Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

I love seeing pics of babies!! They're so beautiful and handsome.

Mum, I have no experience there but I hope you can get it figured out.

Had my Preop today. Everything is good to go for the csection. If she doesn't come on her own before then, she'll be here next Monday morning!
help looking to see if a reversal I have scheduled is a good idea??? i'm 39 and really want another baby Dr Byung chun is doing my surgery, any one any info please help
Hoyt, Everyone here has had a tubal reversal. For some of us, it was a brilliant idea, for other, not so much. That's the worst part of the journey is taking the chance. No one can tell you if it's a good idea really as some have suceeded and some have not. Beat wishes in whatever you choose to do. It's abheavy decision.

I hope everyone is well. Joanne, I remember when you found out you were pregnant. I cant believe I have been on this forum 4 years now. Blah! Seems like such a long journey. Still havent saved any money. Just been praying mostly for God to do what He will and if we get the money, great... If not, we will try to still be patient and wait. I am comfortable.now though cause we are set for our family even if it is not of our genetics. God can bless in a hundred ways. Sometimes its tough waiting though. I figure that God wants me to learn something so I am trying to listen. I The hubby and I are celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary on the 10th. I am preparing for a 'church wedding' next February on our 5th wedding anniversary. I am pretty excited about that. I still dream of having a couple more children, but I believe that tha bestie and I are ok with wonderful trips and lots of extra money if we dont succeed. It is what it is. I am only 36 and God-willing I have a number of years left to succeed if I wanna keep trying so all is well with our hearts.
I hopee everyone is having a great start to this new year. I pop in once or twice a month or so to check up on everyone. Praying for you girls.
I have been on here since 2008! It's been a long time for me too! Mumof5, there have been ladies on here with one good tube who became pregnant and had their precious babies. Don't get let down because you only have 1 tube open. You only need one! :winkwink: My tubes were very short and it did take us a long time to have our forever baby. We were on our 4th year of TTC when we became pregnant with Addisyn.
As for if anyone should have a TR. That is a very personal decision. We opted to because we felt you have more than one shot to become pregnant. Just like IVF and IUI, with a TR, there is a chance it won't be successful. That isn't up to us or a doctor, that is totally up to God. I was 35 when we had our TR and I was 39 when we became pregnant with our little Addie. After Addisyn was born in November 2011, my husband had a vasectomy in March 2012. Then in March 2013, I had a hysterectomy because my cycles were becoming very bad.
So some ladies have multiple babies after their TR and some are still on their journey. I wish you all the best of luck! I can't wait to hear all of the wonderful success stories!
Two more pregnant sleeps before TR baby number 2 gets here. Next post will
Be her birth announcement and photos.
33 hours to go
Brandi she'll be here tomorrow! Good luck with the delivery

So I had been loving my bootcamp class but it was cancelled all this past week because of a water break. Well come to find out it was all a lie and the place is up for rent and the people that run the bootcamp thing keep lying. The landlord of the place said he was evicted for non payment and that the water was off because he didn't pay the bill. I'm so upset mostly because I loved the workout I got there and because I had paid for two more weeks! Some of us ladies that go got together and made a facebook group and we are joining the local Planet Fitness and meeting there to do the same type of workouts to motivate one another. School work is getting difficult and overwhelming at times especially with my husband working out of town Mon-Wed so I don't have any help with the kids and their activities not to mention the baby still doesn't sleep through the night! Oh well someday it will all be worth it
Brandi... I am having a hard time not activating my Facebook again just to see that baby girl... Post already woman.. I am waiting and waiting here...

Fluter, sounds like you have your plate full.
I have about 10 more pounds to lose after those darn hormones. I also realized today that I will not be able to save enough money to have a baby with just the hubby's income so I will have to find a job if I want to try again. It would still take months and months to save. We just barely squeeze by most months. I need to work out a little. I am at 140 now, but it just isn't cutting it. I have to admit that I am stressed about it. Sometimes I feel like I keep pushing myself to keep losing. It's beginning to suck more than I have words for.
So....as of right now I won't be ttc. I have to accept that we just don't have the extra finances for it and saving will take me quite a bit. If I get a bit extra here-and-there then we will save, but for now, I am done. My son will be going into the Marines in a year and right now I am gonna just focus on the blessing I have with my two guys. I will pop in every once in a while like I do now, but I doubt I will get the money to try again this year.. Maybe not even next.... I am learning to accept it though so all is well. If something happens and we can get the money, great... but if not...then that's ok too.

I am praying you are fine, Brandi and that baby girl is strong and healthy..
Hope everyone else is well!
BnB won't let me upload a photo from my phone and that is the only access I have.
Noralie Harper Ellis was born at 8:36am weighing 7lbs 4oz and 4oz and 19.8in long. Head full of dark hair and just a teeny little thing.
She is so beautiful Brandi! She has the cutest little perfect face. I love babies..

I have had a busy few days at home. Looking for a job.. Wanted an offer as soon as I applied, but not got one yet.. I am thinking of doing an LPN program this fall. It would be different though as it is a program on-campus and I would have to actually go to school everyday. Not even sure what LPN's get paid where I live, or even if I would like the job, but I had a dream I went to school for nursing so I woke up and looked into it. Talked to the hubby about it and he said he would support whatever I decided to do. I guess I am on this kick of it just being me and the hubs soon. My son has decided what he is going to do after the three of us sat down and went over all the options.. He will be 17 at the end of March and he has always wanted to go into the Military. He was set for a time on joining the Marines, but he settled on the Army (infantry). He will be out of school come March and he is going to enlist when he turns 17... In just 2 months. I don't know what I will do without my boy. We do everything together. Makes me feel like a nutty parent with no friends apart from my hubby and son, but I really do spend my free time with my son. We spend all day together as he has been home-schooled for years and years now. I just feel lost without him and he ain't even gone yet. Sure makes me understand the 'empty nest' feeling. I thought I had a bit more time and I know I could make him wait until he is 18 but I can't do that as I want him to know that I love and support him and his ability to decide what is right for him. I don't want him to feel like he is taking that journey alone as it is such a difficult transition from boy to man. It makes me (secretly) so sad though. So... I just have this short time with him still living with us and I have to adjust my heart to letting him take his steps from our home. Never imagined it would be so hard. It is unreal. My husband has been his Dad since my son was 10 so it will be hard for everyone.
Anywho. I have a bit of decisions in front of me. All these years I have been waiting to have a baby. Since 2001. Can't believe that God would make it to where I don't succeed. I figure I gotta work hard, but I never imagined I would still be waiting. I finally feel like myself again. I mean like I was before I got my tubes un-tied. I lost my fun during this journey. I lost my sense of humor and now I feel myself being what I used to be before so many lost babies broke my spirit. It's pretty nice. Actually, it's really nice.
I figure I gotta have a direction though. If we don't get to have a genetic baby, we will be adopting and ya gotta have money for that so I figure I should go to nursing school. I did a CNA program before and got all A's, but I didn't like nursing. Figure sometimes you have to do what you're good at, not what you like... Besides, I want to take some special trips and need money to do that. Guess I will see what direction I take... So many choices... Guess I better pray instead of just pushing ahead. I am 36 and soon will have no children at home and no responsibilities... So many paths open to me. I am so nervous.
Angie-Excited for you to find a career path! I am an LPN x 19 years, doing home health for 14. I had intially planned to go on for my RN, but life & kids happened & I lost the desire to go back. Actually started on line classes once, but never took the 1st test! lol Money well spent! I can't complain though. I love my job most days & set my own hours & schedule, plus I make pretty decent money, so for me the LPN has been a win-win situation! I get to do patient care without ALL the paperwork the RN's have, plus I make as little or as much as I want, depending on how I schedule patients! Hope you dig into the program & do what makes you happy! Also glad that your in a peaceful place with your journey right now & pray God's plan for your family is wilder than you can imagine sister!
I got approved today for my financial aid. I have to have so many background checks and tests though. I don't know how to go about doing that stuff so I will have to get it figured out. I guess I will have to pay oop for those checks and doctor visits. How do I get life insurance coverage for 100,000$?? It is strange to me. I feel like I just woke up and realized that I was gonna need a life outside my home. Daniel isn't for it much. He wants me to stay home, but I have to be active. My boy is set to jump out of the nest running.. I know I was too at his age. So scared for him. Scared for myself too. Learning up 'til now has just been for fun and now I need a career I can enjoy and that will be challenging as I lose interest quickly in most things.
The classes don't start until September so I have plenty of time to get the things I need. I guess I will just keep praying and wait. If it is meant to be, I will keep walking forward.
Hi Ladies,
Sorry I disappeared for so long. I took a break from EVERYTHING! I had to, I had myself so stressed and wrapped up in trying to conceive that it was eating me alive. With the advice of my gynecologist I dropped everything, including getting on here. I checked in to read posts every now and then but decided to hold off on posting.
I quit most everything about April 2015 a few months later everything else and didnt want to hear the words pregnancy at all! No temps, to tests, no charting, nothing! I barely remembered to keep track of my periods. I had alot going on to keep me busy. I just tried to enjoy my husband like my Gyno said and forget everything else!
Low and behold we got a positive last month. Im scared too death though. I was about 8 days late, had one test left and decided to take it. It immediately turned positive. I went and bought 2 more, all positive. I went straight for lab work and my Beta was 10766 and Progesterone 25.2 at 4 weeks which I thought was very high but they said it was great! The crazy RE that I have only draws once a week so my Gyno decided she would just go along with him instead of every 48 hrs. He doesnt give you numbers either. I had to wait for those in the mail. My second ones havent got here yet and the third I did today. I did however get my first ultrasound today. Im measuring 7W4days and due Sept. 26 My OBGYN said everything looked perfect and she was no longer worried about numbers. Is that normal? The heartbeat was 160. Shes had me on prenatal vitamins and extra folic acid ever since I found out.
I was so relieved it was not in my tubes but I know I still have a long way to go.
It will be 3 yrs this week since my reversal and if you all remember me telling you the doctor said it would be impossible to get pregnant unless it was through IUI because my cervix was tilted so bad. After being on Clomid for over a year and 6 IUIs, I quit everything and get pregnant. Go figure? When I called the doc to tell him he asked what day I ovulated and what my charts looked like and all I could do was laugh and say all I can tell you is when I had my last period!
Please pray for me Ladies!
Im trying to catch up on everyone here.
LL-Im so happy for you! Guess it was just you turn lol There's no longer a need for betas since you've seen a heartbeat! Hope you have a healthy pregnancy & that I am next in line for our keeper lol It does amaze me how many times I've heard the "I gave up & it happened" story! Congrats again!
I hope and pray you are next as well Cupcake! I know weve both been through alot and sure deserve it.
Im still just blown away at the fact I wasnt trying and was told it would never happen without IUI and it did! My husband said that goes to show you the doctors dont always know whats going on.
Hello mommies to be!

Newbie here.:blush:

I had my tubes cauterized after my 3rd child. I was seperated from my first husband and under emotional stress. Since I was on medicaid they very strongly suggested the surgery since I was 26 and having my 3rd child. I am now remarried to a wonderful guy, and would like referrals to good doctors reputable for doing the tubligation reversals in Mexico,or surrounding areas, I contacted Placidway and they already gave me lots of good, affordable options there. Was wandering who has success in his/her practices of this surgery. My husband is very understanding and married me knowing I was unable to get pregnant. Any referrals or advice is welcome.

Thank you all so much, many blessings, and luck to those still trying and those who have succeeding in their tryings!

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