Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Angie - I felt crampy and bloated after the transfer. I wanted a bath so badly. I take a bath daily so it was hard for me to wait it out. How long did they tell you to wait on the bath? It's not selfish to want both to make it. I did. I was a little sad it was only one but that lasted a few minutes and I was over it. I had a baby in there with a heartbeat and that was the ultimate goal!!!

Navy sorry you've been sick. It seems like everyone is getting some sort of bug. Hope you feel better soon

LL when do you plan to test?
Galvan I hope you don't have to skip a cycle.

I changed doctors today. I'm over fighting mine. I called yesterday about feeling terrible. I have headaches daily and I'm just so exhausted I can't function. I fear my iron is low. This should be a simple blood draw. The office called me back and said he'd check my iron level at my next appointment but it's not until the 28th. I called another OB that a friend recommended and I go on the 20th. At least it's 8 days sooner and my friend said they don't treat you like that. That the doctors there don't Rush you or shrug you off. I hated switching but I've been very unhappy with my care from the start of this
I spent two hours on the phone with Legal Aid yesterday and due to the complexity of the case and Zoe's medical needs, they said issued a Legal Aid certificate. So now I DO have a lawyer to help me defend full custody and word my access proposal properly. I was told if I go in offering more access and have a proposal in mind, it will look better on me defending full custody.

I spoke with our child services worker who does not believe that joint custody is in their best interests, and says once she passes it by her manager and Legal, she may be able to write a letter stating that in the position of Child Services, it is in the kids' best interests to remain with me and for me to have full custody. That should help.

I've respected my son's request to speak with the worker. He kept telling me that he wanted her to come to the house so he could tell her that he is abused by me and that they should all live with him. I asked if anyone asked him to ask me to get the worker to our house, and he said his Dad did.

So she's going to speak with my son today. So if you can pray for us. Please do.
Fluter, It sucks not feeling like your doctor genuinly cares about your well being, hopefully you will get the care you deserve from the new doctor.

Brandi. I know how frustrating custody issues can be. Praying you get the outcome you seek.
My computer has been acting sso dumb lately. It just shut down after I wrote a big post.
Brandi, I hope everything works out and you get to move. I also hope that everything works out with your son. I bet you are so gad to have legal aid as I know that would be the scariest thing ever!! I pray everything works out for you.

Fluter. I want a bath! I take one every single morning and I don't understand why I should not be allowed to bathe. It just feels so stupid to me and like everything I do I have to be fearful of. I hate having to be scared of every single thing. I am glad you found a doctor I would have switched too if my doctor was as dumb as yours seems. I have a low tolerance for people that can't do their job with pride and compassion.

I am having bloating and cramping like nobody's business. Today my babies should be blastocysts at 2dp3dt. My hubby calls them his little Blasties. I am grateful to be in this position and I know that doing IVF is one of the most stressful things I have ever done. I pray I don't have to do it again. I wouldn't wish that emotional, financial hell on my worst enemy
Brandi, I hope things workout. You and your kids will be in my prayers.

Angie, I miss baths so bad. Mexico doesn't believe in installing bathtubs in homes. All I have is a shower. I can't wait to be back in the States where bathtubs exist. LOL

Flutter, hopefully this new doctor is better.

Navy, sorry you are feeling bad. Fx you get a BFP in a few days!!
Brandi glad you got the lawyer needed. I'm hoping it all works out for you and your babies.

Angie I took a bath on day 4. I just didn't make it as hot as I normally would.
Heck I miss my bath too. I have one in my kids bathroom but l only have a big shower in master bathroom... I looked at 6 places... ALL with showers...grr and I have a newer home too.... but every once in a while I utilize their bathtub. Nothing like a hot candlelit bath with a glass of wine...

AFM... NERVOUS as HECK for my appointment... not sure why, but ready for some answers or a course of action at least.

Saturday I'm going to look at dresses. We decided on a small beach wedding on 10/10/15. I'm kinda doing things backwards but thats ok. That day is subject to change of course if I get prego but we will cross that bridge when we get there.
Brandi glad you have legal aid and are talking with the worker. I hope things go easy and smooth in court.

Llawson I hope for good news for you this month.

Brandy,Galvan, and Jen I have shower and a tub but end up taking showers more often unless I'm stressed then I soak in a nice hot bath.
Fluter glad you changed drs. I hope this new one is the perfect fit for you.

AFM, just figuring out some things this month. Today is O day...my surge was yesterday and so for the last 2 days and tonight we have DTD. Not bad and DH can get his break after this. Lol not that he'all need it.
I seriously think that I will take a bath soon. I usually take very hot baths but my core temperature has changed the last two days and I am hot all the time. I have got to shave, it's killing me. If my sweet little babies have not begun to implant then I doubt they will and a bath never hurt a single pregnant woman ever so I feel safe enough to use my God-given common sense.

Jen, I hope your wedding is AWESOME! I personally hate the month of October but only cause it is the birth month of both mine and the hubbys exes. I will be due in October but I am praying that I get to have both and that would probably have me having them in September. Even if it's one, I hope it comes in September. My hubby already chose his vacation for the last two weeks September so.... That means I definitely have to be pregnant. :)
I took a test today and my trigger is so not gone. I had that trigger shot last thursday night and it is still dark on my test.I will be one whose trigger does not go away. When I am out my belly is constantly crampy and my left leg feels like the nerve is pinched. I also feel nauseous when I stand too long. That Endometrin is tough! I have to wear little sanitary pads so as I don't mess up my clothes. I am on 300mg a day of that stuff. It isn't the funnest medicine in the world for sure! My lining was trillinear and 7 or so which was awesome for me. I have always been on the low side.
I seen it Angie!!! What an exciting thing to see!!

I'm so tired and emotional today...glad it's O day for sure. I've been extra moody, hormonal, sensitive all month!
It really was, Momma. I was so emotional. It's like a thousand dreams are there all in one little miniscule bundle of cells. It is such an emotional thing.
I am sorry you are hormonal. I know that my house is pretty hormonal too. It is like a never-ending struggle. I hope you get your baby this time. I hope this thread is filled with baby news.

I am probably gonna test again on Saturday or Sunday. I must admit that I am nervous. I only bought 8 tests. I wish I had the willpower to wait. I just know that I would rather get my news at home than in public. I have my little gift for my Bestie that I am praying with all my heart I get to give to him soon. You know what's funny though??? I am actually sitting here thinking about being glad my tubes are gone so as I don't have to worry about any more miscarriages. It's sure been amazing, this ride I have been on for the last 3 years. I pray I am about to get off of it. Such strong belief. All these years of waiting. I am glad my wait is over!

Sorry for the rant. I am emo tonight.
Angie I love your rants lol, anxiously awaiting your BFP.

Momma I hope you feel back to normal soon.

AFM...appointment went great. I really liked all the nurses and doctor, I was about to have a nervous breakdown because we were running late cuz my OH barber took forever then traffic sucked. Dr said all looks pretty good except he said I had only like 9 follicle creating cells (?) (Don't quote me on that term) and he likes to see 12-15. So I call in on cd1 which should be Sunday, baseline ultrasound on cd3 he's going to start 100 mg of clomid on cd3 and another US on cd12. I told him that's when I normally ovulate but he said clomid should push that back. Sooo here goes nothing :)
I'm going to watch the video.

Jen that's awesome. Don't stress over the follies. That is more than enough!

It must be an emotional kind of day because I've cried at everything. My headaches are getting worse and I just don't even want to get dressed or leave my house. Dh rubbed my feet and my neck/shoulders trying to make me feel better. We are going to do a baby registry tomorrow. My first shower is Feb. 28th.

Good luck to you ovulating ladies! I hope to see many BFP's in the next two weeks
How cool angie... great to have.

Fluter, dr told me the same thing he said he is really confident I will produce nice follicles with clomid so we shall see.
Fluter, I probably wont test and wait it out for AF. Im so tired of seeing negatives that I hate to test at all! I honestly feel like AF is on her way.
Jenafyr Im excited for you. I have a grandbaby thats bday is 10/10/10 so thats a good day for a wedding. I wouldnt worry about only 9 follicles. When I did IVF they cancelled it because they said I had way to many follicles only to,find out a few days later it was cysts...so I probably could have been pregnant years ago if they had not cancelled it. It was a different doctor and another joke and thousands down the drain. I sure wish I could find whats going to work.
Angie, Im excited for you!
I asked him about the 9 # and asked why it was relevent at this point and he said he was referring to follicle stimulating cells, not follicles themselves...I'm kinda clueless the difference, so I'm not going to stress over it when he said the clomid will change that.

I was shocked he's going to start me on clomid on CD3, cux most I hear starting on cd5, but I trust he knows what he's doing since he's the expert.
Jen- That's Awesome news! Excited for you!

Angie-Such a cool video! Hope you get a blaring +, but If I started testing out trigger I would have to do it daily just so I would know for sure when it turned to a bfp, but I'm just OCD like that! lol

LL-I'm with ya sister! Just SO ready to have a baby & move past this stage of our lives! I HATE waiting :/

AFM-Not much here. This is my last Femara cycle & my lp is usually 11-12 days, but has been up to 14 while on meds so I expect af on Sunday. If a no show I probably will test Monday or Tuesday lol I don't want to see another negative HPT for the rest of my life, so I won't test unless absolutely necessary! No symptoms either way yet except a backache which could be either way or not related at all.....

Navy-Have you broke & tested yet????
Jenafyr, cd3 makes more follies. Maybe he put cd3 because of your count right now. My FS tried Cd3, cd4, and cd5. LOL I got pregnant with cd3 and menopur. Fx this works for you!!

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