Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Angie, I believe that if God is opening up this opportunity tomorrow for the IVF, that he will provide you the funds you need. He knows you have been faithful to him and he will be faithful back. If God's way to provide those funds IS through fundraising or something along those lines, my offer is still on the table. My income just went up, so I have a little bit I can spare if it means your forever baby.

AFM, still hanging in there. Had 6 hours of false labour again this morning, which I truly thought was IT, but it died off, again. It was the most painful of all the false labours I've had. Passing massive amounts of plug all day today. I am starting to become hopeful that he won't go over. I'm just trying to relax and take it as it is and as it comes.

Despite having July 9 in my head, prior to the psychic reading, I predicted July 22 on my Baby Pool. But I was determined for July 17. He'll be here soon. I just have to stop being impatient.
Fluter, He is getting out on a very rare financial hardship. We don't make enough money here to support two families and he is the sole support for two households. His ex-wife does not work but draws welfare and he pays 1800 a month child support. He only makes 1700 a month. (we live in housing). That leaves us with no money apart from my child support which is only 400 a month. He is not getting out cause we wanted to, but because the Judge was supposed to lower the cs to a legal amount on the condition that he join the Military... after he did, the Judge did nothing and we have been left to rot for the past year and a half we have been here. It was his company's recommendation that he be chaptered out on a hardship. He was making 33 an hour with the job he had before we joined the Army. We would be financially better off out of the Army. It's just that I didn't know this was gonna be such a fight and now at the end when we can finally see the end of poverty, I am being dangled the desire of my heart. I will let it go though before I give up the chance to get out of this financial mess even though I know that his ex will have us back in the child support office before I can blink. I would rather not have a baby than to keep my bestie in such a stressful situation anymore. It's hard for him and we can save and have kids anytime, but feeling like a good husband and provider is more important than having a baby right now.
To get the 50% discount he has to be active.. I asked her if I paid for it up front while he is active, could I still get it and she said she wasn't sure. I am gonna write a list to ask the doc tomorrow. I am praying for God to do what He will. I will also pray to not be disappointed if it doesn't work out.
Also, I am sorry Momsbaby for the misunderstanding. I thought you were having bad numbers. Glad to know that is not the case.. Happy, healthy, 9 months.. that is so awesome!!
Sorry if it's not my place, Angie, but how in the world is the ex getting welfare AND child support? I went on welfare in February when I left work, so that I could keep us afloat until my maternity benefits kicked in (finally did a few days ago), and they hounded me and cancelled my benefits on a monthly basis because I was supposed to get child support, and wasn't claiming it on my statement. I had to explain every month that I wasn't being paid child support (haven't seen any in over two years), and they would get pissy with me and tell me I needed to take him to court to have it enforced, because the neither they nor the Family Responsibility Office were able to pursue it due to the wording on the current order.

Anyway, they explained that once I had child support coming through, they would deduct the child support amount from my cheque, dollar for dollar, and if I made more than what they provided, I'd be ineligible for welfare benefits anymore.

My ex was only ordered to pay $75 a week for three kids...yup $25 a week per kid and I got hounded.

Surely she can be reported for fraud if she's not claiming the child support she receives.
In Maryland you are required to work a certain amount of hours or go to school. She works about 5-10 hours a week. She also is 28 and lives in her parent's basement with a 4 year degree in human services, which applies to loads of different jobs, even a school teacher.... She works making 10 dollars an hour, no more than 10 hours a week and because the 1800 is not above the monthly limit for 3 people, her and the two babies, she can get full benefits. They also get medical cards on top of the AWESOME army insurance and the dental benefits I pay 30 bucks a month for. The boy is Autistic so is qualified for full disability benefits. My lawyer is actually working right now to get her financial records, her families financial records, my husbands families financial records and all income she has received for the last 3 years from the state, plus any bank accounts in her or the children's names.. It is a disaster really, for us anyway. It has been a mess. When they went to get divorced, she was pregnant. They had been separated a few months and she found out that she was pregnant. When the judge saw her pregnant she laid it to my husband even though his ex was the one who left him.. She gave him the 1800 payment, gave her the vacation home, half his 401k, his taxes for that year, and 30 day notice visitation... amount equal to 45,000.. It was the grossest misuse of justice I have ever heard of, and now am a part of. The law is that each of the parents are supposed to provide 50% of the financial care in Maryland, but she provides nothing... she even gets daycare covered by the state and she only work the few hours to keep her benefits. It is a sad thing, but I feel sorry for her. I would much rather have a good man to be there for my kids than to have the money that is gone before you know it. Daddys can last forever with the right attitude, even after divorce.
Oh wow, so it works much differently than it does here. That's such an unfortunate situation for the kids. I agree, Daddy's need to come before the money.

I am no longer on welfare since my maternity benefits kicked in, but regardless of not seeing a penny, my kids having a relationship with their dad was always much more important than the measly $75 a week. I get more than enough money without him to properly support the children and he honestly needs that money more than I do.

I hope it all works out for you, your hubby, and the kids and the lawyer nails her for it all.
Results are in 850. Last week they was 147. She nurse wants me to go to the ER to make sure its not a tubal. She said it may not be but need to make sure. She also said that it could just be a slow riser. So as soon as my hubby gets home which will be in about an hour or 2 I'll be heading to the ER. I'm asking for prayer right now. Thank you ladies!!!
Moms-Praying for you, but just remember they are unlikely to see anything with your HCG @ 850, Sac usually not even seen until you get above 1200-1500 sometimes longer...Hang in there!
At the ER now looks like its gonna be a very long wait. This place is packed
My daughter is dilated to 5, stretching to 6. 90% effaced. It's been a long 2 days.
Jen-Hope the LO makes an appearance soon!

Flutter-Nope, I'm only 5dpiui, so IF I test, which I HATE then, it won't be until middle of next week lol I will be 12dpiui next Weds. which is my usual LP, but sometimes I go 14 days on meds, so if AF isn't here by next Friday I will for sure test!
It won't be long Jena!! Exciting

Eeek Cupcake I'm so hopeful for you!!! You have great odds with just having the HSG

I've read the entire IVF Success sticky thread on here. It gives me hope and then scares me to death. I'm so scared at this point. What if it doesn't work? That will be our end I believe
She's almost there, Jena!!! I wish her the best of luck! You'll get to see that grandbaby soon!
Flutter- Keep the faith! Easier said than done I know! Lol I've seen a lot of 1st cycle ivf miracles!
Well they seen nothing in my uterus or tubes and my levels have went up since yesterday they are now 1146. The OB dr came in and said its way to early to see anything on an ultrasound, which I already knew that. I now have an OB appt for next week for a follow up and another draw. The OB dr said my levels are starting to double. So that is awesome news
Oh YAY Jena!!!! I am sure the LO is ready to make it's appearance. (sorry I can't remember if it was a boy or girl)

Momsbaby WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!! That is great news! Just a little slow in the beginning. You'll be able to see something soon!

Fluter..I know how doubt can come in and fill your mind and make you afraid. I'd be the same. I Am sending you all the good vibes i can. I hope this is your sticky bean.
Hello Ladies :)

I thought I would stop by to give you ladies an update. I am now 18dpo (I think?) and af has yet to show. I took a test as 14 dpo and it was bfn, I have not tested yet. I may test tomorrow morning... I just don't want to see another bfn!! :( Other than a late period, I don't feel pregnant at all? I have very mild sore bbs, nothing compared to my usual before af, I also have af like cramps that hit me hard now and then. I'm VERY nervous! I will keep you ladies updated!
After 19 hours of labor Kenna finally gave birth to my grandson Cooper Wyatt Sampson 7 lbs 11 oz 19 1/4in....


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