Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Angie I joined bnb in 2010. I was on another thread for a very long time. I think I have 4 others on my Facebook that don't come on here any longer. They all have sweet TR babies. I love watching them grow. I to often wonder how others are. Like FaithHopeLove.

Jen she's looking beautiful! It won't be long until she's in your arms.

I had my first AF since baby this week. I blame my kidney stone ordeal because I've now had to supplement 2 bottles a day since then due to my milk. Oh well I guess. He's 4 months old today. If we don't get a surprise bfp before Sept of next year we will go get frozen embryos. Right now I need to focus on my weight. I feel like a sleeve failure and it's causing me to get depressed.
Ladies!!! I am over the moon & terrified all at the same time! I got a BFP today!!!! Worried my lines were too light for 15-16 dpo, but I got a + Digi!!!! Starting Progesterone tonight & had HCG drawn today...Praying this is our sticky bean!!!!!
OMG... Cupcake thats so exciting, I needed some amazing news because today is my Birthday!!! This makes me soooo happy... praying for you a sticky bean :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thank you! Dh cried! We are excited, but trying to just enjoy the moment regardless of the outcome :)
Oh cupcake thats amazing! I am so excited for you :) I needed good news todays been super rough.

Navygrrl I see you're on! How are you?
OMG YAY CUPCAKE!!!!! Prayers for good numbers and sticky vibes!!!

Happy birthday Jen!
Navygrrl I see you're on! How are you?

I'm not good at being sneaky, LOL. I still come back to read to check up on everyone. I'm doing okay. Stressed at work since the store manager keeps cutting hours while still wanting us to maintain the same service levels, which doesn't work out. I'm up for a promotion. I passed the first interview, and the next one is on the 15th.

My ex's wife is pregnant with their second baby, due in February. I was hit really hard when she told me, and I'm still a little bitter about it. I'm happy for her, but I wanted it to be me. She's a few years older than I am, so I suppose there's still hope for me. We're NTNP, though, and unless hubby's bonuses are bigger than expected and we can afford IVF, it looks like my time TTC is pretty much over.

I'm so excited to see Cupcake's good news! Lots of prayers and mojo that it's a sticky one!

Happy Birthday, Jen!
Well that joy was short lived.... Started spotting this evening :( not liking how this looks to be heading.....*sigh
I hope it is just a little spotting, Cupcake. Lots of people bleed a little. Praying for you so much!

Jen, Happy belated birthday! I see your beautiful little one. She sure is cute.

Hi, Navy!! I have been wondering how you are.

Fluter, I think about Faith a lot, and CJ.. I wish they would pop in. That's awesome about you going to get your babies next year. I keep praying I have twins so I dont have to go through this again. I found out at the doctor that my eggs are fine at 6 and my fsh was at 2.9. He said it is awesome and I must have just not fasted enough or something. I did get tested for NK cell something or other and I failed that test and now must have intralipids during my pregnancy. Well, before and during... I start my meds on the 20th. I got them in the mail and it was daunting to say the least... He said he didn't give me a full IVF dosage since he did not want me to pop out 30 eggs when 10 would do the trick.. I am counting on 2 doing the trick. I am taking Gonal F and Menopur. It is so scary. I am praying that either my husband's or my insurance covers the intralipids as it is 600$ each time. That is a bit for a single IV.. Gotta do what I have to though and we are trying to wiggle that money from somewhere....If we have to.
I am still waiting on my Mom to tell me good luck.. I guess I will be waiting till pigs fly.. I don't see why so many people feel they are entitled to feel negatively about a decision that does not affect them. If she wasn't my Mom I tell her off, but since she is, I just complain about her lack of intelligence and compassion to you guys.. Makes me so mad I could bite nails..

Just a few weeks. I am ready for pregnancy.. Well, after I start drinking a little more water.. blah!

Cupcake, I am thinking about you!
Omg Cupcake I'm so so so excited for you!!! Don't stress over the sporting (easier said than done I know) take your progesterone and drink plenty of water. Omg I can't handle how excited I am

Navy glad you popped in. Sorry your going through a rough patch. I know I thought we were through many times with TTC and in the end I couldn't accept NO for an answer so I busted down doors so to speak. Hang in there.

Jen Happy Birthday!!!

Angie - I have a good feeling about this IVF cycle for you.
Cupcake hold in there love! Im so happy for you!

Jen Happy Birthday, a little belated! I feel your pregnancy is flying by!

Angie I wouldn't expect anything from anyone anymore. If you do your only going to find yourself upset with them even though you know they aren't going to support you. I have everything crossed this is your cycle.

Afm, well Emma's hit the terrible 2's. I'm down 90lbs and feel amazing. I'm done Ttc but dH wants to put faith it what ever happens happens and I'm not really on board so we've had some heated discussions.

This is 4 months into my diet (14 lbs down)& exercise then my 18 months(90lbs down) in photos.


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I wish I hadn't told dh.....gahhh! He's a wreck, oddly I'm at peace this morning. Still constant dull cramps & red/blood spotting but no clots. Did a frer today which is about the same darkness. Honestly will be shocked if this little bean makes it, but its in Gods hands. Should hear from Dr. Today....
Cupcake, praying for you..

Momma, you look amazing, congrats on the continued success.

Angie, so excited and nervous for you on this journey. I also have a good feeling about this cycle.

Thank all you ladies for the birthday wishes :)
Thanks for yalls input, I am just seeing it as I am still trying to figure out forum lol. I am 27 years old. I have 5 children actually with my ex husband. I was remarried and we decided we want to try for one or two more! Crazy I know. Well July 17 I had my surgery was told I only needed to wait one week. We caved in at five days it didn't hurt oddly. I also had my period that week. I have been taking ovulation tests and began to get scared when I didn't get a positive until cycle day 19 I believe. We bd on the day before positive and the day of positive but not after??So right now 3dpo !!!! I am really hoping this will be successful. The Dr. Said surgery went great and maybe that's why I had clearance so early ? I have no clue but this 2ww will be the death of me lol.
Dr. called HCG-16 & Progesterone a measley 0.9! I am so sad & devastated. He wants me to pick up a new rx for P & come back in for re-draw on Monday. UGH Bleeding has picked up, I'm sure its over. My heart hurts & I just don't understand why we have been blessed unexpectedly with a bfp only to have our hearts ripped out again. I'll update officially on Monday, but for now this feels like our 2nd Angel :cry:
Momma, your weight loss is amazing!!
Dang Jen, I can't believe you are almost 30 weeks already!

Cupcake, I am sorry about your progesterone level.. Maybe the new meds will help it kick in gear.
Just goes to show you that you DEFINITELY can get pregnant all on your own. Maybe you just need to tweak a few things..

I have a busy work schedule the next few weeks. I am trying to stay patient really. Found a place to set up some acupuncture appts; still didn't call and see about coverage for those intralipids since I worked until 330 pm and didnt have time..
Thanks ladies for boosting my hopes for this cycle. I feel as confident as I think a person would be capable of feeling. I am feeling vulnerable for sure.. More so than I think I ever have and it's a tough spot to voluntarily put yourself in. I know that this battle is not for the faint-of-heart.. I will never quit. No matter how bad it gets.
It has been a tough day today.
I lost a friend once because I said that it was much harder to lose a baby once you had it, than to have never had it at all and never felt the joy or the hope. I stand by what I said then: Nothing is more painful than losing a pregnancy, definitely not the sorrow of never having been pregnant as the only thing stolen from you is the hope and not the life itself.. I won out though as that person removed themselves from my life and even though it still remains childless, at least I have a heart.

Pray for my friend today as her 4th IVF failed and she will miscarry. She needs more prayers than what she will allow right now.
It's been such a rough day...

Night everyone!
Praying for you Cupcake.
Test is almost negative today. Dh & I talked & since we did get a natural bfp think we will try 2-3 months of Clomid in the fall. He has also agreed to try the clomid to increase his counts if the Dr. Feels it could help ....neither of us want to do more iuis tho :/ so I guess this is the less non invasive "Hail Mary" before ivf in the spring lol I'm actually in a ok place today. Did a lot of crying/mourning the yesterday, but am ok & actually glad to know its almost over. Surprisingly this loss wasn't as hard as the 1st physically or emotionally. Ready to get off the progesterone & get back to the gym. Also SUPER ready to hit the beach in a few weeks!

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