Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Awesome news Navy! I hope you get your BFP very soon!
Jenafyr Im so burnt out on testing that I will probably just wait for AF to show up. I have a very busy week this week and next. Monday is my bday and Wednesday is my daughters and Ive got alot of Christmas shopping to still do.
Staying busy helps Llawson....I'm officially in my TWW, I think I will BD again tonight just to make sure... Ive tried to keep 24+ hours between BD sessions to keep his #s up. I got a call from USF today and they said as of 1/1/15 there IUI fees are going up sooooo my research continues...if not I will stick with the Reproductive medicine group where he had his first SA. I'm looking at a few local clinics to see what they offer as well. Just wanna have my ducks in a row.
Family Christmas pics 2014


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I got my fingers crossed for you Jenafyr!
I Love the Pics! Adorable family!
Ok, so yesterday morning I was sooooo NOT happy with a call I received from USF saying as of 1/1/15 their fees for IUI were going up by $100 :wacko: I was so excited to think I had my plan figured out...so I cancelled OH SA and rescheduled it where he went the first time. I thought well maybe its meant to be done here. So I received another call minutes later from my GYN about my daughter (first gyn appt, all good and a virgin...yay!!! lol) she will be 15 on Saturday and the only one of her friends who are. Anywho. I talked with the nurse about some other clinics. She suggested a local clinic. So I did...so here's the run down. first appointment is listed as a pre- conceptual visit, so $40 with my insurance (not listed as infertility) IUI with meds $200 + cost of meds... meds are covered under my insurance so $7-10... the office manager there stated they dont do ultrasounds if my bloodwork shows I'm ovulating before meds... so no cost for ultrasounds. I want to be excited, but I guess it just seems a little to good to be true
I am stressed today. My Mom (has not said straight out) but has insinuated that she might not let my husband use her car for the week I am set to be in New York. She was gonna let him use it to drive to and from work, (or she could drive him). I was just gonna get him a plane ticket so as he could fly to New York and not have to drive. I am now looking at having to have another 500$ just to cover the expense of him not having a vehicle at home while I am gone. My mom hasn't come out and said that we could not use her vehicle, but she did say, "What if I want to go meet up with Ken (her husband) during that week." Well, I have to have something set in stone. I cannot allow for us to not have a for sure plan as he has to have a way to get back and forth to work for that week. I can't plan around inconsistencies. I am angry at her for making me not want to ask her again as I had already asked her once and she said it was fine so I planned our financial responsibilities around that being decided. I have to save another 500$ before the 2nd week of January... with Christmas being here. I now have a total of about 700$ saved. That will cover the room.. The 18th I will have another 700 saved. That will cover my trip and the meds probably.. That leaves me with Daniel's trip, which if he flies will cost about 500$ for roundtrip tickets and for a rental car for our city. I will have to save that on the pay-day around the first of January.. Plus I have to have another 300$ cause the lady that is doing my monitoring on cd2 said that my insurance will not cover ANYTHING after our IVF cycle starts... Not even blood tests. (Which is strange to me.) Altogether, this cycle will cost me around 6000$ for every trip, everything counted.. All I know is I am going to be making sure that I can transfer three babies...
I want to scream my frustration today!!!! No wonder some people give up. This is tough!
Oh and Jen.... That is an AWESOME deal on IUIs.. You are one lucky chick! Those are neat Christmas photos. I want to do photos so badly before my son leaves home for the Marines or Army, whichever he chooses... I plan on trying to wait until I am very pregnant and paying for some really awesome pictures after I search around for a bit, since I told the Hubby I wanted to renew our vows when I am pretty far along. I figure to do it all about the same time.
LLawson, I think I feel like you when it comes to testing for pregnancy.. Testing is for the birds!
Prayers for you Angie. I know its gotta be frustrating even more so because this has been such a long road for you.

The girl who does my pics is a college student who studies photography. She only charges $40 for 30 min and I get 15 edited images on a disk... I'm huge into taking pics, dont wanna miss a thing :)

I found out the IUI thats $200 isnt monitored... just medicated, no ultrasounds or bloodwork, going blind I guess, but I was told I should do fine because We know I'm ovulating and the clomid or Femera will just give me a boost. IDK if I would just rather pay the extra $ or not. My appt with this Dr is 1/7/14 so I will find out more then
Ok, so yesterday morning I was sooooo NOT happy with a call I received from USF saying as of 1/1/15 their fees for IUI were going up by $100 :wacko: I was so excited to think I had my plan figured out...so I cancelled OH SA and rescheduled it where he went the first time. I thought well maybe its meant to be done here. So I received another call minutes later from my GYN about my daughter (first gyn appt, all good and a virgin...yay!!! lol) she will be 15 on Saturday and the only one of her friends who are. Anywho. I talked with the nurse about some other clinics. She suggested a local clinic. So I did...so here's the run down. first appointment is listed as a pre- conceptual visit, so $40 with my insurance (not listed as infertility) IUI with meds $200 + cost of meds... meds are covered under my insurance so $7-10... the office manager there stated they dont do ultrasounds if my bloodwork shows I'm ovulating before meds... so no cost for ultrasounds. I want to be excited, but I guess it just seems a little to good to be true
That sounds cheap, but if IUI's aren't timed well it's a waste of money. That being said, Our 1st iui was done based off a + Opk & we got a bfp, the next 2 were monitored & zilch! lol Either way, I hope IUI is the answer for you guys!!!!

I am stressed today. My Mom (has not said straight out) but has insinuated that she might not let my husband use her car for the week I am set to be in New York. She was gonna let him use it to drive to and from work, (or she could drive him). I was just gonna get him a plane ticket so as he could fly to New York and not have to drive. I am now looking at having to have another 500$ just to cover the expense of him not having a vehicle at home while I am gone. My mom hasn't come out and said that we could not use her vehicle, but she did say, "What if I want to go meet up with Ken (her husband) during that week." Well, I have to have something set in stone. I cannot allow for us to not have a for sure plan as he has to have a way to get back and forth to work for that week. I can't plan around inconsistencies. I am angry at her for making me not want to ask her again as I had already asked her once and she said it was fine so I planned our financial responsibilities around that being decided. I have to save another 500$ before the 2nd week of January... with Christmas being here. I now have a total of about 700$ saved. That will cover the room.. The 18th I will have another 700 saved. That will cover my trip and the meds probably.. That leaves me with Daniel's trip, which if he flies will cost about 500$ for roundtrip tickets and for a rental car for our city. I will have to save that on the pay-day around the first of January.. Plus I have to have another 300$ cause the lady that is doing my monitoring on cd2 said that my insurance will not cover ANYTHING after our IVF cycle starts... Not even blood tests. (Which is strange to me.) Altogether, this cycle will cost me around 6000$ for every trip, everything counted.. All I know is I am going to be making sure that I can transfer three babies...
I want to scream my frustration today!!!! No wonder some people give up. This is tough!

Sorry your frustrated today! If it were me I would just count your mom out of the equation, even tho it will cost more, I would rather have a set in stone plan! You will have enough stress during IVF without her added crap! Good Luck!

AFM-Well I had reflexology yesterday, 1st time ever! He told me that I had issues with my reproductive system & GI system as well, without a word from me! I was impressed! Plus my feet feel better, but today I woke up with diarrhea & dizziness??? I gave him a call & he said it was a sign of toxins being flushed out of my body.....Being a nurse I checked my BP & it was 190/110!!!! So I restarted my bp med (which I had weaned myself off of with weight loss....GRRRR!) & Finally got it down to 136/82 (after it with a diuretic) Geez! Guess its time to get serious about this stinkin' weight loss & getting rid of all my bad habits! :( It sucks trying to diet during the holidays! Guess I will focus on not gaining anymore! I feel like such a failure! I did it before, but have NO will power this time!!! :cry:
Aww cupcake, sorry your not feeling well.

Thats my ? to you ladies... pay the extra $ and be monitored with ultrasound? or go for it with medication and a +opk? Guess my worries will be answered when I actually see the doctor. Saving $ will mean nothing is I have to do it over and over...
Jenafyr. I wish mine were monitored but he doesnt. They are free but I would like to have just one monitored so I know my body is defineteley doing what its supposed to. Maybe you can have one monitored to see whats going on and if everythings legit go unmonitored. I have to breakdown and save to go somewhere else if nothing happens soon. We are remodeling our house so all our our extra money is going there but its been over a year now and Im ready to get it done so we can sell and get something bigger!
Cupcake I hope you get to feeling better. I had a migraine last year and went to the chiropractor. He suggested I let his massage therapist work on me some before he adjusted me. As soon as she was done, I had to run to the restroom and throw up. I felt absolutely horrible. That has never happened before. I bet you had the same type of thing going on.
On a good note, My husband surprised me with two baby pygmy goats today for my bday which isnt until Monday. They are only 8 days old so I cant get them until they are weaned at the end of January but they are paid for and I get to come visit anytime. I have been wanting some for years! Maybe Ill get the Mini Donkey I want someday too!
Llawson I have a mini farm and getting pygmy's are next for Emma. What a nice present.
Happy Birthday too in case I miss getting on here before then.

Jen I think that maybe do one unmonitored to see what happens and if it isn't what you want then do monitored.

Angie I'm sorry hun. I know emotions run high in these cases and maybe just take a deep breath and relax. Its just a little bump not a mountain.

Cupcake I'm sorry that it sent your bp out of control. Maybe once all the bad is out and your body is regulating naturally it will be easier. I have put on 10lbs through the holidays...ugh I need to just step away from the table.

Afm, 2nd cycle on soy this month and Allen went back on tribulus. If nothing happens I think I'm just gonna walk away and let whatever happens happen. I have so many friends getting pregnant right out of the gate and this is just to aggravating for me and I think I should at least get myself in check.
I think you should do one or two cycles unmonitored. If you know when you are ovulating and are SURE that you can be strict with your own at-home monitoring, I would try it for a couple of months. At least that gives you a coupe of times to save money and if it doesn't work, you could go back to full monitoring or maybe even they might do monitoring once or twice..

LLawson, that is a cool gift. I want chickens one day, but I think that is about all I am cut out for. I am from the country and prefer that type of living, but I don't have the stability to be taking care of too many things at once as I seem to keep my mind too busy. I don't stay physically busy, but I stay mentally busy which makes me get stressed easily.

Momma, I understand your desire to take it slow and just see what happens. I sometimes wish.. well, pointless wishes, but taking things slow is always a good plan for yourself and the people around you.

I am taking things slowly here at home now too. I don't want to get stressed anymore. I have my lab work tomorrow. I am hoping I don't have to remind my hubby that it opens at 6:30am. It will be my first IVF visit and the start of the next busy 30 days for us. I finally finished my college today. I am so glad this semester is over. I need a break from school for sure for this next month.
I have 18 days left. Counting down the days! I know I jumped a little ahead of myself, but I ordered a onesie to give my husband when I get pregnant that says, "Baby Tweedle" "Worth the wait" on it for when we do get our LO. I am intent on not failing. I WILL have another baby!
Might have been a bad idea but I ain't giving up so.... It's cute and I figure I gotta have something since I WILL need to tell him our good news in a nice way. :D
So glad college is over!
LL-How sweet! We had planned on getting goats, but ended up with 4 calves instead, in addition to our chickens! We had horses for a few years, but they are such a money pit so we sold out :( Any fascinating symptoms yet? When is af due again?

Momma-I hear ya on the wanting to step away thing. Some days I seriously think I have lost my mind to want to start all over with a new baby!!!! I think to myself how hard it will be, then I remember why we started this whole mess & just can't walk away....yet. I seriously think we will do IVF then if it doesn't work do the FET if we have frosties then be done, regardless of the outcome...So we are gearing up for the last hoorah, so to speak!

Angie-Congrats on finishing College!

AFM-Happy to report my bp has been normal both times I checked it today, after 3 bp pills & 2 diuretics!!! Not sure what yesterday was about, but I admit it freaked me out!!! I did decided to take my bp med this morning instead of waiting til bedtime as its prescribed tho....I feel relatively good today & even decided after yesterday to restart WW today instead of 1st of the year ;) So far so good!!!
I'm definitely gonna talk to this new dr and go from there. He suggested 2 cycles on clomid before moving to iui but I'm impatient lol I wanted to inform you ladies of a few things I found...
#1 free IVF contest: https://www.ivfmd.com/getting-started/free-ivf-cycle

#2 low cost ivf... $4k per cycle https://www.advancedreproductivespecialists.com/fertilityhome/infertility-solutions/low-cost-ivf/

Have a good night ladies
Angie that's adorable. I am sending you lots of good vibes and baby dust that this all works out and you get your sweet rainbow baby.

Cupcake that is good you are doing lots better. I'd be freaking out too.
I have Emma and think some days that she was our one purpose at this TR and I'm very lucky to have her so if I walk away I'm walking away with a grand prize. I would love to give her someone to share her days with and be close too. I think the scrooge in me has came out this year.
Sorry ladies school finals have me bogged down. One week left!!!

Anyway, here's my two cents on unmonitored med taking. If you are taking Clomid you could be causing more harm than good. Clomid is known for ovarian cyst. If you get a cyst and don't know it and then take clomid again the next month you will cause that cyst to grow. It basically feeds cysts. I'd advise being super careful. Also be mindful of how many months you take clomid. Extended use is linked to cervical cancer. Just be careful!

Angie I'm super excited for you!!! Can't wait to here about your IVF journey

Momma glad your BP is good

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