Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Anca welcome. Rio Bravo is an excellent place for tubal reversal and inexpensive. They have a Facebook group and a web page. Dr. Perez is the doctor.

LL OH MY GOSH!!!! How exciting! Congrats lady.

Angie. I'm in school now for RN. This semester RN and LPN are together in classes. I'm not going to lie it's freaking hard but I also have a lot going on at home with all the kids and hubs working out of town 3 days a week. They say the first semester is the toughest. I hope that's true! I did the traditional route instead of one of the fast track programs. Good luck in your decision! As far as your son, mine is going into the Army as well. He will be 17 in Sept but he's only a Sophmore so I have a little more time with him. I'm tryin to convince him to go to college for two years and join as an officer but it might be falling on def ears!

Brandi baby girl is so cute
Thanks Fluter!
I cant remember where I left off with you all. I know I had alot going on and was stressed to the max when I dropped everything!
My oldest son got out of the Army in October after serving his 4 years. He came home and got married in June then went back until Oct.. They had just started dating before he went in so they had never had any alone time together and only saw each other two weeks at a time twice a year. They have a house and are finally moved in together and its been a ride. I tried explaining to him that they really needed to live together awhile or at least see each other everyday for a while. Its been fun to watch! They are getting along but so many things they are trying to adjust to which is fun for me to watch cause they wouldnt listen. LOL hes working as a Correctional officer at a local jail and trying to get on the State Police. He lives just a few miles away which makes me a very Happy Mom! My youngest graduated high school in June went straight to his Welding College in Florida in July and graduated early in December so hes back home. Im very proud of him! Hes had so many job interviews and offered jobs from 15.00 an hour and up so now hes trying to decide which is best for him. He wants something he can make a career and be at from here on out. I hope he picks a nice company that genuinely cares about its employees cause money isnt everything! He Loves Welding and I want it to stay that way. He interviewed at a huge company called NAS which would start him out at 20 something but this place looked so hazardous. The guy interviewing him was smoking the whole time and about made him sick! My son smelled like a huge cigarette when he came in. Anyway, then my daughter has started back to Nursing school and shes really struggling. She has the 2 and 5 yr old and she stays wore out. I think when the youngest is old enough for school things will be much easier on her cause hes pretty rowdy! LOL
Im still trying to catch up with everyone and whats going on.
Have a nice day ladies!
LLawson, that's awesome about your pregnancy!

Brandi, that baby girl is so beautiful!

Fluter, I am nervous about starting the program. It is only a year though so I know the time wouldn't kill me. I have never wanted to be an RN though as I don't want a leadership position. I haven't gotten anything set in stone yet, but I figure I don't have many options unless I wanna be sitting at home alone. I still plan on trying to save money here and there if we can, and even with the smallest saving we should be able to try the doctor in Mexico by winter. I am scared to think about starting a new career while still dreaming about babies though as it would be tough to do both but I can't just sit around and wait. If we don't conceive this year we will be adopting next year sometime, God-willing. Either way, we will be parents to someone's children. Doesn't matter to me who it comes from.. I like all babies. <3

April 18th will make 4 years since I got my tubes untied. I never imagined it would be so hard. Hopefully going to Mexico gives me an end to my wait for a baby..... I will need to conceive in the next few years though as my cycles have changed since my second surgery. They are days longer now than they were. It is what it is.. Starting off as a busy year here.
Angie I know the RN role has been deemed paper work but honesty where I live if you're an LPN you are limited to nursing homes. Most place want an RN and many are pushing for a BSN. Heck to be a nurse practitioner you have to get s doctorate in nursing instead of just the masters now.

LL I can so relate to your daughter and nursing school. It's killing me. I'm exhausted with the kids schedules and the baby. I just keep telling myself to get through this semester. I can do this lol. So glad your boys are back close to home. I know you how relieved you must feel.
Fluter, I feel like all the stress in the world is off me now that my boys are back home.
I feel for you doing nursing school and having the baby and older children. I could never do it! Its really taking a toll on my daughter and we all help out. She doesnt get alot of help from her boyfriend after they are at home in the evenings. He doesnt help with the kids or anything. If it were me, he would have been gone a long time ago! I wish she would open her eyes and see she could have someone treat her so much better. Hes never there and when he is hes asleep so shes essentially alone.
Angie I would take full advantage of nursing school now why you dont have any little ones at home. It will definitely keep you busy. Im about in the same area as Fluter and here a CNA can do almost the same as an LPN and make about the same. You cant really move up here until you are an RN. It sucks cause an LPN has so much more school than a CNA only to be treated just like them. My daughter is a CNA and my sis n law was a LPN working at the same nursing home, making the same pay. My sis n law is a RN now.
I would say go for it now and maybe it will help tae your mind of things for awhile.
LLawson, I haven't started the paperwork, but as soon as I get my son situated I plan on it. I have to focus on his future first since he will need the biggest headstart.

I took my passport photo today and have to pick it up tomorrow at Walmart. I don't really need it yet, but I will sometime this year and I want to get it over with as it takes a while to come back. The hubby is gonna start working over any chance he gets, (which has been zero for months and months.). I also have to pay a registration fee for school and for the GED for my kid so money is going out more quickly than it's coming in. It's nutty how many things I have going on right now.
We are pushing forward with our baby plans though. I figured I would just calmly wait, but the hubby is full speed ahead now. I have to say that I am getting excited about trying again. Hopefully I don't end up in surgery again which is my hubby's biggest worry.
I probably missed something Angie, I tried going back and reading everyones posts as much as I could. Sorry!
I understand taking care of your kids first. Thats what a good parent does.
Would you be able to get any grants or student loans? That would help alot.
I can understand your husbands worries about no more surgeries. Im sure thats scary for him and you both. It would be me.
I wish you all the best in whichever route you take!
Hey gals. Just popping in to let you know, I may not comment much, but I am keeping up with you all!

Feeling a little sad today as my DD is 17 today! WOW. Time has flown & it hurts my heart to hear her making plans for the future, since I know she will be spreading her wings & leaving the nest in the next couple of years....This mom is beyond proud, but to be honest my heart hurts today! :(
Im so sorry Cupcake! It is sad! My youngest is fixing to turn 19 on the 28th. Hes back home after graduating college but hes already applying for jobs everywhere and talking about where he wants to live. Its killing me too! I straight out told him I was going to keep him here as long as possible. LOL
I was a basket case while he was in Florida for 6 months. Hes my baby! He gets so aggravated cause Im always giving him too much advise. I just dont like it when hes not with me.
Ive been through it 3 times now and truth is its never easy and you dont get used to it or at least I havent. Its easier when you still have one at home though. I hope hes here for many more yrs but thats not practical.
I wish you the best! I know exactly how you feel!
Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Cupcake, my son turns 17 at the end of March and he is bound and determined to leave for the military this year. He is the only kid I have at home and I am struggling with it badly. I know how you feel! It's horrible wondering if he is ready. Did I do a good job. Will he be ok. It doesn't end..

I decided to start putting in more applications tomorrow. I have put in about 4 already, but I am so impatient. I also did some research last night on the meds I should be taking for my MTHFR mutation. So I went today and bought some COQ10 and fish oil. Not gonna bother with vitamins, but I am gonna start the others right now so I will be ready. I wasn't sure that I wanted to keep trying really-- so much money and I have failed so often. It is tough to think about all our babies gone sometimes and it depresses me. Today I finally got my last little push over my indecisiveness. Thanks to my horrible Mother-in-Law. When I hurt too bad and think of giving up ever again, I will just think of her and all her ignorance and I know I will find my drive to keep pushing forward. I am gonna start a journal/blog for my next IVF battle. I also will be pushing super-hard to get the finances to move forward soon. I got my passport photos done and will be sending that thing off as soon as I can. If it takes people trying to break me down to help me move forward, then Amen and Amen, bring it on! Thanks for your help and unintentional support. Their hatred gives me the strength to move mountains! I am gonna move mountains! Feel like I have been ranting all day..
Angie that's good to start those things now because eggs are made in 3 month cycles. I'm excited for you to try again.

We are starting the planning process for FET in September.

Sounds like we all have babies around the same age. My oldest will be 17 in September. He's only a Sophomore so I still have him for a couple more years but he's determined to be Army bound as well. It's such a bitter sweet thing watching them grow. My heart is filled with pride for the young man he's becoming yet it cries a little knowing how fast it has all went by
I thought I was prepared for my son to leave, but it hit me in more areas than what I figured as he is my only child really even though genetically I have a daughter, I have not seen her but one time in the last few years....her choice. Definitely wasn't mine, but her family has made her dislike us and I could not imagine adding to her burden of "choosing a parent to love most." I love her enough to not give her such a thing to live with.. Anywho...

I started my CoQ10 and fish oil. I figured I would need to be on them about 3 months before I could improve. I had a good amh/fsh level, but that mthfr mutation worries me so I am gonna hit it head on. I have bought sweet potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli and salad to eat every day to increase my B vitamins. Some days it's tough. I also put my hubby on vitamins. I haven't sent my passport out yet, but I am planning on it. I am definitely moving forward and I am glad that I got the extra push we needed as we were both struggling with the emotional part of IVF. I am going to tell my doctor here right before I try IVF so she can step in and give me the Lovenox I will need as I don't know if the doctor there will prescribe it and I have to have it. I am nervous really. Fluter, do you think I will have trouble with him working with me since I have had so many losses? I worry about him telling me that he wont be able to help me. The ladies on the forum make him seem nice and personable. I am making myself nervous. I am planning on trying around June. I should be able to work hard and save the money. Seems like forever to wait.....
I bet you're excited about your FET, Fluter!
I hope your little one is doing great, LLawson.
I hope after this year I am waiting for our baby to come and not for another IVF.. blah!
Angie Everything is good so far. Im 9 weeks today. My boobs have been so sore since the beginning! I figured that would have went away by now...i havent had much sickness. I have a few bouts with nausea here and there but mostly when Im in bed so I dont know if its morning sickness or something to do with the Metformin cause I take that at bedtime. Im having horrible cravings already. Im going to be huge! It kind of scaresme that I dont have more sickness so I hope everything is ok? I do take the chewable B6 which is supposed to help with morning sickness but with my past children morning sickness ot the best of me.
As bad as it hurts us Moms, be very proud of your young men. The military is a good place for young men. I have so many friends with sons the same age as mine in jail and have been in nothing but trouble. Makes me feel alot better about letting him go. Hes back and such a nice respectful young man and it makes me so proud and relieved that I dont have to deal with some of the stress these other moms do.
That being said, it broke my heart the whole time he was away! I am thinking about all of you and your teenagers. My youngest will be 19 Sunday. He has no idea Im pregnant but hes been running and getting me some of my cravings. He thinks Im fixing to start! LOL ive taught my boys from a young age to cater to a womans needs when its that time of the month. They both have turned out perfect in that area. Their woman are lucky!
LLawson, I believe that's a great thing to teach a son! I am excited. I am so glad your little one is doing well! I think its incredible that you are gonna have a wee one. Almost all of us have got babies. Just two of us keft and we can do this Cupcake!! My hubby is trying to work over every day and has even volunteered to work the on-call. Summer is the true overtime hours so i just might be waiting until then, but I am no sttanger to waiting.
In due time Angie, We WILL join the exclusive THB Club! The sad part of this whole journey is most of us should have skipped the TR & spent the cash on IVF to begin with :/ Oh well, our wait will pay off eventually! ;)
I know in my heart the both of you will get babies and wish you both the best! I know the reality of the wait. We have been trying since about 2006/07 when I had the failed IVF. I didnt have the reversal until 2013.
Im still so skeptical and scared with my age and this happening so easy. I think I will feel much better after the first trimester. It sucks cause I cant enjoy everything because I worry too much!
Angie, I never had a man treat me like that until my husband and I got together. Hes such a sweetheart! It didnt take much to teach the boys, they are Mommas boys and they watched my husband treat me so well over the years and then had me telling them they needed to make sure they did the same.
My daughter is with a horrible guy that I believe could care less if she fell off the face of the earth! It makes me so sad that she doesnt get treated like that. He doesnt abuse her, he just hardly acknowledges her at all. Helps her with nothing! Hes gone from about 9am-11pm everyday! I wish she would open her eyes and dump him. They arent married but she fears if she leaves him he will ask for visitation of the boys just to pay less child support and he cant take care of them at all. Hes never even changed a diaper! Shes terrified something will happen to one of them if he were to ever keep them. I honestly dont think he would ask to see them at all. I wish she would do something instead of living so unhappy! Shes gained over 100 pounds since shes been with him.
LLawson, that makes me sad for your daughter. I have to admit though that my first husband was like that and it took quite a bit for me to find my self confidence. He never asked for visitation either and my son hasn't seen him since he was still crawling and he is turning 17 soon. He does pay child support but it's been off and on throughout my son's life. Sometimes it's not about the kids though. I am older now and make better decisions. I also have learned how to stand up for myself and my wants. Hopefully it is a matter of time before your daughter gets to that place. I think all us women do. Just takes time. I figure as long as you are there supporting her and letting her know you are there for her if she needs you, will give her security and maybe the extra push she needs to stand up for herself.

Cupcake, I can't even tell you how often I wish I had never had a tubal reversal. It was the most awful decision I have ever made in my life. Now I wish I had that money to do IVF. Sometimes I even have to ask if God has put so many things in my way because he doesn't want me to have children and then I know that I am nuts cause if God didn't want me to have children, I would just never have conceived at all. It is the battle we face that either brings us closer to God or farther away. Sometimes I believe God just wants to know how far we will go for Him; how far our faith reaches thru the dark times we have. Either way, as long as I breathe I will keep going. I pray we both succeed this year. Not sure still when I might be able to try. I figure if I can push and save 500 a month until the end of the year, we should make it at the end of this year. The second time is half-price so that will take me 5 more months if I fail and the third time is just meds so I should be two months.. If I don't conceive in those times, we will just move forward. The last IVF gave me 20 pounds in 2 months, an emergency surgery, a broken heart, a room filled with baby stuff, and jobless. Not sure how many more of those I can go through. I am giving it three tries with the doctor in Mexico though before I call it quits for good. I can't keep going forever as those hormones and losses are detrimental to my well-being. I suppose if God is willing we should be able to save the 5 grand this year. I figure that it's better to have more tries with a doctor that I have seen EXCELLENT results, from real women that have been there, than to go with a doctor that charges three times as much and holds empty promises. Plus it's Mexico... One more country down on my 'To Visit' list!
Anyone know how Brandy's girls are doing? Wonder if Momma Brown is expecting yet?

I hope you and I join the ranks of the expecting this next little bit, Cupcake. I am tiring of the wishing..

It's so hard to wait..
Ive been in the situation too Angie thats why it bothers me so much. I know she can make the decision and be so much happier but she has to decide that on her own and just dont think she will. Maybe if I keep telling her how I feel,it will finally sink in but I feel like Im just always lecturing her and getting no where. :(
Angie, I think your plan sounds great and I would try and make that happen. You are still young and have time to make it work.
I almost don't want to post this because my heart still breaks for you ladies waiting for your THB.

Today I noticed I was a day late so I bought a Walmart cheapie for fun along with some pads for my up coming period that I was sure would be here any minute. The line popped up immediately! I freaked out. Did a two hour hold and went to buy a digi. It says 2-3 weeks. I'm in total shock! I'm going for betas tomorrow


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Holy crap flutter! Guess you won't be needing another trip to Mexico after all! Congrats & don't feel bad! I'm numb to it all by now & honestly nothing surprises me any more LoL I guess the only thing that would shock me is if I actually turned out to be the lady getting the Miracle bfp!

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