Tia, when I had my tubes tied, they took small pieces out then they were tied & burned which was supposed to be one of the worst or more permanent ways of doing it. He still told me I had quite a bit for him to work with & he thought the surgery would go well. Dr. Levin did surgery in 2013 I had some complications with some fatty tissue & fibroids so he had to open me up quite a bit. I was left with 30 staples which was very painful! Other than that issue he said everything was great, tubes looked awesome & I had 7 total cm on the right & 6 total cm on the left. We had to wait a few months before starting to try & conceive because of what all he had to do. After about 7 months with no results he had the sperm test done on my husband it came back first time bad but we found out the lab left it sitting after it had already been an hour getting there. We had it redone & it was great! (Hes younger than me, hes 35). Then he did an HSG which showed my tubed were clear & good. So then he wanted to start Clomid. After a few months of that he bumped it up & I asked about the IUIs cause he advertised them free with the surgery. He said sure. After doing the first or second he said my cervix was so tilted I would never get pregnant unless it was IUI or IVF because the sperm would never make it anywhere with my cervix like that......he started me on Metformin about 1.5 yrs ago because of cysts on my ovaries & to shorten my periods cause some were 45 day cycles. He also told me I was not doing my charting the way he liked it. LOL. I swear he was so nice before surgery & after its like he was a total different person & so arrogant!
After being on Clomid for over a year, I stopped that myself & didnt tell him. I finally quit charting & sending him anything back in late summer & stopped everything except for Metformin because after starting it ive been able to get off all my other meds like high bp meds, cholesterol etc. Its got my body in alot better shape. My regular gynocologist told me to stay on it because I had all the symptoms of PCOS & after seeing how my body responded she thought I needed that whether I was trying to get pregnant or not. So, ironically I ended up pregnant in January after quitting everything but the Metformin. I had no idea when I ovulated or anything. Just when my last period was. I had a total of 6 IUIs and no results so I just quit those. It was so disappointing cause usually they work so quick & they were free so I thought why not but it took a toll on me.
Did you do any of that?