Well, it seems like I am one of the unfortunate people that carry their trigger around for 14 days.. There is only a shadow left this morning and nothing is getting darker. Plus, every little thing is gone so I know that most of it was the trigger shot and not the progesterone.. No sore breasts, no bloating, no middle of the night pee-pee and I can sleep on my belly again.. The trigger shot is a horrible thing for me. I remembered that it stuck around forever last time, but I guess I had forgotten that it was longer than normal. I knew I sucked, but to have to be the exception to every single rule is just Loser Central. I should be the freaking president. I feel like I got hit by a bus. I swear, I know that by doing this is the only way I will ever have another child, but it is the single most horrifying, devastating, process I have ever put myself through. And what is worse is that this is my second failed IVF so every doctor is gonna make it to where I have hidden things wrong--- I will be required to do thousands of more tests, pay more money than usual, and just be generally beaten because I am the biggest loser in the world and I should never procreate again because God is busy giving all the pill whores the world's next generation..
My line isn't gone.. It's gonna stick around cause I am pathetic like that.. Neither lighter nor darker... just leftover hcg that will never leave..