Fluter, I stopped the birth control; yesterday was the last pill on it. I lowered my Lupron dose to 5 ml today instead of the 10I have been taking and I am officially waiting to start my period which should be tomorrow or the next day. I go for the first monitoring ultrasound Friday morning. I am looking at around the 11th of September for transfer of whatever embryos we get. I admit to a very real fear. I have been emo on this Lupron or steroid.. Not sure which is doing it. I am nervous and excited. I am feeling such a need to nest and ready our home and hearts and that could lead to such hurt, but I can't keep myself from it. I am making plans for sure.. I am not sure that I want to do this again though after we have one baby. My heart is so heavy and fearful most days that I won't be a good Mother or that I might be too old, that I just really feel like one is enough for me. The hubby and I have totally agreed that we will donate some of our babies to other women, but they have to be embryos already and not just eggs as I would not want my husband to donate his sperm alone and I will not donate my eggs alone. It is a hard battle and it is definitely a battle, a war... I fight with myself, sometimes my husband, our finances, my heart, common sense, with hope...I struggle with God and beg him to grow our family. It has been the thought in my mind every day for more years than has been good for us and I will be glad to be the victor and in my win, I will be so humbled as this battle has changed my life..
I have an ultrasound the next two Fridays. I got a girl to take my shift on the 4th of September for my appt, but I have to call off on this Friday as no one would take the shift..
How did you control the fear of failure? I have miscarried 7 times. Failed one IVF already.. I need to find everything positive and need suggestions as to what I can do to see our baby and not fear another failure. I am going to win this. I will not be beaten by my own children (embryos).. Those little nasties better do their job and snuggle in for the long haul..
Ugh! It's been a day.
Cupcake, I am thinking of you.