Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Oh Angie that is terrible. I've never heard of that with ivf either. Prayers and hugs !
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Awwwww those are adorable!

Awfully quiet in here lately.

I'm 4 dpo I actually tracked it this month all though I told DH we would NTNP and leave it in gods hands. I couldn't help myself and now I've just ordered 100 opks off of eBay!all the while hiding it from him--which is quiet hard!
Momma haha! I don't know what dpo I am. My cycle has been jacked up. Going by cm I'd say I O'd last Thur but per a normal cycle it would've been Sat. We don't try as I don't see it ever working. There is always this little glimmer of hope in the back of my mind. I've been having some pangs in my right ovary area and cramping the last few days but mostly notice when I lay down at night. It feels like maybe a cyst
15 weeks and 6 hours left. Feels like it's flying by.

I have to give my decision to my OB soon about whether I want to try for a VBAC or just go for a csection. On one hand, I want a VBAC, but I'm so terrified of going through what I did with Asher again, that I'm leaning towards the csection. But then I think about how I'll regret not at least trying for a VBAC if I just schedule a csection.

Then I have to factor in that I'll be on my own, so taking care of 5 kids will be easier with a VBAC, especially since Asher can't walk yet and is nowhere close to walking. Lifting him, and a baby, and trying to get the kids ready and to school in the morning isn't going to be easy with a csection.

I guess I didn't think about how difficult deciding which one I wanted and weighing the pros and cons wasn't something I really considered, but now it's getting to crunch time where I have no choice but to make a decision.
Beautiful pics jen!
Momma-good luck on your sneaky adventure! LoL I'm right there with you, as I know when I'm fertile but dh has yet to catch on ;) He also thinks we are ntnp.....which is fine since it works out good for both of us!
Flutters stranger things have happened, but I'm right there with you in no longer expecting our keeper without ivf....
Brandi-What a predicament! Either way you will have your hands full lol I'm not a big fan of VBAC just because of working in L&D....Do what you feel is best....
Hi to everyone else!
There's just so many factors to weigh, and I'm a good candidate for a VBAC. Not sure if I can overcome my anxiousness and fear once my water breaks. My OB has given me to Christmas to make a final decision. I hate having to decide. Before the cord prolapse, deciding was easy.
Personally, I would opt for repeat c-section, just because I would worry too much about uterine rupture or having to go through a rushed emergency section after laboring, BUT I have never had a c-section either...So I really don't have a valid argument out of personal experience....I did, however, have shoulder dystocia with my 1st & had I known how bad I would tear, the pain, & the fear that I would go through beforehand, I would have definitely signed up for a section if I could have...no questions asked!
I think that's crap she's making you decide. You shouldn't have to until you are ready. You can schedule the c-section and decide later to VBAC
Our hospital is small and has only one OR for csections, and apparently January and February is really busy for babies, so she wants to book around 32/33 weeks to ensure there's a spot.

I wasn't even awake for my emergency csection, so I have the scar, but no recollection of it at all.

I'm thinking of booking for the day after my due date, and saying if I go into labour beforehand, I want to try for a VBAC, but I'm also afraid of going through again what happened last time. I know it's not likely to happen again, but if something that has a less than 1% chance of happening the first time happened, whose to say something with an unlikely chance of happening won't happen again?

She's also only one of two VBAC friendly OBs in town, and if I go into labour while she isn't on call, I may not end up with her delivering, or might end up with the anti-VBAC doctor, who will pull me in for a section the moment I arrive.

Going to try finding a doula I click with, or even try some birth trauma counselling to see if I can overcome my fears first. I don't like that I have less than 7 weeks to decide for sure though. I don't think that will be enough time for the trauma counselling to work.
Like I said, I have no experience with c-sections, so good luck on whatever you choose to do. I didn't realize there could be so much trauma related to them, though I guess I could see why. I honestly thought once you hold your baby safely in your arms, that then it didn't really matter how it got here; conception wise, pregnancy wise or delivery wise. Sorry your struggling Brandi & hope you can overcome your fear before its time for your delivery....
The PTSD after his birth was bad. It didn't kick in until I got home. I questioned if he was really mine or if they switched him with another baby. Even thought everyone said he looked identical to Anberlin, I couldn't see it. I had nightmares that he was a twin and would wake up in a panic desperately searching for her, in tears. I'd see Asher beside me, and wouldn't comprehend that HE was my baby. I'd search everywhere for his "twin sister" before breaking out in tears and realizing, about 20 minutes later, that I had one baby, not two, and he was a boy, not a girl. I thought I had recovered but the closer I get, it seems to be triggering off fears and apprehensions again.

I'm thinking about scheduling for the day after my due date, but if I go into labour beforehand, I'll try for a VBAC, and the first sign of anything going downhill, or fetal distress, let's not wait like last time, but just wheel me over and take her out. My next appointment is in 10 days so I'm going to pass it by my OB and see what she thinks.
I opted for VBa3c with Emma, I couldn't have her because I had a tear in my uterus that would have ruptured so we had an emergency c-section that resulted in her being there in 15 minutes after we decided to go for it. My 3 c Section was a breeze and a repeat as they didn't do vbacs at that time at my hospital. I would opt for the repeat if you don't go into labor, I feel that is what makes the recovery so hard after the c-section is laboring so long and your body being so tired from it all. That's just my opinion though.

Girls we have had almost 3 years of no glimmer of hope of anything happening and I feel like being sneaky about it will be easier for him because men can't handle stress or all the "fun" as they claim being taken out of ttc.

That's what happened during his birth. Kinda shows where I'd want to jump to a csection.

I don't know. I hate I'm on a deadline to pick either way. As long as she gets here safely, that's the most important thing.
Brandi, I would try for a vaginal birth as you will struggle to care for your babies at home with a section. If it doesn't work, then they can give you a c-section and there would be no problem, but if it does work, then you will be fit to care for the babies at home. I also wouldn't let anyone pressure me into deciding as you have other children to think of too and being pressured only makes it traumatic and it shouldn't be.

Momma, I don't think there is anything wrong with tracking your cycles. I still do mine even though I have no tubes.

Cupcake, I didn't know you were a l&d nurse... I bet that's hard..
Fluter, how is your new home?

I finally went for my post-op checkup. My scars have mostly healed and my blood pressure is back to normal. I am getting to feeling like myself again. Plus, this experience has helped both me and my husband so much when we deal with each other so I suppose a little blessing came out of it. Not sure if I will be able to recover my losses which I feel is ridiculous as it is clearly the doctors fault. I am trying to find a lawyer but no luck yet as I live in the boonies.
My husband has said that we are going to try again, and again. We were supposed to look to buy a house this year, but he said last night that if he spends his life renting from someone else and gets to have a baby, then that is most important so everything else is on hold until we have a baby. No new car, no house, no big purchases at all. I was glad he pushed me to try again as I did not want to.
I have an appt. on Monday the 2nd at the breast specialist as I have a lump under my right arm. It's been there awhile but I figured I'd better get it fixed. I don't think it's cancerous, but if by chance it is then I will deal with that when the time comes. I have had so many health issues that it's kind of depressing. I guess I am just ready to move past this time in my life. I know that I am sick of doctors.. My hcg number was at 12.5 on Monday evening. It took 2 weeks to get from 1800 to 12.
It will be awhile before we can try again as it's pretty expensive and my hubby does not want to go to New York even though they charge 4100 and the clinic in New Jersey would cost over 10,000. I personally don't want to pay that much. I also know that I don't want assisted hatching and I am torn on the ICSI as I feel that the lab there did a bad job on my eggs. I believe they don't take care with them. Just my personal feelings.
I have gained 30 pounds in the last two months. I really wanted that baby. Now I have to fight to lose that weight. It's gonna suck. I now weigh 151 pounds. I didn't even realize it until the other day when I got to wear jeans again for the first time in forever. I got 20 pounds to lose. I figure 130 is a healthier weight for me.
My hubby is taking every hour of overtime he can so we can try again. I am not to buy anything. I am gonna be a big homebody for quite awhile.

Jen, How is that baby doing? Those photos were beautiful. That man of yours doing better? If you don't mind me asking.
Angie- I worked in L&D for around 4 years, but do home health now. Not sure what to say to you other than I hope life turns around & you get some good news soon! I know your dh wants to keep going strong on ivf, but I think I would need some time to heal & process everything. I admire you, cause honestly I don't know if I will be able to do repeat ivf cycles (if I ever get to do a 1st) emotionally, physically or financially. Hugs to you & continued prayers for peace & healing

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