Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Cupcake I'm so sorry babe. I do agree with Angie that you got this one all natural and tweaking a few things should help. I hope you guys get that little sticky bean soon you so deserve it.

Angie prayers for your friend. Ttc long term is never for the faint and often people think because others hold it together easier or don't express their heartbreak over losing a pregnancy it is never easy. I still cry talking about it with my husband and we have a rainbow baby, and all those losses made us cherish her even more so because it was so hard. You will get your baby! I have hopes for you!

Thanks for all the encouraging words girls! I figure not focusing on getting pregnant made it easier to focus on getting fit and healthy. I'm kinda missing the pregnancy part of feeling the baby growing and knowing I'll have another but I'm really done because Emma's enough. I don't have the patience I had when I was younger.
Cupcake ...I'm so so sorry. I'm still so hopeful for you. I think clomid may help both of you. Hugs

MommaB wow! You look amazing. How did you lose it?

Angie my heart hurts for your friend. That's terrible.
Cupcake ...I'm so so sorry. I'm still so hopeful for you. I think clomid may help both of you. Hugs

MommaB wow! You look amazing. How did you lose it?

Angie my heart hurts for your friend. That's terrible.

I lost it over 18 months with diet change and exercise. Good fats, low carb, and lots of proportion control too.
Went in for repeat beta today......which was pointless :/ The nurse was so sweet & tried to give me hope that all is well, which I know I lost the pregnancy, but it was a nice gesture on her part. To soothe myself I got in some retail therapy & hit the gym :) Where I discovered the cause of my hip pain....ugh the Elliptical :( I love it, but guess I am doomed to find new equipment to work with. Back on track with my eating plan, since I had gotten lazy the last 2 weeks. It felt GOOD to sweat out some frustration today!
I am glad your nurse was compassionate, Cupcake. I have seen so many the last few years that have just lost their kindness.

Your weight loss is amazing, Momma.

Fluter, my friend actually had bleeding and a very low beta, but after a few days, her line got darker and all is going great now. She has her repeat beta tomorrow and I am sure she is going to get WONDERFUL news. Makes me happy as can be as she deserves to have as many babies as she wants, she is so kind. I think that maybe she just had early implantation bleeding.. She is doing awesome now. <3

AFM: I have 10 days before I start my cycle. The doctor wants me to do some intralipids, but my husband and I do not want to do the procedure as it is just fat injected into your veins for extra protein. It also is not FDA approved and is costly when some fish oil pills will do the exact same thing.. I have asked my clinic about it and will do the procedure if I have no choice, but I think they just try to make everyone do it and I don't believe in the benefits they say it provides.. It just doesn't make sense to me as that procedure is what they do for people who have to be fed intravenously. It makes no sense and I feel that it is just a way to waste money. I guess I will see. I know I don't really approve of it, but I will EAT the fat whole if it gives me my healthy pregnancy. I just am so tired of wasting our money.. It is so hard to just throw it away on pointless procedures and maybes...
I am ready to get this underway for sure. It is seeming like it takes forever and it is financially difficult.
Hey Yall! First a bit about me. I have five children and remarried and we decided we would like to try to conceive a baby together. Well my tubes were tied, so Tubal Reversal was July 17th, and immediately had my period. My doctor gave me permission to go ahead and start a week after. I have 9cm on each side, and he said it went very very well! Well ovulation test did not become positive til cd18. Here I am 6-7 dpo and have had a very headache which I had with each of my pregnancy's. I have also had a change in cervical mucus, sleepy, and some crampiness on right side about two days ago. Decided to test. WELL I know these are blue dye tests, but Ipersonally have never had evaps, I have more evaps with ic than ever. Well I took one and saw a line, so took a nother test in fear it was a evap and there its is again!! So I ran to a different store, and got a different brand but same kind and there it is again!! What do you think, do you see it? I honestly got a positive on blue dyes before first response with my other pregnancy's so that is why I use them. I just feel like at 7dpo if these are positives that is exactly why they are so light. Please let me know what you think!


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I'm sorry, they all look grey to me. Wait a few more days and test again. 7dpo is pretty early.
Also, FRER are now MORE sensitive than they previously were. I got both of my BFPs on FRER's at 10dpo with my first TR baby, and 9dpo with evening urine with this baby. They test positive at 6.5mIU now, I believe.

My levels at 10dpo with both babies were 16 and 17 respectively, meaning I tested positive on an FRER with this baby with levels less than 17.
Thankyou for being honest. They are the blue in person just very faint. It was to hard to get in picture without altering the colors some. Fingers Crossed though! eek.
I understand. My first FRERs at 9dpo had mixed reviews on whether it was pink or grey. By 10dpo, it was definitely pink, by 11dpo, no mistaking it and next week I'll be in the second trimester. Hope it becomes more clear for you.
I agree I don't think they have color but I could be wrong.

Angie I'm so glad your friend is ok! I must have missed that part. As far as the lipid injections, I say it's a scam to get more money out of desperate people and it's sad. I've never heard of it

Brandi your first tri went fast! Oh and the FRER I had 6 positives with a level of just over 2 recently. They are crazy sensitive
The whole thing is just flying by.

I was going to stay Team Yellow, but for my own mental health, I can't. I have my heart set on another boy, so much so that the thought of having another girl makes me extremely upset. I've suffered from severe depression in the past to the point that I nearly took my life several times, and I'm afraid that if I wait until the birth to find out and the OB announces that it's a girl, it'll send me spiralling into a deep depression and I'll reject her. I don't want my baby to feel unloved or unwanted, and for my kids and my own sake, I need to keep myself healthy mentally. So I'm going to find out, so that if it's a girl, I have several weeks to prepare myself and be happy, so that when she's born, I can shower her with love and happiness.

I feel horrible mentioning that here because there are so many here who have struggled and still are and would love a healthy baby, regardless of gender. But I also know I love this baby enough, boy or girl, that I need to keep myself healthy for all of their sakes.

September 8, I'll find out. I'm still keeping it a secret from everyone though.
While I've never experienced this issue Brandi your mental health is extremely important. I assume you're seeking help with a therapist to talk this through. I am glad you're aware that it's important to resolve this before the baby is born.

For yours and the childrens sake I hope you have a support system in place.
I haven't yet. I've been waiting to find out before seeking a counsellor, but will most definitely be seeking one in the case that it is a girl.
I am just gonna say, "What the heck!"
Now... Abanana, I am not an expert on evap lines and FRER doesn't work as well for me as everyone else.. the internet cheapies are amazing to me. I don't see color on your test, but I do know that to have three different tests bought in three different places would be amazing to having evaps on all three. I also know that no one should buy blue dye tests.. EVER. They are the bane of every ttc woman's existence. I can actually finally say this with full sincerity: I hope this is your first TR baby! Best of luck getting pregnant quickly!

I have 9 more days... The doctor's office told me today that I do not have to do the intralipids. I think it is a ridiculous idea---injecting fat proteins into your body through your veins.. Insane! I didn't want to pop out 600 bucks for that crap! Not once but twice.. 1,200$ for 2 'infusions'... I know I will probably hear a lecture, but I can't just drag money from thin air and I am not going into debt for a fat injection unless it gives me new boobs.
Cycle still on... I have been having break-thru bleeding on my birth control.. I have been on it over 5 weeks though.. I can't wait to get this underway! I am so ready. I pray this is my last time with IVF as I don't want to have to go thru this again. I still can't find an acupuncture place... Makes me nuts! I think I am just gonna go for a girls spa day after my transfer.. Facials and pedicures and manicures and some cute underwear... Way more relaxing than hunting down an acupuncturist..
Hey all. Angie-getting close girl! I need a play by play of your ivf journey!
AB-hope your tests darken up!
Brandi- I agree that mental health is a priority, counselling keds or whatever to get you where you need to be. I have never felt that way though, with any pregnancy. I mean I had a preference, but like now as long as we are blessed with a healthy baby it doesn't matter to us in the end. Hope you get the boy you want or the help you need....
Cupcake, right now I am thinking about embryo disposal.. Heaven knows I love my husband and I never want to be divorced,but I was reading this battle that is going on between a 46 year old woman and her soon to be ex husband. She had cancer and can no longer have children, but she has 5 embryos in cryo.. When her and her husband did the retrieval though she signed that in the event of a divorce, the embryos were to be destroyed and neither person got them... Of course she wants them as she will never be able to have her own children, but the eggs were fertilized by her ex and he does not want her to have 'his' children as she agreed legally to destroy them. I think that in the event my husband does not want me anymore we will half the babies between us as we both have fought and cried and bled for them.. Decisions, decisions...
The hardest part about this so far has been the waiting.. I have been tested for everything under the sun.. Had to pay 250 bucks for a mock transfer that it seems like not many insurances cover, the travel to and from New Jersey and local blood draws, I have been on birth control since the 14th or so of July, and I believe that I start Lupron on the 20th and take that for a week or so before I add in Gonal-F and Menopur. I have not really focused on my calendar as when I do, I know it will become obsessive for me and the waiting will be more difficult. I will have had three separate visits to New Jersey and then the week for the retrieval that I have to pay. I don't know how the meds are going to treat me. I know that I take my vitamin, 4 folic acid pills, birth control, 2 fish oil, and aspirin daily right now. Honestly I am pretty nervous about the meds as I will have to be presentable to society and the fear of being a super b-word is pretty real.. Honestly, it is the most terrifying thing I have ever done. Even giving birth the first time didn't make me so afraid. I am actually spending the days, (when I am not working) crocheting my soon to be baby some blankets. I wanted to make the blankets by hand and it keeps me focused on positive thinking. I have even bought paint for the baby's room and will be working on that this coming week as I will not be able to paint after I am pregnant. ;D I think keeping a journal is nice. Even if you just say the same things day-after-day, (like I do) it helps you to feel better and put things into perspective if just for a moment. It doesn't help that I have one failed IVF under my belt already. I got pregnant every single month when I was doing the deed myself, but give me IVF and I flopped. Just praying I don't do it again. I also try to just talk about, even if it's aggravating as sometimes the heart gets overloading and it's good to let it out. That's why I blab to you girls as no one I know understands or cares really about my problems.
I also noticed that so far there have been small hidden fees that I have had to come up with, like the mock transfer and office visits--- as my down-payment supposedly doesn't cover the visits themselves, I guess. Be careful of people trying to talk you into pointless money wasting stuff that makes your financial prospects difficult.. Like PGD testing and Intralipids.. :) Unless you have thousands of dollars extra to find out the sex of your babies and if they are supposedly 'perfect'embryos.. I am a poor girl myself. Gotta stop talking now..
Well girls, I had my repeat beta Monday....After all the bleeding & clotting & cramping & a P level of 0.9 I KNEW I had miscarried again. Didn't get the call until this morning that my HCG actually went up to 47???? I actually argued with the nurse that there is NO way I'm still pregnant after the blood bath I had. I am just in complete & utter shock right now. We have grieved this bfp as a loss already. Which with a 61 hour doubling time, along with the initial P level, I'm still not very optimistic to say the least. She had me come in this morning for repeat draw & said if I truly did miscarry then this level should be on its way down & that 61 hours is "ok" doubling time...Just spotted the last 2 days so far, still crampy, still taking the progesterone....*sigh Praying for God's will with this bfp. I do hope if its not viable its not in a tube & ends quickly as we are booked for vacation in 11 days! :dohh: I've googled til my fingers hurt & can't find any stories of such a low P level with a happy ending, so I am guarding my heart & not getting my hopes up....Will update on this craziness tomorrow when I can.......
Maybe a SCH or, God forbid, the loss of a twin? Prayers for a good outcome for you!

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