Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Yay for great #'s. We are officially pregnant together. Praying for a h&h 9 months
I'm soooo happy for you Angie! I logged in hoping that's the news I'd find! You deserve it. I can't wait for ultrasound
I guess I'm the only one left on here to get their THB.....Better get busy saving & losing since I'm NEXT!!!! ;)
Cupcake, I am gonna dance a jig when you post your pregnancy news. I can't wait!
AMAZING NEWS!!!! I told ya not to count yourself out! I'm so happy for you. Try to wait for your u/s so you can see and hear a heartbeat and not just a sac. My numbers were over 6000 at 5w2d and all I saw was a tiny sac. At exactly 7w I saw the baby, the yolk and the heartbeat.
I guess I am impatient. I suppose it wouldn't kill me to wait and just do the beta.. Honestly, I feel like I keep saying, "Do one more beta so the number will start going down." I feel like I am jinxing myself with testing so many times. It gives me so many worries with doing the numbers.

I thought the tww was bad, but this is horrible. Each day I am waiting for something else.. I am gonna go ahead and try to get a first appt at the midwife and I also have to notify our insurance company that we are pregnant. I also have to make sure that I have 5 more weeks of meds.. I read that this dexamethosone gives some killer withdrawal symptoms if you don't wean yourself from it..
I am finally having 'pregnancy dreams'.. I guess my hcg had to be high enough.
I am pretty excited and scared too. So many things can go wrong, but so many things can go right too. One thing that helps me so much is that I know I have no tubes so that cuts out so many things that could be wrong. I have thought for a time now that I have arthritis in my left hip and I can already feel the tingly sensation. I hope it doesn't get too bad during pregnancy.

How did everyone tell their families? I had already told my Mom that our numbers were very low and it did not look good and I haven't told her any different. How long did you wait to tell your extended family? Should I wait till after 12 weeks or after the heartbeat? The hubby and I have told no one. I am scared to death to say it out loud cause I have had to go back so many times and say it ended badly and I don't want to do that again..

I am pretty confident now that this is a healthy baby and my heart has accepted it as such. Which pretty much means that I will be devastated if something goes wrong..
Good thing nothing is gonna go wrong. ;D
I was 11 weeks when we announced the news. I was a worry wart also Angie... I stressed everything and here I am 37w4d prego with a healthy babygirl. I have been through sooooo much with this pregnancy its crazy, more than any one person should ever have to :cry: Dr said this morning if no baby by Oct 19th I will be induced. He will sweep my membranes and admit me Monday night and start cytotec, depends on how favorable my cervix is and if they will be able to break my water or will start pitocin. I'm 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. I go back Friday for additional monitoring. My original guess on her birthday was 10/10/15.

Praying for a fast, healthy and safe delivery.
The picture that is my profile is from a video I took of my kids opening their shirts. I sent out this picture. I only waited until I got my second betas back and I announced. There was no was we were able to wait not to mention by 12 weeks I was really popped out.

Jen not long now!! Can't wait to see her.

Cupcake you are next!!!
It's good that your baby girl is growing so well. I was 2 weeks over-due with my first and I thought I was gonna kill the world. Even after 2 weeks late, I still had to be induced. I will be praying for your delivery.
I think I might try to wait until around that time too, but I am not sure if I will be able after I hear the heartbeat.. My excitement might get the better of me. :D
I called this evening to make my first ob visit and she asked me to come in tomorrow and get the load of paperwork done. I also will be having my first ultrasound. She said there are weeks before she has another appointment available so pray I will see our baby safe and sound tomorrow as I will be waiting for a bit before I get another ultrasound. 8 am.. Goodness, I am so nervous. My calendar says I am 25 dpo today. I sure pray everything is well. I will update tomorrow regardless of news. I sure pray it's good news.. <3 By my count of days I am just 5 weeks 4 days today..
Please pray for me to be peaceful about this.
Thanks girls!!
Excited for you to see your little one, but don't be discouraged if you can't see much....Regardless of beta #'s alot of ladies don't even see a sac so early, but fx'd you get a nice sneak peek!
Thinking good vibes for you tomorrow Angie. We didn't announce until 11w3d
I wish I could say that I would be able to wait that long.. I am so nervous this morning as I sit here and wait to leave. It has been 14 years since I made it this far in a pregnancy. I think that is the hard part--- knowing I have never made it this far and yet here I am now praying for this baby to be strong and healthy.. I know how fast that can slip away though..
Well, nothing for it but to walk forward. I should be back in a few hours. I am such a nervous wreck. :D
I hope I can see the baby.
Didnt see anything. Didnt figure I would. Waiting for doctor to talk with me about my betas. I figure its gloom and doom time as they have called off my appt for Friday and said we will wait until I have a viable pregnancy. I hate doctors. I will be going for my.beta tomorrow but.it doesnt matter as even though my number has kept rising everyone keeps acting like this pregnancy is doomed to fail. I am tired today. Everyone is acting like I have already failed. It sucks.
I guess beta tomorrow. If it is lowering then I meet everyones expectations. If it rises, I am still doomed according to everyone I know and meet.
Try to keep faith within yourself.... I preach that to myself EVERYDAY. Its hard I know, but try for your nuggets sake :) Praying you prove them all wrong
I just dont care anymore. I really dont. I have put myself through hell, and my family. If I was another person after three rising betas I would be congratulated on my beautiful pregnancy. But every single person I know is telling me I am doomed. Everyone else would have stopped the betas long ago and been so congratulated. Its depressing and I can keep doing these betas forever and I will still end up a failure.. I am so beaten. I hate babies.
The doctor made me go have another beta today and then one on Friday and another on Monday.
I guess I am to have betas for the whole duration.
You may not personally know me and these other girls, but you are not doomed
My new ob doctor told me that "I am an expert on miscarriage so I know that if/when I start bleeding to go to the ER".. Even though there is NO sign that my pregnancy is failing.

Everyone that has two rising betas is congratulated on their pregnancy. I am told to head to the ER when I start to bleed. It's insane.
It is honestly no ones fault that I have had so many losses and that ending is just the anticipated one, but in my current reality, I am to look forward to doom because my numbers started out low and as my new ob stated, "the starting numbers did not make for a viable pregnancy'.
I just needed to complain about my current position and wish I was in the group that got congratulated instead of scared to death because their failure was upon them..

Just been a crappy morning where my heart was so positive and another (pregnant) doctor has shattered my hope. She sat there so pregnant as she told me to 'anticipate another loss and here ya go... do 60 more betas so we can scare the crap out of you EVERY single second of each day as you pray and hope in vain cause you are a failure and your pregnancy is too.' But it's ok cause her baby is growing well. ha ha.. Go to the ER when you start to bleed even though all you will be able to do about it is cry and moan cause you're a loser and your soon to be dead baby is already underway.. Yep.. She might as well have said every single word as she has stated that 'my numbers did not make for a viable pregnancy and since I am an expert, I already know to go directly to the ER when I start to bleed', while looking sadly at me. And yes, she really did say those things.
Just find myself a little angry today. Gonna just let it go as I can do nothing but get myself worked up over another dumb doctor.
I can't wait till this is over.

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