Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

I also normally ovulate sooner ratjer than later, but i guess my meds extended my ovulation with my IUI. I asked them to do an early scan and they did but I wasnt ready. I know IUI is way different but im confident they knew what they were doing... lol obviously HOWEVER i didnt stress any less. Praying for great eggs!!! :)
I also normally ovulate sooner ratjer than later, but i guess my meds extended my ovulation with my IUI. I asked them to do an early scan and they did but I wasnt ready. I know IUI is way different but im confident they knew what they were doing... lol obviously HOWEVER i didnt stress any less. Praying for great eggs!!! :)
I actually have my first follicle count on Tuesday morning. Last night with the Menopur I was instantly bloated, but it went down today. I am on Lupron but my husband worries that it might not be working right as there have been a few days that I have let it get hot cause I have had to carry it hours with me. I believe he is just a nut.
I can't believe that I have 3 more sleeps before my 'important' ultrasound visit on Tuesday morning. According to how my eggs are then, we will see if I trigger or take more Gonal-f/Menopur. I actually only have one and a half extra pens of Gonal F so I hope it doesn't have to go too far. I also should get told how many follicles are there. Pretty nervous about that even though I know that doesn't really matter to how many are fertilized and stand the test.. I am almost more excited about being on vacation than doing IVF. ha ha... I got a girl to cover my shift tomorrow so I am off work until Monday the 14th and then I am off after that one shift until Sunday the 20th.. I am so very happy about that as I just have the one shift and that will be in between my retrieval and transfer.
My belly is sore but I am grateful. I am ready for this. I will start packing for us tomorrow and we leave very early Tuesday morning. I actually estimate our retrieval to be Thursday the 10th. That would put me at a Tuesday the 15th transfer. All guesstimating, but that's half the fun.. I am so excited!
How many days after my transfer will I have to wait till I can safely test? How far along will I be in pregnancy if I have a 5 day transfer? I have stayed off of Google, thank God. I am full of nervous excitement and have a million questions.. I guess I should do some research. I will be back in a day or two.. Shew..
Angie do you know it will be a 5 day transfer for sure? I test at 6dp3dt and it was positive. I believe I had a positive digital the next day. So that's 9dpo/10dpo. I think Brandy was around the same with her 5 day transfer.
Angie you will not ovulate. The lupron is keeping you from it. After that your body should be tricked into holding off till the trigger.
I lost a dear TR sister and friend. We never met but we've text and just been friends for over 6 years now. I found out today that she was killed in an accident yesterday. My hurt is broken. She was such an awesome person. It really shows me how important some of the women I've met through this journey are to me.
Fluter that's awful. Omg I'm so sorry!

Angie I tested from day of retrieval on. I wanted to see the lines lighten and then darken back up. My for sure positive was 4 days post the 5 day transfer. So that's the equivalent of 9dpo.
Fluter, I am sorry about your friend. Things can happen so fast.

I am ready for this to be done. My husband told me last night that I should just pretend like we are going on vacation since there is nothing I can do to change the outcome of what will be. I am not doing too bad at that this morning. Of course I am obsessing stupidly about ovulating despite the meds, but I figure that's just natural fear. Even if I did, I would just have to wait a little longer to try again.
We leave for our appt at 4 am. I have quite a bit of last minute things to finish up. I gotta pack all my meds, our clothes, get my son and brother some stuff for while we are gone.. I thought this day was gonna take forever, but here it is already.. I really believe that we are going to succeed this time. Not sure why I feel that way. As it is getting closer I am tempted to ask for three embryos, but I know that is because of my fear of failure because I don't want three.. I wish I felt as nonchalant as the hubby acts. If he is nervous he sure hides it well as I want to cry and pray until it's over.
I have one more dosage of Gonal F tonight and then my ultrasound tomorrow to check follicle size. I believe I will have to trigger tomorrow evening. Yesterday my ovaries hurt pretty good and my lower belly feels heavy and full and walking seems to make me a little short-of-breath. I figure that's normal though. Since I don't have any idea how many follicles are there, I am in the dark really. I have to say that I don't like that part.. I can't imagine that the stims have not done their job and I figure that my eggs are ready just by the way I feel. I just am praying the Lupron doesn't fail me and it holds off the release--but whatever I guess. I don't really have any plans for after the retrieval. I got our hotel room until Saturday. I am supposed to work next Monday night, I gave away my shift on Tuesday and Wednesday and I still have my Thursday the 17th shift even though I won't be working it. I know that the IVF itself is a piece of cake even though I have bruises on my belly and it's so tender from all the shots. The thing that makes me cringe about all of this emotional struggle is the testing and the weeks afterward. The IVF is easy compared to the tww I have coming up.
I am glad that my husband will be able to be there for more days this time. He won't be there for the transfer though, but I will not be coming home until the next day unless I can get someone else to drive and my son doesn't have enough practice yet to drive in horrid Jersey.
All I know is that here I am on the eve of another try and I am grateful to God that I get to be here. May He give us a bigger family.

Brandy, the last ivf I had the trigger shot and it stayed in my system for 14 days I believe... I know it was a horrible long time. I guess I could test it out but it might take a bit.. :) I think I will buy about 7 tests and start testing on Friday the 18th. I figure my transfer will be around the 15th if I get to go 5 days.
Also Fluter, the doc says he does mainly 5 day transfers unless he and the Embryologist decides that a 3 day would be better for the eggs that might not make it to 5 days. I am praying to be able to do a 5 day this time.
Good luck and safe travels Angie. ..

Afm. Im not in a very good place :( yesterday was 2yrs since my dad was killed. .. being pregnant and dealing with all i am makes me very bitter and depressed. I deactivated my fb and have been staying to myself. Part of me wants to be selfish and cut KJ and his family off completely. I have learned real fast they only care about the baby and could care less about me. My mom had eye surgery again and things haven't gone how she hoped even though its only a week out. She has been really depressed and its hard to be strong when i have no one to be strong for me. I just really dont know how to handle things right now and that makes me feel even worse :(
Excited for you Angie! Keep us updated!
Hugs Jen-I'm so sorry you have had such a struggle & wish you peace & happiness!
Jen, I am sorry that your boyfriend has put you in that predicament. I remember how very excited that you both were to be parents. I am sorry that you are struggling and your heart is hurting. I would pray that he turns around and starts to care for the family he wanted, but I am not sure if that is what you want and in the end, you have to see what he is and if he is worthy of being the daddy he said he wanted to be.. That's my two-cents anyway... I am praying for you and your little Princess.

I am packed and ready! Just have my college homework to do and then I am ready for a resting week.
I pray that God watches over all of us girls on here as we walk forward with our own journeys. They are all different, but the same..
Angie - tomorrow is an exciting day! I can't wait for your update

Jen - I'm so sorry hun. I'll be honest, I'm really concerned for your mental health if things don't turn around before the baby comes. PP is no joke and delivering with an already depressed/stressed mind set doesn't help the situation at all. I've been there and it was horrible. I really hope you are able to come out of the depressed part before baby girl gets here.

AFM: we put an offer in on a house today. We will know by tomorrow afternoon if it has been accepted
I hope they accept your offer, Fluter!
I don't feel much ovulation pain anymore. I can feel little tiny twinges, but it isn't painful like it was last night and I can't imagine why the swelling and bloating would just disappear. I know I am fearful of ovulating so so so much today. UGH TO THE FEAR OF IVF!
Please let me not have ovulated on my own. Since I let that stupid Lupron get so hot in my truck the other day, I have been scared to death that it stopped working right, or won't work for me at all. I am needing to go to bed, but I am all wired up. I did my (hopefully) last Gonal F tonight. I know I have not ovulated as I can still feel the tender ovaries, but I can't get rid of this stupid fear because it would stop my cycle. I guess whatever would be the suckiest is what I get to imagine.
I am going to try to imagine getting to trigger tomorrow evening after my appt, retrieving around 10 eggs and a flawless transfer of two close-to-perfect embryos.. Freezing the rest...Huzzah, as my husband would say.
Night ladies!
Praying for you all..
Yea Fluter im concerned about that also. Thats why im taking the time to get me right. .. now!!! I only had severe ppd with my firat son who had to stay in the hospital. I pray that God will give me guidance and watch over us. I think I'd be more apt to harm KJ then myself or anyone else lol i am sleeping and eating better so thats a plus.

Angie. Im sure all is fine. I NEVER had OV pains with my IUI or even once I triggered. I worried about that also, but clearly all was fine. Praying for you still. Cant wait for great news.

Fluter, hope you get the house. That would be so great, although I hate moving lol.

Heading to my weekly Dr appt
Hope you ladies have a good day.... xoxo
Well, I had my appt this morning and------- I have around 11 to 13 eggs that he could see. More on my.right than left. They are still pretty small at around 12 to 14 so we are gonna let them grow a few more days. I go back in Thursday and will probably trigger that evening. Guess I will expect a Saturday retrieval. I was so nervous. I was so afraid that I was going to fail at the start. I guess failing so many times has a pretty lasting impact on a person. I probably will have to work a few more weeks, but oh well. If I dont get fired for calling in so much the next.weeks. Hopefully I will get enough embryos to freeze that it wont matter. I am just glad God held me up today and I didnt stumble. A couple of the eggs were just around 8 so I dont figure they will make it. I will be praying to get at least 6 total. 4 to freeze is fine with me.
I am more excited now and not so fearful. I am excited about staying the week with my hubby and just enjoying our time off and also this ivf. It makes it seem more easy with being relaxed and it doesnt seem to be stressful at all. I guess because my biggest hurdle was the fear of not having any eggs.... I am so glad that hurdle has passed and now on to the next one... Growing and retrieving..
So glsd for great #'s, now try to relax a little and enjoy some r&r :)
angie- dont stress about the small ones! I did and alot of mine caught up in the last 3 days :) Think positive!

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