Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Angie... hope all goes well today, cant wait to hear your results :)
Tonight at 1 am I am to take my trigger shot. I have my retrieval at 1015 on Saturday morning. The doctor saw 12 eggs this morning. I figure he might get around 10 good sized ones. I am excited and ready to get this underway. The doctor wanted me to wait and do one more day of medicine, but I guess my E2 was saying something different cause she called me this evening and told me to take the hcg tonight. I am glad cause I was worried about work as next week will probably be my last week since I have to call in next weekend too for my transfer. I will probably end up being fired. I am happy and excited though as I am ready. And VERY nervous. Everything is going well though and I start the worry about egg count on saturday morning. I am shooting for a 5dt. Our finances are pushed to the max and I will have my transfer and after that we have to get settled for a bit as we have spent over 10 grand since Jan on IVF related stuff and I am ready for a financial break over the holidays. Success or failure we are on a hiatus after this cycle. We have just enough money to pay for cryo and go home. I am praying at least 6 of our eggs make it to day 5 to freeze. My husband is giving me the hcg shot tonight. I pray he does well as I am scared to death of that...
Night girls. Hope everyone is doing well.
Sounds like things are going really well for you Angie!!!

We had to sweeten our offer by 5K but they did accept it!!!
Congrats on the house, Fluter! Buying a house is such a big thing.. About as big as babies.. ha ha..

I had to go in to the doctor today to do a last minute cbc blood test. They said that mine was too old to used for tomorrows anesthesia. I go in at 1015 and I am nervous as can be. We are going straight home after the retrieval. I got told last night by the girl that was supposed to take my two shifts next week that they still had not been approved and that she wouldn't be able to take them. I have decided that I will not be working there after this week. I don't care if I don't get pregnant or not. As long as we have babies to freeze, I will not be working there and I will just pay oop for frozen embryo transfers cause that place is getting to be too much. I did get an offer of employment from Goodwill and I had to turn it down cause I was committed to Starbucks, but I think I will be giving her a call. The only way I will be still working at Starbucks is if I have no embryos to freeze. I am sure that not all management at Stabucks is so cruddy, but the one in my town is awful and I know why they can't keep employees.
Anywho.. I am pretty hyped about my appt in the morning. Ready as I will ever be. It is getting to be so scary though as so many things can happen.. I have set myself on being positive though and trusting in God and after some long talks, I have told the hubby that this is my last try for a time if this does not give us our baby as my heart will be broken and I will need so much time to mend. I don't want to try anymore. He does. One day at a time I guess..

I will let you girls know how many eggs they get tomorrow. I get no food after 6 pm.. blah! If any of you pray, pray for me. I know that I don't deserve this more than anyone else, but I sure pray that it's my turn.
Hanging with the hubby today..
Talk to you all tomorrow. :D
Aww so much good news, congrats girls and Angie you do deserve this!!! Good luck with everything tomorrow. Cant wait to hear how retrieval goes
Ive been home bored all day, did get some cleaning and laundry done. Me and my daughter mowed the lawn. Just kinda been lazy since, waiting for an update from ANGIE :)
I think since its just me and my daughter we will go have a pumpkin spice latte soon... hope all is well ladies. ..
I've been waiting for her update too!!

We've been busy packing. Took a break from that to watch my oldest son's football game tonight. The weather is chilly here tonight.
Things here have been pretty emotional. I got the news yesterday that I ended up with 7 (out of 12) eggs, today only 1 of them is supposedly doing 'very well'. 2 of them are not doing as well but have the potential to catch up, he said.
Yes, that means that out of the 7 eggs they retrieved, only three of them are still living. supposedly two are just barely.. I am angry as it doesn't make sense to me and things aren't adding up. I had 12 eggs. only 7 were retrieved. I am not even sure of how many fertilized as all of them should have since ICSI was supposed to be standard. So today I only have three eggs. He said he wasn't going to give me another update until Wednesday since he didn't want to keep taking them out of the freeze.
I have pretty much decided that I am done. I will not be doing this to myself anymore. I believe in God and whatever His will is for me concerning this, is the end result for me. I won't be doing IVF again as I will have my answer with the ending of this cycle. I have been patient. I have put in 4 years so far of this and I don't want this life anymore. I want to be myself again. I have let this consume my life and I am trusting in God to give me His answer with this.
I believe in God's timing and I am trusting that that time is now.
The only good part in all of this is that if all three make it, we will transfer all three with the doctor's permission and we won't be having to pay the 1100 for cryo.
Today I am wondering why I ever thought this was a good idea. These results are not even normal. I feel like I am in a bad dream and I want to wake up now..
Please pray for me as if my eggs make it, I will be having a 5 day transfer on Thursday, I guess. The way he was talking there is no way that two of those eggs will make it to 5 days.. One little embryo is my last hope. That's a lot of burden on unborn shoulders..
May God bless our family when hope seems lost. I will be back I guess on Wednesday evening and let you guys know if I even get to have a transfer.
Oh Angie, I'm so sorry this wasn't the news we were all hoping for for you. This is so disheartening. I'm praying very hard for you that those two embies catch up and you can transfer three. After all this time, you deserve your Take Home Baby.
Wow Angie, Idk what to say. I will pray like never before. Idk alot about how IVF works, but I hope for a better outcome than the way it looks currently. Just know my heart is with you.
Girl, don't lose hope! I've seen many have only 1 embryo & get their thb. I can imagine its hard to not have your expectations met tho...Will be praying for you!
Angie I was so sad when I only had four eggs retrieved but in the end ONE is all it took. I've read on this board alone how many transferred only one and have a thb. Keep the faith!
I am trying to be positive but it is hard some moments. it isnt that I have so few eggs, its that it doesnt make sense to me how I can go.from so many to so few and then for him to tell me that only one of those was doing very well. I know we can still get our baby from this cycle but I also have had to tell myself that we might not and that sucks.
The hubby and I have talked about it and we have decided to not worry about babies for a bit after this. I am happy with that decision as it will free my heart for a time to think about other things. I still believe that this could be our baby, but I am ready as I will ever be for what comes. The waiting for news really sucks. Not being able to hear back until Wednesday is horrible. If I get to transfer it will be Thursday. It will be my last trip to New Jersey and that is a blessing. I am ready for this to be at an end. I am still praying that this is our baby. That would be awesome.
Still praying Angie!

AFM-Decided to take a HPT, just to make sure hcg is gone & It was stark white....which makes me glad, but a wee bit sad too. But in other news I have a ton of EWCM today, so my body is getting back on track! Took an Opk today, my last one, & it threw an error :/ My luck lol but dh & I have been bd at least every other day, sometimes twice a day lol so If there's a chance, we covered our bases :) In other news, I'm back on my plan & am down 5 pounds since the M/C....Only 10 more to go to get back on schedule.....*sigh
The doctor's office called me yesterday with an update (which they were not supposed to get the embryos out again until Wednesday) and said that I had one embryo. I drove to New Jersey yesterday and picked it up. I have seen some pretty crappy doctors in my time, but this place takes the cake. Their lab for the embryos was in the back room! I was furious. I now know why all the embryos I had did not make it. There was not even any excuse, nor acknowledgment from the doctor about why I was left with just one baby. The doctor is very nice and I think he means well, but I really believe that there was negligence in his staff concerning our embryos. I also believe they don't think it matters since we were one of the rare few that had full insurance coverage.
Anywho, he wanted me to wait until the embryo was 5 day and take the chance of not having any to transfer. I couldn't believe a doctor would recommend that someone chance their only chance like that.
Needless to say, I drove to New Jersey and picked up our beautiful 10 cell 3 day embryo. Even though it probably would have made it to a 5 day blast, I feel better for getting it out of that place.
The transfer went well and took about an hour. Then my son and I drove home.

I am pregnant and I am gonna keep saying that.
I know that God gives you what you need so I am thinking about this one little embryo as the one child we will get to have as we will not ever try again if this one takes. We have decided to be content with one child and count our blessings.
I thought the embryos I had before at the last ivf was pretty good, but after my husband did some reading up yesterday while I was on my way home, he said that a 7 cell 3 day embryo was not really good. He was jumping off the walls cause the one embryo we do have was a cute one.
Something was strange about the procedure yesterday.... I have had horrible ovary pain since the retrieval..so bad that it hurt for me to move, but after that procedure yesterday, there is no more pain in my ovaries. She saw on the screen where my ovaries were filled with blood. I am contributing that miraculous pain-free thing as my baby being in there. : ) It works for me..

I didn't want to have another day 3 transfer as I felt our embryos were good quality last time and I still failed with two.. I am believing that this little monkey will snuggle in. I am taking it easy-peasy. Taking all the meds I am supposed to. Ordering out food and gonna watch movies tonight. Eating my pineapple and I have those Brazil nuts but they taste like garbage and I am struggling with making myself eat them..
They actually want me to wait until the 28th for my beta.. I am pretty angry with that doctor's office for sure. Even though I got one baby from there, I still can't say much good about it.

I am 4do. My trigger is still dark. I won't start testing for a bit as honestly, I don't feel the need to yet. It was nice to have that week off from taking any shots but this morning I am at it again with the Lovenox.
I am nervous. One little baby.. One is plenty though. I told my husband that I was pregnant almost every month before I lost my tubes...there is no reason why I can't get pregnant with this one baby.
I will show you guys my baby's first photo..

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