Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Two is perfect! I had two transferred and one stuck, it did make me a little sad that one didn't make it, but I knew going in that even having one stick was a miracle in itself. Tuesday you will PUPO! As far as the tww, I was feeling pretty good about my BFP at 6dp3dt and 100% by 8 days past when I took the digi, so it's not that long of a wait really!
I am happy with two. I would be content with one so I am glad its two. I will be sad on my tww as my son just sent me a text and said our bird Luna has died. I love that bird. I had her three years and she was the most awesome animal ever. My heart is so sad by losing her. It has been a tough week. I hope God helps me with losing her as I will miss her so.
I am ready for our transfer as it will allow me to go home and be in my own place. I am tired of being away from home and just want this experience over now. I just want to take our babies home. This has been a horrible week away.
I am praying nothing happens to make our babies stop developing or something like that. I really want both of those babies to survive even though two babies will be tough on my health. I have waited and waited. This is truly an awful experience for me. This has been a horrible week and I pray to the God I adore that He does not make me suffer through anymore infertility and gives us these children and if by the smallest chance He doesnt that He makes life AMAZING the next time we are faced with this journey. I can't stop crying for the loss of my bird. I had her pictured in our childrens lives for years and years and to come.
Sorry about your bird Angie.
Fluter I hope you star feeling good soon.
Angie I'm sorry about your bird, but am stoked that you have babies brewing! Just think in a couple weeks you will be pregnant!!!!
Thanks Jen. I am feeling better mentally today but just on the exhausted side. I over did it this weekend with running around.

Angie - I'm so sorry about your bird. My animals are like my kids so I know how you must feel. Try not to dwell on it too much. You have big things to look forward to this week. I also know how you feel about wanting it to be over. Idk if you remember but my IVF trip wasn't great at all.

DH and I were joking the other day about how I don't make girl babies. I made the comment, I wonder what our frozen babies are? He said I guess we'll never know. I said well we might, I could go down there and get my frozen babies and be back on the evening and you'd never know. He didn't realize it was a much quicker process and cheaper for the frozen ones. So after I explained all that to him, he asked how long do we have to decide. I told him two years from transfer day or we have to pay for two more years of storage or allow them to be donated. He said hmm. I left it alone after that for him to ponder on. Maybe we can revisit that convo after the baby is born. I'd really like to go get them
You are about t be PUPO, Angie!!

Flutter, if you come back, we will have to meet for lunch!!

AFM, it is looking like we will do an IUI here in a couple of weeks. After I told OH about Dr Garza's (where Flutter went) price for IUI, he was onboard with trying. He charges basically $550USD including meds. He uses Menopur for IUI. I have used a combo of Gonal F and Menopur, but am willing to try Menopur only. Especially for $550 a pop. IUI in Monterrey cost us $1000 including meds more or less. I think I will insist on B2B IUIs though for more chance. He is a little stuck up, but I am going to insist. If we can't convince him to do it. I will go to Monterrey.
I'm sorry about your bird, Angie. Animals are like family and they are tough to lose.

There is a saying that when a life is lost, another is starting, so maybe it's your first sign of a sticky baby?
Thanks ladies. I have felt down and out since my bfn but I know with normal tube lengths there is still only 20% chance of getting pregnant every month.

Angie just one more day!!!

Galvan woo I hope that your iui welcomes a sticky bean. I just found out that our insurance covers IUI at 80/20 so we would have to pay 20% of the cost. --our new policy's just came and I was reading through them.

Fluter oh my gosh how exciting it would be to have another baby!!
Galvan, how exciting. I wish I could do b2b IUI's also. IDK if this doctor will or not. I guess I will know Thursday. I will be come to Juarz soon for my moms dental implants to get started, probably the end of this month and then again 4-6 months later.

Momma, Yayy for insurance covrage lol, looks like the IUI train is getting full :)

Fluter, I understand wanting your babies with you, maybe yur lil girl is waiting...

Cupcake, hope your trip is going well and you are still sane

Navy, how are you?

Angie, hoping you are coping with your loss as well as can be expected and looking forward to taking your babies home.

AFM.. 9dpo, no symptoms, kinda feel AF is on her way. Depending when she shows I might wait till my February cycle for IUI so I can get my moms 1st Mexico trip out of the way. I hate feeling rushed and fear that it will only set me up for failure, so I wanna see what the doctor says first. I wish there was crystal ball to look in to give me all the answers I seek... when is the right time??? who knows!!!
Fluter, hope you are feeling better. Im sure its just those pregnancy hormones.
Cupcake, I hope you have survived your trip with all those teens!
Angie, Good luck and I am so sorry about your bird.i have many pets and havent lost any yet so I cant imagine the pain. Ive always been told too that when a life is lost, another begins so maybe its a sign. I know thats easy for someone else to say but dont get yourself too stressed over this trip. You need to be relaxing and enjoying your wait. Try not to let anything bring you down.
Baby dust to you all!
I am so excited for everyone on this forum! Everyone has their plans in place and are running after their goals for babies this year. I am so excited for everything that's happening and everyone's IUIs and cycle plans.

Thanks for trying to help me with the loss of my Luna bird. I told my husband that she died around the same time my babies were being born. That's what my son told me. It made me so sad. I have never had an animal to die.before and I know that it will be a long time before I put myself through that sadness again. I just have a cat left. No more animals for awhile for me. I start to cry when I think about her but I have to not let sadness overwhelm me as the babies need calm and quiet. I have to drive thru Manhattan tomorrow so that will be super stressful but I am hoping to miss rush hour. My transfer is at 10. Thinking about it is pretty amazing really.
Fluter, I cannot imagine how you must feel about your babies as I want to bring mine home so badly. I am praying that both of mine make it and I will pray that you get to go back and get yours too!
I have not decided whether or not I will ask about embryo grading of my wee ones. I am hoping they will allow me to take a video of the transfer tomorrow for my hubby. I also am hoping they give me a photo of them. I figure driving home would be less stressful than staying here until night time so I could miss the traffic.
I sure am praying for everyones cycles! I am trying to make the day go by so tomorrow gets here more quickly. Hopefully both the babies have continued to grow strong. I tell ya, every day seems a hurdle to cross and the mind is the biggest hurdle of all.
Awesome, Jenafyr!! I have a couple of friends in Juarez who are American. Maybe they can show you around some if you want. Be prepared for long waits to cross either way unless you are flying in.

I am excited about this IUI. It will more than likely be our last treatment for a while. I am going back to GA. I can't find any jobs here, except for Rent A Center. I didn't go in debt up to my eyeballs to work at Rent A Center! OH is trying to get approved for a work visa, I don't have much hope for it because he is married to a US citizen. The attorney sounded optimistic, so I guess it is worth a try, huh? If he gets approved, he will be going with me, but if not I will be hiring an attorney. Either way, we won't be able to come out for treatment for a while, and I doubt I can convince him to pay the prices in the States for either the IUI or IVF. He thinks they are expensive here. LOL I told him that if he gets to go, he needs to leave a few sperm samples here, so that if I can get off for a few weeks to come, but he can't I can still come to do IVF. He seems ok with that. LOL
Galvan. I'm paying 650 for IUI. .. It's only oral medication and the consult fee is 300. So not horrible. Good luck and where in Georgia will you be? My daughter and grandson live right outside of Valdosta.
My life just went to complete crap in the last 24 hours. My ex and I had court for child support yesterday. I filed in November and he sent me a letter saying he needed an extension because he couldn't get everything together in time for court. I expected to walk in at 9am and walk out with a remand date by 9:30am.

Instead, he decided to have all his financial information, slammed me with the response, and now we are remanded to March 25.

The judge made a temporary order for him to pay $817 a month starting January 1, 2015. He's paid $300 so far. Now that might seem like a victory, but it's only temporary. March 25 will determine how much he has to pay retroactively. I asked dating back to August 1, despite knowing he's been working longer than that. He thinks he doesn't have to pay for August to November because he wasn't making what he is making now.

I know that it seems like a victory, but his response included a claim for joint custody, and to have the kids 4 days a week, giving them to me only 3 days a week. He says this is in accordance with his work schedule.

We had joint custody, but it didn't work. I literally cannot communicate with him, he threatens me with the police every other week. He refuses medical care for the kids which on three occasions has resulted in emergency hospital trips for serious illnesses. He refused to sign to allow Zoe to get into ABA Therapy and Isaiah to get into counselling. I had to get court orders forcing him to sign those before I won temporary full custody.

If he is granted the access, I will lose my house, my van, the income that support the kids, Asher loses his siblings, and the older three lose Asher. It is not good all around.

The lawyer I spoke with yesterday says that I have to fight this on my own, because my situation does not qualify for legal aid. It doesn't matter that he stalks my house, tells the kids I don't love them, tells them to tell CAS I abuse them and that they want to live with him. It doesn't matter that he neglects to provide medical care. With Zoe's disabilities, he could literally kill her. He refuses to show up to medical appointments, and then claims I don't tell him about them. He refuses to submit his bloodwork for Zoes's genetic testing to be done and they cannot proceed without his sample too, as they need to trace any abnormalities back to him or me. I am literally frightened for my kids. I cannot afford a lawyer on my own.

I also told the lawyer that what he is asking for, the 4 days a week, means the kids change addresses since he would have them more, forcing them to have to move schools, and with Zoe's autism, that is not in her best interests. She needs routine and consistency, and this is just going to confuse the hell out of all of them. He doesn't even do their homework with them! Zoe is on an IEP and Isaiah is on the verge of being diagnosed with ADHD and is falling behind in school.

I also told the lawyer it wouldn't work because we are moving in the summer. She said get the hell out of here NOW before he gets an order saying we have to stay. He's done it before, and he can do it again.

If he gets joint custody, then we're going to be in court once a year getting court orders so the kids can access services. I am so far beyond stressed out right now.

And this is all because I initially wouldn't do mediation with him yesterday until after CAS talks to the kids. He didn't even fill out the response until after he saw duty counsel. Because I wouldn't just hand it all over to him. I eventually tried it and offered extra access, including every other March Break, 4 weeks in the summer, every Father's Day, an extra visit on my weeks and an extra overnight on his weeks. He refused to go for it. If we base visitation on his schedule, we would be in court once a year to change access based on his work schedule. I will give the extra access, but anyone else would have to get a babysitter if they had the kids when they were working, not make their access suit their work schedule. He wanted access changed right then and there, and to keep it the same, I offered to accommodate his work schedule, so if he works a Saturday instead of a Friday, then he can have Friday to Saturday instead of Saturday to Sunday.

I am a complete mess right now. I am so scared. The only thing going for me is that it is harder to go from full custody to shared once full custody has been granted, and full was granted to me on a permanent basis in May.

Until then, I need to figure out how to get out of here before March.
Brandi-I'm so sorry! It sounds like a nightmare sweetie. Prayers for your family sent...

Angie-Best wishes for a easy, successful transfer today! Prayers going up...

I survived the trip! It was AWESOME!!! No big snags & the kids for the most part were well behaved....Now onto Winter Jam in Knoxville in 4 weeks!!!!
Brandi... I know its a hard time for you. I dont know how things work where you are, but in Florida things are a little different. I'm a paralegal and used to work in Family law. I know it wont help with the stress, but If the court has already awarded you temporary custody and child support, they wont likely take that away or uproot your children to cater to his work schedule, at least not to that extreme. I hate court battles and I hate it for you, but from what Ive heard you will be fine. Praying this will all go your way and be water under the bridge soon.

Cupcake, Yayyyyyyyy for survival, looks like you have a busy first of the year... have fun :)

Angie... I already said a prayer and keep sending happy and healthy vibes your way on your trip to take your babies home.

AFM... what a morning. I swear I got behind every "dumb" driver on the road. I just woke up in a bad mood. I got my mom's passport card taken care of yesterday so hopefully she can get her teeth done soon.
Brandi that does sound like a mess. Like Jen said, here all that wouldn't fly. The delays would take place but all of those demands wouldn't for sure. I hope it all works out. People who use their kids to gain or as game pieces make me sick!

Angie I'm thinking of you

Jen, I got behind thise drivers today too. Grrr

AFM. I called the doctors office today. I'm concerned about these headaches and exhaustion. I think its my anemia kicking in. I haven't been on prenatals for awhile due to constipation. I've read about blackstrap molasses helping with iron and not causing bowel issues. Ugh!!!

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