Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Angie, the one I take has alot of Bs but Not B9 Ill post pics. Its only 3.49 a bottle. It has B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, Vitamin C, Niacin, Folic Acid, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid and Sodium. I didnt realize it had the Folic Acid until now so Ive had that in me for quite some time. I was worried when I found out I was pregnant because I had taken the prenatal vitamins for a couple of yrs and quit when I quit everything else.. Its so strange how things happened.
I still worry cause this happened so easy I cant help but still be cautious and worry everyday. If it all goes well, Im not sure if I will go back to all that keeping track of trying but I probably wont be using any protection to try and keep from it unless I change my mind by then. I am 45 so Im really pushing it with this one.
The hubby is over the moon but I try to tell him we still have a long way to go. This will be his first biological child. Hes raised my other 3 but I know he longs for his own.


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Heres the front of the bottle.


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Thanks, LLawson. I will look and see if I can find them on Amazon. We don't have a Kroger, I believe that's where you said you got yours? Most people wait until 12 weeks to start telling people as that is the end of the first trimester and most things that happen bad, happen before the 12 week mark. I would be as happy as a Fox in a hen house. You are going to have a baby!~ That's incredible and a wonderful blessing. My biggest fear is it being difficult to carry a pregnancy at my age. I don't want to be one of those women that whine and cry the whole time..
I suppose I should not worry about that when I gotta few steps before that to reach first.. ha ha.
Thanks Angie! Im 45. So far I havent had a whole lot to whine about which kind of scares me too. Ive not been sick at all. Ive had a few close calls and get a little nausea everyday, mostly before I get out of bed, like 4-5 am. My gyno said that B complex helps alot with morning sickness so I hope thats why it hasnt hit. My only real complaints are being extremely bloated for weeks now and sore boobs! If I sit or especially lay down when I go to move I feel like someones ripping them off and I have small boobs. LOL
I go for my first official visit and bloodwork Tuesday.
If you dont find that on amazon, I would be happy to send you some to try. :)
Has any of you had a Harmony test? Im wondering how expensive that is and if insurance pays anything on it?
I had the test with Lyndon. It's called various names depending on lab. MateriT21 and Verifi are a couple. If you are 35 or older most insurances cover the test for chromosome checks but some charge extra for gender. My friend paid $30 for the gender. My insurance covered it all. I had it at 10 weeks and knew by 11 weeks all was well and he was a Lyndon
Fluter, I hope thats the case. I was hoping to have it done this week when I see the doctor. I hope you are doing well.
LLawson, I was never sick with either of my living children. Some babies are just like that. If it wasn't for the positive test, I never would have known until I started showing.
I think that test is awesome. I can't imagine much better than finding out the gender so many weeks early. I can't believe that you are just now having your first visit at almost 3 months along. I would want to kill someone if they expected me to wait so long. That's nuts! My poor little mind would have already drove me crazy. It is tough to get in to see a doctor there or do they just normally make you wait that long?

A girl I know was telling me about this CNY Fertility clinic in New York. They charge 3900$ for a full cycle of IVF and it covers ICSI and the first year of embryo storage. It doesn't cover meds which can run into the thousands or monitoring (which is 900$), but I suppose if you get your monitoring done at a different clinic, your insurance could probably cover it as it is not on the same site as your IVF doctor. That's nice. I figure it would probably cost around 6 or 7 thousand and 7 is on the high end. That's still INCREDIBLE as my cycle in New York cost me 16,000$ and I believe where I went, their lab isn't up to par.
I still have chosen to go to Mexico cause their guarantee is just too good, plus their cycle is 2900 and that covers everything too, even monitoring. Not meds, but meds are cheaper there anyway. With travel and everything I would be looking at around 5 grand. Saving two grand would pay for the second cycle.
It's a win/win for me. Besides, I have been to New York twice now and the experiences left a lot to be desired. Especially the second time.

Hopefully third times the charm. I have seen great results from the doctor in Mexico, Mrs. Fluter included. He seems to have around a 75% success rate based on the ladies forum on Facebook. I feel like it's because he takes the eggs earlier. The doctor in New York waited until I was cd16. I NEVER take that long to ovulate so he grew my eggs 4 days longer than my own body does it, making them all unusable, but the smallest. Only one made it out of 7 and that is horrible results. Even in the other clinic I had 4 eggs and 2 fertilized naturally. The doc in Mexico does retrieval around cd 11-13 and that is a normal cycle for me, making the eggs the normal ovulation size.
I did check out the website at CNY though and it seems to be an awesome deal for someone who wants to stay in the states. I don't care if I have to go to Hong Kong for a better deal. The more money I save, the more I can try.
Angie, I did see the doctor and had an ultrasound at 6 weeks but they are calling this visit my first actual visit for some reason. Said she would do alot of blood work and lots of questions. Shes super nice and has called me a few times just to check up on me and if I have any questions I call her and she always calls back the same day. I absolutely Love her! Ive been going to her for about 18 years. I wish she had been around when I had my other children. Shes a nurse midwife.
All the ladies in my family see her which is about 8 of them which terrifies me that I will run into one of them before I start telling everyone. Especially my niece who just had a baby a little over a week ago.
It really sucks that women have to pay so much to have fertility help or adopt! A woman that doesnt want her child gets all kinds of welfare and help and everything paid for. That system is just so messed up. I think there should be something set up for help even if its like a one time thing at least you would have help paying one time. Or special loans to help out to make it easier and less stressful to try.
You know I wish you the best and I hope you find the best doctor and you get your baby this time. If I hear of anything around here I will let you know but I think its around 8,000-10,000 here now. Mine was right around 8500 several yrs ago but I dont think that included meds. I believe my insurance did pay for most of those though.
It was fine when I was still 35, but when I hit 36 the doctors acted like I was on my fertility death-bed. It is crazy. I could still do mini-ivf then, which honestly I prefer as it isn't as invasive. That full cycle of IVF was horrid on my body and mind. The small cycle was just so much more simple. I believe that Infertility is a medical problem and should be covered. Autism and ADHD are covered fully, but a couple that has reproductive issues can't get even a doctor visit covered. I find that just ridiculous. I fully believe that people should do a bunch of research before they choose their IVF place. I didn't really either time. I chose the doctor in New Jersey on a recommendation and I regretted it. I have been researching this doctor in Mexico for months, adding statistics, eggs retrieved, what they do for their patients, the area and cost, but most of all the things I have found, I have only found a single person that spoke badly about the doctor, and I am positive that it was her own failure at conceiving that brought that about. I think some doctors make things too difficult. Sometimes they look for deeper meanings when there really isn't any. I had a tubal reversal, suffered an awful infection right after it which made my tubes bad, (as if they weren't bad enough already.) That's why all the losses and all the ruptures... There was no problem getting pregnant, just bad tubes. I like straight-forward things and don't care much about people who have to search and search for underlying problems. That's why I lean toward the doctor in Mexico. He just does what works. The rest is up to God.
I had the harmony test and found out they were both girls by 11w1d. I'm very glad I had the test because it put my mind at ease. My insurance covered the test or at least most of it if I remember correctly.
Thanks Brandy! Im hoping they will go ahead and do that tomorrow. Im going to request it anyway.
Angie, I have the option for paying a higher insurance premium to get some fertility coverage but I havent done it cause it didnt seem worth it to me. It would increase our monthly premium by a little over 200.00 and only pays a certain percentage and doesnt cover everything. I guess I should have weighed my options to see if I would truly benefit because it does pay almost all of everything else health wise.
I still think the plan Im on is probably best for us. I actually talked to someone at the insurance office a few yrs ago that told me ways around alot of high fees and its helped alot? Like dont use a hospital for any diagnostic testing. If we go to a diagnostic center its free. I was paying anywhere from 300-800 for mammograms because I was having to get them every 3 months for a few yrs. when they told me that I switched to a diagnostic center and they are free. I did pay 50.00 this last time to do the 3D. I even had a biopsy and it only cost 25-50? We do mail in pharmacy through my insurance and all my meds are free except my inhalers because I have to have a certain brand. My copays are 10-20 depending on what type of doctor. Im glad he shared all this with me cause we never knew and its saved us a ton of money. He said most people dont know this but its pretty standard with most insurance companies.
I don't think most people even look at their insurance coverage any deeper than just basic co-pays. I know I haven't really. I know it covers certain infertility meds, but not much diagnostic testing. I know it covers for ultrasounds and stuff like that if I use a separate doctor for my actual IVF. I figure there are loads of ways around different coverage if a person wants to really search it out. I also get most of my meds covered if it is mail pharmacy..
Not a single dollar for any IVF procedure though. They say it is tax deductible. Guess I will find out how worth it is to us to file those expenses.
Angie, I dont think I have any info right now but every November my insurance has open enrollment and I have the choice to upgrade to that one if I want to pay more. I thought for sure it paid something on IVF. It may have just been something on Infertility. I will look and see if I can find any info. It just never made sense for us to pay that much more.
I did take IVF off on my taxes. All my meds too. I also took off the reversal and all meds and procedures Ive had since that. I havent had alot this last year though cause most everything's been paid 100% except for Clomid and testing supplies.
LLawson, I plan on calling my insurance and asking them which fertility meds are covered so I can ask the doctor if he can prescribe those to me instead of maybe a more expensive kind. I know that Menopur price is insane! My hubby's insurance covers Lovenox in boxes of 10 and progesterone wasn't too bad. I have been having headaches since I had my surgery in Oct. My hubby says when they transferred me into a different bed after the operation they probably pulled my arm and ripped something as I have been having shoulder pain and headaches since then. I even went back to the ER and had a CAT scan cause I couldn't figure out what was up. I am trying to get that taken care of, but my shoulder doesn't seem to be easing up much at all. Supposedly shoulder injuries are the devil..

I decided to take care of the extra things I have going on at home before we brought a baby into the mix. The months are going by quickly!

Also, Happy Birthday, Cupcake! Hope it's a great day!
It's all tax deductible! I'm from the corporate finance world so I write off EVERYTHING! The mileage to and from appts or to pick up a prescription, the doctors co-pays, deductibles, supplies (even bandaids) hotel and food if you travel to a doctor etc. Don't leave any stone unturned.

I even wrote off all of my skin removal post baby. Just asked the doctor to give me something that said it would improve the quality of my life without the excess skin.
Angie, Have you tried a chiropractor? I had what I thought was a shoulder injury and specialist even told me i did and after a year I finally went to a chiropractor after no relief and it was actually my collar bone was out of place and rotated pulling on everything in my neck causing me horrible headaches! I left that day with instant relief.
My visit went well today. They took a ton of blood!my husband said, are they going to leave you any? LOL They did the harmony test but she called it the Materni something but said it was the same thing like you said Fluter. She said I may have the results as early as friday.
They got the doppler heart beat it was 160. Everything looked great. she did say that I would be considered high risk because of my age so i have another ultrasound on the 31st. She said I may have them as often as every 2 weeks just depending on what she wants to see or how things are going.
One thing that concerns me is she wants me to start coming off the Metformin. She said she has to do it slow or it could cause a miscarriage. That scares the crap out of me! She wants me to go from 1500 to 1000 then do bloodwork again in a month and go from there. Has anyone had any experience with that? Now Im scared to stop taking it! :(
I had an u/s today that showed nothing in the tubes or uterus. I also started bleeding like a period. I'm hoping it's a natural miscarriage. I had more betas today and will have a repeat u/s on Monday. I'm deeply saddened but trying to be at piece with it. I feel like I've been set back emotionally 2-3 years since I had come to terms with it never happening naturally.

Angie, Dr. Garza is a wonderful doctor. His office is hard to get a hold of and that's frustrating but he's seriously known as a miracle worker. I think his approach is the best. I think US doctors over stim. I can't tell you have many I've read had 30 follicles, 18 eggs, 7 fertilize and maybe 2 make it. It's too much "good juice" spread too thin. This is just my opinion. I had 4 retrieved, 4 fertilized and all of them grew beautifully. I hope the two frozen blasts make thaw and I can get one more baby. If I never have another one, I'm beyond blessed with my big kiddos and Lyndon. I'm still in awe of him everyday
Im so sorry fluter. I was hoping for better news. I will keep you in my prayers!
I'm very sorry fluter! But as you said given the complications we can suffer it's best if you Mc naturally. It doesn't make it emotionally better though.

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