Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Can I punch her for you? If she were an expert in anything related to pregnancy, then she would know it's not what the number starts it, but how it doubles. I hope you get your big fat pregnant belly to throw in her face, Angie.
I hope so too, Brandi.
She sure gave me a difficult morning and a scared heart. It's hard to get by a scared heart.
The nurse at my RE asked if I had any bleeding when my first beta came back at 53, she said it should be higher and should I have bleeding go to the ER. My regular Dr office was like its a start and were positive, however her words are I believe the reason I was so nevous my entire pregnancy.
I remember with Asher, the emergency room doctor said my levels were too low for a viable pregnancy and nothing was seen on an ultrasound and sent OB down to talk about terminating the pregnancy. It was then she learned I was under 5 weeks and cussed out the emergency room doctor for being an idiot.
I am almost 6 weeks Brandi. I am actually 5 weeks and 5 or 6 days.. Pretty far along for such a small number.

I am not worried about it anymore as my number is in and it is 1158. 4th beta, 4th perfect double and I know our baby is fine. I am not gonna let them get me down cause I just know that I am a low number kind of person and that is that. I feel confident that everything is fine. I even have been suffering from nausea. I just know that everything is great and I am just gonna keep moving forward. The doctor has upped my Lovenox to 40 mg though and I have another ultrasound scheduled for Monday at 1pm. I have decided to tell my family if I see and hear the baby at that time as I will have a number of 4400 that morning. I am not going to spend this pregnancy scared of everything. I have waited too long for this to be constantly afraid.
I feel like I might possibly be sick a lot with this baby as I feel constantly nauseous the last few days. I seriously gained 12 pounds in the last month and a half or so. Also, I know the baby (and my number) is rising well as my breasts are starting to get very sore. I am not going to let the doctor worry me. Not everyone falls into some neat little statistic and I am not going to worry myself sick. I know this baby is fine. I know it is. I can feel that it's ok.

I am to do another beta on Friday and one on Monday before my visit at 1pm. I know that everything is going to be fine. I am going to be a Mother again sometime in late May/early June.. <3 I am very grateful.
Oh I know, Angie. Was just using my experience as an example of why some doctors don't know crap! I believe you'll be holding and snuggling this one come May/June too. Great number! So glad they're rising perfectly for you!
I believe sometimes that it's a matter of ego for some doctors. The doctor today was commenting on why the IVF doctor had me on 30mg of Lovenox when 40 was the dosage that was correct for 'therapeutic purposes'... so she changed my dosage. She also was commenting on how the IVF doctor was making me do my betas too far apart and it should always be 48 hours as that is 'when all numbers should have doubled', when that is just not true and some women double between 48 and 72 and some even more and still have healthy babies.
I felt like an experiment with her pitting her experience, (she is a young early 30's aged doctor) against my IVF doctor who is in his late 60's with thousands of babies under his belt..
It is just so hard to be a patient and have someone tell you that there isn't much hope, when there can be if they wouldn't take it from you. I remember that your number was pretty low with your son, right? I just don't understand why compassion couldn't be practiced more often in the medical field. It is depressing.

I feel great about this baby and I have never once felt so peaceful about a pregnancy since my tubes were untied. It's gonna be fine and I am gonna show every one of them how wrong it is to take a woman that is scared to death and steal her small amount hope from her.
God's got this girl right here :D... and I know that us girls on here are fighters and there isn't a single doctor that knows what we know about the emotional, or physical struggle of infertility and then success.
They just toot a horn they have never known themselves..
I'm so glad your number had doubled. Stop with the doom and gloom and the talk of being a failure. Having a miscarriage does not define you as a person. That's just crazy talk. Be sad when there's something to be sad about. You have way too much negativity in your head. I know it's hard when this journey has had so many ups and downs but you're burying any hope before there's ever a reason. Right now things are positive. Be positive! Keep positive thoughts
I agree with flutter. Happy that your numbers doubled again, time to let go of the negative thoughts & bask in this bfp!
Well here's something Angie as most are telling you about numbers doubling-- you are really in general going by O time and when you think baby implanted. Once baby really did implant which could have taken the whole 14 days then the placenta needs to develope and start putting hcg out so your body don't flush your little one away. At implanting even at 14 days your numbers are perfect from everything I've learned and study from my miscarriages. You are pregnant at 5 weeks they could range from 19-7,000 and your are still good! No doom! Your numbers are still to low to see anything in there yet. Don't let some idiot who doesn't even give a shit control your happiness over your pregnancy.

Anyways rant over and Congrats!!!!!!
It's hard enough to fight past my own worries each day without a doctor adding to them. I am in a good place with myself and this baby. The baby cannot be anywhere else as I have no tubes and the baby was transferred to my uterus, so unless the baby found it's way out and implanted some weird place, then all is where it should be. Now, there is a possibility that there will be nothing in the sac and it will not grow right, but I am not feeling that either.. I get another ultrasound on Monday when my numbers should be around 4400.. (if they are still rising appropriately..) I am to check them tomorrow and also on Monday, but if all is well tomorrow, I am not doing another beta and I will wait for the ultrasound because all should be there. I will be 6 weeks and 4 days or so. If there is nothing there, I will wait 7 days and schedule another. I will be going a couple of hours earlier tomorrow since I like making sure I get my results before the end of the work day.
I just wish everything was straightforward and there wasn't such a horrible fear of every single bad thing happening. Tomorrow is my 5th beta. I made it to 6 weeks pregnant. That is a wonderful feat for me after so many losses. I thank God for His mercy in this.
I will post my results tomorrow evening. I pray they are still good and thanks everyone for trying to keep me motivated to feel positive.
Nope :/ 38 weeks tomorrow. Hopefully this weekend is not im being induced 10/19
Thats great numbers Angie and perfect doubling rate. You got this girl!
I actually don't have this...
My number did not double the past two days and is only at 1600 from 1158 the other day. I am at the beginning of an impending miscarriage and I am done. I will do one more beta on Monday to slam home that I am a friggin failure at life and then I will wait for the loss to be over and try to grieve the next few months. I have suffered miscarriage after miscarriage. Every single doctor telling me it was my tubes. I was having tubal pregnancies.. Well, there are no tubes there now so what fake stories they gonna go with? Keeps slamming home to me just how ignorant our countries doctors really are. They just guess and guess cause they don't have the slightest idea how a perfectly healthy man and woman who both have two children each with other partners can't carry together.... If I try again, I would just end up with another loss as that is all I have known and everyone knows it. There is no hope. It is every single second a lie. There are just those of us who get, and those of us that don't. The end.
I will miss all of you ladies. I won't be ttc anymore so my time on this forum is finally at an end. I hope God blesses all of you and I am praying for your little daughter, Jen.
Thanks everyone for all the care and support through these last few difficult years. It saved my heart sometimes.
Dont give up Angie. My # slowed to like 68 hour doubling time at one point, then 72 hours. Then I saw a hearbeat. I will be praying for you.
I wouldn't lose hope yet, Angie. I still think you've got this. Once levels get over 1200, doubling time slow down and "normal" is 72-96 hours. According to calculators, you're at 102.9, so not too far outside the "normal" range. Of course, I don't know the exact hours between draws, but I still think you're okay.
Ahhh....Angie, I'm sorry to hear your in beta hell. I've been there twice & hope you have a happier outcome. Regardless of how it goes, you are not a failure at life, nor are your past struggles & miscarriages your fault! I hate to see you so negative toward yourself, tho I can understand. You have been through so much crap & its not fair. I wish I could say something to ease your hurt but I don't have the words.....I have seen many with non or slow doubling numbers go on to have a healthy pregnancy & I pray you are one of those success stories!
I'm checking in on you Angie. I'm not losing hope for you yet either.

Ok ladies that are on the Pregnancy after TR Facebook page, I'm venting. I'm so annoyed that this girl is now on there. She's a mental case and she brings drama. She just had her reversal but now her husband says he's getting fixed. They constantly fight, he doesn't help her and she doesn't allow him to support his kid from another marriage properly. She puts this all out there in front street. I will hold my tongue on the opinion I have. You watch, she'll end up pregnant.

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