Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Thank you Cupcake! I just know you and Angie will have your turn. I got this BFP 10 days shy of 6 years post TR. That's a looooong time! My IVF must have kicked my body back in to memory mode. We seriously had sex once this month other than Monday night! Mind blowing know it happened just like that after all these years of TTC so hardcore
Miracles do happen! Hope the little bean is snuggled in safely where it belongs :) I've decided we won't actively be TTC anymore until IVF. No Opks, No meds, no timed bd....Just over disappointment each cycle since our last loss, after thinking my our bodies had figured it out :/ Honestly I'm just really over the TTC thing all together & if he had a child, doubt I would even go ahead with IVF. I really just want to live life & get past all this crap. Of course, I will go forward with our plan & take what God gives us, but I'm exhausted. Emotionally. Physically. Exhausted. I don't like the person that this Journey has turned me in to....Trying to find my way back & learn to just be happy with my blessings already, without counting on having another child in the future if that makes since....Thinking I may check into going back to school for OT or PT in the future. Not looking forward to turning 38 in next couple of weeks, since that's the magic # when fertility pretty much expires lol Jut ready to get this over with, then if dh is set on having a child, I guess he can look for greener pastures lol
Just to add, I guess technically we will try this cycle, since dh will be on a men's retreat & will return just in time for my fertile time...sigh...Only because it will be reunion sex lol I have like a week left on FF, then I will not renew & will delete my app to hopefully live in oblivion of my cycles....at least eventually...:)
Congrats Fluter! That's so amazing! Guess you won't be needing those Embabies in Mexico huh? It's amazing how everything just resets itsself.

Cupcake, I feel you today! I am struggling myself. I don't even have the option to ttc on my own anymore after losing the babies and my tubes, twice...

The Hygenist at the dentist office was telling me her wonderful happy news yesterday, my hubby's ex is due any day and probably has already delivered.. I can't even pretend to try.
Well, I really only have the option to keep going or let it beat me. I figure I have lost now 7 times. I figure I am due a win soon. Making the odds 1/8.... The numbers are about right for a win for me. I should be able to succeed 1 time out of 8.
No matter what, I can't try again until later this year. We get our vehicle paid off in a few months, my cell phone contract is up, my hubby's child support is paid in full, and we are gonna start saving to buy a house next summer. I am pushing for those things before we go to Mexico. I haven't even sent off my passport cause I don't want to waste the months and then it go dead and I have to renew it. No point in getting it done 5 months early. My hubby will be able to get his passport by the end of the year. I am just trying to be patient and to not let my sadness overwhelm me. I have already decided to give it three more tries and then it's adoption for us as it is better to give a child a home than for us to turn away because we didn't succeed. Never know, that might be God's plan for me... I am ok with whatever He chooses. I am 36 years old. As long as I don't die tomorrow, there is plenty of time..
Congrats Fluter! Ironically I hardly had sex at all when I ended up pregnant too. Thats the first thing I said was, I dont remember us having much sex at all! LOL
Cupcake I think that break for me was what I needed and it did the trick. Like I said I dropped everything and wouldnt have even known when my periods were if I didnt mark them down. I have no idea when I ovulated or anything. Just dropping all the testing and tracking takes so much stress off and sometimes thats what our bodies need. Like my gyno told me just quit everything and enjoy my husband so I did. That may be what you need.
Angie, Im not sure if its still the same but when I got my passport a few yrs ago they were way behind. It took about 5-6 months to get. If you havent checked I would ask someone how long the wait is now. Surely its not as much now but you will be prepared if it is.
Im trying to find ways to save myself. We have alot to do in a short time.
Passports are coming in about 3-4 weeks now. My family members that are going to the Bahamas just ordered theirs and they are starting to come back

I'm having some brown and rust colored spotting. I'm trying to tell myself it's no big deal but I'm really freaked out. I've been taking these damn Walmart .88 test and they are staying the same color and the one from this morning looks slightly lighter. I took to google and this seems to happen often. I can't wait for me beta to get back today. I'm so scared
Fluter, 199 is a great first beta.. How many weeks are you? I think fear about pregnancy will rule us women forever...even into our own daughter's lives.. I pray all is well! I think it's so exciting that you conceived all on your own! It's amazing to me how the body is so resilient.

LLawson, I already have a baby registry. I have all of our stuff picked out and everything. Sometimes I feel that's kind of obsessive, but I got baby-brain so it is what it is. The hubby and I even talk about what we will do when our baby is born, not if... We always speak positively and pray about it every morning together. Saving money for a baby is tough, especially when ya gotta save to even get pregnant too. I figure I have to buy ahead cause I have to pay for both a baby and a pregnancy. It's slow going.

The hubby and I are getting excited about the possibilities. At least I finally have hope again. That's nice to feel.
I am happy for you ladies on getting your babies without IVF. I wouldn't wish IVF on my worst enemy.
I must admit that I am excited to see the baby bumps and first photos. I wonder why it doesn't bother me about you ladies' photos and pregnancy stuff, but it wounds me to the soul to see a strangers' stuff??

Another thought to ponder..
Happy Sunday girls!
My first beta was 14-16dpo. My periods have been running 28-30 days since the baby. They might be 30 two month in arrow and then 28 or 29. So the most I could be is 18 dpo or 4w3d. So far all spotting has stopped. I'm just so nervous
Mine was 29 days this month. Since my surgery it seems to get longer and longer. I definitely understand your nervousness. I would say that you shouldn't worry, but it wouldn't help. Your number sounds great though and we all know that brown blood is old blood and probably from implantation. Sounds perfectly normal to me.

Some days waiting is the most horrible thing in the world.
I had one tiny bit of brown late this afternoon but nothing else since last night. I took an frer tonight on an hour and half hold. I was scared the line would be light but it's darker than the control line. I just keep hoping tomorrow's beta is over 400
I think it's just fine. With all you are saying, it sounds like everything is going just right. I can imagine your excitement and fear. Praying for good numbers today!
My number didn't come close to doubling. I have an appointment with my OB office tomorrow to see where I go from here
So sorry Fluter. I still do not know alot about the Betas. I only got the results from one of mine. I had 3 draws though.
I need to get my son to get his passport if they are coming in that fast. I think we were actually in your area today. Didnt you say you live right over the bridge close to the Falls? My son had an interview at a place called Service Tanks (hes a welder). We googled gattis and the closest one was just a few miles away right across the bridge then we hit a Krispy Kreme that looked really new. He was giving me driving directions so Im not sure the exact roads we were on.
I wish you the best and hope things turn out ok and I think about all of you daily!
Angie, Im terrified to tell anyone and terrified to buy anything or even research much. Im afraid I will jinx myself. You guys are the only one Ive shared any of this with.
LLawson, most people feel like that until they get 12 weeks. I feel like that, but I can't make my heart keep my happiness inside. My brother was the one who drove me to the Emergency Room my last pregnancy. I tried to be quiet and not tell anyone, but I had to be proud and brag about my little baby, even if it's life didn't last long. It will last a lifetime for me. <3 Everyone is different though.

I have a registry filled up that I would never really be able to afford, just to help me keep positive dreams. I also have bought a few things. I am not really superstitious though. Baby clothes can't make me lose a baby....unless maybe I try to wear them or something.. You are almost past the first trimester! What do you think your kids will say?
hi ladies hope you dont mind me joining had a tubal reversal in 2011 and still not a good pregnancy. had my first just recently and miscarried, didnt even know I was pregnant no symptoms had a reg cycle in october and none for nov none for dec, doctors did blood test and urin both negative, did a lot of test, then when it was to late foind out I was actuaaly pregnant my hcg just was not high enough for the urin nor blood test to detect it, hopefully it will happen for me again, I am 44 years old so my clock is ticking, fairy dust to you all.
Welcome Tia, I believe I talked to you and we had the same Dr. Levin? I messaged you here recently but cant find any of the info to see if it eas you? Im horrible trying to figure out how to work everything on here. Posting to the forums is all Ive really figured out well. LOL Im sorry for your loss. If you do have Dr. Levin was he the one you saw for everything?
Angie, dont get me wrong, I want to tell everyone so bad I am supersticious though so thats whats making me wait! LOL I hate it though cause if everything does workout Ill regret not telling everyone earlier and enjoying the early months more than I am. I feel like Im being pulled in 2 different directions because of my superstitions! As far as telling the kids I think my youngest will be ok but probably sad cause hes not the baby anymore. I think my middle one will just laugh and think Im crazy and the oldest will Love it cause shes the girl and Loves kids.

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