Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

I'm sorry ladies, I don't want to cause any drama or anything, but I don't buy this anymore. If you want me to leave because you don't agree with it, then I will, but there are too many inconsistencies in this story. I've gone back several posts and have found so many inconsistencies regarding reversal cost, which changed from one page to the next, doctors, tube length, agreement from the doctor. Momsbaby previously said if the second reversal didn't work, her money would be reimbursed. When she lost the tube in July, she never mentioned having money reimbursed. Would that not consistent a refund?

Momsbaby only ever posts with a new pregnancy. She has never posted a test, never had a ticker, you only see her with a "new pregnancy" followed by a loss. I understand that losses can be common after reversal but this often?

Not only that but she mentioned her levels were 2000. That is high enough to see something on a transvaginal ultrasound, even if it's just a sac. Hell, even at 4 weeks, they can see a thickened uterine lining consistent with a pregnancy. On one page, she said there was nothing seen at all. The next page, something was seen at the edge of the tube and uterus but they couldn't tell the difference between a sac and a blood vessel? Really? A properly trained sonographer can tell the difference, and the machines have a feature where you can flip the screen. If it's a blood vessel, they can see blood flow through it. A sac does not have blood flow. Secondly, her tubal length had been 7cm on both sides, and now it's suddenly 5cm? And I'm sorry, but a 7cm mass/baby/sac whatever is equivilant to a 12-13 week gestation...her tube would have ruptured WEEKS ago if this story was true.

I'm sorry...I just don't buy it anymore. And I feel like I've gotten to know you ladies well and don't want to see anyone get hurt. Especially with all this Lisa business going around and she's been up to it again recently, I am calling it like I see it because I don't want to see your pics and stories get stolen and used elsewhere if this is what is going on in here. Finally, I don't know anyone who would be online after having a 7cm mass removed from their body. It's 11:45am here now.

I wish you all the best and lots of sticky baby dust, ladies. I'll see my own way out.


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Brandi....you are entitled to feel how you wish. Do not feel bad for stating your opinion or concern especially if its disheartening. I have my um WHAT :shrug: moments also.

AFM... CD10... BD'ing my heart out in a few days woo-hoo :happydance:
One reason I don't post pics or anything is because I only have Internet on my phone and dont know how to do those things. I can email you letters and bills of my miscarriage and both tubals. I'm sitting here in the hospital now if you want I'll give you tge the number to the hospital and you can call. I'm in room 4116 I'm at Medical Center Hospital in Odessa texas and here's the number 432-640-2902. And as for my tube length I had one reversal march of 2011 in Arkansas which both tures wad 7cm. 2 years later I found out they both was scared so I went to Houston texad for a second opinion and that dr told be I still had a chance and he could reverse them again. So thats what I done. After you have a 2nd reversal your tubes are shorter. Since you don't know me don't judge me. You want me gone off this page then I'm done
And if you still don't believe I talk to Tally and Stephanie on FB
Wow.....Not sure where that came from, but honestly I've got too much going on in my life to remember all the little details of every thing on here. I do like to believe everyone on here is on the up & up, but I do know it is the net, so no guarantees.....

I hope this gets sorted out though & everyone can get along, since we are all supposed to be here for the same reason.....

Moms, I do hope all is well with you...

AFM-:happydance::happydance::happydance: DH is back to work as of yesterday!!!! I am ALONE in my home today!!! :) At least for about 45 more mins lol Nothing new here to report, except I have FLOPPED at Weight Watchers this week :( *sigh....Just don't know where my will power goes.....Oh well, I guess since I have about a year before IVF, I'll figure it out....

Hope everyone else is doing well :)
I'm sorry ladies, I don't want to cause any drama or anything, but I don't buy this anymore. If you want me to leave because you don't agree with it, then I will, but there are too many inconsistencies in this story. I've gone back several posts and have found so many inconsistencies regarding reversal cost, which changed from one page to the next, doctors, tube length, agreement from the doctor. Momsbaby previously said if the second reversal didn't work, her money would be reimbursed. When she lost the tube in July, she never mentioned having money reimbursed. Would that not consistent a refund?

Momsbaby only ever posts with a new pregnancy. She has never posted a test, never had a ticker, you only see her with a "new pregnancy" followed by a loss. I understand that losses can be common after reversal but this often?

Not only that but she mentioned her levels were 2000. That is high enough to see something on a transvaginal ultrasound, even if it's just a sac. Hell, even at 4 weeks, they can see a thickened uterine lining consistent with a pregnancy. On one page, she said there was nothing seen at all. The next page, something was seen at the edge of the tube and uterus but they couldn't tell the difference between a sac and a blood vessel? Really? A properly trained sonographer can tell the difference, and the machines have a feature where you can flip the screen. If it's a blood vessel, they can see blood flow through it. A sac does not have blood flow. Secondly, her tubal length had been 7cm on both sides, and now it's suddenly 5cm? And I'm sorry, but a 7cm mass/baby/sac whatever is equivilant to a 12-13 week gestation...her tube would have ruptured WEEKS ago if this story was true.

I'm sorry...I just don't buy it anymore. And I feel like I've gotten to know you ladies well and don't want to see anyone get hurt. Especially with all this Lisa business going around and she's been up to it again recently, I am calling it like I see it because I don't want to see your pics and stories get stolen and used elsewhere if this is what is going on in here. Finally, I don't know anyone who would be online after having a 7cm mass removed from their body. It's 11:45am here now.

I wish you all the best and lots of sticky baby dust, ladies. I'll see my own way out.

Medical stand point: US can show uterine lining thickening at that stage, but a sac is not ALWAYS visible by hcg of 2000, some ladies haven't seen it til hcg is over 3000. Also you can't judge the size of a "mass" to date an ectopic, just because there could be blood/fluid involved since its enclosed in the tube....Not saying I'm picking sides or nothing....Just being fair....That is all..........carry on..........lol
Brandi....you are entitled to feel how you wish. Do not feel bad for stating your opinion or concern especially if its disheartening. I have my um WHAT :shrug: moments also.

AFM... CD10... BD'ing my heart out in a few days woo-hoo :happydance:
I'm not "tracking" O, but I do keep up with when af is due, & honestly I do like to be exposed during my fertile week just in case ;) lol I'm somewhere around day cd 11 0r 12 so I'm hoping dh is frisky this weekend. Guess I've read too many stories of the "Miracle Bfp, before IVF" lol can't blame a girl for wishful thinking! :haha:
Hey Ladies! I see lots of things going on up in here..
Hope everyone is doing well despite tensions..

I know sometimes my stories might seem hard to believe too. I had 6 pregnancies, sometimes back-to-back. I complain about doctors and sometimes, most-times, posted tests with lines only I could see. I ended up having a ruptured ectopic and a bad right tube and found out that it was a HUGE baby in my tube and that my right tube was only 3 cm and my left was only 5 after the doc told me they were 'great lengths'.
I figure we each have a real crappy journey. Some of us are lucky and get pregnant right away, some of us have to wait a few years, some of us lose everything, and some of us have to go as far as a person can go to conceive, and risk our lives and finances and sometimes even our families.
If a person isn't' on the up and up' like Cupcake says, I figure that's between them and God. You wanna use my journey as your own that's fine too cause it has sure been a crappy one. If your life/heart/mind needs attention and comfort for a struggle not your own then pm me and I will pray for you. It's hard to be on this page sometimes, but it is also nice to be able to talk to people that have gone through the same struggle as you as well. I am only on this page until I conceive my baby, after that I will only pop in every so often because it is too hard on the people that are still fighting for their fertility to see the joy when all of their life is filled with pain.. The journey isn't easy for some people.
Anywho... I have to wait until my January cycle to go forward with the ivf since we dont get our insurance until December due to the 90 day wait after my hubby started his job. I can't afford, and don't really want to pay for the $3000.00 it will cost for the testing the hubs and I still have left that the doctor requires.. That is almost as much as the ivf itself so we are waiting for the insurance to kick in. We are financially prepared though for the cycle. I went to New York and really like the doctor I am seeing so I am excited. I have started taking vitamins since after my tubal removal my periods have went to 2 days and that's it. That is a nice thing generally, but since I still am ttc I need a better lining than that. I actually might take estrogen for the cycle I ttc. Altogether it will cost me a bit for this ivf cycle. It's 3900 for the ivf.
I spent about 650 on my trip to New York the other day for gas, a motel, food, seeing the 9-11 memorial (which is beautiful) that is including the 250 for the visit itself.
I will spend about 1200 for the week I am required to spend there during my cycle and about 300 for my husband when he comes up to donate his little swimmers.
So close to 6000, which is still a pretty good price really. We have agreed to take the chance on 3 embryos if we have that many. I also got approved for 75% off the meds from Compassionate Care. Not sure how much that will leave me paying.. I would say maybe 2 or 3 hundred dollars.
All-in-all, not too bad.
I hope everyone is well.
I am waiting on your gender reveal, Fluter.. You are going to reveal it, right?
Brandy, I hope those girls are doing well!
Brandi, your little man is beautiful.
Momsbaby, I am sorry about your tubal.. I have been where you are and it's so very tough.
Cupcake, sorry about you not doing well on your weight watchers this week. I need to lose some myself.
C.J. I am thinking of you!
Faith, I am thinking of you!
MommaBrown, I hope it doesn't take you long to have your little one a play-mate.
Anyone I forgot, I am sorry.. I got my hubby yapping in my ear about computers..
God bless!
As far as the drama, I'm just going to leave it be. Moms is on a FB forum I'm on. I don't think she's out to steal anyone's pics or stories, but Brandi, I totally know where you're coming from on the fear. I've delta with a lady that is in the TR workd that likes to steal pics and make fun of people. She's made fake profiles and whatnot.

Cupcake weigh loss sucks. Keep at it. Tomorrow's another day. I need to watch my weight. I never made it to goal and this restricted activity is not going to be good for my weight

Angie,I'm so happy for you!!! Can't wait for you to start the process. As soon as the I get the results I will post them
Hi everyone, I'm home now. This had been the hardest. This surgery has been the worst of them all. They cut me from hip bone to hip bone. I've got 12 stables that will be removed Tuesday. My belly down there is black and purple. I finally got all the correct info. My right tube was full of blood, blood clots and the embryo. The surgeon said that is why it was measuring bigger than my tube. I lost 300cc of blood. The surgeon said when he cut the tube the blood clots went everywhere making him have to cut me further. It finally hit me on my way home that my ttc world is over. I cried like a big baby in front of my husband and told him I don't know if I can continue. Right now I don't know if I'll go through with ivf or not. I do so bad want a baby but this has been one hell of a journey. Maybe in a year or 2 I might be up to ivf but right now I don't want to think about it.

I'm not a scam person I could not and would not steal someone's pics and things to make up my own. I'm not like that at all. I know my stories have been crazy. But yes I have had 2 tubals back to back. One reason is because my husband is way above normal on all his sperm things. I have enjoyed having you ladies here for support thank you all for that. As for me I'll check in from time to time to see how everyone is doing and see the gender of mrs fluter's baby. May god continue to bless you ladies, for me I'm done for a little while
Fluter I can't wait to hear what your having!

Angie Congrats on your journey that is moving forward.

Cupcakestoy there's tons of miracles everyday why not you?

GalvanBaby hope you and faith are doing well.
momsbaby - I hope your recovery goes well. I think abdominal surgery is just difficult to recover from because everything is attached to your core.

Fluter - I'm glad the bleeding has stopped and I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes more smoothly.

Galvan - Congrats on your job! I'm sorry your dream job didn't work out, but hopefully it will be available again to you, but in the location you want.

Nothing going on here. Super double coupons seems to bring out the most insane couponers ever, and I'll be SO happy once this sales week is over. As for TTC, I finally decided to stop keeping track of anything except AF. I'm starting to think beyond TTC and more about what our lives will be like once the kids are gone and we are able to travel more.
Thanks Navy!

I am doing ok, I had a "poor me" moment last night where I was thinking about what our baby would be like today. he or she was due last December, so they would be 11 months right now. Just at that age where they get excited of things. This would be the first Halloween and actual first Christmas holiday season. Then, I realized that I would be about 15-16 weeks rights now with my last pregnancy. So that added to my sadness. It was depressing. I cried for a while. Then, I got mad at myself for dwelling, so I got off my ass and made some hot chocolate. Then, is turned on Criminal Minds to take my mind off of it. There is nothing like Shemar Moore to take my mind off of things. LOL
Aww Galvan I'm so sorry, but you're right, don't dwell. Dust yourself off, you have options. It'll be ok.

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