Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Navy-I LOVE double coupon days!:happydance: lol Yes I'm a coupon Geek! BUT i don't have a HUGE stockpile & I give away alot of my goodies to friends & patients in need :)

Galvan-I'm sorry girl! I know how you feel! I had a moment this morning when I saw dh smiling teary eyed at a newborn at church :( I just gave his hand a little squeeze & smiled at him.....Somehow it makes me feel better that he still thinks of our LO too....

Moms-Hope your physically recovering sweetie!

Brandy-Thanks! I guess I find it easier to not expect a Miracle than to be disappointed if one doesn't happen naturally.... lol

LL-Where are you at girl?????

AFM-I'm on a weird up swing lately lol I have this peace in my heart, that I know God is going to Bless us with a baby! I don't know how or when, but its in my spirit that IT IS COMING!!! May sound crazy, may be crazy, lol, but all I know is that ALL my anxiety about TTC is gone! I've even noticed that when dh & I do talk about getting pregnant or babies that it used to be "if we get pregnant or If we have a baby" The last little while it's been "when we get pregnant, when we have the Babies" Not just from me, but dh also! So who knows how this crazy ride will go? All I know is I have truly come to the point of Letting God truly have this battle! Much love to all the ladies still trying, as well to those holding or carrying your little blessings!
There is hope for each of you. I truly believe that. I felt doomed for a long time. Things just needed the perfect timing and the right journey. My faith in this processes has been tested over and over. I couldn't be more proud that I dusted my poor me's off and made things happen. I'm forever grateful for my journey after all is said and done. I'm extremely lucky to be pregnant. I don't take a single day for granted
There is hope for each of you. I truly believe that. I felt doomed for a long time. Things just needed the perfect timing and the right journey. My faith in this processes has been tested over and over. I couldn't be more proud that I dusted my poor me's off and made things happen. I'm forever grateful for my journey after all is said and done. I'm extremely lucky to be pregnant. I don't take a single day for granted

You're in the second trimester Wahoo!
Wow...I feel like I came back to a shit storm....I seriously think if women have the time to steal and fake all this they should get a job because they have way to much time on their hands.

Fluter I can't wait to hear if it's a guy or gal!!!

Galvan I get that too. I still think about Emmaleighs big brothers or sisters or even the baby we lost in May that would be due in Jan. I hate that I am the reason we've had all these losses. I hope that one day soon you get your rainbow baby.

AFM after dtd yesterday on CD 10 I had some really light pink spotting only on TP so I dunno what that's about. My boobs have been heavy and full since AF but was told its very normal until O...I am afraid my hormones are out of whack from coming off BCPs...who knows right.
Hi Everyone!
Sorry Cupcake, Ive been staying busy! I thought once racing was over things would calm down but I think we have been busier!
We started remodeling over a year ago but hubby kinda puts everything on hold when racing starts so its taking forever! Ive been doing some major cleaning for months now. Im going through 12 yrs of stuff trying to minimize. Its been a job and I am nowhere near done.
Hes been down with his diverticulitis for about 2 weeks. Hes getting better slowly but he missed 3 days of work last week and he never does that!
AFM, Im on cycle day 34 and my temp dropped a little and I feel like AF is about to show. I pretty much knew I was out this month cause we werent able to do anything cause we were at a race. No worries! Hopefully we will be ready this time and I hope hubbys feeling better!its been almost 2 weeks since weve done anything cause hes been in so much pain!
Have a nice day ladies! I hope everyone is doing well!
2nd TRIMESTER!!! I had been looking forward to this day, but I woke up to some light red bleeding. It was a very small amount but it really unnerves me. Baby seems fine
Flutter, Yay for the 2nd tri!!!! :happydance:

Moms, I am so sorry for your loss and everything you have been going through! Praying for a speedy recovery and for healing in your body, mind and heart! <3

Brandi, I get you being skeptical on some things. However, I had 5 losses prior to having our rainbow baby. Losses unfortunately do happen. There was a lady on here who had a similar situation as moms and lost both tubes due to ectopic pregnancies. She since went on and adopted a precious little boy. So, horrible things can and unfortunately do happen.
When questioning some things, please take it directly to the one who you are questioning instead of blasting them. She is dealing with not only the loss of her child, but the ability to have one naturally. Please just be respectful and go to the one who you may have a question with and ask them. If that doens't reslove your suspicion, then take it to an admin and they will figure it out.
I pray all of you ladies!!!!!
Flutter-Yay for 2nd Tri!! Sorry your unsettled, but I'm sure All is well!!!

LL-Sorry to hear about dh! Its rough when they are sick! Worse than my kids for sure!!!! Thankfully my dh is back to work & doing well!!! Just in time too! I ended up in the ER last night with my daddy who has a stomach infection & yes......His stupid gall bladder is FULL of stones!:nope: Seems as if we are having a "special" on those darn things!! He's in the hospital & on antibiotics with surgery probably tomorrow.....I'm a daddy's girl & it shocked me how "old" he looked last night. He was in such pain! He never complains about anything & has never been one to go to a Dr. unless its for stitches or such....He had never been in a hospital until 8 years ago when he had a heart attack with a stint placement, so this is hard on us all! Makes me feel like I don't spend as much time with my parents as I should......Makes me sad :(
Fluter are they willing to rescan when you have 'episodes' to put your mind at ease?

I am sure it is nothing but I know thats the only thing that made me feel better with my bleeds.
momsbaby...Thank you for clarifying your story. I'm sorry for my outburst and accusations. As jonnanne said, it is something that I should have approached you privately about for clarification since I was confused rather than out everything here.

I'm not going to sit here and use PMS or the fakers I've encountered as an excuse for it. Regardless of all of that, and the Lisa situation and everything else, you're not responsible for any of that and I shouldn't have done what I did. I'm very sorry. I hope your recovery is going well and that IVF will bless you with a beautiful Rainbow.

To the rest of you, I'm sorry I disturbed the little family we have here. I'll be removing my subscription from this thread. I wish you ladies lots of sticky baby dust and pray you'll have your babies soon. Take care
I don't think you should leave here Brandi. I'm sure it can be worked out.

Brandy he didn't even want to see me until 4 weeks after the ER found the SCH and I had the big bleed. I'm furious about it. I demanded to be seen by at least two weeks past. The lady on the phone couldn't even tell me where it's located, only that it is 3 1/2cm. The NP at the ER was more informative. If I do not get a good vibe from him on Wed, I will be asking to be seen by a high risk OB. I hate this SCH, I hate being stuck in my house for the most part and I hate being scared to go into public alone in fear I'll start hemorrhaging.

P.S. I suspect the baby is a boy. I wish they would call me!
Gosh Fluter wth? I don't know if it is just the Dr or his whole approach to this that bothers me as well. My DR took me in high risk and everything was looked at potentially dangerous to the fetus and me. I think I would switch DRs to see if you can find one that understands your story and situation and will handle it in the manner that is safest for you and baby.
Speaking of what makes you suspect boy? I thought boy because Allen and I had a boy(Landon). Allen is one of 2 boys with his dad and his brother tony only has 2 boys so that was my theory. I was wrong. Lol but deeply in my heart I wanted a girl. And this time around I think I want a girl but I also want a boy too so it doesn't matter as long as I can get pregnant again....without breaking any bones!

Faith how have you been? I notice you just pop in once in awhile now.

Brandi, although I agree that it could have been handled more privately don't leave. People have their moments and flaws and I'm sure your not the first person or the last that's going to have a moment of scepticism.

CJ are you still around? How are things for you?

AFM, CD 12 just waiting on O had plenty of cramping so I know its gearing up...
I just paid for our ivf cycle. YAY!! I am so excited and so thankful to God. I am stocking up on vitamins... Anyone that has ANY advice, I would love to hear it. I am not expecting to get insurance until December and their lab is closed for a few weeks in that month so that puts me at January, but at least it's paid for now and all I have to worry about is the travel money. Since I got a few months to save for that it shouldn't be to bad. I am really so thankful to God. I thought this day was gonna take forever. Also, I would appreciate any advice on how to make my period healthier. I now have a 2 day period and that is nowhere near good enough.
Today is the anniversary of the day I first slept with my husband 4 years ago.. I felt that today is a great day to start our family..

I say girl, Fluter. I want to have a girl. I think my hubby wants a boy.. We are always opposite.

Today is a beautiful day! Well, it is until I ground my boy when he gets home from school for not washing the dishes last night.. Life can't be all rainbows, I suppose.
Congrats Angie.. I wish you all the best and babydust...

Fluter... I say girl :) and I wish they would just call you too lol.. The suspense is killing me...

Brandi... dont leave...we are a family here and disfunctional as most are. Forgive and forget :)

Moms...hope you are recovering and resting up...

Galvan... how are you doing? Whats up with the job decision?

Faith, Navy and Cupcake...Hope all is well with you ladies :)

Llawson... I seem to have my IC under control... its amazing what the diet changes can do, plus Ive been strict with water, water, water!!!

Brandy... hope the twins are doing good and you are healing well...look forward to pics :)

AFM... 1-2DPO... I had a +opk on CD11... REALLY REALLY early for me... IDK whats going on there, but got in some great BD time. I kidnapped my OH this past week or so, so we had 4 GOOD BD sessions in my fertile window....he's been on his vitamin regimn for 2 months now, so we will see if it did the trick. He will have a repeat SA after Christmas sometime, then clomid and IUI in February (maybe) We are finally getting a place together, hopefully before Christmas, so we are just focusing on that right now because that will eat up a good part of my savings. I added a few pics from our couples shoot...


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Great pics Jen!!! Hope you guys get your bfp this cycle with all that BD!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

AFM-Still dealing with dad in the hospital, god help us all! He is NOT an easy man to get along with, so this morning he proceeded to show his A** & has demanded to go to another hospital, 30 miles away....Why? Heck if I know, I just get called in for "clean up his mess duty" UGH!

TTC wise, dh & I have had some good bd sessions the last few days(noticed a ton of EWCM so thought I'd seduce him!) lol & lo & behold I'm cramping to be the band today! O day I'm sure! Seems to be left sided which is my longest tube, but also not 100% its open since the written report said no ,but the radiologist said it was during the HSG??? Who knows??? BUT I figure if I'm going to possibly get a miracle BFP then got to be exposed right???? God how Awesome would that be!!!!!
Cupcake... Thank You and Sorry about your dad... hope all works out for you there. Babydust to you this cycle too. Lucky you with the ewcm... i swear my river is dry lol... thank god for preseed. I think its stress related....
If its stress related I must be the opposite! lol I usually have some, just not gobs, but I don't guess I'll complain....At least something is working right! Ha!

Angie~Sorry! I forgot to say Congrats!!!! That's a big step forward!!!
Cupcake oooh maybe it'll all work out! Gotta love EWCM. Sorry your Dad is giving you a hard time hopefully it all gets better soon.

Jen I hope your DTD session brings about a sticky bean as well.

Angie Yay!!! I'm so happy for you!!!
Fluter, I hope things are better for you now and I think I would find someone else cause that stuff would have me worried.
Angie, congrats! Sounds like things are moving right along for you.
Cupcake, I hope your dad gets well soon! Men are crazy when it comes to doctors and hospitals! They are hard headed so I can imagine what you are going through.
Jenafyr, Im glad you got your IC under control. Have you heard of Fertile CM? I took it fir just a few months because things were so dry down there. LOL, the first month taking it the juices were flowing so I stopped it after awhile and its been months now and its still flowing? Not sure if I needed some kind of jump start or what but Ive never dried back up. Its worth it to try. I actually have a bottle of 36 left if you wanted to try it, I dont mind sending them to you but a full bottle comes with 90. You are supposed to take 3 a day. So what I have would only get you through 12 days but may be enough to get things going. LOL. Ive heard some people on here say it did nothing for them but others it did.
Afm, Cycle day 1. I kept getting an alert yesterday and today saying my temp had been elevated for 18 days and I need to check for pregnancy. I tested negative last night and started today&#55357;&#56862;. I knew I would though so Im not upset. I guess the Metformin is doing its job since my temps have leveled out so well. I was getting to feel much better with my stomach issues and I missed my whole dose Friday night, I just completely forgot cause we were out with friends and got home really late. Ive been paying for that the last few days.&#55357;&#56833;I have lost a little more. Im down to 140 and its killing me to hit 139!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Llawson... I have some... been taking them, but took a few weeks off... wromg move lol

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