Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Miss Addisyn is wonderful. Im so blessed, she had her 2 week check up today and is up to 8lb 10.5 oz and 22 3/4 in. She only weighed 7.8lb when we were discharged. My lil chunky breastfed baby. I haven't had really any PPD. I have cried but more of happiness and disbelief.
KJ isnt much better. Im torn on how to feel. He hasnt been around much because he's been sick. He looks horrible, so skinny. I weighed more than him when I gave birth and i was only 172. I just really dont know what to believe. Im just enjoying the time off with her and the kids. :)
Angie im glad you wont give up and thanks for all of you for checking on me.
Aww Jen I'm glad she and you are both doing so well. I still cry those tears of disbelief and she's 2 1/2 years old. One of the greatest blessings.

Angie I hope things turn around. I know we had bought our house long before we even had our TR. As long as you two are happy with your decisions then go for it.
Just stopping in to say Happy Halloween from my Gnome to yours


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Omg fluter your gnome is adorable. Brandi i saw your yoda on fb, he was so cute :) i didnt dress addisyn up and my boys keep it simple. My 15yr old has homecoming next weekend and thats consuming my extra funds. KJ did offer to buy her dress which will help tremendously. Hope you all had a happy and safe Halloween
Brandi your kiddos looked super cute!
I just love seeing all the costumes each year. I made the baby's and he actually wore it the entire time. He was so so good. He was cracking me up!

Jen she's just beautiful! Sorry about KJ not really doing what he's supposed to. I know that's heart breaking.

Angie I'm glad you have such a supportive husband and he's willing to keep chugging along. I'd tell you to join our IVF group on Facebook for where I went (we have a few that went other places but decided to stay on our page for support) but I doubt you'd want to stay in Brownsville 2 weeks to see a doctor on MX. He's a miracle worker. Of your first attempt with him is unsuccessful he does the second 1/2 price and anything thing after that is only cost of meds. Maybe you should join to read some other stories. There are ladies that have tried several attempts but didn't give up and it paid off.
Last belly pic of second trimester. 7 more days until 3rd.


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For some reason my post I made earlier had to be approved by a moderator.. Not sure why as I have never had that happen before, but I forgot to say that the day for people being able to vote starts on the 16th of November. I would love for everyone to vote for me of course, but honestly I feel that every single person on that page deserves to be parents so if you watch other people's videos and want to vote for them instead, that's fine with me just so long as you can give your vote for someone to help them out. It would only take a moment of your time and you can only vote one time per IP address. I am not sure if we are allowed to do links, but here is the link to my contest entry video. I hope you girls that want a baby will enter. It can't hurt anything really..
If you want to vote for me, that would be awesome and I appreciate it so much!
I will try to come back before the 16th to remind everyone.

Fluter, I still would want the info from you as I like to be prepared. :D

Thanks Ladies! <3
Also, in case the post isn't approved or something, the site I am talking about is--- have a baby dot com... I am not sure if that is the reason why it wouldn't post earlier so I wrote it out different. I hope that you ladies will enter and one of us will win. That would be AWESOME! Hurry and go make a video!
How do you vote? And I balled my eyes out watching your video. I feel as though I have been on this journey with you, but could never really ever understand the pain you and hubby have endured. I wish I could do so much more, but you definitely have my vote once i figure out how lol.
Angie, Your video is a heart touching testament to your love! *teary here as well* I pray that you win & I want to know how to vote too!
I have to figure out how to vote!!! I'm over here crying. I hope you win this.
Yes Brandi, voting starts on the 16th of November. They haven't put my video on the website yet though. I am not sure why as I double-checked the rules and I followed them all. If it's not up by tomorrow I am going to call and ask why. I am worried about the voting part of the contest as they take a portion of number of votes and the panel votes when deciding who wins and I don't really know that many people. If any of you feel comfortable asking your friends to vote for us, that would be incredible! Feel free to link the video to anyone you think will vote for us come the 16th. I am not showing the video to my Facebook yet as voting doesn't start until the 16th and I want the video to be fresh when they vote. I think that might help if the video is newly watched.
It was so hard to make that video. I wasn't sure I wanted strangers to see into our hearts. It is tough. I know that the feeling would go away though but the chance for IVF is only for a short time. I was definitely (and still am) torn about posting that very public video for the world to see. Plus giving them permission to use our story and video for years to come..

I wrote things to each of you on the post the moderator did not approve for some reason.. I can't imagine why it needed to be approved. I hope you all are doing well. Cupcake, you should enter the contest.
Brandi, your bump is so cute!
Fluter, your little Gnome was super-cute! Also, if you could send me the total amount it cost you including hotel and everything (like name of hotel etc, that would be awesome! I couldn't have any surprise expenses. If someone else wins that contest, I will be looking into that cause getting a guarantee would be awesome. I have had two IVF's already and even though this past IVF worked, it is considered a failure as I had a miscarriage.
Momma, I don't think tracking your cycles is a horrible sin. I still track mine with no tubes.

Jen, I am so glad that your depression is gone and you are so happy with your new baby girl! She is stunning. Too bad about the guy.. Hopefully he gets out of his funky place..
Thanks Angie, But I'd rather not since we aren't very open to anyone about our Journey, plus none of their clinics are anywhere close to us.....
Angie this is what it cost us. $2900 for IVF including ICSI roughly $1200 for meds. Hotel, flights car rental and spending money took our total to around $6500. Depending on the time you go, hotel expenses vary. I went in summer so it was more expensive. There are ladies there now spending only $250 a week at Value Place. The meds portion can be a bit different because he changes it based on your response. I don't think anyone in the group paid more than. $4500 total for meds and IVF. He also stores your eggs at no additional cost for up to two years, after that, IF someone needs embryos they will call and ask you if you want to donate or keep frozen. If you keep frozen and do FET after the 2 years you pay $200 for each additional year. You're welcome to join our Facebook group just to read stories. It's called IVF in Mexico with Dr. Garza
Went to my Dr. today for the repeat PAP. While I was there I got him to give me refills on my Progesterone & a script for Clomid 100mg in hopes of waking up my right ovary, as that tube is for sure open. He offered me a trigger to use with a + OPK if I wanted, but I declined for now...may change my mind later though. My plan is to do medicated cycles in Dec. Jan. & Feb. Until then I'm hitting my weight loss HARD! Also had him switch me from the Wellbutrin to Lexapro, as it helps too with increasing Seratonin & is just once a day, instead of twice. He seems to have had better success with Lexapro helping with anxiety, as well as a weight loss benefit, better than Wellbutrin....so I'm in! excited to get to bd this weekend as dh & I are having some alone time. DS is gone with his Poppy to deer hunt, DD is working....so........ lol Guess this will be our "Hail Mary" so to speak.....
Thanks so much Fluter for the info.. It almost sounds too good to be true. They want to charge 7500 for micro IVF at the clinic I am at right now and around 3000 for meds. That doesn't cover travel and other expenses or second-party charges.. Any place that is cheaper is a good deal, plus we love to travel. I might actually ask what the cost would be to freeze sperm at the clinic I am at right now and if it can be shipped at a cheaper rate than my hubby flying. I would really love to win that contest, but I know that so many people deserve to win. I have not been praying about winning as it feels wrong for me to do that among so many families that are going through such a struggle. We could possibly use our taxes (if we get them back) to do a small cycle. I will be 37 in July though and 36 marks the cut-off for most people to do micro-ivf so it would become more expensive.
Waiting, waiting..

Cupcake, I completely understand about not wanting people to know. I prayed and talked to my hubby about it for weeks before I decided to do the video. Part of why I don't post it to Facebook is because I know that it will be gossip of the week for some.. I do so want to have a family with my husband though and I decided to focus on what our baby could be instead of how damaging people's mouths can be. I have never even met my husband's family in the 5 years I have been with him so I can't even imagine what they will do when they see the post (as I will make it a public post.) If I win, it will be so worth it. If we don't, I hope it dies down quickly.
I hope you don't need IVF and your upcoming cycles leave you pregnant.. <3 Also, I can't leave without saying that having a 'hail Mary' weekend is great! Remember to keep those legs up after and don't go pee for as long as you can hold it! That always worked for me..
Angie, when voting opens, do you mind if I share it in my due date groups? A few women in there have struggled so I'm sure they would be willing to vote.

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