Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Cupcake ugh I hope you have answers soon. Limbo is no place to be with your heart. I'm hoping for a good outcome but answers good or bad are needed to move forward.
Thanks for your kindness flutter. Spotting is gone & I caved & took a digi today, with a 2 hour hold & got "2-3 weeks" so something is going on in there, as my last hcg was 111 on weds. Praying for good numbers with tomorrow's draw, will update asap.
Waiting for tomorrow!... always waiting... I don't know what I will do with my life after I don't have to wait anymore. It's such a part of my life..
Well that's good. I'm hopeful for you.

Angie you know this is a long waiting process. I hope all your waiting will pay off
Fluter.. It really is tough to wait sometimes. I think it is much easier than it was at first though. After all these years it still has not become something I am good at despite the practice. :D

I start my first shot this week. As the days pass, I have more and more breakthrough bleeding. It is pretty aggravating, but not unbearable. I didn't get off of work for the day I will need on the 28th so I will be calling in. It's the first time I have called in and I am nervous about it. There is noone to take my shift or I would ask around and the only girl that has that day off is not worth asking as I know she will not take it and then I will have a more difficult time calling in. Of course I will have an excuse but that doesn't make me feel less guilty for leaving my co-workers short-handed. I need off two Fridays in a row and at a fast-food place the weekends are like gold.. I hardly ever get them off. I hate slacking.

I am nervous about the beginning of this journey. I guess I measure the beginning as the start of the meds cause up till that point, I can turn around. I am excited and scared and I feel so emotional about it some days that my desire to be a Mother again makes it hard to not cry over how incredibly sucky this journey has been for me. It has changed me as a person and not in a good way either. I am more guarded and less amused. My humor has a shadow over it and I am praying our baby will give me that back. I know that I am ready to wipe away the sorrow of these last few years and see the sunshine again..

Let the countdown begin:::::: Thursday is right around the corner..

Praying for you Cupcake! I am glad your digi is reading correctly. That is a good thing.
Cupcake praying that the spotting is just old blood from implantation and that rising numbers mean there's a sticky bean in there. Fx for you Hun.

Angie I hope this is your big chance too. All of your hard work and waiting will pay off and we are all rooting for you!

We are ttc, it's not a big leap in but if it happens it happens. We are just not preventing it. It was me that needed convincing but when your husband says he loves watching you with babies and having a nb baby niece it really brings out the broodiness in a man! So here's to cycle #1 3 years later.
Momma-WOW! Good luck to you on your big decision!
Angie-I won't pretend to know the fear & frustrations of IVF yet, but praying for you!

Well- I woke up at 4:30am with left lower quad pain, It felt like trapped gas or severe constipation, which I have not had. Got up & tried to go have a bm, no luck but did have gas, but pain got worse. Felt more like pressure & burning, but did get achey & sharp at times, so off to the er I go. Knowing they would see a bulging tube.....Nada :/ Nothing in tube, but did see a cyst? on left ovary. lining was ok, but no sac yet...:/ I'm only 5 weeks & 3-4 days, I think so I knew we might not see anything, but I was so scared that I'm sure that didn't help my pain....Good news is they did a beta & it is up to 517(52 hr DT) which is in doubling in range so far. I'm glad its ok for now, but something has got to give! I NEED to know WHERE this bean is 1st & foremost BEFORE we leave on SATURDAY!!!!! Not sure dh will want to go if we don't have answers, not sure if we'd have any R&R anyways, since I would probably be a regular in the Daytona ER...Geesh, God has a since of humor giving us this BFP, right before vacation huh, especially after all these years! If this is a sticky baby, my dh says its a girl since its giving us fits already....I'm saying its a stinkin' little man! lol
The doubling is fantastic cupcake! With517 HCG they probably wouldn't see a sac yet so I wouldn't panic. Hang in there!

Angie so excited for you this week!
Well I accidentally I unsubscribe to this thread lol. So in case you missed me, I'm back kidding

So glad the tubes were clear and YAY for doubling numbers.

MommaB good luck TTC
Cupcake woo hoo! Yes as Brandi said hcg isn't high enough yet but it should be there in no time! Can't wait for you to see bean!

Ok so have any of you done a uterine cleansing? I know that after pregnancy all kinds of nasty can be left over in there and well at this point I just don't want to pay $800 for a hsg again. Anyways gonna use peony root and Rasberry leaf plus taking maca and whey protein to kick it off and see how it goes.
Great numbers, Cupcake!
Congrats on deciding to ttc again, Momma! I have never done a uterine cleansing, but it sounds interesting.

2 days till countdown begins. I am excited for sure. I am anticipating pregnancy. I pray I am not let down as I will be devastated. Sometimes it's so hard to keep myself fully positive and keep that fear from niggling in the back of my mind. I hate doubt. I drank my last beer tonight. Bring on pregnancy and nursing. My husband will be smoking his last cig in the morning... Such a heavy undertaking. When I had to quit smoking it was the hardest thing I ever still do. Everyday I think about smoking even after these 4 years. I pray it is easier for him.

Cupcake, you could make an ER visit Friday night and it should for sure tell you, and show you what you need to know. You numbers should be around 2000 by then. Pretty sure 1500 is the "I can see something in there" mark.. I pray you get to see your baby right where they're supposed to be.
After my positive test I am only going to have one blood draw after the initial one to make sure it has risen acceptably and then wait until my ultrasound. Not streesing myself out with my next pregnancy. The hubby and I are so expectant. I don't know why as I know that so many people have to go through this struggle time-after-time and don't get pregnant. I don't know why I think I deserve it. Lots of people go through crap I couldn't even imagine to get their baby. I am feeling humbled tonight by the thought of so many women who struggle and I feel guilty because this job, this insurance, and pretty much our upcoming family, was handed to us.. I pray that God helps me to be thankful in every way. It seems like such an amazing gift of mercy to me.
I am praying for you ladies that are ttc and the ones of you that are not yet trying again too..
Just two more wake-ups and I start my walk to our first baby. I can honestly say that after all these years of trying, I will have NO problem saying that "We're Pregnant", as my bestie has earned the right to be pregnant too. :D

Nighty night Girls!
Jen, I am thinking about you!
Uterine cleanse? I'm going to google

Angie - it's almost time. I had two betas after just to see if they doubled and then had a 3rd when I went to the ER at 5w1d. Sac was seen then but my numbers were well over 6000. I had high hcg

AFM - I've been studying for my TEAS Exam. I procrastinated on studying and now I'm kicking myself. I take the test next Wed and submit my application to the nursing program. I've completed all my prerequisite classes and will complete the last two corequisites this semester that starts next Tuesday.
I hope you get accepted, Fluter! I start the last of my Preschool Education classes on the 24th. I am ready for them to be over for sure.. Too many years of school.. It will keep me busy for a few months for sure though. I hope you do awesome!
1st OB appt, today! Not expecting much lol I figure he will have me do another Beta tomorrow, then an US on Thursday. If we can't see anything by then, then I'm not sure what the plan will be.....I do suppose they have lab corp & private US places in Daytona or if that fails, the ER....I DO NOT want to spend my vacation in an ER! lol Oh well, we will cross that bridge if we need too....I had my 1st hormonal melt down last night! I'm assuming it was mostly stress, but I know hormones are all jacked up! I set a hamper on my toe & it hurt, which set off the waterworks, the sobbing didn't come until my son looked at me & laughed :/ My poor dh has NO clue why his wife is nuts at this point & calls one of our friends/neighbors to come check on my sanity! :/ Got to work on that for sure! lol
Momma-I've heard of doing the castor oil packs, but not a cleanse.....
Flutter-Hope you sail through your test!
Angie-Getting closer by the minute to your THB!!! I'm excited for you!
Brandy-How is your friend doing?
Brandi-How are you feeling? any updates?
I am hanging tight, just trying to be happy. We are talking, but I just dont know and the more I think about things, the more depressing it is. I have buried my thoughts into my baby shower this Sunday and my moms 4th upcoming eye surgery, plus getting my kids ready for school. Thank you ladies for caring and I pray for healing...
I'm exhausted and ready to be done work already, but still have 389 hours left to work before I'm eligible for maternity leave. Thinking of taking an early leave at 27 weeks if I can get all my hours in on time and convince my OB to write me off.
Brandi you're so lucky to have that type of maternity leave.

Jen I just don't know what to say girl other than do what you feel is best.

Angie- thanks, me too! I'll know by October I think
Good luck at your appt cupcake!

My friend is doing well. She had surgery and is now doing chemo and radiation therapy. They thought they got it all during surgery but 2 weeks later the pathologist found cells.. So hoping for a good outcome.
Hope she gets a good outcome too, Brandy!!

Well, we get 52 weeks paid maternity leave here, but as long as I have 600 hours in by the time I'm 27 weeks, I can get 13 weeks paid sick leave on top of the maternity leave. It's not a hard job by any means, but it's very fast paced, lots of running, not many breaks for water, heavy lifting, and it's already increasing my cramps. I have my first OB appointment tomorrow so I'll bring it up to her and see what she says, but I HAVE to get 600 hours total in before I can get sick and/or maternity leave

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