday. I have a lot of things to do this month like getting our house ready for inspection when my hubby gets out of NTC. I gotta clean carpets and I gotta live. I can't sit back and worry every day about pregnancy and wondering whether me lifting a load of laundry is gonna send me in a tailspin of distress.
I really just want to know already.. I could go to the ER, but I just don't wanna put myself through all the poking and prodding. Just a few more days and I can let it go and wait out this pregnancy. I really feel pretty normal though so far.. Not really tired more, and peeing more could just be cause I have stopped drinking coffee and started drinking juice. ALL DAY! I hate drinking beverages. I know it sounds weird but I can go all day with not drinking anything but a half a cup of coffee in the morning. Now I am drinking all day. I also try to have an egg every morning since it helps build estrogen and progesterone in early pregnancy.
With all the pills I took at the beginning of my cycle, there is a good possibility that this could be a viable pregnancy. Especially with my progesterone level (which I am proud of). At least if I lose this baby I will know it is something much deeper than progesterone levels. Not that that will be much comfort. Now I just need to accept that the belly cramps and light backache ever so often is normal and not a sign of impending doom.
Well I gotta go make my hubby a crochet mouse..

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