Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Hi tiatammy and welcome

So the doctor wants another beta and P4 level tomorrow. She didn't want to mess with me too much to try not to aggregate anything that might be going on. She didn't want to give up hope since it did rise but I'm realistic and I know what's coming. I don't like limbo. I just want to move on. The best outcome possible for me at this point (besides a miracle baby at the end of this) is that it's not in my tube and it's just a non-viable miscarriage
Welcome Tia, I believe I talked to you and we had the same Dr. Levin? I messaged you here recently but cant find any of the info to see if it eas you? Im horrible trying to figure out how to work everything on here. Posting to the forums is all Ive really figured out well. LOL Im sorry for your loss. If you do have Dr. Levin was he the one you saw for everything?
Angie, dont get me wrong, I want to tell everyone so bad I am supersticious though so thats whats making me wait! LOL I hate it though cause if everything does workout Ill regret not telling everyone earlier and enjoying the early months more than I am. I feel like Im being pulled in 2 different directions because of my superstitions! As far as telling the kids I think my youngest will be ok but probably sad cause hes not the baby anymore. I think my middle one will just laugh and think Im crazy and the oldest will Love it cause shes the girl and Loves kids.

Dr. Richard Levin did my tubal reversal yes back in 2011 and since then I have manage to have a pregnancy in this past otober and miscarried very early.
Tia thats who did mine in 2013. Its kind of been a long rough road with him. I finally gave up everything with him late last Summer and finally ended up pregnant on my own after 6 IUIs, over a year on Clomid and all the charting, temping etc.. For a couple years. After quitting it all thats when Ive ended up pregnant. Crazy! Im 45.
LLawson, I understand being superstitious. It is hard not to be when it comes to pregnancy. You have to do what is best for your peace of mind though. I only have one child to tell really and he will be gone from home before I deliver any baby so he is fine with it. He jokes about how the hubby and I are sending him out on his own just so we can have a new baby to love..

Fluter, I don't know how well your number went up, but I do know that it is hard either way. If it comes down to lesser evils when suffering such a horrible thing, it would be to miscarry on your own without a rising number, no matter how big or small the rise. Numbers that don't rise appropriately are tough as there is both hope and fear...and most times a knowledge that don't let a person lean too much in either direction. I am sorry.
Well, I have officially decided to wait until October to do IVF again. Even if I get mad at the wait, I am still gonna wait till then. Then the hubby and I can take vacation to a warm country and he can be with me. Also, I have lots of stuff I need to get accomplished before then. I had to take penicillin a couple of weeks ago and I am still recovering from it. I will not take Penicillin again unless I have a limb removed. It is not worth the struggle it takes a body to recover from it, plus it didn't even help my wisdom tooth not hurt so I have to get it removed anyway. Blah!
I am going to get impatient at times between now and October, but I have to wait. I have been having constant headaches. I think it is my wisdom tooth, but if it isn't I will have to get it checked. I even went as far as to have a CAT scan, but all was well. I believe it's that tooth and I shall see very soon. I get frustrated at health issues.

Anyway, if we can save the money I will try my October cycle. If the doctor will see me as I have a tough history. 8 months seems a long time, but unless a miracle happens for us.....

I hope everyone is well. It's snowing here today after being 60 yesterday. We are going to the YMCA so I can get to losing this extra weight. I don't mind being a bit heavier, but I wanna be healthy as I can be this time. I also have decided that I am gonna call the doctor about 2 months earlier so I can have time.

Fluter, do you know if you can pay for the cycle and then decide what month you want to come in?
Tia thats who did mine in 2013. Its kind of been a long rough road with him. I finally gave up everything with him late last Summer and finally ended up pregnant on my own after 6 IUIs, over a year on Clomid and all the charting, temping etc.. For a couple years. After quitting it all thats when Ive ended up pregnant. Crazy! Im 45.

If you don't mind me asking what things did you do? I know you said you did IUI, but was that due to any problems with hubby sperm? Id that why you went with IUI. I stopped all that stuff with Levin too. He just seemed like he was not helping at all. It just got to frustrating. he had me on clomid metformin and then tried to tell me I wasnt charting right. I have been charting my cycles since I was 12 yrs old. but still no pregnancy. I have had one in october but didnt know and miscarried. so the doctors say.
I had a bilatural tubal banding so when Dr. Levin did my sergery he told me it went awsome my tubes were in such good shape that they didnt even look like they had been touch.I came out of the tubal reversal with 7.5 cm on each tube
Tia, when I had my tubes tied, they took small pieces out then they were tied & burned which was supposed to be one of the worst or more permanent ways of doing it. He still told me I had quite a bit for him to work with & he thought the surgery would go well. Dr. Levin did surgery in 2013 I had some complications with some fatty tissue & fibroids so he had to open me up quite a bit. I was left with 30 staples which was very painful! Other than that issue he said everything was great, tubes looked awesome & I had 7 total cm on the right & 6 total cm on the left. We had to wait a few months before starting to try & conceive because of what all he had to do. After about 7 months with no results he had the sperm test done on my husband it came back first time bad but we found out the lab left it sitting after it had already been an hour getting there. We had it redone & it was great! (Hes younger than me, hes 35). Then he did an HSG which showed my tubed were clear & good. So then he wanted to start Clomid. After a few months of that he bumped it up & I asked about the IUIs cause he advertised them free with the surgery. He said sure. After doing the first or second he said my cervix was so tilted I would never get pregnant unless it was IUI or IVF because the sperm would never make it anywhere with my cervix like that......he started me on Metformin about 1.5 yrs ago because of cysts on my ovaries & to shorten my periods cause some were 45 day cycles. He also told me I was not doing my charting the way he liked it. LOL. I swear he was so nice before surgery & after its like he was a total different person & so arrogant!
After being on Clomid for over a year, I stopped that myself & didnt tell him. I finally quit charting & sending him anything back in late summer & stopped everything except for Metformin because after starting it ive been able to get off all my other meds like high bp meds, cholesterol etc. Its got my body in alot better shape. My regular gynocologist told me to stay on it because I had all the symptoms of PCOS & after seeing how my body responded she thought I needed that whether I was trying to get pregnant or not. So, ironically I ended up pregnant in January after quitting everything but the Metformin. I had no idea when I ovulated or anything. Just when my last period was. I had a total of 6 IUIs and no results so I just quit those. It was so disappointing cause usually they work so quick & they were free so I thought why not but it took a toll on me.
Did you do any of that?
Angie, a warm country vacation sounds fabulous right now! Im so tired of this weather. It was 63 here yesterday and 38 today. No snow though, Thank goodness! Im ready for Spring! Im not a cold weather person and this crazy warm one day freezing the next is about to get the best of me.
The weather is just a mess. Here in Pennsylvania it snowed yesterday and was 20 this morning when I woke up. It's just horrible. Going to the YMCA helps though, plus the tanning bed is a nice warm-up to all the cold. :)

Fluter, I am thinking about you!
Tia, when I had my tubes tied, they took small pieces out then they were tied & burned which was supposed to be one of the worst or more permanent ways of doing it. He still told me I had quite a bit for him to work with & he thought the surgery would go well. Dr. Levin did surgery in 2013 I had some complications with some fatty tissue & fibroids so he had to open me up quite a bit. I was left with 30 staples which was very painful! Other than that issue he said everything was great, tubes looked awesome & I had 7 total cm on the right & 6 total cm on the left. We had to wait a few months before starting to try & conceive because of what all he had to do. After about 7 months with no results he had the sperm test done on my husband it came back first time bad but we found out the lab left it sitting after it had already been an hour getting there. We had it redone & it was great! (Hes younger than me, hes 35). Then he did an HSG which showed my tubed were clear & good. So then he wanted to start Clomid. After a few months of that he bumped it up & I asked about the IUIs cause he advertised them free with the surgery. He said sure. After doing the first or second he said my cervix was so tilted I would never get pregnant unless it was IUI or IVF because the sperm would never make it anywhere with my cervix like that......he started me on Metformin about 1.5 yrs ago because of cysts on my ovaries & to shorten my periods cause some were 45 day cycles. He also told me I was not doing my charting the way he liked it. LOL. I swear he was so nice before surgery & after its like he was a total different person & so arrogant!
After being on Clomid for over a year, I stopped that myself & didnt tell him. I finally quit charting & sending him anything back in late summer & stopped everything except for Metformin because after starting it ive been able to get off all my other meds like high bp meds, cholesterol etc. Its got my body in alot better shape. My regular gynocologist told me to stay on it because I had all the symptoms of PCOS & after seeing how my body responded she thought I needed that whether I was trying to get pregnant or not. So, ironically I ended up pregnant in January after quitting everything but the Metformin. I had no idea when I ovulated or anything. Just when my last period was. I had a total of 6 IUIs and no results so I just quit those. It was so disappointing cause usually they work so quick & they were free so I thought why not but it took a toll on me.
Did you do any of that?

I did do the clomid and metformin for almost a year and just said enough is enough, he also told me about my charting too he would say there is no way you started your cycle then or this just isnt right he would say. My cycles have always been every 28 days. I have been keeping track of my cycle since I was 12. I agree he was very different after the sergery. right now I am spotting have been spotting every since the 24th of febuary which would be possible implantation which would be 7DPO for me, My cycle was due to start march 1st, but I am still spotting have been since Feb 24th I dont know what is going on.
Tia, I wonder if it has anything to do with the miscarriage? I havent had anything like that but I did once start bleeding like a full out period around ovulation time and no one could ever give me an explanation. It happened once and never happened again.
Did you try any IUIs with Dr. Levin?
I just found something interesting a few days ago and I thought it was on a forum on this website but I cant find it again. If anyones good with searching on here maybe you can help me out. It wont let me search using the search bar. I think its something to do with my Ipad cause it keeps shutting off when I try and use the search thing for some reason. Anyway....
Someone posted about LH in older women. It was something to the extent of it staying longer in their system so when you get your first sign of a positive LH its not like most younger women. Its like it has to ramp up and it shows positive for several days so when most women would ovulate within 48 hrs of that positive an older lady is much longer. Which sounds exactly like what was going on with me so my problem may have been having the IUIs and intercourse at the wrong times. I did have a positive LH for days and Dr. Levin said to ignore anything after I got the first positive. So he wanted me in that day or the next for IUIs. If this is all true it would make sense that my timing was off the whole time and I went through all that for nothing! Maybe this will help some of the older ladies on here out. So if someone finds that post can you post it here please? :)
Tia, something else my gyno did when I quit everything else but the Metformin, she did blood tests and I had almost no vitamin D. She put me on a high dose that Im still on daily and she also put me on a chewable Super B complex because Metformin will not let your body absorb the B so she switched me to a chewable and thats made a huge difference in the way I feel with those added vitamins. I wonder if that had any help in me conceiving?
Fluter, I hope you are ok. Ive been thinking and praying for you!
Hey Ladies!

LLawson, that sounds plausible with an older woman's LH. As we age our body doesn't act the same cause we are gearing up for menopause. I think it can make our cycles wonky in any number of ways. I know for me, since I have a MTHFR mutation, I also do not have enough B vitamins. I take CoQ10 and fish oil. I also have taken to eating sweet potatoes and more eggs in my diet, although sometimes I struggle with that. I think some doctors are not out to help us, but to help their pockets. I shy away from those after a few months of the same old advice. I can't conceive anymore on my own, but I know that testing for ovulation should not stop at first positive as sometimes, for some people, it can stay positive for quite a bit and even go away and then come back for some women. I figure those women should spend the whole month dtd whenever they have a positive regardless of how many they've had cause some people gear up to ovulate and then don't.
I am a member of that B vitamin issue, but not the D vitamin. My fertility doctor made me have that test cause he said it was detrimental to fertility if it wasn't good. It was a very expensive test as my insurance didn't cover it. It is worth getting tested though. It has an impact on mood and emotions when you have low vitamin D levels which is nice to fix even apart from fertility.
The last few months I have been struggling with wanting to make everything perfect for IVF. Today I realized that I can only do so much without completely putting my body out of whack and I don't want to do that. I decided that I am going to just keep taking the vitamins I am taking now, keep walking and doing sit-ups, keep eating the B vitamins and just let it go at that. I thankfully realized that I am not in charge of whether I succeed or fail apart from me doing the things I am able to do. Sometimes I get so into wanting to succeed that I stress myself out to the point of failure before I even start. So I am nonchalantly letting the time go by just living like usual. It's months and months away...
Angie I really think that had alot to do with what was going on with me. I remember also asking Dr. Levin if Clomid would show false positives because a few of tou told me about that and he just said it could and was no help at all so along with that and the several days of positive LH (I was one of those that had it come back a few times in the same month too), I really think that was a big part of my problem so just losing track of it all and not doing any testing was probably the best thing for me.
You ladies on here have taught me pretty much everything I do know. Dr. Levin has been of no help at all. Im still learning alot from you all.
I take fish oil also. I have for yrs because it helps with my knee problems.
So altogether now I take fish oil, Vitamin D, Super B Complex with C, Prenatal Vitamins and they gyno has me on extra Folic acid.
Angie do you take the chewable B? If not its helped me so much you should try it. Im on the Super B with added C. Kroger here sells it. I havent looked for it anywhere else. I also take Pantaprozale for my heartburn/acid reflux and Zyrtec for my allergies. I had to come off all my other allergy meds so Ive had a little battle with my allergys...I think I will be alot better once it warms up. This dry air in the house is so harsh on my nose. I try and sleep with a window cracked to let cool air in but the hubby keeps getting sick from that.
Tia are you here in Ky?
My numbers were horrible. Went up to 350.7. I don't know what my P4 was, I didn't ask. I will have an u/s on Tues afternoon to see if it is ectopic. I'll be just a few days shy of 6 weeks then. I've cried a lot more than I expected. I feel like I've mourned and now I'm ready to end this roller coaster and move on.
I don't take a chewable B vitamin. I probably would if I could find one with B12, B-9, and B-6 in it. Honestly I never even really looked for B vitamins as I chose to eat more vegetables instead. I should probably look into taking one. Right now all I take is that fish oil and CoQ10. I don't take prenatals cause I struggle with iron so they make it more difficult so I won't start taking those until I have to. I definitely have had to learn more about fertility than I ever wanted to. People made it seem like you just got your tubes untied and whoops, there's our baby, whoops, there's baby number two, but it has been anything but that. It has been the most horrible experience of my whole life. It is even now a daily struggle. I am only 36 so I have a few years yet, but it seems like a ticking bomb in my head most days. Especially with so many losses. I know that it was my tubes that caused me to have so many losses and I just have to pray that since they are truly and finally gone, I will become pregnant easily. There are no other issues as far as testing has shown. My hubby does have a son that supposedly is Autistic, but from what I have read about it they think Autism comes from the Mother... of course that's just science guessing, but there could be any number of hidden things, or it could just be that God does not want us to have children. If that is so then nothing will ever matter, no matter what I try. I am not a quitter though so we will keep walking. The doctor I will go to next seems to have really great results. Maybe I will join the ranks. I am praying that we will.
I also have decided to go ahead and send off my passport. There might be a slim possibility that we may not have to wait until Oct and if that comes about, I want to be ready.
You gonna try to have anymore after this one, LLawson? Now that you have more answers it would be easier. I bet your husband is over the moon!
Fluter, I know how you feel. I hope it isn't tubal. Waiting sucks! It makes it so much more difficult to just have to sit around. Hopefully it is over soon and you don't have to go through more than you already have.
Fluter Im so sorry. I will still be thinking of you and pray that its not ectopic.

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