Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

It was never weird with my vaginal births. Once it started, it started. It varied on the day, but never the spotting and lack of ovulation bit. I figured that the difference in it returning was from the c-section.

Galvan, the top was last night, the middle is this morning around 7:30am, and the bottom was around 2pm today.
That is awesome, Navy!! Maybe Af won't sow at all because you have a BFP in the next couple of weeks!! Question, how did you lose all that weight?? I have been trying since my MC in August, and lose a lb here and there, but gain it back. :(

I'm hoping that AF doesn't show, but this is one month that I won't be sad if she does. :)

As for the weight, I've been using MyFitnessPal. When I log what I eat, then I'm pretty good at losing the weight. It's when I get lazy and don't log that I stall out and gain again. I have a food scale and pretty much weigh everything I eat and try to make choices that give me the most bang for my caloric buck. I also started weight lifting, and that has done the most to change my body composition. I've been stalled out for a bit, but that was after I broke my toe and then tore my rotator cuff, and decided to eat all the things.

The RE's office called and my TSH is high, so the doctor wants me to start on synthroid. My TSH was fine in June, so I didn't realize there would be that much variation in just a few months. I have to retest in 4 weeks. I guess today was just day one of becoming a human pincushion.
Navy and RE will want your TSH to be below 2.5 where most doctors will say under a 5 is "normal". My TSH was a 3.5 and my RE put me on meds. I quit them once and my level went up to a 4 something. They recently tested mine and it was up to a 3.1 and I asked my OB/GYN to up it but he won't until it reaches a 4. I'm asking to have that and my iron tested tomorrow. I'm so excited for you. I hope this is a quick and happy bfp process for you.

Galvan sorry about the job but something perfect will come along soon.
Yes Galvan, come up here!!!

I've had a really weird night. Excited about my positive OPK, I peed on another stick tonight, but accidentally peed on an hpt...and it came up positive.

I know for a FACT there is no chance of pregnancy. Did another one and I can't tell if the faint line I see is a line or line eye. It's much lighter than the other test. And people can't agreed on whether they see the line or not either, lol.

I'm gonna call my doctor and ask for bloodwork in the morning and settle it.
Navy fingers crossed for you! I got my first bfp 17 days after going in for my ivf consult. Fx you get the lucky Natural bfp.
Boy parts.

I'm still waiting to see the doctor but the tech said all looked good and my placenta has moved


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Love the pics, Flutter!!

OPKs are now almost blank, and my temp jumped .5 degrees this morning. I am 1dpo. Testing day will be Dec 14!
Doctor's office called again and my Vitamin D is still low, so now I have to up my intake. I've been taking 1000iu, but I get to bump it to 4000 now. I'll pick my synthroid up later while I'm at work. Hopefully all the other bloodwork will be fine. Last time I had AMD drawn, it was 0.95, so fingers crossed that it hasn't divebombed too much. I haven't had FSH done in years, so no idea what that will be.

Brandy - a natural BFP would be so awesome. I'd prefer that, of course, and it would make the best Christmas present. :)

Galvan - sorry about the job. :( I hope this means that the perfect one for you is just around the corner.

I can't believe the year is almost over. Time flies much too quickly, and yet too slowly all at once.
That is funny, Navy. I was just research Vitamin D's connection to fertility this morning. I remembered another BnB girl who added it to her supplements after her IVF failed. 3 months later, she did FET with 3 embies, and all three stuck. I don't know if she delivered 3 healthy babies or not, because she quit posting at about 16 weeks. I know I did have a bottle of Vitamin D, but can't find it anywhere. LOL I am going to add that because I am never in the sun, so I am sure it is low.
Brandy you look awesome. Ive been walking everyday at least 3 miles and I have only lost a pound but havent gained any through Thanksgiving so I guess thats a plus. I have lost about 25 overall since my reversal in Feb. 2012 it just isnt happening as fast as I thought it would. Anyone have any suggestions for toning my butt? I think thats where most of my weight has come off cause its looking horrible. Im limited with my bad knees on what I can do but Im not liking the old lady butt at all!
I feel my faith is being tested. A few months back I think I told you all about my sis n laws sister that was having twins (boy/girl). She had 3 children before that and give them all up for adoption. Well a little over a week ago (2 days before they were doing her c section) she called my sis n law to tell her they had nothing! No car seats, clothes, diapers, NOTHING! Honestly who in the hell would do that? She had eight months to prepare. They took them a month early cause the little boy had 5 holes in his heart and his heart rate was really low. Hes ok now and they said it looks like they have all closed up but he will still have to be monitored. They were a good size a little over 5 pounds a piece so they are home. My sis n law thinks after the new of twins wears off she will also put them up for adoption. I just dont understand how God would allow that to happen and not let the ones wanting and able to take care of them have babies? She did have her tubes tied! Thank God for that. I started to tell them if she decided she didnt want them, I would take them but they are white trash and I wouldnt want to have to deal with them. I think it would be a mistake. I just feel so bad for those babies. If she does keep them, shes not going to take care of them. They were a week old today and early and shes had them out everywhere just so people can help her with them. Makes no sense whatsoever!
Well enough ranting,theres nothing I can do to change it.
AFM, Im on cycle day 15 and should be ovulating anytime now. I just hope it hits before the weekend so I can make it in for an IUI.
Have a great day ladies!
Fluter, cute ultrasound pics!
Llawson... yes thats erks me as well, but I have to believe that God has a plan, even if we dont understand it.

AFM...CD7. I have Ovulated early the last few months, so I should be entering my fertile perion by this weekend. Just got in more pre-seed and am ready to go...even bought a cute little Christmasy bra and panty outfit for OH. Praying for a Christmas miracle :)
I need to get some more Preseed, I had almost no EWCM this cycle! Jenafyr, I think I might follow you, and get something cute for OH for Christmas!
LL-I'm on the same page with you! I dont understand it either :/
Navy-Sounds like your on the right track now!
Galvan-Hope your dream job falls in place soon!
Jen-Love the naughty outfits too! Of course, with our work schedule we are lucky yo stay awake to bd lately LoL
Not much going on here....hoping to have some man time this weekend! I miss it! LoL Worried about my foot today, as it has seems to have gotten worse & having pain on the top of my foot/ankle now :( Thinking I may have to give in & go to an orthopedic & get that stupid boot:/ I'm sure if I could stay off of it a few days it would help, but don't see that happening soon....
Llawson -that makes me very sad.

Cupcake - get that boot to prevent your foot from getting any worse!

DH is faxing our compassionate care paperwork today. I hope we can get a good discount on the injectables. The clinic is having a discount on IUIs, but I don't think DH understands how much the meds can cost. Hopefully his head doesn't explode. I've tried to prepare him, but I don't think he's processed that.
Navy-Have you done Femara or Clomid with IUI? Or are you just jumping straight to injects? IUI with injects was going to be between $2000-$3000 dollars, which didn't make sense for us since that's almost a third of IVF costs....It's crazy how lucrative infertility is!!!
Navy-Have you done Femara or Clomid with IUI? Or are you just jumping straight to injects? IUI with injects was going to be between $2000-$3000 dollars, which didn't make sense for us since that's almost a third of IVF costs....It's crazy how lucrative infertility is!!!

I've done clomid, and because I only produce one egg with clomid, my RE wants to combine clomid and injectables to see if that will help me grow more than one follicle. Since it's a combo, the meds should cost less than a full injectables IUI.
I did my IUI's with Gonal f and Femera combo. It went really well despite no bfp. If you can do Femera over clomid, I highly recommend it to reduce the chance of cyst and hostile cm. I hope you are able to get the CC discount. It really helped out. I wish we had known about it before the first IUI.

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