Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Hi ladies....haven't posted in a while but try to check in on you all...hoping for good news. We're keeping busy in our business and life in general.:flower:

Angie, I have been praying for you daily and keeping my hopes high for your success with IVF...my heart is breaking for you now and I have to fight back tears for you. I KNOW all too well the huge disappointment this is. :cry: I'm so sorry:nope: It's obviously beyond our understanding WHY this works for some and not for others. Just like you and your dh, we too, felt there was no logical explanation as to WHY those little babies didn't stick for us either:cry: I understand your confusion of why God would not allow this to work...we felt the very same way! It's so hard to see the money slip through your hands...for nothing:nope: I had to cringe when you wrote of your dr. asking if you have "enjoyed some of the nice NY restaurants":growlmad: he has NO clue the sacrifices you've made to do this:nope:
Did you end up with frozen embryos? I certainly hope so! We were sad that none of our remaining embryos made it to freezing:happydance:. A small part of me has entertained the idea of trying IVF again...but the LARGER side of me can't go through it all again...for the same outcome.
I understand your concern of this effecting yours and dh's relationship...don't allow this experience to do ANYTHING other than draw you closer through this hard time. We simply cannot see the big picture that God sees and we have to TRUST and have faith in knowing that God's will for us is the very best. :kiss: I'm praying for you:hugs:
LL- They don't know what happened. I have always had an out of control period for unknown reasons. I have had every test under the sun done and NOTHING is abnormal. I began bleeding in September of last year and thought it was my period... it got worse and worse. In October they put in Mirena IUD that is suppose to lighten your flow and or stop it... well it didn't work. I spotted on and off which was much better till December and the bleeding is so out of control now that I can soak a tampon and pad within an hour or 2. Some days I am completely house bound because of the clotting and gushing. Sorry TMI.

Surgery is Tuesday morning I am so very sad but we weren't really planning on having another intentionally.. But just to lose my uterus all together I feel completely lost.

Angie- I will be thinking of you but I never count anyone out till its confirmed. Hugs!
Angie, I know your feelings all to well. Ive been feeling the same way for awhile now. Hang in there! Its not over yet.
Fluter, is the mini supposed to be just as successful?
Faith, Hi! Nice to see you, glad things are going well for you.
Brandy, I did that several years ago is why I asked. Mine was cause by Norplant though. Its when it first came out. I bled for months and it too was supposed to stop your bleeding but it did the opposite. The doc kept telling me I needed to give it time for my body to adjust. Well she kept refusing to take it out so I went to the health dept. saw a different OBGYN ( the same I see now) at this time it had been in a year and I had been bleeding that whole time. This OBGYN sent a letter to the one that put it in and told her it was life threatening to bleed like that for that long and if she did not take it out she was going to. Needless to say, she took it out and wasnt happy about it. The bleeding stopped within days. During that year I had gained 25 pounds and was so bloated, you could just see the water weight gain look I had. It was horrible! This was back in the early 90s I wonder if the Mirena may have made things worse? I hope they get you straightened out cause thats a horrible feeling to be bleeding that long.
AFM, I have to send my chart to my RE every month when I start. He sent me an email back today saying this cycle looked much better than the last. LOL this is the cycle I didnt take the Clomid and he thinks I did. He told me continue with the Clomid same dose! What a joke! I feel like Im treating myself! If I had the money to go somewhere else I would but right now I dont.
LL- The first month with the Mirena it was better ... spotting a lot but far better than full out bleeding daily. But after the initial shock was over to my body it just returned with a vengeance. Theres actually 2 kinds of IUDs and 1 of them does cause more bleeding that's the copper one. I saw the package that they took mine out of it and was the right one for me.

Who knows I just give up at this point. I cant function I feel so weak.

I am at a loss about your doctor though.. He says your cycle looks better and you weren't on clomid. I am not sure I would believe anything he says. Why not call him out and tell him ok I wasn't on clomid that month and my cycle looks better What now?
:hi: Faith! Glad you stopped in and good that your business is going well. I had been wondering about you.

Brandy, it's weied the attachment we can grow to our girly parts. I'd have to say though, after all you've been through, I'd more on the positive side of saying good bye to all that mess. :hugs:

LL - idk that it's more or less successfull. Obviously it worked for me. Mini in the US is usually reserved for those 35 or under because of higher fertility chances. It's way less expensive because the amount of meds used are far less. Through my IVF journey, I read a lot! My conclusion is, more is NOT always better. I've seen so many have 18 or more eggs and all of them fail. I've seen ladies with only one egg and it turn into a BFP. Sometimes I feel like the medicine "juice" is spread too thin among too many eggs for some people. I know Brandy had a lot of eggs and obviously she did well :). You need a really good doctor I think to determine what's best for you and not be standardized. Which seems to be what I think your doctor is. I feel like he just wants your money at this point. I'd be upfront and tell him, I didn't take clomid this last cycle so I feel like I need a different path if this cycle truly looked better.
Brandy, my daughter had Mirena and they had to take it out because of her bleeding but Im not sure which one it was. Shes doing the Depo shot now and not bleeding at all.
Fluter, I dont pay anything now. All of his so called after care is free. I paid 6250 for the TR in Feb. 2013 and all the IUIs and everything he does is free. I had to paid 50.00 for test to run the die through my tubes at the hospital and pay my copay on the meds and any blood tests which have all been free so far.
Hes very self centered and thinks hes God! Ive read posts about him where other women have questioned his stuff and he just drops them. So Im afraid to do anything yet cause I still want to try for some free IUIs. I havent had but this last one since being off Clomid. I also want to see what he says about my next few cycles if Im not on it and he thinks I am. He thinks everything should be his way or no way. One of his nurses did tell me to make sure I sent him my chart every month because he would drop the free after care if I stopped. Hes such a pain in the Ass but I dont know what else to do right now. Hes another one with no beside manner at all!
Fluter, I guess the one they did with me back in 06 or 07 was a normal IVF then. I had to do all kinds of shots, we both had to take antibiotics and lots of ultrasounds only for them to cancel because they said I had too many follicles and then a few days later said it was just cysts! I was pissed. They said if they had known they still could have continued? Makes no sense to me why they couldnt tell the difference? Thats why I saved up for a few years and went with the TR and hes supposed to be one of the top REs in the US. I just dont understand? My husband says hes a scam artist but I dont see how he could ave been doing it all these years if he was? I have talked to several people on his board of women that have conceived that all love him but of course they have got babies out of it! I havent and Im sure theres many more out there like me and time is not n my side!
Llawson... I agree... call him out...just say I have a confession that really confuses me...see his response. If he doesnt change the course of action, then yyou know your best interest are not at heart. Praying you get the help you need.

AFM... All is good here. I havent really had any side effects from the clomid except feeling flushed here and there. Yesterday I got a headache and generally felt like poo, but I also had to sit in a courtroom for 2 hours beacuse the judge wouldnt allow me to give my attorneys their lunch (they are in trial) Thankfully this week is going by pretty fast. Next week will be hectic though.
Well free IS hard to pass up. Ugh how frustrating! I hate bad bedside manor. Just to ease your mind, there's no way to tell if a follicle will become a cyst, contain an egg or be empty until exams after ER or if it never hatches so to speak. High amounts of meds can cause your follicles to become cysts. Basically when they happens they are over mature and have grown too large. I had this scare with my first IUI. Luckily I knew they weren't cyst with the follow up baseline ultrasound for the next IUI or they would've still been there hanging out.
Faith, we only had the two eggs fertilize. I have been feeling like my regular self the last couple of days since that trigger shot has been gone. Now I know it wasn't just the progesterone making me feel pregnancy symptoms. The hcg was what was making me have to pee every few hours cause that symptom is now gone. I can't imagine not trying again as I knew there was a possibility that it would fail and I accepted that from the beginning, even though I wished it wasn't so. If I quit now the whole three years I have been killing myself with this battle would have been a total waste and I know I will eventually succeed if I just keep pushing on. It isn't really even an option to give up, but it is an option to go at it with faith cause I just don't understand why God is allowing this when honestly, I have to admit that I think it's wrong. I think it's wrong to allow women on drugs to have children. I think it's wrong to allow women who have had abortions before to have children. I think it's wrong to allow some women to suffer through infertility and thousands of dollars while watching idiots pop out babies left and right. I also fee like I have been punished enough and I have lost enough pregnancies and that He should relent and have mercy. I fee like I have paid any price that might have been exacted by me tying my tubes as He also knows that was not of my doing regardless of my age. I just have to find some way to accept that it is not for me to know so I can keep walking forward honoring myself and my family and God most of all.
I know that I am not pregnant. There isn't a single doubt inside me. Maybe next time more eggs will fertilize and I can have 3? You never know what God has planned.

LLawson, I understand not having the finances to pay for IUI. I think I woud learn from my own observations though. You have seen that the Clomid had messed up your cycles and that your doctor is an idiot, but that doesn't change not being able to switch doctors cause I know some chance is better than no chance. I would do what I felt best for me and if you think your body still needs a break from the pills, I would not take them.

I am not anticipating my upcoming cycle. I am still taking the progesterone to humor my husband. Until Monday anyway. My period would normally be due today. Oh the wonderful joy of infertility...

Oh and Jen, I hope this is your cycle!
Fluter is right LL via ultrasound while you're follicles are still growing you cannot tell if it's an egg containing follicle or if it will become a cyst. Most ivf doctors like to see follies between 15-22. Once they become larger than that it usually but not always means it's either over matured or that it will become a cyst.

While my ivf was aggressive I don't recommend that for everyone... It takes a doctor to tailor your needs to you. From all the tests I had it was determined that during a normal and or medicated cycle I was producing pretty healthy eggs. So.. In my case it was ok to produce more to up my chances. Someone that might be a little older or lower egg quality it would be best to medicate slowly to produce less but focus on growing the few they do have to the right maturity before triggering.

I really do think that for alot of people quality over quantity is best.
I regret the quantity factor because now I have eggs fertilsed and stored.. I will not have a uterus so I am going to donate the eggs for science. That's when I get the nerve to do it. I've already paid for this year's storage so we will see.
Angie, its good to hear you arent giving up.

AFM... last day on Clomid. I hope the weekend flies by. I'm so anxious for my ultrasound. Got great news last night. My fiance got a really good job at Publix. He has been unemployed and only doing odd jobs, he was making decent $, but it wasnt secure. He was so excited, as was I :happydance: all he kept talking about was baby stuff and having the chance to give us the wedding we want. His hours will suck the first few months, but its a huge blessing.

Have any of you ladies noticed while on clomid your opk test line being darker? I usually get a +opk on cd11 or 12 thats why i'm getting monitoring on cd10.... ugh its so nerve racking. My trigger is being delivered today and was advised to take it with me Monday just in case.
Angie - super glad your still fighting for what you want. I tell people I'm just stubborn and won't take NO for an answer and that's why I got this baby. In March it will be 5 years since my TR without a single pregnancy (possibly two chemicals but never confirmed) and not a thing wrong with me on the inside. Anyway, I believe you will be blessed!

Brandy - I had every intention of donating my frosties. We said if we have left overs we wanted to donate them to someone that could use them. I even offered them to a TR sister and close friend that has been through multiple miscarriages and is now older, but sadly she had to decline them because she's having a hysterectomy. Now, I want to go get my babies. Now my husband is on board with having another one. He seems to think it's going to happen on its own. Me, I'm not so sure. But, I know how you feel knowing you have little babies out there. I'd take your time making the call to donate them. Wait until after your surgery and your mentally healed from it all.

Jen - that's awesome news about your OH's job! Having a regular income makes a huge difference emotionally/mentally not to mention the benefits of steady income. I'm anxious to see about your follies on Monday! I hope you have at least two nice sized ones ready for trigger!
I'm nervous because he started me on 150mg of Clomid. I ovulate on my own... I'm just hoping I didnt over stimulate
I ovulate on my own and clomid never caused me to have multiple follicles, so hopefully you won't overstimulate. I'm only taking 100mg, though.

Good luck on your ultrasound! I have a monitoring ultrasound on Tuesday, since my RE likes to do that earlier when adding injectables.
Faith glad you popped in and that you're doing well.

Angie I am glad you have found hope again. It's a horrible journey and we often feel the burden much worse because we had our TL.

Brandy maybe even hire a surrogate if you feel having more children is an option? I know a lady who lost her uterus due to a car wreck and her mom became her surrogate.

Jen yay for OH getting a job! I hope your scan goes well!

Navy fingers crossed for this to be your cycle.

Cupcake how are you?

AFM, I have lost 4.4lbs in the last 2 days, of my holiday 10lbs of weight gain. Sticking to eating 1200 calories not working out yet but I need to do that asap.
Hi Momma :) Great job on the weight loss! I'm doing good. Been busy with work, church & kids. We got a new calf last night. Poor little thing was born blind, so we are bottle feeding it! It's SUPER CUTE! I got to feed it today cause dd is gone to her dad's...It's actually hers, so I had to let her know how it did this morning! lol Other than that, I've been working on my weight still. Happy so far with Plexus! As of today I have lost 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks, but official weigh in is Monday...So I'll update my ticker then.. Thought I was going to get to join the gym this last week, but dd has had appts with an oral surgeon to schedule getting all 4 of her Wisdom teeth removed, so didn't get to go yet :(...We have also been working on the IVF fund & have managed to save $500 in the last 2 weeks, so we are on our way...:)
Awh! What a poor little thing being blind! Emme loves animals and we have developed a small petting zoo!
I'm glad you've been able to save money for IVF. Every little bit helps.
Oh man I feel for you did having to have her wisdom teeth out. Make sure you get a funny video of her.
Way to go on your weight loss as well!! I am going to have to join the gym soon. I like working out at home but I know I'm not getting the work out I need.
I'm glad you're doing well!

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