Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Thanks Angie! I actually am going to use soft cups ;) I guess ivf is a big step & too personal to share with people who aren't a true part of our lives, a circle of family & friends know of my tr, m/c's & infertility. Just to lift us up in prayers & to be a local support system, but even some of them aren't in our ivf plan. Mainly cause I don't want to hear their advice or negativity about finances for "just" a chance, as its taken 3 years to get to this pont, especially for dh. Speaking of 3 years, I just realized our tr was 3 years ago on the 5th :( I have to say, in some ways it doesn't feel like its been that long! Oh BTW! Kinda excited,as I picked up my clomid script today only to get home to find they gave me a 3 month supply instead of 1! Plus I still have a refill left! So I guess instead of waiting til Dec. To start, its on next cycle. I did SI this cycle & should O by Tues....dh told me after last cycle's flub on missing my window, that he'd rather me just tell him, IF he's resistant to putting out! LMBO So far this lately, its not been a problem ;) I swear sometimes I wonder why in the world he wants to when I'm at my worst? Like after I've been working in the barn, sweaty, covered in manure & dirt & he's all turned on? LoL who knows but I guess its a good thing, since it seems like sweat & dirt are my new signature scent lately :/ That time of year on the farm.....
Good luck Cupcake! I hope you get your bfp and won't need to travel the IVF route. A good TR friend of mine confided that she is pregnant after 6 years since her first TR baby. They had given up all hope. She's so excited. Then another lady that went the same place is pregnant with her first after 10 yrs. it gives me a glimmer of hope and makes me want to TTC but I know I'm my mind that it's silly. If I get this baby weight off I think we'll do our FET next fall.

Angie I'm glad you've joined the group. It such a wonderful group of ladies that really life each other up. We've never had drama in there and we will do our best to keep it that way. You will see that a few are on their 2nd and 3rd attempts but you'll see even more success stories. We have several ladies cycling right now. I'm anxious to see the outcome. I'm hoping bfp's all around
I hope and pray for you all. It saddens me to think about not ttc
:( hell i never thought I would be going through all I am. I have hit a depression stage after a few events, so plz pray for me
Thanks flutter, I really am doubtful we will have a successful pregnancy, IF we are able to get pregnant again, but I guess after our surprise bfp it kinda renewed a little hope :) Figure we will never know if we don't try....:/
What are you doing to lose weight? I'm excited for you to go get your embies! Im thinking if we end up with 1 the, we will be lucky & done, since I'll be 38 when we make it to do ivf.....
That's just it, I'm not doing anything. I need to and I want to. I'm having a hard time getting motivated and finding time for myself. I'm feeling depression sinking in and I need to shake it somehow. I looked into crossfit but $149 a month is too steep for me. I need something that holds me accountable. I've thought about trying plexus but I hate to spend a bunch of money on something that might not work. Idk my family issues and fhe holidays coming up plus add my weight struggle and it's an equation for disaster for me. As far as the baby thing, I'm just having a hard time just leaving my embryos. I thought I'd be able to, but I don't think I can

Jen I'm sorry you're having issues. Make sure you get some help if you're having PP.
If you have a planet fitness near you, its less than $25.00/month depending on which membership you do ....I'm doing that at times & working around here. Doing weight watchers too, but not going to meetings since its more expensive now.
OB appointment today sucked. I don't think I'll be getting my VBAC. :cry:

I stepped on the scale at the office and found that between October 14 and November 9, I have gained 16lbs. I've literally doubled my weight gain in a month, that I had gained in 23 weeks. It was there that I figured I would give up on trying for a VBAC. I just can't risk it again. The onset of the excess weight gain is the exact gestation as it was with Asher. I began measuring ahead, and we know how that pregnancy ended...with excess amniotic fluid, and cord prolapse leading to a c-section.

OB came in and said I still have time to choose, but I'm following my gut. My gut says c-section.

I reminded her what happened with my son and told her this is the same onset. Emelia sounds good, so she said we'll get an ultrasound, but didn't schedule GD testing because a random sugar draw around 18 weeks had been fine, and then said we would go from there. We'll see how things are at my next appointment and if things are still concerning, we'll do some tests.

She then checked my blood pressure and said it was 114/78 and it looked good. Problem is, my normal is 80/60, so it was a little high. The night I had Asher, my BP was 122/78ish, and my midwife said that was fine too, except it wasn't.

So exhaustion, headaches, low back pain, high blood pressure, excessive weight gain...Google keeps saying gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia.

I don't know how I'm gonna make it through the next 3 weeks, I'm so worried. I've heard is pre-E gets to full blown Eclampsia, it can be fatal.
Brandi when is your next appointment?

Ok this is a little TMI but I'm slightly fascinated by this. I never get EWCM only thin and watery. Well last cycle I got a fair amount of it. This cycle I have tons and tons, like falling out in the toilet and globs on the tp. Where was this stuff when I was TTC? It's so weird. Any way just thought I'd share lol
Well, get on it!!! lmao

Next appointment is December 2, but I called the OB today because my random draw, I had done before I ate anything. She said that could give off a normal reading even if I have GD, so she ordered the one hour glucose test and I'm doing it tomorrow.
Oh girl, I had my TR over 5 years ago and never a thing except a possible chemical. There is no TTC. Glad you're getting checked out sooner just to be safe
Stranger things and miracles happen. My kids' playgroup leader tried for 7 years, filed IUI and IVF, never a baby. She gave up and just accepted she'd never be a parent. I think it was maybe 8 or 9 years later, she went to the doctor with the world's worst flu that just wasn't going away only to find out she was 24 weeks pregnant. Her daughter's 11 now.
Brandi, you can share my video with anyone you think will vote. I really could use all the votes I can get since we are up against so many people who deserve it.

I hope you don't have any diabetes issues, Brandi. I know those can be pretty tough during pregnancy.

Fluter, I would be the same about my eggs too. I wouldn't be able to leave them. I am trying to figure out the steps of going to the Dr. in Mexico if this contest doesn't pan out. My husband can't get a passport though because of child support stuff, but can he get a day-pass? I can get a passport, but I have never had one before. I guess it takes awhile to apply for? I have been watching the positive results on the Facebook page. I am not really much into letting people into my struggle so I mostly read. I don't hardly ever post. Especially since I haven't got my plans set-in-stone as yet. As much as I write on here you would think I was a talker, huh? ha ha...

Fluter, you can get a YMCA membership for around 31$ a month. The one local to me has a sauna and hot tub and pool... It's a good deal..

I am having my first cycle after my surgery and I feel like death warmed over..

If I get to do IVF again, it won't be until after tax time. So I figure March... The hubby and I really haven't talked about it yet so I will have to wait and see. I would have a little more cost since I would drive to Texas probably. Not sure. If the cost was cheaper for me and my boy to fly then I might fly, but it's always nicer to have a vehicle.
Flutter-Maybe you'll end up being "one of those stories" Miracles do happen :) I wouldn't be able to leave my embies either!

Brandi-Hope you are feeling better about this last leg of your pregnancy! Are you done after this one or going for an even #? lol I think I remember you saying something about it before?

Angie-I hope your pleasantly surprised & win the video award!

Nothing new here....Same old, same old...Just wanted to let you know I'm here & I do keep up!
I haven't decided yet, to be honest. We'll see how 5 goes. I talked to Matt about it and he said he'd consider it, but I also said I wanted to see how 5 goes. Would love to have one more boy, even number of kids, even number of gender (and my pattern says the next one is a boy), but I don't want to stretch myself too thin either. I also think I'd spread Emi and another one further apart. This one hasn't been the easiest, and I think it's cuz I had the c-section and not a vaginal birth. I'm pretty much leaning towards a c-section again (gonna depend on the results of my GD testing), so that will be 4 surgeries my body has been through since 2011, and I've pretty much been pregnant since 2006 aside from the two years my tubes were tied. Body might need a break
Angie, I completely understand you not posting. I'm glad you are reading. You can get a pass card. It's cheaper and it works faster at the border. As far as your husband, I'm not sure. I think he can cross with an application that he applied, his ID and birth certificate. They wont keep him in MX they just might give you a little bit of a hard time. There is a kit you can buy that help preserve sperm for 12 hours that a girl used. He may even be able to give the sample and you cross with it immediately but I think you only have about an hour. It's about 7 minutes from the border to the clinic.

I may join the Y but you have to pay a membership fee first plus monthly. I'm just kinda a tight wad. I'm ordering some plexus to see if it will help with my thyroid issues. I've been researching, it's worth a try I guess.

As far as TTC we had sex 3 times this week which is a record for us since the baby, so if it was mean to be it will be. We aren't trying and we aren't protecting. We are ok with whatever happens. Id be floored if I ever saw two lines naturally!!

Cupcake glad you popped in

Brandi I have 4 kids. Three being very busy teenagers. The older they get the more expensive and the more on the go I am. I don't know how you do it. I'm wore out each day just from the running here and there!!!
Fluter, thats the truth. Things were much different when KJ was here, but it cost me over 300 for Shians homecoming needs and KJ bought her dress. I make good money, but I wouldn't have felt secure enough to have anothwr without KJs support, so now I have tons of stress, but I will make it work. I always do. I would love one more, but sadly its not a smart choice for me
Hey Pretty Ladies!!!

VOTING IS OPEN! If you guys would like to go onto my Facebook page and just share my post, that would be incredible. I also am sharing it all over Google.. ha ha.. If you don't have a particular person in mind foe Category A, please vote for my friend Stephania Calabria.. She has been an incredible friend all the while she has suffered her own losses.. I appreciate you guys more than I can say and I know that without your help, I don't know enough people to get many votes. Thanks so much for putting your time out there. You are all incredible friends!
here is the link to the voting page.
https://haveababy dot com/believe-voting-page You can vote once in each category per IP address..
Also I had to spell out dot com as they won't let me post a webpage address. Sorry for the trouble..

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