Angie-Sorry you didn't get a higher # & while its true that is lower than average, it is a +! I've been on both ends, with my 1st loss my # was 560s, my last was a measly 16, but I've seen others have a thb with a lower #. Not trying to give you false hope, but don't throw in the towel before necessary! As far as God hating you, that's just not true! He loves us all, when we hurt, I believe it hurts Him as well. It's true that He can do whatever He wants, but since we live in a sin sick world he it doesn't always go the way we want it too. I prayed & cried out to God with both my losses & the answer was still "no" But I do know He never left me, even when I was mad at Him & can't understand. Somethings we won't know til we get to heaven & I've had to learn to accept that & go on. It's ok to ask why, be mad & question His will, just as long as your open to His answer or no answer at all :/ I'll continue to pray for you, you continue to lean on Him & ask Him to just hold you during this phase of your life! Much love & prayers girl!