Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Girls, you're so sweet:hugs: thanks for thinking of me:hugs:

Cj, I'm glad you were able to cover your basis. It's always nice when the TWW starts and you KNOW you've done all you can:thumbup: I sure hope this is your month:hugs: Looks like Crystal is right, you and I are cycle buddies this go-around:happydance:

Crystal, I hope and pray this new fertility drug is just the ticket for you:hugs: you have been through so much and it's high time for you to be holding your baby in your arms:hugs:

Afm, my cycle was crazy this month! I usually ovulate on cd17 or 18, but this month, I didn't even get a pos. opk until the night of cd19. Dh had to leave on a business trip the morning of cd19 and got home last night (cd20)! We weren't able to bd until 10pm! I'm don't know if it was too late by then or not:nope: We had been in a good pattern of bd'ing everyother day starting at cd9, but the ONE critical day would have been cd19 and dh was out of town:sad2: Anyway, more disconcerting to me this cycle is what I *thought* were O pains..on the left...which started on CD13. They have continued DAILY since then and even waking me up during the night. The pain sometimes radiates to my lower back, but feels like the O pains I normally get. I've also been having waves of nausea:( I'm still feeling the pains as recently as this morning! After doing research, I'm worried that it could be endo:nope: Crazy thing is, when I had my TR done, the dr. said everything looked great in there and he didn't even see any scarring from my last 2 c-sections! Ugh, our bodies are so complex! I have an appt. with a nature path dr. in a week. They use chinese medicine, among other things, and also do testing to see where the body is not functioning properly. I hope this turns up some answers. I always like to look at natural approaches to healing before going the conventional route, but conventional will certainly be the next step if I can't make progress this way. Now, all that said...I'm starting my progesterone cream TODAY:) I'll see if this helps:wacko:

I hope everyone has a great weekend:hugs:

Faith I think we always look for the cause of our symptoms and get it wrong sometimes as we look for the worst scenario's....If you Dr didnt find any endo at the time of your TR then maybe you dont have it....it seems unusual to get it so sudden:wacko:.....Maybe your body was gearing up to Ovulate early and then didnt.....sometimes this happens when you have a few dominant follicles in one cycle....I know I suffer alot of pains/sickness/backache around the middle of my cycle always whether I have been pregnant or not so it may just be your body in preperation for the egg.....Also if you have O'd late your eggie will last 24-48 hours so dont count yourself out by any means.............I think by the sounds of things you would have had bucket loads of swimmers in your seminal pool just waiting for your egg!..............I really hope things improve painwise for you, and I pray its your body preparing for that lovely ball of cells to embed into..........Fingers crossed Faith.....I hope you get some answers soon xxxx

Crystal, I hope you're right:) I tend to think worse case sometimes...hopefully it's just a strong O :) I'm trying not to drive dh crazy with all my aches & pains complaining..especially since he's so buried with work stress. It's great to have you gals to vent to:hugs:
Hey Faith- Have you been drinking darker drinks instead of water? It could be a kidney infection...or if on Clomid, I sometimes feel like my ovaries will fall off! I usually get a little extra money in the late winter, so I'm thinking if I'm not pregnant by March ( my one year from TR is in April) that I should schedule an HSG, cause they are so expensive!!! Also trying to convince my Oh that it's ok to go to a doctor and give a SA in a cup is hard!! They have a home test and we're gonna have to try that. Fertilaid is on it's way next month if this doesn't work. 6th cycle trying it. I'm not frustrated yet, I've got time. I thougth 40 would be my cutoff, but at this point, I'm not gonna give up! Even if my tubes are closed, I'm going back for a second TR. My OH is gonna hold our baby in his arms come hell or high water!!! :)
Hey Faith- Have you been drinking darker drinks instead of water? It could be a kidney infection...or if on Clomid, I sometimes feel like my ovaries will fall off! I usually get a little extra money in the late winter, so I'm thinking if I'm not pregnant by March ( my one year from TR is in April) that I should schedule an HSG, cause they are so expensive!!! Also trying to convince my Oh that it's ok to go to a doctor and give a SA in a cup is hard!! They have a home test and we're gonna have to try that. Fertilaid is on it's way next month if this doesn't work. 6th cycle trying it. I'm not frustrated yet, I've got time. I thougth 40 would be my cutoff, but at this point, I'm not gonna give up! Even if my tubes are closed, I'm going back for a second TR. My OH is gonna hold our baby in his arms come hell or high water!!! :)

Cj, I LOVE your attitude of not giving up:happydance: I feel the same way..if my tube/tubes are blocked, I will try some natural means of unblocking and if that doesn't work, I, too, will likely have a 2nd TR. Hopefully it won't come to that for either of us:hugs: As for kidney infection, I've considered that possibility. I've had plenty of UTIs in the past and been watching for pain during urination or bleeding, which is always the case with me when I have a UTI. I've not had either of the usual pain, although I do have a deep OVARY type pain sometimes when I urinate..not like a UTI pain. I've read this could by a cyst:dohh: If the pain continues, I will have to see the dr. :winkwink:

On another note..we did a home SA on my hubby back in January. It came back *normal*. However, the instructions said do not to FREEZE..ugh.. it sat in our mail box over the weekend in freezing winter temps as we didn't realize it had come:dohh: My dr. said we may try a *post-coital test* where I go in to the office the morning following a bd'ing session during O time to see how the sperm are interacting with the CM and what kind of movement he's able to see. This might be another option if your dh doesn't want to make a trip to the dr. This, of course, doesn't show semen volume, but might let you see how they like the surroundings:winkwink: In fact, I may do a google search on this to see what else can be determined from this *test*

Good luck this month to you and all my TR sisters:hugs::hugs:
Hey CJ & Faith, I feel for you guys still needing more answers regarding hormones/HSG, etc I was very lucky to have all testing done prior to my reversal operation, as my Dr said it was pointless to go ahead if there was a fertility probelm else where, also my HSG was scheduled free of charge...so I feel very lucky to have had all this included in my TR price at the beginning....Fingers crossed you both get some answers soon....xxxx

I am just waiting to O at the mo!.....temp dropped way down this morning so O is immenent...:happydance: as I always get a big drop beforehand..fingers crossed as this is my last try before really taking a break from it all, I wont give up completely but you have to draw a line somewhere and I am one year in soon....and feeling stressed by it all, but all you lovely ladies will totally appreciate that!...xxxxx

I realy hope we get some deserved BFP's this cycle.......Fingers crossed ladies....I have you all in my thoughts....

CJ - BTW - you were right about Katia coming towards the UK, ITS HERE with a vengance!!!! With weather warnings in place....We are up North and getting the worst of it so far, as we always do....xxx

Jojo, just checking on you hunny xxx Hope everything ok as you havent been on for a few days......xxxxx Hope you check in soon with your bump xxxx

Have a good day ladies, be safe and well......
I know what you mean. I am so sick of weather! I wish an HSG was included in my TR price. I've got an appoint ment today with the specialist to ask how much it is. I am afraid to find out. From what I've heard, it's around $1000 here in VA. Well, ladies, off to work! Have a great day!
Crystal, get some good bd'ing in:hugs: I hope this is the start of a joyful 9 months:hugs::hugs: I can totally relate to the stress:nope: my one is Nov. 10th:cry: I NEVER thought it would take this long:( I know I've said this at least a dozen times, but I have such a deep sympathy for women with infertility issues now! Before the TR, we got pg SO easily and I really just thought that infertility was mostly due to *just not trying hard enough:dohh:* well, we have ALL disproven that for sure:thumbup: Good luck with this month:kiss: be careful with the nasty weather!!! glad you still have internet:winkwink:

Cj, my dr. is telling me an HSG would be about $800...so $1000 is probably right in there. I will def. follow in the HSG footsteps if I'm not preggers by the time my hormones are balanced out:winkwink: I figure it's a waste of my time/pain/money to have one done if my hormones are still out of whack. I hate to waste those fertile months after the HSG, if my body isn't ready to carry through with a healthy pregnancy:wacko:
I HOPE you won't need one and this cycle is BFP for you:happydance: :hugs:

Afm, the ovary pains were gone as of yesterday morning:thumbup: what a relief! So, they must have been ovulation-related. I told dh I must have been pushing out a dinosaur egg:haha: anyway, ff is saying I'm 4dpo today (same as Cj:)). I need to update my ticker:winkwink:
Hello ladies, all is sounding promising for this month with you all:happydance: I hope there is some BFP's.

I know what you mean about the weather Crystal its really bad atm, hopefully the weather men are actually right for once and that by wednesday it will have calmed down:happydance:

Well AFM I've been to the midwife today and she isn't sure but she thinks that baby may of turned into breech position? I hope and pray she is wrong and I really do think and feel she is wrong..... I'm at hospital tomorrow and will ask my consultant if he will have a feel which way up Callum is. If he is breech I will insist on having a c-section this time as when I gave birth to my eldest Nathan, it was awful. He was extended breech which was the best breech positon to be born in. Labour was hard and very very slow and really traumatic at the end. I ended up blind from exhaustion and couldn't even hold my baby til the next day when my eyesight had come back. I still think the midwife is wrong though. I will update tomorrow love and hugs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
OB GYN update...he's also a fertility specialist. I'm 4 DPO (same as my cycle buddy Faith!) and he did an ultrasound- I have one follicle measuring 1.5 and he was checking to see if I was ovulating. I told him I did an OPK, bbt showed a temp rise, and I had crazy O pains on CD 13, 4 days ago. He said that I either O'd last week or will this weekend, get to BD'ing. OK!! (heh heh). My O pains stopped on CD13 but FF has me O'ing on CD14? What do you guys think? He also said he wants to do an HSG if I don't end up pregnant this time around. I'm supposed to call him CD1 and schedule. He's going to donate his part and I will only pay for the xray services. Waiting on a call back about how much that will be. Oh- and I checked out a beautiful house Saturday and am in love with it. I am ready to quit renting and get to owning!
Hello ladies, thought I would let you all know how my appointment went today. IVF is my only option $10 000 so not in my ball park. Hubby says its ok we will save but seems a little far fetched for me. I also told DH that it would hurt but i would be willing let go our separate ways so he can have a chance to have a family, sounds crazy I know but it's how I feel he is the only boy with only one sister and I feel it would be wrong of me to keep that from him. It has been an emotional few weeks for sure. He says he does not want anyone else but he is able to have children so I think he should. Am i crazy for thinking that? :(

Hello ladies, all is sounding promising for this month with you all:happydance: I hope there is some BFP's.

I know what you mean about the weather Crystal its really bad atm, hopefully the weather men are actually right for once and that by wednesday it will have calmed down:happydance:

Well AFM I've been to the midwife today and she isn't sure but she thinks that baby may of turned into breech position? I hope and pray she is wrong and I really do think and feel she is wrong..... I'm at hospital tomorrow and will ask my consultant if he will have a feel which way up Callum is. If he is breech I will insist on having a c-section this time as when I gave birth to my eldest Nathan, it was awful. He was extended breech which was the best breech positon to be born in. Labour was hard and very very slow and really traumatic at the end. I ended up blind from exhaustion and couldn't even hold my baby til the next day when my eyesight had come back. I still think the midwife is wrong though. I will update tomorrow love and hugs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aww dear Jo, another hurdle you are having to face again xxx:hugs: I agree if he is breech to get a section, my DD was breech and a section was so much easier for everyone, plus I dont think there are enough doctors who have a great deal of experience of delivering breech babies, that was the reason I had to have a section as none of my Dr's were comfortable or experienced enough to deliver........xxx I really hope everything will be ok for you hunny....Fingers crossed he turns the right way for you.........try and think positive, if he is breech.... crouch on the floor if you can..lol...bum up and head down and rock back and forth......My Dr's tried TURNING paige whilst in my tummy and it was excruciating pain and didnt work anyway, so go for the easiest option - Section anyday ! xxxxxxx:flower::baby:
OB GYN update...he's also a fertility specialist. I'm 4 DPO (same as my cycle buddy Faith!) and he did an ultrasound- I have one follicle measuring 1.5 and he was checking to see if I was ovulating. I told him I did an OPK, bbt showed a temp rise, and I had crazy O pains on CD 13, 4 days ago. He said that I either O'd last week or will this weekend, get to BD'ing. OK!! (heh heh). My O pains stopped on CD13 but FF has me O'ing on CD14? What do you guys think? He also said he wants to do an HSG if I don't end up pregnant this time around. I'm supposed to call him CD1 and schedule. He's going to donate his part and I will only pay for the xray services. Waiting on a call back about how much that will be. Oh- and I checked out a beautiful house Saturday and am in love with it. I am ready to quit renting and get to owning!

I would go off what your body told you was happening and if you had O pains etc and temp shift then you have def O'd when you thought!....ususally the follicle will fill full of fluid to support the pregnancy if you caught, if not your follicle will empty and disappear, so its good it was still showing on your scan........FAB news about your dream house hunny, I hope you get your wish......Buying is much better xxxxx
Hello ladies, thought I would let you all know how my appointment went today. IVF is my only option $10 000 so not in my ball park. Hubby says its ok we will save but seems a little far fetched for me. I also told DH that it would hurt but i would be willing let go our separate ways so he can have a chance to have a family, sounds crazy I know but it's how I feel he is the only boy with only one sister and I feel it would be wrong of me to keep that from him. It has been an emotional few weeks for sure. He says he does not want anyone else but he is able to have children so I think he should. Am i crazy for thinking that? :(


Wow how devastating Dale......:hugs:I really feel for you at the moment hunny, I know you were so looking forward to the prospect of a little one with your DH.........I know exactly what you mean about your feelings for letting him go to have a chance of a family.....I too told my DH the same thing as he doesnt have any biological children, and I have said if I cant provide him with a baby of our own, would he want trade me in for a younger model and I would totally understand his rationale but my DH also said he loved me for me and doesnt want or need anyone else .....I really hope you find some hope to carry on your journey and I would honestly have IVF and save my little heart out if that was my only option......Dale if you came to the UK to have IVF it is onlt betwenn £3500 - £5000 british pounds, I am not sure how you feel about egg sharing but if you are under 36 you can sometimes get your treatment for free>????....I am just trying to think of some more options for you hunny....dont count yourself out yet, you may find some strength in the near future to look at other options......Big Hugs Dale xxxxx
Dale, My heart goes out to you, sweetie. Fx'd for you!

Jojo- I've had 2 c sections, never a Vaginal and I am a big fan of the c section. I was up and walking around a few hours later and then you couldn't keep me down :) I hope the dr is wrong. Hugs!
Hello ladies, all is sounding promising for this month with you all:happydance: I hope there is some BFP's.

I know what you mean about the weather Crystal its really bad atm, hopefully the weather men are actually right for once and that by wednesday it will have calmed down:happydance:

Well AFM I've been to the midwife today and she isn't sure but she thinks that baby may of turned into breech position? I hope and pray she is wrong and I really do think and feel she is wrong..... I'm at hospital tomorrow and will ask my consultant if he will have a feel which way up Callum is. If he is breech I will insist on having a c-section this time as when I gave birth to my eldest Nathan, it was awful. He was extended breech which was the best breech positon to be born in. Labour was hard and very very slow and really traumatic at the end. I ended up blind from exhaustion and couldn't even hold my baby til the next day when my eyesight had come back. I still think the midwife is wrong though. I will update tomorrow love and hugs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aww dear Jo, another hurdle you are having to face again xxx:hugs: I agree if he is breech to get a section, my DD was breech and a section was so much easier for everyone, plus I dont think there are enough doctors who have a great deal of experience of delivering breech babies, that was the reason I had to have a section as none of my Dr's were comfortable or experienced enough to deliver........xxx I really hope everything will be ok for you hunny....Fingers crossed he turns the right way for you.........try and think positive, if he is breech.... crouch on the floor if you can..lol...bum up and head down and rock back and forth......My Dr's tried TURNING paige whilst in my tummy and it was excruciating pain and didnt work anyway, so go for the easiest option - Section anyday ! xxxxxxx:flower::baby:

Yay I was right and he is still head down. Because I was panicking about him being breech they was going to give me a quick scan today but when they felt him they said I didn't need it as he is definately head down:happydance::happydance::happydance: They are are inducing me on the 9th October because of me being insulin dependant now so I have less than 4 weeks to go. They said it could be a little bit earlier if anymore problems arise? The registrar I saw today was totally fantastic, a far cry from the one I had a couple of weeks ago lol. She has given me codeine to take at night so I can actually get some sleep hopefully before baby comes. I'm getting very excited now and can't wait to finally meet him xxxx
Dale is there no chance that surgery would work again before you go down the IVF route? I feel gutted for you hunny and I think we have all said and thought the same as you at one point. I know when I had the reversal I actually said to hubby if it didn't work to find someone else, and I think we under estimate how much these men actually do love us:hugs::hugs::hugs: You are definately not mad:hugs::hugs::hugs:xxx
Hello ladies, all is sounding promising for this month with you all:happydance: I hope there is some BFP's.

I know what you mean about the weather Crystal its really bad atm, hopefully the weather men are actually right for once and that by wednesday it will have calmed down:happydance:

Well AFM I've been to the midwife today and she isn't sure but she thinks that baby may of turned into breech position? I hope and pray she is wrong and I really do think and feel she is wrong..... I'm at hospital tomorrow and will ask my consultant if he will have a feel which way up Callum is. If he is breech I will insist on having a c-section this time as when I gave birth to my eldest Nathan, it was awful. He was extended breech which was the best breech positon to be born in. Labour was hard and very very slow and really traumatic at the end. I ended up blind from exhaustion and couldn't even hold my baby til the next day when my eyesight had come back. I still think the midwife is wrong though. I will update tomorrow love and hugs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aww dear Jo, another hurdle you are having to face again xxx:hugs: I agree if he is breech to get a section, my DD was breech and a section was so much easier for everyone, plus I dont think there are enough doctors who have a great deal of experience of delivering breech babies, that was the reason I had to have a section as none of my Dr's were comfortable or experienced enough to deliver........xxx I really hope everything will be ok for you hunny....Fingers crossed he turns the right way for you.........try and think positive, if he is breech.... crouch on the floor if you can..lol...bum up and head down and rock back and forth......My Dr's tried TURNING paige whilst in my tummy and it was excruciating pain and didnt work anyway, so go for the easiest option - Section anyday ! xxxxxxx:flower::baby:

Yay I was right and he is still head down. Because I was panicking about him being breech they was going to give me a quick scan today but when they felt him they said I didn't need it as he is definately head down:happydance::happydance::happydance: They are are inducing me on the 9th October because of me being insulin dependant now so I have less than 4 weeks to go. They said it could be a little bit earlier if anymore problems arise? The registrar I saw today was totally fantastic, a far cry from the one I had a couple of weeks ago lol. She has given me codeine to take at night so I can actually get some sleep hopefully before baby comes. I'm getting very excited now and can't wait to finally meet him xxxx

Fantastic news JoJo!!!...I bet you are so excited to finally meet him....bless....good luck hunny in getting some sleep...try and keep your energy up...you are on the final stretch now ! xxxx Big Hugs xxx
Great news Jojo!!! Woohoo!!! Ok ladies, I need your opinion on my chart.I had a pos OPK on CD12. I def had O pains until 2:30pm on CD13, then no pain. I BD'd on CD12 and CD14 (evening). My temp didn't shift until CD14. FF thinks I O'd CD14. I put in the lines on CD13. Opinions, please?
Great news Jojo!!! Woohoo!!! Ok ladies, I need your opinion on my chart.I had a pos OPK on CD12. I def had O pains until 2:30pm on CD13, then no pain. I BD'd on CD12 and CD14 (evening). My temp didn't shift until CD14. FF thinks I O'd CD14. I put in the lines on CD13. Opinions, please?

Cj, I'm not too good at understanding the charts, BUT I would go with CD 14 because it is the day your temp dipped..FF seems to consistantly mark the temp dip as O day. I see that is the case on your previous charts and I know that is how mine are always marked as well. What brand of OPK did you use? What time of day did you do it? Sorry I'm not more help:hugs:
Hello ladies, thought I would let you all know how my appointment went today. IVF is my only option $10 000 so not in my ball park. Hubby says its ok we will save but seems a little far fetched for me. I also told DH that it would hurt but i would be willing let go our separate ways so he can have a chance to have a family, sounds crazy I know but it's how I feel he is the only boy with only one sister and I feel it would be wrong of me to keep that from him. It has been an emotional few weeks for sure. He says he does not want anyone else but he is able to have children so I think he should. Am i crazy for thinking that? :(


Dale, :hugs::hugs::hugs: so very sorry that you are dealing with this:nope: my thought was the same as Jojo..is there anyway you could have a second TR? Perhaps with a different dr...I can't remeber what your tube lengths were, but it might be a viable option. I know you can get a good quality TR for around $5000. Half the price of IVF AND *I* think with higher chances of a pg. I know I'm not a dr., but IVF just doesn't seem to have a very high success rate..such a devastating amount of money to spend and have it fail:nope:. As I recall, you're still quite young, right? like 31 or so?! I would think that you would have a much higher rate of success with a TR. I know it's a terribly difficult situation to be in..espcially when you want so badly for your dh to have a child of his own. :cry: hard choices, for sure
Jojo, great news:hugs: try to rest-up and enjoy these last days before life gets REALLY busy again:winkwink: can't wait to see baby pics:hugs:

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